523 research outputs found

    Correction to the pathogenic alternative splicing, caused by the common GNB3 c.825C>T allele, using a novel, antisense morpholino

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    The very common GNB3 c.825C>T polymorphism (rs5443), is present in approximately half of all human chromosomes. Significantly the presence of the GNB3 825T allele has been strongly associated, with predisposition to essential hypertension. Paradoxically the presence of the GNB3 825T allele, in exon 10, introduces a pathogenic alternative RNA splice site into the middle of exon 9. To attempt to correct this pathogenic aberrant splicing, we therefore bioinformatically designed, using a Gene Tools® algorithm, a GNB3 specific, antisense morpholino. It was hoped that this morpholino would behave in vitro as either a potential “ splice blocker and/or exon skipper, to both bind and inhibit/reduce the aberrant splicing of the GNB3, 825T allele. On transfecting a human lymphoblast cell line homozygous for the 825T allele, with this antisense morpholino, we encouragingly observed both a significant reduction (from ~58% to ~5%) in the production of the aberrant smaller GNB3 transcript, and a subsequent increase in the normal GNB3 transcript (from ~42% to ~95%). Our results demonstrate the potential use of a GNB3 specific antisense morpholino, as a pharmacogenetic therapy for essential hypertension

    Long tails, short telomeres: Dyskeratosis congenita

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    Mutation in the guanine nucleotide-binding protein beta-3 causes retinal degeneration and embryonic mortality in chickens

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    PURPOSE. To identify the gene defect that causes blindness and the predisposition to embryonic death in the retinopathy globe enlarged (rge) chicken. METHODS. Linkage analysis, with previously uncharacterized microsatellite markers from chicken chromosome 1, was performed on 138 progeny of an rge/+ and an rge/rge cross, and candidate genes were sequenced. RESULTS. The rge locus was refined and the gene for guanine nucleotide-binding protein β-3 (GNB3), which encodes a cone transducin β subunit, was found to have a 3-bp deletion (D153del) that segregated with the rge phenotype. This mutation deleted a highly conserved aspartic acid residue in the third of seven WD domains in GNB3. In silico modeling suggested that this mutation destabilized the protein. Furthermore, a 70% reduction was found in immunoreactivity to anti-GNB3 in the rge-affected retina. CONCLUSIONS. These findings implicate the β-subunit of cone transducin as the defective protein underlying the rge phenotype. Furthermore, GNB3 is ubiquitously expressed, and the c.825C→T GNB3 splicing variant (MIM 139130) has been associated with hypertension, obesity, diabetes, low birth weight, coronary heart disease, and stroke in the human population. It therefore seems likely that the defect underlying these human diseases also causes reduced embryonic viability in the rge chicken, making it a powerful model for studying the pathology involved in these associations

    The alternate GNB3 splice variant, Gβ3s, exhibits an altered signalling response to EGF stimulation, which leads to enhanced cell migration

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    It has recently been reported that the duplication of the GNB3 gene has been shown to be directly linked to an obesity phenotype, both in humans and also in a humanised mouse model. Moreover, the common human GNB3 c.825C>T polymorphism (rs5443) causes this ubiquitously expressed gene to be aberrantly spliced approximately 50% of the time leading to the production of both a normal Gβ3 protein and a truncated, possibly less stable subunit, known as Gβ3s. The presence of the GNB3 825T allele has previously been shown to be associated with predisposition to hypertension, obesity, various cancers, Alzheimers, age related cognitive function, erectile dysfunction as well as a marker for pharmacogenetic drug action. Great controversy, however, currently exists as to whether these phenotypes associated with the 825T allele are a) mainly due to the presence of the smaller, possibly more active, Gβ3s subunit or b) merely down to the haploinsufficiency of the normal GNB3 transcript, due to its frequent aberrant splicing. In order to try and address these two conflicting hypothesis, we report on the identification and characterisation of signalling alterations unique to the presence of Gβ3s protein subunit. Moreover we also show the physiological consequences associated with altered signalling, directly induced by the Gβ3s subunit. For this, we used both an EBV transformed lymphoblast cell line homozygote for GNB3 825T/825T (TT) and a stable Gβ3s expressing recombinant COS-7 clone. In both of these cell lines that express the Gβ3s subunit, we found enhanced cytosolic calcium influx upon stimulation with EGF, TGFα and VEGF ligands, as compared to “normal” GNB3 controls with the 825C/825C (CC) genotype. This aberrant calcium influx also led to an increase in ERK, but not AKT1, phosphorylation. Despite the lack of AKT1 activation, we paradoxically observed a significant increase in phosphorylation of its downstream substrates, namely mTOR and p70S6k (KS6B2). Moreover we observed a decrease in phospho FoxO3a only in Gβ3s expressing cells, but not in the “normal” GNB3 (CC) control cell line. The presence of the Gβ3s subunit also appeared to alter the distinct localisation patterns of both Foxo3a and AKT1, while also increasing the colocalisation of mTOR and p70S6K. Subsequent growth factor stimulation studies revealed that EGF treatment, of Gβ3s expressing cells, appeared to cause a significant decrease in cAMP levels, which, in turn resulted in both enhanced caveolin-1a phosphorylation, and an increase in actin stress fibre formation. The identification of these distinct Gβ3s specific signalling alterations were indicative of a more aggressive migratory phenotype. This led us to further investigate and confirm that the presence of the Gβ3s subunit also appears to cause significantly enhanced migration and robust scratch wound healing kinetics, as compared to cells harbouring only the normal copy of the gene. These data therefore present convincing evidence that the Gβ3s subunit is stable, functional and its presence can significantly alter signalling pathways, in different cell types

