24 research outputs found

    Congenital cerebellar hypoplasia associated with BVD-MD virus infection in a naturally infected calf

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    The objectives of the present study were to describe pathomorphological and immunohistochemical features of congenital cerebellar hypoplasia associated with natural BVD-MD virus infection in a Holstein-Friesian calf. The characteristic macroscopical lesion was cerebellar hypoplasia, almost completely absent, with hydrocephaly. Cerebellar changes were cortical destruction, destructive changes of granule and Purkinje cells and irregular cavity formation of the folia. The positive antibody reaction against the BVD-MD virus was observed in the CNS, but not in the eyes and peripheral nerves

    Aflatoksikoza u rotvajlera nakon uzimanja pljesnive hrane: kliničkopatološki nalazi i učinkovita terapija tetrasulfatom.

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the clinical, hematologic, gross, histopathologic and toxicologic findings and to report effective therapy application for aflatoxicosis in dogs, ascribed to the ingestion of moldy wet bread contaminated with aflatoxin. A prospective case series of 10 client-owned dogs from the same household developed toxicological signs after eating moldy bread treated with water that had been stored for an undetermined period, fully covered with a grey-green mold. All dogs exhibited vomiting followed by excessive salivation and hyperaesthesia. Among the surviving dogs (n = 7), three of them presented with diarrhea, depression, abdominal pain and two others showed icterus. One of the dead dogs was found on the initial referral. Two others were dead following initial diagnosis and prior to therapy application. The most common gross findings in the dogs were generalized icterus, mucosal or submucosal edema and petechial, to ecchymotic hemorrhages in the organs. Histopathological findings included focal necrotic areas extending from the periacinar to centroacinar regions in the liver, biliary hyperplasia, cholestasis and multifocal hemorrhages in the kidneys and lungs. Due to the sudden onset of clinical signs, the lack of exposure to other toxins, and the confirmed evidence of ingestion of moldy bread, the results of analysis of liver samples and the histopathological signs, the definitive diagnosis was mycotoxicosis. Therapeutic applications included tetrasulphate (an antidote) given orally, and supportive treatment with balanced electrolyte solutions, antiemetics and H2 receptor antagonist. All treated dogs (7/7) made a full recovery over 18-24 hours. The results of the present study reported here describe the clinicopathological features of aflatoxicosis in Rottweilers, suggesting that the use of tetrasulphate solution as an inexpensive and available therapy may have helped the survival of the dogs and might reverse the adverse health effects of mycotoxins.Svrha je ovog rada iznijeti kliničke, hematološke, patoanatomske, patohistološke i toksikološke nalaze te izvijestiti o uspješnom liječenju pasa koji su jeli pljesnivu i vlažnu hranu što je sadržavala aflatoksin. U 10 pasa jednog vlasnika primijećeni su znakovi otrovanja nakon što su jeli pljesniv kruh namočen u vodu koji je prethodno bio čuvan neodređeno vrijeme, a u potpunosti je bio prekriven sivo-zelenom plijesni. Svi su psi povraćali uz obilno slinjenje i hiperesteziju. Od sedam preživjelih pasa, tri su imala proljev, bili su potišteni te su pokazivali bol u trbuhu, a dva su imala i žuticu. Jedan od uginulih pasa na početku je upućivao na toksikozu. Dva su uginula nakon postavljene dijagnoze, a prije početka liječenja. Patoanatomski je ustanovljena generalizirana žutica, edem sluznice ili submukoze te petehijalna do ekhimotična krvarenja po organima. Patohistološki su ustanovljena nekrotična žarišna područja pružajući se od periacinarnih do centroacinarnih područja u jetri, zatim bilijarna hiperplazija, kolestaza i multifokalna krvarenja po bubrezima i plućima. Na osnovi nagle pojave kliničkih znakova, nedostatka dokaza izloženosti drugim toksinima, potvrđenog dokaza uzimanja pljesnivog kruha, rezultata analize uzoraka jetre i patohistoloških nalaza postavljena je konačna dijagnoza mikotoksikoze. Za liječenje je peroralno bio primijenjen tetrasulfat(antidot) i uravnotežena otopina elektrolita, zatim antiemetici i antagonisti H 2 receptora. Svi liječeni psi (7/7) u potpunosti su se oporavili za 18 do 24 sata. Prikazani rezultati opisuju kliničke i patološke značajke aflatoksikoze u rotvajlera i upućuju na zaključak da se ona može liječiti otopinom tetrasulfata kao jeftinim i pristupačnim lijekom koji može pomoći u preživljavanju pasa te smanjiti štetne učinke mikotoksina na zdravlj

