297 research outputs found

    Pedal curves, orthotomics and catacaustics of frontals in the hyperbolic 2-space

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    In this paper, firstly the definition of the pedal curves of spacelike frontals is presented. The parametric representation of pedal curves of spacelike frontals is given by using the hyperbolic Legendrian moving frames along these frontals. We mainly deal with the classification and recognition problems of singularities of hyperbolic pedal curves of spacelike frontals constructed by non-singular and singular dual curve germs in hyperbolic 2-space. We show that for non-singular dual curve germs one can determine singularity types of such pedal curves based on singularities of the first spacelike hyperbolic Legendrian curvature germs and locations of pedal points. On the other hand, for singular dual curve germs, singularity types of pedal curves depend upon singularities of both of the spacelike hyperbolic Legendrian curvature germs and also locations of pedal points. Then, after introducing orthotomics of spacelike frontals we present some relationships of such curves with hyperbolic pedal curves. Finally, we present an application to light patterns generated by reflected rays in hyperbolic plane. The theory investigated in the paper is supported by illustrated examples

    The Economic Complexity Approach to Development Policy: Where Turkey Stands in Comparison to OECD plus China?

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    In this paper, we classify the OECD countries plus China by means of the economic complexity approach to make a concrete connection between the current and future output structures and potential performance of countries in achieving high levels of per capita income. The aim is to identify the ranking of Turkey among various countries and analyze why Turkey has low GDP per capita according to its current production and export structure. Using export data (STIC Rev.4-3 digit) we calculate a number of economic complexity variables (export sophistication, open forest, diversification and product sophistication) for China and OECD countries, including Turkey. Then, we classify all the countries in terms of method of reflection matrix as in Hidalgo and Hausmann (2009) and identify where Turkey is located. Relying on the tools offered by the product space and economic complexity approach, the findings assert that Turkey is a diversified country, but its current production structure is specialized in less sophisticated products. Therefore, the country has a lower GDP per capita in PPP terms than its potential

    The impact of economic crisis on agricultural macroeconmic variables in turkey for the period of 1980-2008.

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    This study explores the impact of the economic crisis on the agricultural sector of Turkey. The data used covers the period of 1980-2008. This study employs some agricultural macro variables namely, gross value added of the agricultural sector, quantity index of agricultural export and import values, relative prices of agricultural goods and the reel exchange rate. The framework of the analysis is a five variables VAR model. Via this VAR model the study try to assess the impact of the economic crisis that occurred after the 1980’s on the agricultural sector of Turkey. Applying the VAR model a robust relationship is found between agricultural GDP, import, export, relative prices and exchange rates. The assessment of the effect of the economic crisis is being captured by adding a dummy variable to the model. The results show that there is no robust relationship between agricultural GDP and the indicator of the years of the (dummy) crisis. Moreover, there seems to be a positive relationship between the dummy and agricultural export and exchange rate while a negative one between import and relative prices.Economic Crisis, VAR, Agricultural Macro-Variables, Turkey

    Ice Accretion Prediction on Wind Turbines and Consequent Power Losses

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    Ice accretion on wind turbine blades modifies the sectional profiles and causes alteration in the aerodynamic characteristic of the blades. The objective of this study is to determine performance losses on wind turbines due to the formation of ice in cold climate regions and mountainous areas where wind energy resources are found. In this study, the Blade Element Momentum method is employed together with an ice accretion prediction tool in order to estimate the ice build-up on wind turbine blades and the energy production for iced and clean blades. The predicted ice shapes of the various airfoil profiles are validated with the experimental data and it is shown that the tool developed is promising to be used in the prediction of power production losses of wind turbines

    Dinar yöresi meşe ormanlarında Yeşil Meşe Bükücüsü [Tortrix viridana L. 1758 (Lep.; Tortricidae)]’nün zararı, biyolojisi ve doğal düşmanları

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    Bu çalışma ile Afyonkarahisar-Dinar yöresinde Tortrix viridana’nın yayılışı, zararı, biyolojisi ve doğal düşmanları araştırılmıştır. 2012-2014 yıllarında periyodik olarak araştırma alanlarında gözlem yapılmış ve örnek toplanmıştır. Zararlının beslendiği üç tür meşe tespit edilmiştir. Bunlar; Quercus coccifera, Q. infectoria ve Q. pubescens’tir. Zararlının ergin çıkışlarının mayıs ayının sonunda başladığı haziran ayı boyunca azalarak devam ettiği belirlenmiştir. Kışı yumurta döneminde geçirdiği ve larvaların nisan ayı ortasından itibaren yumurtadan çıkmaya başladığı, genç larvaların ilk olarak meşe ağacının tomurcuklarında beslendikleri görülmüştür. Mayıs ayı ortasından itibaren yapraklar arasında pupa olan türün yılda bir nesil verdiği belirlenmiştir. Çalışma boyunca, T. viridana’nın larvaları ile beslenen üç kuş türü Phylloscopus boneli (Vieillot) (Passeriformes: Sylviidae), Parus caeruleus L. ve Parus major L. (Passeriformes: Paridae) gözlenmiştir. Avcı tür olarak Forficula auricularia L. (Dermaptera: Forficulidae) ve parazitoit türler olarak Itoplectis maculator (Fabr.) (Hym.; Ichneumonidae), Brachymeria tibialis (Walker) (Hym.; Chalcididae), Monodontomerus aereus Walker (Hym.; Torymidae), Pteromalus semotus (Walker) (Hym.; Pteromalidae), Macrocentrus collaris (Spinola) (Hym.; Braconidae) tespit edilmiştir. Parazitoit türlerden I. maculator hariç diğerleri ülkemizde zararlının doğal düşmanı olarak ilk kez kaydedilmiştir. Anahtar kelimeler: Tortrix viridana, Meşe, Dinar, Biyoloji, Doğal düşma


