74 research outputs found

    Voltage-Mode Multifunction Biquadratic Filters Using New Ultra-Low-Power Differential Difference Current Conveyors

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    This paper presents two low-power voltage-mode multifunction biquadratic filters using differential difference current conveyors. Each proposed circuit employs three differential difference current conveyors, two grounded capacitors and two grounded resistors. The low-voltage ultra-low-power differential difference current conveyor is used to provide low-power consumption of the proposed filters. By appropriately connecting the input and output terminals, the proposed filters can provide low-pass, band-pass, high-pass, band-stop and all-pass voltage responses at high-input terminals, which is a desirable feature for voltage-mode operations. The natural frequency and the quality factor can be orthogonally set by adjusting the circuit components. For realizing all the filter responses, no inverting-type input signal requirements as well as no component-matching conditional requirements are imposed. The incremental parameter sensitivities are also low. The characteristics of the proposed circuits are simulated by using PSPICE simulators to confirm the presented theory

    ECCCII-Based Current-Mode Universal Filter with Orthogonal Control of w_o and Q

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    This paper presents a new current-mode current-controlled four-input five-output universal filter employing one current-controlled current conveyor (CCCII), one electronically tunable CCCII and two grounded capacitors. The proposed configuration provides lowpass, bandpass, highpass, bandstop and allpass current responses that taken from the high-output impedance terminals, which enable easy cascadability of the current-mode operation. The filter also offers both orthogonal and electronic controls of the natural frequency and the quality factor through adjusting the bias current of the CCCIIs. For realizing all the filter responses, the proposed filter does not require passive component-matching condition and both active and passive sensitivities are low. In addition, a new current-mode current-controlled single-input five-output universal filter can be achieved by using an additional multiple-output minus-type CCCII. The proposed filter is simulated using PSPICE simulations to confirm the theoretical analysis

    Flow simulation in coronary artery models: An investigation of the effect of variable angulations at left coronary artery

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    This study was designed to investigate the hemodynamics in the left coronary artery with the aim of identifying the relationship between angulations of left coronary bifurcation and development of atherosclerosis. Six 3D left coronary models were simulated for computational fluid dynamic analysis. The left coronary model was composed of left main stem, left anterior descending and left circumflex branches. The angulations at the left bifurcation weresimulated with angles ranging from 90°, 75°, 60°, 45°, 30° to 15°. The computational fluid dynamic was used for analysis of flow velocity, wall pressure and wall shear stress. Our results showed that apparent low shear stress and high wall pressure was noticed at the left coronary bifurcation regions with wide angled models. Flow pattern was also changed with angled becoming wide in the simulated models. Our analysis shows direction relationship between coronary angulation and development of atherosclerosis. Future studies are required to perform computational fluid dynamic analysis in coronary models from patients' data with different degree of coronary stenosis

    Automatic control of finite element models for temperature-controlled radiofrequency ablation

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    BACKGROUND: The finite element method (FEM) has been used to simulate cardiac and hepatic radiofrequency (RF) ablation. The FEM allows modeling of complex geometries that cannot be solved by analytical methods or finite difference models. In both hepatic and cardiac RF ablation a common control mode is temperature-controlled mode. Commercial FEM packages don't support automating temperature control. Most researchers manually control the applied power by trial and error to keep the tip temperature of the electrodes constant. METHODS: We implemented a PI controller in a control program written in C++. The program checks the tip temperature after each step and controls the applied voltage to keep temperature constant. We created a closed loop system consisting of a FEM model and the software controlling the applied voltage. The control parameters for the controller were optimized using a closed loop system simulation. RESULTS: We present results of a temperature controlled 3-D FEM model of a RITA model 30 electrode. The control software effectively controlled applied voltage in the FEM model to obtain, and keep electrodes at target temperature of 100°C. The closed loop system simulation output closely correlated with the FEM model, and allowed us to optimize control parameters. DISCUSSION: The closed loop control of the FEM model allowed us to implement temperature controlled RF ablation with minimal user input