    Congenital cerebellar hypoplasia associated with BVD-MD virus infection in a naturally infected calf

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    The objectives of the present study were to describe pathomorphological and immunohistochemical features of congenital cerebellar hypoplasia associated with natural BVD-MD virus infection in a Holstein-Friesian calf. The characteristic macroscopical lesion was cerebellar hypoplasia, almost completely absent, with hydrocephaly. Cerebellar changes were cortical destruction, destructive changes of granule and Purkinje cells and irregular cavity formation of the folia. The positive antibody reaction against the BVD-MD virus was observed in the CNS, but not in the eyes and peripheral nerves

    Nalaz tetratiridija u peritonealnoj šupljini sijamske mačke.

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    Peritoneal tetrathyridiosis in a 6-year-old male Siamese cat is described. Abdominal distension and mass were determined at clinical examination. Parasitic materials, which were free in the peritoneum and attached to the inner body wall and viscera, were viewed macroscopically. Microscopically chronic multiple pyogranulomatous peritonitis, hepatitis and splenitis were observed. Parasites were identified as tetrathyridia of Mesocestoides sp., probably Mesocestoides lineatus.Opisana je peritonealna tetratiridioza u šestogodišnje sijamske mačke. Kod kliničke pretrage ustanovljena je abdominalna distenzija i povećana masa. Makroskopski su utvrđeni slobodni parazitski elementi u trbušnoj šupljini te priljubljeni na unutarnju stranu trbušne stijenke i na crijeva. Mikroskopski je ustanovljen kronični multipli piogranulomatozni peritonitis, hepatitis i splenitis. Identificiran je tetratiridij Mesocestoides, vjerojatno Mesocestoides lineatus

    Histopathologic Evaluation of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Hypothyroidism-Induced Rats

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    It is speculated that thyroid hormones may be involved in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) pathogenesis. A literature scan, however, demonstrated conflicting results from studies investigating the relationship between hypothyroidism and NAFLD. Therefore, our study aims to evaluate NAFLD, from the histopathologic perspective, in hypothyroidism-induced rats. Wistar rats were divided into 2 groups: the experimental group consumed water containing methimazole 0.025% (MMI, Sigma, USA) for 12 weeks and the control group consumed tap water. At the end of week 12, serum glucose, ALT, AST, triglyceride, HDL, LDL, TSH, fT4, fT3, visfatin, and insulin assays were performed. Sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and "Oil Red-O" for histopathologic examination of the livers. In our study, we detected mild hepatosteatosis in all hypothyroidism-induced rats. There was statistically significant difference with respect to obesity between the two groups ( < 0.001). The mean fasting blood glucose was 126.25 ± 23.4 mg/dL in hypothyroidism-induced group and 102.63 ± 15.51 mg/dL in the control group, with a statistically significant difference between the groups ( = 0.032). The two groups did not differ statistically significantly with respect to visfatin levels ( > 0.05). In conclusion, we found that hypothyroidism-induced rats had mild hepatosteatosis as opposed to the control group histopathologically. Our study indicates that hypothyroidism can cause NAFLD

    Histopathologic Evaluation of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Hypothyroidism-Induced Rats