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    International Congress of Management Economy And Policy, 26-27 Kasım 2016, İstanbulNeoklasik büyüme modelleri verimlilik artışlarını dışsal bir faktör olarak değerlendirmiştir. 1980’li yılların ortalarından itibaren geliştirilen ve içsel büyüme modelleri adı verilen modeller teknolojik ilerlemeleri içsel hale getirmeye çalışmıştır. Ürün uzayı yaklaşımında da içsel büyüme modellerinde olduğu gibi teknoloji içsel kabul edilmektedir. Ancak bu yaklaşımın farkı, verimlik artışlarının kaynağına ilişkindir. Bu yaklaşıma göre sanayi devrimi sonrası dönemde yaşanan hızlı ekonomik büyüme, ürünlerin nasıl üretilebileceğine dair bilgi birikimindeki (üretken bilgi) artışlara dayanır. Üretken bilgi/beceri seti doğrudan ölçülemediği için dolaylı olarak ölçümünde sofistikasyon adı verilen EXPY kullanılmıştır. Bununla birlikte, mekânsal bağımlılığın varlığının ihmal edilmesi, analiz sonucunda elde edilen katsayıların yanlı ve tutarsız olmasına yol açabilir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre Türkiye İBBS (İstatistiki Bölge Birimleri Sınıflandırması) Düzey 2 bölgelerinde üretken bilgi/beceri seti, mekânsal etkiye sahiptir. Bir diğer deyişle, Türkiye’de 26 alt bölgede sınır komşuluklarında bilgi/ beceri seti için yayılma etkisi (spillover) gerçekleşmektedirNeoclassical growth models grasp technological improvements as exogenous. Starting from the mid 1980's some growth models that called endogenous growth models attempt to endogenize technical progress. In the product space approach, technology is also taken as endogenous but it differs from the endogenous growth models about the source of productivity gains. According to the product space approach, the source of rapid economic growth episode of post-industrial revolution based on the increases in productive knowledge and capabilities about how products produced. Since the productive knowledge and capabilities are not directly measured, some proxy measures, sophistication indices like EXPY and PRODY, are provided by the product space approach. Nevertheless, neglecting the existence of spatial dependence in the analysis may lead to inconsistent and biased coefficients. We find evidence that supports spatial dependence in our data and by taking into consideration this spatial dependence the results indicated positive spillover effects of productive knowledge and capabilities among 26 NUTS 2 Regions of Turkey

    Transition Modeling for Low to High Speed Boundary Layer Flows with CFD Applications

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    Transition modeling as applied to CFD methods has followed certain line of evolution starting from simple linear stability methods to almost or fully predictive methods such as LES and DNS. One pragmatic approach among these methods, such as the local correlation-based transition modeling approach, is gaining more popularity due to its straightforward incorporation into RANS solvers. Such models are based on blending the laminar and turbulent regions of the flow field by introducing intermittency equations into the turbulence equations. Menter et al. pioneered this approach by their two-equation γ-Reθ intermittency equation model that was incorporated into the k-ω SST turbulence model that results in a total of four equations. Later, a range of various three-equation models was developed for super-/hypersonic flow applications. However, striking the idea that the Reθ-equation was rather redundant, Menter produced a novel one-equation intermittency transport γ-equation model. In this report, yet another recently introduced transition model called as the Bas-Cakmakcioglu (B-C) algebraic model is elaborated. In this model, an algebraic γ-function, rather than the intermittency transport γ-equation, is incorporated into the one-equation Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model. Using the present B-C model, a number of two-dimensional test cases and three-dimensional test cases were simulated with quite successful results

    Employees' perception of job satisfaction and team climate regarding demographic characteristics (Education Level and Seniority): A Field Research

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    tatmini ve takım iklimi çalışanların üretkenliği ve yenilikçiliği için önemli olan iki konudur. Bu araştırmada iş tatmini ve takım ikliminin demografik özelliklere göre farklılık gösterip göstermediği incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla, Kahramanmaraş İtfaiye Müdürlüğünde görev yapan 213 çalışan üzerinde anket uygulanmıştır. Çalışanların iş tatmini ve takım iklimi algılarının demografik özelliklerine göre farklılıklarını belirleyebilmek amacıyla tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) kullanılmıştır. Araştırma neticesinde, çalışanların iş tatmini ve takım iklimi algılarında, demografik özelliklerine bağlı olarak anlamlı farklılıklar oluştuğu belirlenmiştir. Araştırmanın iki temel değişkeni olan iş tatmini ve takım iklimine yönelik algıların, çalışanların eğitim düzeyi ve kıdem faktörlerine göre farklılık oluştuğu bulgusu elde edilmiştir.Job satisfaction and team climate in which people work together are important for employee productivity and innovation. These two concepts are two factors that can create costs for the organization and the employee. In this study, it has been investigated whether job satisfaction and team climate differ according to demographic characteristics, namely education level and seniority. For this purpose, a questionnaire was applied to 213 employees working in the fire department in Kahramanmaraş. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to specify the discrepancy between workers' job satisfaction and team climate perceptions as for that demographic features. As a result of the investigate, it has been seen that there are meaningful differences in job satisfaction and team climate perceptions depending on the demographic features of the workers. It has been concluded that job satisfaction varies as for that education level and tenure factors. It was also concluded that there is a meaningful discrepancy among the variable of team climate, regarding participants’ education level and working year