    Could it be advantageous to tune the temperature controller during radiofrequency ablation? A feasibility study using theoretical models

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    Purpose: To assess whether tailoring the Kp and Ki values of a proportional-integral (PI) controller during radiofrequency (RF) cardiac ablation could be advantageous from the point of view of the dynamic behaviour of the controller, in particular, whether control action could be speeded up and larger lesions obtained. Methods: Theoretical models were built and solved by the finite element method. RF cardiac ablations were simulated with temperature controlled at 55 degrees C. Specific PI controllers were implemented with Kp and Ki parameters adapted to cases with different tissue values (specific heat, thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity) electrode-tissue contact characteristics (insertion depth, cooling effect of circulating blood) and electrode characteristics (size, location and arrangement of the temperature sensor in the electrode). Results: The lesion dimensions and T(max) remained almost unchanged when the specific PI controller was used instead of one tuned for the standard case: T(max) varied less than 1.9 degrees C, lesion width less than 0.2 mm, and lesion depth less than 0.3 mm. As expected, we did observe a direct logical relationship between the response time of each controller and the transient value of electrode temperature. Conclusion: The results suggest that a PI controller designed for a standard case (such as that described in this study), could offer benefits under different tissue conditions, electrode-tissue contact, and electrode characteristics.This work received financial support from the Spanish 'Plan Nacional de I+D+I del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion' Grant no. TEC2008-01369/TEC and FEDER Project MTM2010-14909. The translation of this paper was funded by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the paperAlba Martínez, J.; Trujillo Guillen, M.; Blasco Giménez, RM.; Berjano Zanón, E. (2011). Could it be advantageous to tune the temperature controller during radiofrequency ablation? A feasibility study using theoretical models. International Journal of Hyperthermia. 27(6):539-548. https://doi.org/10.3109/02656736.2011.586665S539548276Gaita, F., Caponi, D., Pianelli, M., Scaglione, M., Toso, E., Cesarani, F., … Leclercq, J. F. (2010). Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation: A Cause of Silent Thromboembolism? Circulation, 122(17), 1667-1673. doi:10.1161/circulationaha.110.937953Anfinsen, O.-G., Aass, H., Kongsgaard, E., Foerster, A., Scott, H., & Amlie, J. P. (1999). Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology, 3(4), 343-351. doi:10.1023/a:1009840004782PETERSEN, H. H., CHEN, X., PIETERSEN, A., SVENDSEN, J. H., & HAUNSO, S. (2000). Tissue Temperatures and Lesion Size During Irrigated Tip Catheter Radiofrequency Ablation: An In Vitro Comparison of Temperature-Controlled Irrigated Tip Ablation, Power-Controlled Irrigated Tip Ablation, and Standard Temperature-Controlled Ablation. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, 23(1), 8-17. doi:10.1111/j.1540-8159.2000.tb00644.xTungjitkusolmun, S., Woo, E. J., Cao, H., Tsai, J. Z., Vorperian, V. R., & Webster, J. G. (2000). Thermal—electrical finite element modelling for radio frequency cardiac ablation: Effects of changes in myocardial properties. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 38(5), 562-568. doi:10.1007/bf02345754Lai, Y.-C., Choy, Y. B., Haemmerich, D., Vorperian, V. R., & Webster, J. G. (2004). Lesion Size Estimator of Cardiac Radiofrequency Ablation at Different Common Locations With Different Tip Temperatures. