2,381 research outputs found

    A General Analytical Approximation to Impulse Response of 3-D Microfluidic Channels in Molecular Communication

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    In this paper, the impulse response for a 3-D microfluidic channel in the presence of Poiseuille flow is obtained by solving the diffusion equation in radial coordinates. Using the radial distribution, the axial distribution is then approximated accordingly. Since Poiseuille flow velocity changes with radial position, molecules have different axial properties for different radial distributions. We, therefore, present a piecewise function for the axial distribution of the molecules in the channel considering this radial distribution. Finally, we lay evidence for our theoretical derivations for impulse response of the microfluidic channel and radial distribution of molecules through comparing them using various Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: The manuscript is submitted to IEEE: Transactions on Nanobioscienc

    Molecular Signal Modeling of a Partially Counting Absorbing Spherical Receiver

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    To communicate at the nanoscale, researchers have proposed molecular communication as an energy-efficient solution. The drawback to this solution is that the histogram of the molecules' hitting times, which constitute the molecular signal at the receiver, has a heavy tail. Reducing the effects of this heavy tail, inter-symbol interference (ISI), has been the focus of most prior research. In this paper, a novel way of decreasing the ISI by defining a counting region on the spherical receiver's surface facing towards the transmitter node is proposed. The beneficial effect comes from the fact that the molecules received from the back lobe of the receiver are more likely to be coming through longer paths that contribute to ISI. In order to justify this idea, the joint distribution of the arrival molecules with respect to angle and time is derived. Using this distribution, the channel model function is approximated for the proposed system, i.e., the partially counting absorbing spherical receiver. After validating the channel model function, the characteristics of the molecular signal are investigated and improved performance is presented. Moreover, the optimal counting region in terms of bit error rate is found analytically.Comment: submitted to Transactions on Communication

    Türk erkek ve kadınlarda temporomandibular eklem hareketlerinin inklinometre ile değerlendirilmesi

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    Amaç: Çalışmamızda dijital elektronik inklinometre kullanarak erkek ve kadınlarda temporomandibular eklemin (TME) eklem hareket açıklığı (EHA) değerlerinin belirlenmesini ve interinsizal mesafe ile korelasyonunu araştırmayı amaçladık. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Üniversitesimizin farklı bölümlerinde okuyan toplam 105 öğrenci (55 kadın, 50 erkek) gönüllü olarak deneye katıldı. Son derece hassas olmasına karşın kolay uygulanabilen bir alet olan elektronik dijital inklinometre ile maksimal açılma, sağ-sol ekskursiyon ve protraksiyon dereceleri belirlendi. Ayrıca maksimum ağız açıklığı esnasında interinsizal mesafe kayan kaliper yardımıyla ölçüldü. Bulgular: Ölçümlerimiz sonucunda erkek ve kadınlarda sırasıyla maksimum açılma derecesi 30.58º, 27.16º; sağ ekskursiyon 4.96º, 6.85º; sol ekskursiyon 5.40º, 7.43º ve protraksiyon ise 13.38º, 11.85º olarak bulundu. İnterinsizal mesafe ise erkek deneklerimizde 52.4 mm, kadınlarda 52.2 mm olarak ölçüldü. Sonuç: Eklem hareketlerini etkileyen romatizmal hastalıklar ve nörolojik kas hastalıklarının tanı ve tedavisinde TME'nin EHA değerleri önemli bir yer işgal etmektedir. Sonuç olarak, bu eklemle ilgili rahatsızlıklarda tanıya en kısa sürede ulaşmak için interinsizal mesafe ölçümlerinin de kullanılabileceği kanaatindeyiz.Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the range of motion (ROM) of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) in males and in females by using digital inclinometer and its correlation with the interincisial distance. Patients and Methods: One hundred and five healthy (50 males, 55 females) volunteers who were studying at our university participated in this study. Maximum opening, right-left excursion and protraction degrees were determined with electronic digital inclinometer which was extremely sensitive but practicable. Besides, interincisial distance was measured by using vernier caliper during maximum mouth opening. Results: The average values for males and females were found as follows: maximum mouth opening 30.58º, 27.16º; right excursion 4.96º, 6.85º; left excursion 5.40º, 7.43º and protraction 13.38º, 11.85º, respectively. Interincisial distances were measured as 52.4 mm in males and 52.2 mm in females. Conclusion: The evaluation of ROM values for the TMJ are important in the diagnostic and treatment of the musculoskeletal and neurological diseases affecting joint movement. We conclude that interincisial distance measurements may be a practical method for the evaluation of the derangements in this joint

    Channel Modeling for Multi-Receiver Molecular Communication Systems

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    Molecular Communication via Diffusion (MCvD) is a prominent small-scale technology, which roots from the nature. With solid analytical foundations on channel response and advanced modulation techniques, molecular single-input-single-output (SISO) systems are one of the most studied molecular networks in the literature. However, the literature is yet to provide sufficient analytical channel modeling on molecular multiple-output systems with fully absorbing receivers, {one of the common applications in the area. In this paper, a channel model for molecular single-input-multiple-output (SIMO) systems is proposed for estimating the channel response of such systems. With the model's recursive nature, the closed-form solution of the channel response of molecular 2-Rx SIMO systems is analytically derived. A simplified model with lower complexity is also presented at a cost of slightly less accurate channel estimation. The models are extended to the molecular SIMO systems with more than two receivers. The performance of the methods are evaluated for several topologies with different parameters, and the accuracy of the model is verified by comparing to computer-simulated channel estimations in terms of quantitative error metrics such as root-mean-squared error. The performance of the simplified model is verified by the amount of deviation, indicating sufficient channel modeling performance with reduced computational power.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures. Published in IEEE Transactions on Communication

    The Relationship Between APACHE II Score and Immunological Parameters in Intensive Care Patients

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    INTRODUCTION: In this study, the aim was to investigate the relationship between immunological parameters, specifically the fibrinogen/albumin ratio, neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio, platelet/lymphocyte ratio, and the widely used acute physiology and chronic health assessment (APACHE) II scoring system in critically ill patients in the intensive care unit. METHODS: The retrospective analysis included 166 patients admitted between January 2023 and July 2023, evaluating their 28-day mortality. The patients were categorised into groups: Group M (mortality), with 53 patients and Group S (survival) with 113 patients. The immunological parameters of the patients between the groups were analyzed statistically. RESULTS: APACHE II score, fibrinogen, lactate, and fibrinogen/albumin ratio were identified as independent parameters associated with mortality. The ROC analysis determined the optimal cutoff points for predicting mortality for APACHE II score, fibrinogen, lactate, and fibrinogen/albumin ratio. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: This study revealed a significant correlation between APACHE II score and immunological parameters, including fibrinogen, lactate, and fibrinogen/albumin ratio. These findings can be used to predict mortality