42 research outputs found

    Assessment of business conditions benevolence: case of occupational safety and health services

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    The aim of the article is to find solutions for assessing the benevolence of business conditions in existing circumstances. The business situation in the area of occupational safety and health (OSH) services was investigated in order to assess possibilities to start up this kind of commercial activity. The proposed methodology of assessment is tested only on the basis of occupational safety and health services, but the sequence and the content of the provided actions for assessment may be also used for initiating any other kinds of business. Systematic approach has been applied to searching for solutions primarily to assess general aspects which are then narrowed down to the assessment of smaller issues. Suitability of theoretical decisions has been tested in real business conditions. In order to assess the benevolence of business conditions in the current situation before starting up a certain business, the article provides certain assessment measures and their application techniques. Applying the chosen methodology may help to start a new business smoother, develop the existing one and thus achieve better results

    Integrated approach to strategic planning in public institutions

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    Planning of actions for implementation of institution's strategic decisions is one of the most complicated, on the other hand, the weakest in methodic provision complex objectives of strategic planning. Considering the local target of this phase of the strategic planning cycle to set the best ways to take the right directions in development of the scope of activity of an institution, a well‐reasoned composition of such a complex objective is as follows: generating action plan alternatives, defining the evaluation criteria of the alternatives and forming a combination of criteria, analysis and evaluation of the action plan alternatives, adopting a plan. The structure of an action plan for implementing institution's strategic decisions arose the necessity to identify two‐level objectives for drawing up the plan as well as the specific sequence of objective fulfilment in an analysed complex. The specifics of each level was evaluated in our proposals for improvement of the planning of the implementation of institution's strategic decisions based on the analysis of the results of progressive experience. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    Viešojo sektoriaus institucijų strateginio planavimo būklė ir jos gerinimo prielaidos

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    This article examines the state of strategic planning and the assumptions for its improvement in the public sector of the country. Strategic planning in the public sector is a legally regulated and formalised process consisting of a complex chain of interconnected elements, from strategic analysis to the monitoring of implementation of the action plan. The elements of this process are linked by the search of a solution for rational allocation of financial resources. The solution of the main strategic planning tasks is based on the financing requirement programmes of the institutions, including the implementation of strategic goals. The analysis of the issues of strategic planning in the institutions tends to concentrate on the individual aspects of the process, however, such analysis of separate elements, and not the analysis of them as a whole, gives no opportunity to actually ensure the effectiveness of the strategic planning process. The aim of this research is to make a thorough analysis of the elements of strategic planning and to provide assumptions for improvement of this process in the public sector. In this study, the methods of systematic and logical analysis as well as methods of synthesis, analogy and comparison were applied. Legal regulation of strategic planning enables ensuring the flexibility of strategic planning in an institution without restricting the institution in its choice of its internal factors and the schemes of problem solving according to the situation, as well as specific problem solving methods. In order to ensure a more rational and effective strategic planning in an institution, those measures are not enough. The legal provisions set common strategic planning principles of the institutions and these principles are not elaborated at the level of separate strategic planning functions in the institutions. Solving strategic planning tasks of an institution based on separate principles and not on them as a whole does not allow legitimately determining possibilities of the compatibility of the activity of an institution with its environment, effectively using such possibilities and developing them in a targeted way. Such planning is not meaningful as a measure to justify the needed budget funds, as well as their effective distribution and rational use. Such methodology of strategic planning, which is based on a fragmented view, is not a sufficiently authoritative landmark that would indicate the most relevant directions of long-term development of activity of a public sector institution and well-founded means and methods of their implementation. In order to ensure efficient planning of the activity of a public sector institution, based on perspective, it is important to comprehend the need to apply strategic planning principles as a whole and to envisage their implementation specifics at the level of every function of effective strategic planning.Straipsnyje nagrinėjama strateginio planavimo būklė ir jos gerinimo prielaidos šalies viešajame sektoriuje. Sistemiškai analizuojama ir kritiškai vertinama viešojo sektoriaus institucijų strateginių sprendimų bazės formavimo, strateginių sprendimų rengimo ir priėmimo bei viešojo sektoriaus institucijų strateginio fono detalizavimo situacija, akcentuojant lėšų poreikio strateginiams sprendimams įgyvendinti pagrindimo ir jų gavimo aspektus. Be to, pateikiamos viešojo sektoriaus institucijų strateginio planavimo uždavinių sprendimo priemonės bei sąlygos