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 51(10), 1859-1864. doi:10.1109/tbme.2004.831529Jain, M. K., & Wolf, P. D. (1999). Temperature-controlled and constant-power radio-frequency ablation: what affects lesion growth? IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 46(12), 1405-1412. doi:10.1109/10.804568Panescu, D., Whayne, J. G., Fleischman, S. D., Mirotznik, M. S., Swanson, D. K., & Webster, J. G. (1995). Three-dimensional finite element analysis of current density and temperature distributions during radio-frequency ablation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 42(9), 879-890. doi:10.1109/10.412649Hong Cao, Vorperian, V. R., Tungjitkusolmun, S., Jan-Zern Tsai, Haemmerich, D., Young Bin Choy, & Webster, J. G. (2001). Flow effect on lesion formation in RF cardiac catheter ablation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 48(4), 425-433. doi:10.1109/10.915708Tungjitkusolmun, S., Vorperian, V. R., Bhavaraju, N., Cao, H., Tsai, J.-Z., & Webster, J. G. (2001). Guidelines for predicting lesion size at common endocardial locations during radio-frequency ablation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 48(2), 194-201. doi:10.1109/10.909640Schutt, D., Berjano, E. J., & Haemmerich, D. (2009). Effect of electrode thermal conductivity in cardiac radiofrequency catheter ablation: A computational modeling study. International Journal of Hyperthermia, 25(2), 99-107. doi:10.1080/02656730802563051Langberg, J. J., Calkins, H., el-Atassi, R., Borganelli, M., Leon, A., Kalbfleisch, S. J., & Morady, F. (1992). Temperature monitoring during radiofrequency catheter ablation of accessory pathways. Circulation, 86(5), 1469-1474. doi:10.1161/01.cir.86.5.1469Calkins, H., Prystowsky, E., Carlson, M., Klein, L. S., Saul, J. P., & Gillette, P. (1994). Temperature monitoring during radiofrequency catheter ablation procedures using closed loop control. Atakr Multicenter Investigators Group. Circulation, 90(3), 1279-1286. doi:10.1161/01.cir.90.3.1279Lennox CD, Temperature controlled RF coagulation. Patent number: 5.122.137 Hudson NHEdwards SD, Stern RA, Electrode and associated system using thermally insulated temperature sensing elements. Patent number: US Patent 5,456,682Panescu D, Fleischman SD, Whayne JG, Swanson DK, (EP Technology. Effects of temperature sensor placement on performance of temperature-controlled ablation. IEEE 17th Annual Conference, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Montreal, Canada (1995)BLOUIN, L. T., MARCUS, F. I., & LAMPE, L. (1991). Assessment of Effects of a Radiofrequency Energy Field and Thermistor Location in an Electrode Catheter on the Accuracy of Temperature Measurement. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, 14(5), 807-813. doi:10.1111/j.1540-8159.1991.tb04111.xBerjano, E. J. (2006). BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 5(1), 24. doi:10.1186/1475-925x-5-24Bhavaraju, N. C., Cao, H., Yuan, D. Y., Valvano, J. W., & Webster, J. G. (2001). Measurement of directional thermal properties of biomaterials. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 48(2), 261-267. doi:10.1109/10.909647Hong Cao, Tungjitkusolmun, S., Young Bin Choy, Jang-Zern Tsai, Vorperian, V. R., & Webster, J. G. (2002). Using electrical impedance to predict catheter-endocardial contact during RF cardiac ablation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 49(3), 247-253. doi:10.1109/10.983459PETERSEN, H. H., & SVENDSEN, J. H. (2003). Can Lesion Size During Radiofrequency Ablation Be Predicted By the Temperature Rise to a Low Power Test Pulse in Vitro? Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, 26(8), 1653-1659. doi:10.1046/j.1460-9592.2003.t01-1-00248.xLANGBERG, J. J., LEE, M. A., CHIN, M. C., & ROSENQVIST, M. (1990). Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation: The Effect of Electrode Size on Lesion Volume In Vivo. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, 13(10), 1242-1248. doi:10.1111/j.1540-8159.1990.tb02022.

