4,887 research outputs found

    Impact of the various spin and orbital ordering processes on multiferroic properties of orthovanadate DyVO3

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    The orthovanadate DyVO3 crystal, known to exhibit multiple structural, spin and orbital ordering transitions, is presently investigated on the basis of magnetization, heat capacity, resistivity, dielectric and polarization measurements. Our main result is experimental evidence for the existence of multiferroicity below a high TC of 108 K over a wide temperature range including different spin-orbital ordered states. The onset of ferroelectricity is found to coincide with the antiferromagnetic C-type spin ordering transition taking place at 108 K, which indicates that DyVO3 belongs to type II multiferroics exhibiting a coupling between magnetism and ferroelectricity. Some anomalies detected on the temperature dependence of electric polarization are discussed with respect to the nature of the spin-orbital ordered states of the V sublattice and the degree of spin alignment in the Dy sublattice. The orthovanadates RVO3 (R = rare earth or Y) form an important new category for searching for high-TC multiferroics.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, 68 references, one supplementary material, Physical Review B, Published 23 July 201

    Experimental studies of equilibrium vortex properties in a Bose-condensed gas

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    We characterize several equilibrium vortex effects in a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate. Specifically we attempt precision measurements of vortex lattice spacing and the vortex core size over a range of condensate densities and rotation rates. These measurements are supplemented by numerical simulations, and both experimental and numerical data are compared to theory predictions of Sheehy and Radzihovsky [17] (cond-mat/0402637) and Baym and Pethick [25] (cond-mat/0308325). Finally, we study the effect of the centrifugal weakening of the trapping spring constants on the critical temperature for quantum degeneracy and the effects of finite temperature on vortex contrast.Comment: Fixed minor notational inconsistencies in figures. 12 pages, 8 figure

    Efficient nonlinear room-temperature spin injection from ferromagnets into semiconductors through a modified Schottky barrier

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    We suggest a consistent microscopic theory of spin injection from a ferromagnet (FM) into a semiconductor (S). It describes tunneling and emission of electrons through modified FM-S Schottky barrier with an ultrathin heavily doped interfacial S layer . We calculate nonlinear spin-selective properties of such a reverse-biased FM-S junction, its nonlinear I-V characteristic, current saturation, and spin accumulation in S. We show that the spin polarization of current, spin density, and penetration length increase with the total current until saturation. We find conditions for most efficient spin injection, which are opposite to the results of previous works, since the present theory suggests using a lightly doped resistive semiconductor. It is shown that the maximal spin polarizations of current and electrons (spin accumulation) can approach 100% at room temperatures and low current density in a nondegenerate high-resistance semiconductor.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures; provides detailed comparison with earlier works on spin injectio

    Heavy Quark Mass Effects in Deep Inelastic Scattering and Global QCD Analysis

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    A new implementation of the general PQCD formalism of Collins, including heavy quark mass effects, is described. Important features that contribute to the accuracy and efficiency of the calculation of both neutral current (NC) and charged current (CC) processess are explicitly discussed. This new implementation is applied to the global analysis of the full HERA I data sets on NC and CC cross sections, with correlated systematic errors, in conjunction with the usual fixed-target and hadron collider data sets. By using a variety of parametrizations to explore the parton parameter space, robust new parton distribution function (PDF) sets (CTEQ6.5) are obtained. The new quark distributions are consistently higher in the region x ~ 10^{-3} than previous ones, with important implications on hadron collider phenomenology, especially at the LHC. The uncertainties of the parton distributions are reassessed and are compared to the previous ones. A new set of CTEQ6.5 eigenvector PDFs that encapsulates these uncertainties is also presented.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figures; updated, Publication Versio

    Properties of the symplectic structure of General Relativity for spatially bounded spacetime regions

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    We continue a previous analysis of the covariant Hamiltonian symplectic structure of General Relativity for spatially bounded regions of spacetime. To allow for near complete generality, the Hamiltonian is formulated using any fixed hypersurface, with a boundary given by a closed spacelike 2-surface. A main result is that we obtain Hamiltonians associated to Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions on the gravitational field coupled to matter sources, in particular a Klein-Gordon field, an electromagnetic field, and a set of Yang-Mills-Higgs fields. The Hamiltonians are given by a covariant form of the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner Hamiltonian modified by a surface integral term that depends on the particular boundary conditions. The general form of this surface integral involves an underlying ``energy-momentum'' vector in the spacetime tangent space at the spatial boundary 2-surface. We give examples of the resulting Dirichlet and Neumann vectors for topologically spherical 2-surfaces in Minkowski spacetime, spherically symmetric spacetimes, and stationary axisymmetric spacetimes. Moreover, we show the relation between these vectors and the ADM energy-momentum vector for a 2-surface taken in a limit to be spatial infinity in asymptotically flat spacetimes. We also discuss the geometrical properties of the Dirichlet and Neumann vectors and obtain several striking results relating these vectors to the mean curvature and normal curvature connection of the 2-surface. Most significantly, the part of the Dirichlet vector normal to the 2-surface depends only the spacetime metric at this surface and thereby defines a geometrical normal vector field on the 2-surface. Properties and examples of this normal vector are discussed.Comment: 46 pages; minor errata corrected in Eqs. (3.15), (3.24), (4.37) and in discussion of examples in sections IV B,

    Thermoelastic Noise and Homogeneous Thermal Noise in Finite Sized Gravitational-Wave Test Masses