    Integrated DSS for strategic planning in public institutions

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    The paper deals with a problem of support to the strategic planning decision‐making in public institutions. In special literature there are various approaches proposed to what decision support system (DSS) is rational to use in management area. This diversity is determined by the nature of management problems, goals and the chosen approaches for achieving the goals. In order to prepare the approaches which are necessary to carryout the strategic planning in the institutions, the role of the DSS was revealed, the structure of the system was defined, and the variety of the DSS was systematized. Besides, the factors which predetermine the requirements for the DSS of strategic planning in the institutions were defined. According to these factors and the results of the research on theoretical potential of decision support, it is rational to apply a complex character of intelligent support to prepare alternatives and to make decisions of strategic planning in public institutions. The authors have based a solution with regard to the integrated DSS for the strategic planning. Santrauka Straipsnyje nagrinejama viešojo sektoriaus instituciju strateginio planavimo sprendimu paramos problematika. Specialiojoje literatūroje pateikiami skirtingi požiūriai i tai, kokia sprendimu paramos sistema (toliau – SPS) racionalu taikyti valdymo problemoms spresti. Tokia ivairove lemia nagrinejamu valdymo problemu, kartu keliamu tikslu ir ju igyvendinimo nuostatu pobūdis. Siekiant parengti viešojo sektoriaus instituciju strateginiam planavimui reikalingos SPS principines nuostatas, atskleistas SPS vaidmuo, apibrežta pagrindinems SPS funkcijoms igyvendinti būtina sistemos struktūra, susistemintos SPS atmainu savybes. Be to, nustatyti veiksniai, kurie lemia reikalavimus, keliamus viešojo sektoriaus instituciju strateginio planavimo SPS. Atsižvelgiant i tokius veiksnius ir sprendimu paramos teorinio potencialo nagrinejimo rezultatus, numatyta skirtinga pagal pobūdi intelektine parama viešojo sektoriaus instituciju strateginio planavimo sprendimams rengti ir priimti, pagristas sprendimas del integruotos strateginio planavimo SPS. First Published Online: 10 Feb 2011 Reikšminiai žodžiai: viešojo sektoriaus institucija, strateginis planavimas, sprendimu paramos sistema, integruotas požiūri

    Determining the purposefulness of new services on the grounds of the results of quantitative analysis

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    The goal of the present article is to propose a methodology for substantiating the purposefulness of new service development reasoned by the results of a quantitative analysis of the current situation. The core of determining the purposefulness of new service development is assessing and comparing two trends of service business development: new service implementation and the main alternative of this process – the expansion of the scope of the current services. The paper demonstrates how the authors consolidate, annotate and critique available research on some logical aspects of new service development in order to find more objective quantitative decisions. The study provides the methodology (process model) of determining the purposefulness of new service development. A new attitude is evidenced by discovering quantitative assessment according to different sets of criteria. The paper also improves the comprehension of the complex process of new service implementation – proves the necessity of the first step, i.e. the determination of the purposefulness of a new service, which is often missed by authors. Appropriate solutions, according to the results of the suggested quantitative analysis, would increase the objectivity of assessment and the probability of successful new services. First published online: 11 Jul 201

    Sustainable development of real estate: decision support model and recommendations for the period of crisis