    The D153del mutation in GNB3 gene causes tissue specific signalling patterns and an abnormal renal morphology in rge chickens

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    Background The GNB3 gene is expressed in cone but not rod photoreceptors of vertebrates, where it acts as the β transducin subunit in the colour visual transduction process. A naturally occurring mutation ‘D153del’ in the GNB3 gene causes the recessively inherited blinding phenotype retinopathy globe enlarged (rge) disease in chickens. GNB3 is however also expressed in most other vertebrate tissues suggesting that the D153del mutation may exert pathological effects that outlie from eye. Principal Findings Recombinant studies in COS-7 cells that were transfected with normal and mutant recombinant GNB3 constructs and subjected to cycloheximide chase showed that the mutant GNB3d protein had a much shorter half life compared to normal GNB3. GNB3 codes for the Gβ3 protein subunit that, together with different Gγ and Gα subunits, activates and regulates phosphorylation cascades in different tissues. As expected, the relative levels of cGMP and cAMP secondary messengers and their activated kinases such as MAPK, AKT and GRK2 were also found to be altered significantly in a tissue specific manner in rge chickens. Histochemical analysis on kidney tissue sections, from rge homozygous affected chickens, showed the chickens had enlargement of the glomerular capsule, causing glomerulomegaly and tubulointerstitial inflammation whereas other tissues (brain, heart, liver, pancreas) were unaffected. Significance These findings confirm that the D153del mutation in GNB3 gene targets GNB3 protein to early degradation. Lack of GNB3 signalling causes reduced phosphorylation activity of ERK2 and AKT leading to severe pathological phenotypes such as blindness and renal abnormalities in rge chickens

    Multi-cancer early detection test sensitivity for cancers with and without current population-level screening options

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    There are four solid tumors with common screening options in the average-risk population aged 21 to 75 years (breast, cervical, colorectal, and, based on personalized risk assessment, prostate), but many cancers lack recommended population screening and are often detected at advanced stages when mortality is high. Blood-based multi-cancer early detection tests have the potential to improve cancer mortality through additional population screening. Reported here is a post-hoc analysis from the third Circulating Cell-free Genome Atlas substudy to examine multi-cancer early detection test performance in solid tumors with and without population screening recommendations and in hematologic malignancies. Participants with cancer in the third Circulating Cell-free Genome Atlas substudy analysis were split into three subgroups: solid screened tumors (breast, cervical, colorectal, prostate), solid unscreened tumors, and hematologic malignancies. In this post hoc analysis, sensitivity is reported for each subgroup across all ages and those aged ⩾50 years overall, by cancer, and by clinical cancer stage. Aggregate sensitivity in the solid screened, solid unscreened, and hematologic malignancy subgroups was 34%, 66%, and 55% across all cancer stages, respectively; restricting to participants aged ⩾50 years showed similar aggregate sensitivity. Aggregate sensitivity was 27%, 53%, and 60% across stages I to III, respectively. Within the solid unscreened subgroup, aggregate sensitivity was >75% in 8/18 cancers (44%) and >50% in 13/18 (72%). This multi-cancer early detection test detected cancer signals at high (>75%) sensitivity for multiple cancers without existing population screening recommendations, suggesting its potential to complement recommended screening programs. Clinical trial identifier: NCT02889978

    Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Vimentin-Induced Disruption of Cell–Cell Associations Augments Breast Cancer Cell Migration

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    In advanced metastatic cancers with reduced patient survival and poor prognosis, expression of vimentin, a type III intermediate filament protein is frequently observed. Vimentin appears to suppress epithelial characteristics and augments cell migration but the molecular basis for these changes is not well understood. Here, we have ectopically expressed vimentin in MCF-7 and investigated its genomic and functional implications. Vimentin changed the cell shape by decreasing major axis, major axis angle and increased cell migration, without affecting proliferation. Vimentin downregulated major keratin genes KRT8, KRT18 and KRT19. Transcriptome-coupled GO and KEGG analyses revealed that vimentin-affected genes were linked to either cell–cell/cell-ECM or cell cycle/proliferation specific pathways. Using shRNA mediated knockdown of vimentin in two cell types; MCF-7FV (ectopically expressing) and MDA-MB-231 (endogenously expressing), we identified a vimentin-specific signature consisting of 13 protein encoding genes (CDH5, AXL, PTPRM, TGFBI, CDH10, NES, E2F1, FOXM1, CDC45, FSD1, BCL2, KIF26A and WISP2) and two long non-coding RNAs, LINC00052 and C15ORF9-AS1. CDH5, an endothelial cadherin, which mediates cell–cell junctions, was the most downregulated protein encoding gene. Interestingly, downregulation of CDH5 by shRNA significantly increased cell migration confirming our RNA-Seq data. Furthermore, presence of vimentin altered the lamin expression in MCF-7. Collectively, we demonstrate, for the first time, that vimentin in breast cancer cells could change nuclear architecture by affecting lamin expression, which downregulates genes maintaining cell–cell junctions resulting in increased cell migration

    High loading of nanostructured ceramics in polymer composite thick films by aerosol deposition

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    Low temperature fabrication of Al2O3-polyimide composite substrates was carried out by an aerosol deposition process using a mixture of Al2O3 and polyimide starting powders. The microstructures and dielectric properties of the composite thick films in relation to their Al2O3 contents were characterized by X-ray diffraction analysis. As a result, the crystallite size of α-Al2O3 calculated from Scherrer's formula was increased from 26 to 52 nm as the polyimide ratio in the starting powders increased from 4 to 12 vol.% due to the crushing of the Al2O3 powder being reduced by the shock-absorbing effect of the polyimide powder. The Al2O3-polyimide composite thick films showed a high loss tangent with a large frequency dependence when a mixed powder of 12 vol.% polyimide was used due to the nonuniform microstructure with a rough surface. The Al2O3-polyimide composite thick films showed uniform composite structures with a low loss tangent of less than 0.01 at 1 MHz and a high Al2O3 content of more than 75 vol.% when a mixed powder of 8 vol.% polyimide was used. Moreover, the Al2O3-polyimide composite thick films had extremely high Al2O3 contents of 95 vol.% and showed a dense microstructure close to that of the Al2O3 thick films when a mixed powder of 4 vol.% polyimide was used

    Interaction between dislocation and coherent twin boundary by quasicontinuum model

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    The interaction between lattice dislocations and Coherent Twin Boundary Σ3{111} of copper has been studied using Quasi-Continuum method. The coherent twin boundary provides high barrier to slip transmission. The dislocation pile-up modifies the stress field at its intersection with the grain boundary. A different reaction process compared with the case of single dislocations is noticed. One observes the nucleation of a Lomer-type dislocation with Burgers vector of ½ and its glide on the (100) cube plane in the adjacent grain. This phenomenon has been observed with Transmission Electron Microscopy at room temperature and in other Molecular Dynamics simulations. We also show a novel interaction mechanism between Lomer-type dislocation and Coherent Twin Boundary. This interaction process leaves a dislocation with a Burgers vector coincident with the complete lattice shift of the Coherent Twin Boundary. Quantitative estimation of critical stress for various transmission phenomena is performed by using irial stress. Such information can be used as input for Discrete Dislocation Dynamics model