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    An analysis is given of thermoelastic noise (thermal noise due to thermoelastic dissipation) in finite sized test masses of laser interferometer gravitational-wave detectors. Finite-size effects increase the thermoelastic noise by a modest amount; for example, for the sapphire test masses tentatively planned for LIGO-II and plausible beam-spot radii, the increase is less than or of order 10 per cent. As a side issue, errors are pointed out in the currently used formulas for conventional, homogeneous thermal noise (noise associated with dissipation which is homogeneous and described by an imaginary part of the Young's modulus) in finite sized test masses. Correction of these errors increases the homogeneous thermal noise by less than or of order 5 per cent for LIGO-II-type configurations.Comment: 10 pages and 3 figures; RevTeX; submitted to Physical Review

    Magneto-infrared modes in InAs-AlSb-GaSb coupled quantum wells

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    We have studied a series of InAs/GaSb coupled quantum wells using magneto-infrared spectroscopy for high magnetic fields up to 33T within temperatures ranging from 4K to 45K in both Faraday and tilted field geometries. This type of coupled quantum wells consists of an electron layer in the InAs quantum well and a hole layer in the GaSb quantum well, forming the so-called two dimensional electron-hole bilayer system. Unlike the samples studied in the past, the hybridization of the electron and hole subbands in our samples is largely reduced by having narrower wells and an AlSb barrier layer interposed between the InAs and the GaSb quantum wells, rendering them weakly hybridized. Previous studies have revealed multiple absorption modes near the electron cyclotron resonance of the InAs layer in moderately and strongly hybridized samples, while only a single absorption mode was observed in the weakly hybridized samples. We have observed a pair of absorption modes occurring only at magnetic fields higher than 14T, which exhibited several interesting phenomena. Among which we found two unique types of behavior that distinguishes this work from the ones reported in the literature. This pair of modes is very robust against rising thermal excitations and increasing magnetic fields alligned parallel to the heterostructures. While the previous results were aptly explained by the antilevel crossing gap due to the hybridization of the electron and hole wavefunctions, i.e. conduction-valence Landau level mixing, the unique features reported in this paper cannot be explained within the same concept. The unusual properties found in this study and their connection to the known models for InAs/GaSb heterostructures will be disccused; in addition, several alternative ideas will be proposed in this paper and it appears that a spontaneous phase separation can account for most of the observed features

    General Relativistic Simulations of Slowly and Differentially Rotating Magnetized Neutron Stars

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    We present long-term (~10^4 M) axisymmetric simulations of differentially rotating, magnetized neutron stars in the slow-rotation, weak magnetic field limit using a perturbative metric evolution technique. Although this approach yields results comparable to those obtained via nonperturbative (BSSN) evolution techniques, simulations performed with the perturbative metric solver require about 1/4 the computational resources at a given resolution. This computational efficiency enables us to observe and analyze the effects of magnetic braking and the magnetorotational instability (MRI) at very high resolution. Our simulations demonstrate that (1) MRI is not observed unless the fastest-growing mode wavelength is resolved by more than about 10 gridpoints; (2) as resolution is improved, the MRI growth rate converges, but due to the small-scale turbulent nature of MRI, the maximum growth amplitude increases, but does not exhibit convergence, even at the highest resolution; and (3) independent of resolution, magnetic braking drives the star toward uniform rotation as energy is sapped from differential rotation by winding magnetic fields.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, published in Phys.Rev.

    Period Integrals of CY and General Type Complete Intersections

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    We develop a global Poincar\'e residue formula to study period integrals of families of complex manifolds. For any compact complex manifold XX equipped with a linear system V∗V^* of generically smooth CY hypersurfaces, the formula expresses period integrals in terms of a canonical global meromorphic top form on XX. Two important ingredients of our construction are the notion of a CY principal bundle, and a classification of such rank one bundles. We also generalize our construction to CY and general type complete intersections. When XX is an algebraic manifold having a sufficiently large automorphism group GG and V∗V^* is a linear representation of GG, we construct a holonomic D-module that governs the period integrals. The construction is based in part on the theory of tautological systems we have developed in the paper \cite{LSY1}, joint with R. Song. The approach allows us to explicitly describe a Picard-Fuchs type system for complete intersection varieties of general types, as well as CY, in any Fano variety, and in a homogeneous space in particular. In addition, the approach provides a new perspective of old examples such as CY complete intersections in a toric variety or partial flag variety.Comment: An erratum is included to correct Theorem 3.12 (Uniqueness of CY structure

    Inverse kinematic control algorithm for a welding robot - positioner system to trace a 3D complex curve

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    The welding robots equipped with rotary positioners have been widely used in several manufacturing industries. However, for welding a 3D complex weld seam, a great deal of points should be created to ensure the weld path smooth. This is a boring job and is a great challenge - rotary positioner system since the robot and the positioner must move simultaneously at the same time. Therefore, in this article, a new inverse kinematics solution is proposed to generate the movement codes for a six DOFs welding robot incorporated with a rotary positioner. In the algorithm, the kinematic error is minimized, and the actual welding error is controlled so that it is always less than an allowable limit. It has shown that the proposed algorithm is useful in developing an offline CAD-based programming tool for robots when welding complex 3D paths. The use of the algorithm increases the accuracy of the end-effector positioning and orientation, and reduces the time for teaching a welding robot - positioner system. Simulation scenarios demonstrate the potency of the suggested method