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    The aim of this paper is to propose a decision support model for real estate development and recommendations that could help Lithuania during economic crises. Research, theoretical and practical tasks of sustainable real estate development process were revised, particular examples presented. Different models and methods for analysis of real estate development discussed. Decision support model, encompassing extensive analysis of the global trends, best crisis management practices, assessment of the factual situation and provision of recommendations for different stakeholders under conditions of market instability presented. According to proposed model, the research was performed by studying the expertise of advanced industrial economies and by adapting such to Lithuania while taking into consideration its specific history, development level, needs and traditions. Basing on these findings, accumulated know-how, the results of previous scientific studies and practical insights of the other authors, specific recommendations to avoid crisis and minimize its consequences in macro-, meso- and micro- levels were provided. Recommendations illustrate holistic point of view and assumption that real estate development consists of creativity, research and art

    Viešojo sektoriaus institucijų strateginio planavimo sprendimai ir jų įdiegimas

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    A rational means to increase the efficiency of the activity of an institution as well as their input into the social economic development of the country is strategic planning. Implementation of the principles of strategic planning in institution passing from the form to the content is possible upon solution of the problem of the complex methodological provision for strategic planning of institution. According to the results of the successive investigations it was diagnosed that the weakest segment of such provision is the planning the implementation of strategic decisions of institution. In order prepare effective and efficient ways for fulfilling such strategic planning objective the specifics of preparing an action plan was clarified as well as methods whose possibilities based on the results of analyzing progressive experience were synthesized. The set of recommended methods for solution of the objective allows the preparation of a rational action plan. Strengthening of the weakest link by methodological provision creates preconditions to make complex solutions to al! objectives of the suggested range of strategic planning

    Analysis of the models of decision support systems for strategic planning in public institutions

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    Straipsnyje nagrinėjama viešojo sektoriaus institucijų (toliau – institucijų) valdymo, tiksliau, strateginio planavimo sprendimų paramos problematika. Siekiant parengti institucijų strateginiam planavimui reikalingas sprendimų paramos sistemos (toliau – SPS) principines nuostatas, atskleistas SPS vaidmuo, apibrėžta pagrindinėms SPS funkcijoms įgyvendinti būtina sistemos struktūra, susistemintos SPS atmainų savybės. Be to, nustatyti veiksniai, kurie lemia reikalavimus, keliamus institucijų strateginio planavimo SPS. Numatyta skirtinga pagal pobūdį intelektinė parama institucijų strateginio planavimo sprendimams rengti ir priimti, pagrįstas sprendimas dėl integruotos strateginio planavimo SPS.The article deals with the problem of management decisions support in public institutions, exactly with the decisions of strategic planning. In order to prepare the principal attitudes needed to carry out strategic planning in the institutions, the role of decision support system (DSS) was revealed, the structure of a system which is necessary to implement the main DSS functions was defined, the variety of DSS was systematized. Besides, there were defined the factors predetermining the requirements for DSS of strategic planning in the institutions. There was also defined a complex character of intelligent support for preparing and making planning decision in institutions and the author has based the solution regarding integrated DDS for strategic planning in the mentioned institutions

    Analysis of the models of decision support systems for strategic planning in public institutions

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    The article deals with the problem of management decisions support in public institutions, exactly with the decisions of strategic planning. In order to prepare the principal attitudes needed to carry out strategic planning in the institutions, the role of decision support system (DSS) was revealed, the structure of a system which is necessary to implement the main DSS functions was defined, the variety of DSS was systematized. Besides, there were defined the factors predetermining the requirements for DSS of strategic planning in the institutions. There was also defined a complex character of intelligent support for preparing and making planning decision in institutions and the author has based the solution regarding integrated DDS for strategic planning in the mentioned institutions

    Functional analysis in public sector

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    The main aim of the paper is to explore the theoretical aspects of functional analysis on purpose to identify the essence of functional analysis in public sector. This objective was chosen in reference to relevant problem of modern-day, i.e. inefficiency and ineffectiveness of public sector activities. The article contains functional analysis goals, tasks formed by different sources of literature; also, interpretations of the process of functional analysis are introduced. The conclusions were made that the main goal of functional analysis is to suggest an optimal set of functions that have to be performed in order to assure high quality of public services and minimal possible costs throughout all the hierarchical levels of government. Funkcinė analizė viešajame sektoriuje Straipsnio kalba: Lietuvių