    In vitro calibration of a system for measurement of in vivo convective heat transfer coefficient in animals

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    BACKGROUND: We need a sensor to measure the convective heat transfer coefficient during ablation of the heart or liver. METHODS: We built a minimally invasive instrument to measure the in vivo convective heat transfer coefficient, h in animals, using a Wheatstone-bridge circuit, similar to a hot-wire anemometer circuit. One arm is connected to a steerable catheter sensor whose tip is a 1.9 mm × 3.2 mm thin film resistive temperature detector (RTD) sensor. We used a circulation system to simulate different flow rates at 39°C for in vitro experiments using distilled water, tap water and saline. We heated the sensor approximately 5°C above the fluid temperature. We measured the power consumed by the sensor and the resistance of the sensor during the experiments and analyzed these data to determine the value of the convective heat transfer coefficient at various flow rates. RESULTS: From 0 to 5 L/min, experimental values of h in W/(m(2)·K) were for distilled water 5100 to 13000, for tap water 5500 to 12300, and for saline 5400 to 13600. Theoretical values were 1900 to 10700. CONCLUSION: We believe this system is the smallest, most accurate method of minimally invasive measurement of in vivo h in animals and provides the least disturbance of flow

    Simulation of blood flow in abdominal aortic aneurysms treated with suprarenal and fenestrated stent grafts

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    The purpose of this study was to simulate the blood flow features in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms treated with suprarenal and fenestrated stent grafts, which are two commonly used endovascular techniques to deal with complicated aneurysm necks

    Thermal impact of replacing constant voltage by low-frequency sine wave voltage in RF ablation computer modeling

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    [EN] Background and objectives: A constant voltage (DC voltage) is usually used in radiofrequency ablation (RFA) computer models to mimic the radiofrequency voltage. However, in some cases a low frequency sine wave voltage (AC voltage) may be used instead. Our objective was to assess the thermal impact of replacing DC voltage by low-frequency AC voltage in RFA computer modeling. Methods: A 2D model was used consisting of an ablation electrode placed perpendicular to the tissue fragment. The Finite Element method was used to solve a coupled electric-thermal problem. Quasi-static electrical approximation was implemented in two ways (both with equivalent electrical power): (1) by a constant voltage of 25 V in the ablation electrode (DC voltage), and (2) applying a sine waveform with peak amplitude of 25 root 2 V (AC voltage). The frequency of the sine signal (f(AC)) varied from 0.5 Hz to 50 Hz. Results: Sine wave thermal oscillations (at twice the f(AC) frequency) were observed in the case of AC voltage, in addition to the temperature obtained by DC voltage. The amplitude of the oscillations: (1) increased with temperature, remaining more or less constant after 30 s; (2) was of up to +/- 3 degrees C for very low f(AC) values (0.5 Hz); and (3) was reduced at higher f(AC) values and with distance from the electrode (almost negligible for distances > 5 mm). The evolution of maximum lesion depth and width were almost identical with both DC and AC. Conclusions: Although reducing f(AC) reduces the computation time, thermal oscillations appear at points near the electrode, which suggests that a minimum value of f(AC) should be used. Replacing DC voltage by low-frequency AC voltage does not appear to have an impact on the lesion depth. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades under "Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad", Grant no. "RTI2018-094357-B-C21".Pérez, JJ.; González Suárez, A.; Nadal, E.; Berjano, E. (2020). Thermal impact of replacing constant voltage by low-frequency sine wave voltage in RF ablation computer modeling. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 195:1-7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2020.105673S17195Doss, J. D. (1982). Calculation of electric fields in conductive media. Medical Physics, 9(4), 566-573. doi:10.1118/1.595107Tungjitkusolmun, S., Haemmerich, D., Hong Cao, Jang-Zern Tsai, Young Bin Choy, Vorperian, V. R., & Webster, J. G. (2002). Modeling bipolar phase-shifted multielectrode catheter ablation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 49(1), 10-17. doi:10.1109/10.972835Yan, S., Wu, X., & Wang, W. (2016). A simulation study to compare the phase-shift angle radiofrequency ablation mode with bipolar and unipolar modes in creating linear lesions for atrial fibrillation ablation. International Journal of Hyperthermia, 32(3), 231-238. doi:10.3109/02656736.2016.1145746Pérez, J. J., González-Suárez, A., & Berjano, E. (2017). Numerical analysis of thermal impact of intramyocardial capillary blood flow during radiofrequency cardiac ablation. International Journal of Hyperthermia, 34(3), 243-249. doi:10.1080/02656736.2017.1336258Keangin, P., Wessapan, T., & Rattanadecho, P. (2011). Analysis of heat transfer in deformed liver cancer modeling treated using a microwave coaxial antenna. Applied Thermal Engineering, 31(16), 3243-3254. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2011.06.005Nakayama, A., & Kuwahara, F. (2008). A general bioheat transfer model based on the theory of porous media. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 51(11-12), 3190-3199. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2007.05.030Bhowmik, A., Singh, R., Repaka, R., & Mishra, S. C. (2013). Conventional and newly developed bioheat transport models in vascularized tissues: A review. Journal of Thermal Biology, 38(3), 107-125. doi:10.1016/j.jtherbio.2012.12.003Andreozzi, A., Brunese, L., Iasiello, M., Tucci, C., & Vanoli, G. P. (2018). Modeling Heat Transfer in Tumors: A Review of Thermal Therapies. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 47(3), 676-693. doi:10.1007/s10439-018-02177-xIasiello M., Andreozzi A., Bianco N., Vafai K. The porous media theory applied to radiofrequency catheter ablation. Int. J. Numer. Methods Heat Fluid Flow, Vol. 30 No. 5, pp. 2669–2681. 10.1108/HFF-11-2018-0707.González‐Suárez, A., Herranz, D., Berjano, E., Rubio‐Guivernau, J. L., & Margallo‐Balbás, E. (2017). Relation between denaturation time measured by optical coherence reflectometry and thermal lesion depth during radiofrequency cardiac ablation: Feasibility numerical study. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 50(3), 222-229. doi:10.1002/lsm.22771Irastorza, R. M., Gonzalez-Suarez, A., Pérez, J. J., & Berjano, E. (2020). Differences in applied electrical power between full thorax models and limited-domain models for RF cardiac ablation. International Journal of Hyperthermia, 37(1), 677-687. doi:10.1080/02656736.2020.1777330Seiler, J., Roberts-Thomson, K. C., Raymond, J.-M., Vest, J., Delacretaz, E., & Stevenson, W. G. (2008). Steam pops during irrigated radiofrequency ablation: Feasibility of impedance monitoring for prevention. Heart Rhythm, 5(10), 1411-1416. doi:10.1016/j.hrthm.2008.07.011González-Suárez, A., Berjano, E., Guerra, J. M., & Gerardo-Giorda, L. (2016). Computational Modeling of Open-Irrigated Electrodes for Radiofrequency Cardiac Ablation Including Blood Motion-Saline Flow Interaction. PLOS ONE, 11(3), e0150356. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0150356Bourier, F., Duchateau, J., Vlachos, K., Lam, A., Martin, C. A., Takigawa, M., … Jais, P. (2018). High‐power short‐duration versus standard radiofrequency ablation: Insights on lesion metrics. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, 29(11), 1570-1575. doi:10.1111/jce.13724Labonte, S. (1994). Numerical model for radio-frequency ablation of the endocardium and its experimental validation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 41(2), 108-115. doi:10.1109/10.284921Babuska, I., & Oden, J. T. (2004). Verification and validation in computational engineering and science: basic concepts. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 193(36-38), 4057-4066. doi:10.1016/j.cma.2004.03.00

    Three-dimensional ultrasound image-guided robotic system for accurate microwave coagulation of malignant liver tumours

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    Background The further application of conventional ultrasound (US) image-guided microwave (MW) ablation of liver cancer is often limited by two-dimensional (2D) imaging, inaccurate needle placement and the resulting skill requirement. The three-dimensional (3D) image-guided robotic-assisted system provides an appealing alternative option, enabling the physician to perform consistent, accurate therapy with improved treatment effectiveness. Methods Our robotic system is constructed by integrating an imaging module, a needle-driven robot, a MW thermal field simulation module, and surgical navigation software in a practical and user-friendly manner. The robot executes precise needle placement based on the 3D model reconstructed from freehand-tracked 2D B-scans. A qualitative slice guidance method for fine registration is introduced to reduce the placement error caused by target motion. By incorporating the 3D MW specific absorption rate (SAR) model into the heat transfer equation, the MW thermal field simulation module determines the MW power level and the coagulation time for improved ablation therapy. Two types of wrists are developed for the robot: a ‘remote centre of motion’ (RCM) wrist and a non-RCM wrist, which is preferred in real applications. Results The needle placement accuracies were < 3 mm for both wrists in the mechanical phantom experiment. The target accuracy for the robot with the RCM wrist was improved to 1.6 ± 1.0 mm when real-time 2D US feedback was used in the artificial-tissue phantom experiment. By using the slice guidance method, the robot with the non-RCM wrist achieved accuracy of 1.8 ± 0.9 mm in the ex vivo experiment; even target motion was introduced. In the thermal field experiment, a 5.6% relative mean error was observed between the experimental coagulated neurosis volume and the simulation result. Conclusion The proposed robotic system holds promise to enhance the clinical performance of percutaneous MW ablation of malignant liver tumours. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/78054/1/313_ftp.pd

    Multi-fiber distributed thermal profiling of minimally invasive thermal ablation with scattering-level multiplexing in MgO-doped fibers

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    [EN] We propose a setup for multiplexed distributed optical fiber sensors capable of resolving temperature distribution in thermo-therapies, with a spatial resolution of 2.5 mm over multiple fibers interrogated simultaneously. The setup is based on optical backscatter reflectometry (OBR) applied to optical fibers having backscattered power significantly larger than standard fibers (36.5 dB), obtained through MgO doping. The setup is based on a scattering-level multiplexing, which allows interrogating all the sensing fibers simultaneously, thanks to the fact that the backscattered power can be unambiguously associated to each fiber. The setup has been validated for the planar measurement of temperature profiles in ex vivo radiofrequency ablation, obtaining the measurement of temperature over a surface of 96 total points (4 fibers, 8 sensing points per cu). The spatial resolution obtained for the planar measurement allows extending distributed sensing to surface, or even three-dimensional, geometries performing temperature sensing in the tissue with millimeter resolution in multiple dimensions.The research has been supported by ORAU program at Nazarbayev University (grants LIFESTART 2017-2019 and FOSTHER2018-2020), by ANR project Nice-DREAM (grant ANR-14-CE07-0016-03), and by project DIMENSION TEC2017 88029-R funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. This work was partly supported by the SIRASI project - Sistema Robotico a supporto della Riabilitazione di Arto Superiore e Inferiore (Bando INTESE - CUP: F86D15000050002).Beisenova, A.; Issatayeva, A.; Sovetov, S.; Korganbayev, S.; Jelbuldina, M.; Ashikbayeva, Z.; Blanc, W.... (2019). Multi-fiber distributed thermal profiling of minimally invasive thermal ablation with scattering-level multiplexing in MgO-doped fibers. Biomedical Optics Express. 10(3):1282-1296. https://doi.org/10.1364/BOE.10.001282S12821296103Goldberg, S. N., Gazelle, G. S., Compton, C. C., Mueller, P. R., & Tanabe, K. K. (2000). Treatment of intrahepatic malignancy with radiofrequency ablation. Cancer, 88(11), 2452-2463. doi:10.1002/1097-0142(20000601)88:113.0.co;2-3Padma, S., Martinie, J. B., & Iannitti, D. A. (2009). Liver tumor ablation: Percutaneous and open approaches. Journal of Surgical Oncology, 100(8), 619-634. doi:10.1002/jso.21364Sapareto, S. A., & Dewey, W. C. (1984). Thermal dose determination in cancer therapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, 10(6), 787-800. doi:10.1016/0360-3016(84)90379-1Shaw, A., ter Haar, G., Haller, J., & Wilkens, V. (2015). Towards a dosimetric framework for therapeutic ultrasound. International Journal of Hyperthermia, 31(2), 182-192. doi:10.3109/02656736.2014.997311Lubner, M. G., Brace, C. L., Hinshaw, J. L., & Lee, F. T. (2010). 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