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    It is speculated that thyroid hormones may be involved in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) pathogenesis. A literature scan, however, demonstrated conflicting results from studies investigating the relationship between hypothyroidism and NAFLD. Therefore, our study aims to evaluate NAFLD, from the histopathologic perspective, in hypothyroidism-induced rats. Wistar rats were divided into 2 groups: the experimental group consumed water containing methimazole 0.025% (MMI, Sigma, USA) for 12 weeks and the control group consumed tap water. At the end of week 12, serum glucose, ALT, AST, triglyceride, HDL, LDL, TSH, fT4, fT3, visfatin, and insulin assays were performed. Sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and “Oil Red-O” for histopathologic examination of the livers. In our study, we detected mild hepatosteatosis in all hypothyroidism-induced rats. There was statistically significant difference with respect to obesity between the two groups (p<0.001). The mean fasting blood glucose was 126.25 ± 23.4 mg/dL in hypothyroidism-induced group and 102.63 ± 15.51 mg/dL in the control group, with a statistically significant difference between the groups (p=0.032). The two groups did not differ statistically significantly with respect to visfatin levels (p>0.05). In conclusion, we found that hypothyroidism-induced rats had mild hepatosteatosis as opposed to the control group histopathologically. Our study indicates that hypothyroidism can cause NAFLD

    Histopathological changes in uncomplicated sole ulcers in dairy cattle

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    This study aimed to investigate the histopathological changes that occurred in the wound of the sole ulcer located on the hooves of dairy cattle. A total of 12 Holstein-Frisian dairy cows suffering from sole ulcer were studied. Sole ulcers in the lateral hoof of the left or right foot of hind legs containing the corium and a part of the epidermis were collected and examined histopathologically. There were subacute inflammatory changes in the superficial dermal vessels. A slight perivascular lymphocyte infiltration and congestion and hyalinization of arterial walls were observed in the corium. Thickening was observed in the endothelium of dermal vessels, and revascularization areas were also noticed. Although epithelial proliferation (acanthosis), degeneration, and necrosis were found, the more obvious changes observed were eosinophilia and mineralization of the connective tissue. In addition, congestion and edema were also seen in the connective tissue.This study aimed to investigate the histopathological changes that occurred in the wound of the sole ulcer located on the hooves of dairy cattle. A total of 12 Holstein-Frisian dairy cows suffering from sole ulcer were studied. Sole ulcers in the lateral hoof of the left or right foot of hind legs containing the corium and a part of the epidermis were collected and examined histopathologically. There were subacute inflammatory changes in the superficial dermal vessels. A slight perivascular lymphocyte infiltration and congestion and hyalinization of arterial walls were observed in the corium. Thickening was observed in the endothelium of dermal vessels, and revascularization areas were also noticed. Although epithelial proliferation (acanthosis), degeneration, and necrosis were found, the more obvious changes observed were eosinophilia and mineralization of the connective tissue. In addition, congestion and edema were also seen in the connective tissue

    Pyridine induction of cytochrome P450 1A1, iNOS and metallothionein in Syrian hamsters and protective effects of silymarin

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    An in vivo assessment for the protective effects of silymarin for pyridine toxicity was investigated through cytochrome P450 isoform CYP1A1 and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) activity prevention. Moreover, the effect of pyridine-induced oxidative stress on metallothionein I-II (MT), a scavenger of oxygen-derived free radicals, was investigated. Forty Syrian hamsters were allocated into 4 groups. Syrian hamsters were dosed with pyridine (400 mg/kg) intraperitoneally with and without silymarin (200 mg/kg daily by gavage) for 4 days. Pyridine induced diffuse degeneration and necrosis of the proximal and distal renal tubular cells; cloudy swelling, necrosis and hepatocellular atypia of the liver; and degenerative changes in the myocardium. The degree of pathological alterations was less severe with simultaneous silymarin application. CYP1A1, iNOS and MT expression levels were elevated in liver, kidney and heart in response to acute pyridine toxicity. Silymarin application abolished or significantly suppressed the induction of CYP1A1, iNOS and MT expressions in liver, kidney and heart of the pyridine-treated Syrian hamsters. Enhanced synthesis of MT by pyridine possibly implies a purposive cellular response to prevent damage caused by oxygen radicals. However, silymarin significantly reduced the oxidative-stress-inducing effect of pyridine as reflected by decreased synthesis of MT. These results suggest that through oxidant generation, pyridine may cause alteration of the metabolic ways, including nitric oxide-mediated CYP1A1 activity. (c) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved