348 research outputs found

    Optimization of Flapping Airfoils for Maximum Thrust and Propulsive Efficiency

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    A numerical optimization algorithm based on the steepest decent along the variation of the optimization function is implemented for maximizing the thrust and/or propulsive efficiency of a single flapping airfoil. Unsteady, low speed laminar flows are computed using a Navier-Stokes solver on moving overset grids. The flapping motion of the airfoil is described by a combined sinusoidal plunge and pitching motion. Optimization parameters are taken to be the amplitudes of the plunge and pitching motions, and the phase shift between them. Computations are performed in parallel in a work station cluster. The numerical simulations show that high thrust values may be obtained at the expense of reduced efficiency. For high efficiency in thrust generation, the induced angle of attack of the airfoil is reduced and large scale vortex formations at the leading edge are prevented.

    Effects of nicotine administration in rats on MMP2 and VEGF levels in periodontal membrane

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    Background: Nicotine is associated with increased incidence of periodontal disease and poor response to therapy. This article aimed at identifying the expression of matrix metalloproteinases 2 (MMPs2) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) proteins on extracellular matrix, fibrous distribution and angiogenetic development in periodontitis caused by nicotine effects on periodontal membrane.Materials and methods: In this experimental study, rats were divided into nicotine and control groups. While the rats in the nicotine group (n = 6) were administered 2 mg/kg nicotine sulphate for 28 days, the animals in the control group (n = 6) were only administered 1.5 mL physiologic saline solution subcutaneously for 28 days.Results: Histological sections were prepared and immunohistochemically stained for MMP2 and VEGF. The sections stained with Trichrome-Masson were observed under light microscope. VEGF and MMP2 immunoreactivity of periodontal gingiva and dentin was assessed by immunohistochemical staining.Conclusions: Nicotine reduces MMP production, disrupts collagen synthesis and causes periodontitis. We observed that nicotine increases periodontitis by disrupting periodontal membrane and prevents tooth to anchor in dental alveoli by disrupting epithelial structure

    A Novel Alternating Cell Directions Implicit Method for the Solution of Incompressible Navier Stokes Equations on Unstructured Grids

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    In this paper, A Novel Alternating Cell Direction Implicit Method (ACDI) is researched which allows implementation of fast line implicit methods on quadrilateral unstructured meshes. In ACDI method, designated alternating cell directions are taken along a series of contiguous cells within the unstructured grid domain and used as implicit lines similar to Line Gauss Seidel Method (LGS). ACDI method applied earlier for the solution of potential flows is extended for the solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on unstructured grids. The system of equations is solved by using the Symmetric Line Gauss-Seidel (SGS) method along the alternating cell directions. Laminar flow fields over a single element NACA-0008 airfoil are computed by using structured and unstructured quadrilateral grids, and inviscid Euler flow solutions are given for the NACA-23012b multielement airfoil. The predictive capability of the method is validated against the data taken from the experimental or the other numerical studies and the efficiency of the ACDI method is compared with the implicit Point Gauss Seidel (PGS) method. In the selected validation cases, the results show that a reduction in total computation between 18% and 23% is achieved by the ACDI method over the PGS. In general, the results show that the ACDI method is a fast, efficient, robust and versatile method that can handle complicated unstructured grid cases with equal ease as with the structured grids

    Fractional Equations of Curie-von Schweidler and Gauss Laws

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    The dielectric susceptibility of most materials follows a fractional power-law frequency dependence that is called the "universal" response. We prove that in the time domain this dependence gives differential equations with derivatives and integrals of noninteger order. We obtain equations that describe "universal" Curie-von Schweidler and Gauss laws for such dielectric materials. These laws are presented by fractional differential equations such that the electromagnetic fields in the materials demonstrate "universal" fractional damping. The suggested fractional equations are common (universal) to a wide class of materials, regardless of the type of physical structure, chemical composition or of the nature of the polarization.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    Modeling of Cu oxidation in adiabatic fixed-bed reactor with N2 recycling in a Ca/Cu chemical loop

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    A dynamic model has been constructed to describe the Cu oxidation reaction within a large-scale Cu/CuO chemical looping process in adiabatic fixed-bed reactors. Careful control of the temperature is required during Cu oxidation because of its high reaction enthalpy. The recycling of a large amount of nitrogen, previously cooled down, and its mixture with air for Cu oxidation regulates the temperature in the reaction front, ensuring that undesirable hot spots that would lead to the irreversible loss of Cu activity are avoided. Since the gas/solid heat exchange front advances faster than the reaction front, the bed is eventually left at a low temperature. An additional stage was added to allow a gas/solid heat exchange between the hot recycled gas and the oxidized bed. This ensures that the fixed-bed is ready for the next reaction step that involves the reduction of CuO by a fuel gas. A sensitivity analysis of the main operating parameters confirms the theoretical viability of this operation. Cu oxidation is favored at high pressure and therefore fast reaction rates were achieved, even with low contents of oxygen in the feed (around 3–4%). The recirculation of more than 80% of the exit gas from the oxidation reactor and its subsequent cooling down to around 423 K keep the maximum temperature down to within reasonable values (1173 K). Although this work was focused on the boundary conditions of the Ca/Cu looping process for hydrogen production and/or power generation, some of the trends observed may be considered valid for other CLC systems that use similar N2 recycles.The authors acknowledge the grant awarded by the Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry under the project ENE2009-11353 and CSIC (201280E017).Peer reviewe

    Treatment Discontinuation Patterns for Patients With Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia in Real-World Settings: Results From a Multi-Center International Study

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    Introduction: This study assessed treatment discontinuation patterns and reasons among chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients initiating first-line (1L) and second-line (2L) treatments in real-world settings. Materials and / Methods: Using deidentified electronic medical records from the CLL Collaborative Study of Real-World Evidence, premature treatment discontinuation was assessed among FCR, BR, BTKi-based, and BCL-2-based regimen cohorts. / Results: Of 1364 1L patients (initiated in 1997-2021), 190/13.9% received FCR (23.7% discontinued prematurely); 255/18.7% received BR (34.5% discontinued prematurely); 473/34.7% received BTKi-based regimens, of whom 28.1% discontinued prematurely; and 43/3.2% received venetoclax-based regimens, of whom 16.3% discontinued prematurely (venetoclax monotherapy: 7/0.5%, of whom 42.9% discontinued; VG/VR: 36/2.6%, of whom 11.1% discontinued). The most common reasons for treatment discontinuation were adverse events (FCR: 25/13.2%; BR: 36/14.1%; BTKi-based regimens: 75/15.9%) and disease progression (venetoclax-based: 3/7.0%). Of 626 2L patients, 20/3.2% received FCR (50.0% discontinued); 62/9.9% received BR (35.5% discontinued); 303/48.4% received BTKi-based regimens, of whom 38.0% discontinued; and 73/11.7% received venetoclax-based regimens, of whom 30.1% discontinued (venetoclax monotherapy: 27/4.3%, of whom 29.6% discontinued; VG/VR: 43/6.9%, of whom 27.9% discontinued). The most common reasons for treatment discontinuation were adverse events (FCR: 6/30.0%; BR: 11/17.7%; BTKi-based regimens: 60/19.8%; venetoclax-based: 6/8.2%). / Conclusion: The findings of this study highlight the continued need for tolerable therapies in CLL, with finite therapy offering a better tolerated option for patients who are newly diagnosed or relapsed/refractory to prior treatments

    Существует ли связь между средним уровнем mIDkIne и прогнозом заболевания COVID-19?

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       The objective was aimed to measure plasma midkine (MK)* levels in patients with COVID-19 and assess its clinical significance.   Materials and Methods. 88 patients observed in our hospital with a diagnosis of COVID-19 were included in the study. The patients’ demographic characteristics, clinical, and laboratory data were studied, and the relationship between MK levels, prognosis, and other parameters was investigated.   Results. Of the 88 patients included in the study, 43 (48.9 %) were female and 45 (51.1%) were male. 24 (27%) patients died. The mean age of non-survivors was 70 ± 12.3 years and the survivors were 61.9 ± 18.2 years. Mortality predictors such as D-dimer, ferritin, troponin, LDH, CRP, and procalcitonin were significantly higher in non-survivors than in survivors (p < 0.05). The median MK level (IR) was 152.5 ± 125 pg/ml in all patients, 143 ± 149 pg/ml in survivors, and 165.5 ± 76 pg/ml in non-survivors (p = 0.546). The difference between these two groups was not statistically significant. The area under the ROC curve was found to be 0.542 (95% CI 0.423–0.661, p = 0.546).   Conclusion. MK is not a biomarker that can replace or reinforce known predictors of mortality in COVID-19 patients.   Цель. Исследование направлено на измерение уровня Midkine (MK)* в плазме крови у пациентов с COVID-19 и оценку его клинической значимости.   Материалы и методы. В исследование включены 88 пациентов, наблюдавшихся в клинике с диагнозом COVID-19. Изучены демографические характеристики пациентов, клинические и лабораторные данные, а также исследована взаимосвязь между уровнями MK, прогнозом и другими параметрами.   Результаты. Из 88 пациентов, включенных в исследование, 43 (48,9 %) были женщинами и 45 (51,1 %) – мужчинами. 24 (27 %) пациента умерли. Средний возраст невыживших составил 70 ± 12,3 года, а выживших – 61,9 ± 18,2 года. Предикторы смертности, такие как D-димер, ферритин, тропонин, ЛДГ, СРБ и прокальцитонин, были значительно выше у умерших, чем у выживших (р < 0,05). Медиана уровня МК (IR) составила 152,5 ± 125 пг/мл у всех пациентов, 143 ± 149 пг/мл у выживших и 165,5 ± 76 пг/мл у умерших (р = 0,546). Разница между этими 2 группами была незначима. Было обнаружено, что площадь под кривой ROC составляет 0,542 (95 % ДИ 0,423–0,661, р = 0,546).   Вывод. МК не является биомаркером, который может заменить или усилить известные предикторы смертности у пациентов с COVID-19

    Management and Outcome of Cardiac and Endovascular Cystic Echinococcosis

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    Cardiac and vascular involvement are infrequent in classical cystic echinococcosis (CE), but when they occur they tend to present earlier and are associated with complications that may be life threatening. Cardiovascular CE usually requires complex surgery, so in low-income countries the outcome is frequently fatal. This case series describes the characteristics of cardiovascular CE in patients diagnosed and treated at a Tropical Medicine & Clinical Parasitology Center in Spain. A retrospective case series of 11 patients with cardiac and/or endovascular CE, followed-up over a period of 15 years (1995–2009) is reported. The main clinical manifestations included thoracic pain or dyspnea, although 2 patients were asymptomatic. The clinical picture and complications vary according to cyst location. Isolated cardiac CE may be cured after surgery, while endovascular extracardiac involvement is associated with severe chronic complications. CE should be included in the differential diagnosis of cardiovascular disease in patients from endemic areas. CE is a neglected disease and further studies are necessary in order to make more definite management recommendations for this rare and severe form of the disease. The authors propose a general approach based on cyst location: exclusively cardiac, endovascular or both