57 research outputs found

    Measurements of moon's radiation fluxes in the infrared and in the visible regions of the spectrum on the AMS Luna-10

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    Moon radiation flux measurements in infrared and visible spectral regions from Luna 1

    Fluoride technology of obtaining REM magnetic alloys and master alloys

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    Rare earth permanent magnets (REPM) based on neodymium-Fe-boron system are the most promising, since they have the highest magnetic and satisfactory mechanical characteristics. The paper covers physical-chemical principles and shows the results of experimental studies of the process of obtaining REM alloys and master alloys using fundamentally new fluoride technology based on ladle calciothermal REM fluorides and Fe reduction

    Acute ischemic stroke lesion segmentation in non-contrast CT images using 3D convolutional neural networks

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    In this paper, an automatic algorithm aimed at volumetric segmentation of acute ischemic stroke lesion in non-contrast computed tomography brain 3D images is proposed. Our deep-learning approach is based on the popular 3D U-Net convolutional neural network architecture, which was modified by adding the squeeze-and-excitation blocks and residual connections. Robust pre-processing methods were implemented to improve the segmentation accuracy. Moreover, a specific patches sampling strategy was used to address the large size of medical images, to smooth out the effect of the class imbalance problem and to stabilize neural network training. All experiments were performed using five-fold cross-validation on the dataset containing non-contrast computed tomography volumetric brain scans of 81 patients diagnosed with acute ischemic stroke. Two radiology experts manually segmented images independently and then verified the labeling results for inconsistencies. The quantitative results of the proposed algorithm and obtained segmentation were measured by the Dice similarity coefficient, sensitivity, specificity and precision metrics. Our proposed model achieves an average Dice of 0.628±0.0330.628\pm0.033, sensitivity of 0.699±0.0390.699\pm0.039, specificity of 0.9965±0.00160.9965\pm0.0016 and precision of 0.619±0.0360.619\pm0.036, showing promising segmentation results.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Аналіз методів та засобів захисту інформації в сучасних мережах рухомого зв’язку

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    Скарбенчук І. В. Аналіз методів та засобів захисту інформації в сучасних мережах рухомого зв’язку / І. В. Скарбенчук, В. В. Тулупов // Застосування інформаційних технологій у діяльності правоохоронних органів : зб. матеріалів кругл. столу (м. Харків, 9 груд. 2020 р.) / МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. – Харків : ХНУВС, 2020. – С. 116-119.Зауважено, що забезпечення надійного захисту інформації в мережах рухомого зв’язку перш за все, залежить від наявності певних чинників, які безпосередньо забезпечують та впливають на ступінь захищеності інформації в мережі. У розвинених країнах світу продовжується перехід до інформаційної сервісно-технологічної економіки. Враховуючи особливості кожного стандарту необхідно використовувати притаманні лише йому технології, методи та засоби захисту інформації. Замечено, что обеспечение надежной защиты информации в сетях подвижной связи прежде всего зависит от наличия определенных факторов, непосредственно обеспечивающих и влияющих на степень защищенности информации в сети. В развитых странах мира продолжается переход к информационной сервисно-технологической экономике. Учитывая особенности каждого стандарта, необходимо использовать присущие только ему технологии, методы и средства защиты информации. It has been noted that ensuring reliable information protection in mobile communication networks primarily depends on the presence of certain factors that directly provide and affect the degree of information security in the network. In the developed countries of the world, the transition to an information service-technological economy continues. Taking into account the peculiarities of each standard, it is necessary to use the technologies, methods and means of information protection inherent only to it

    Influence of sodium desoxyribonucleate on anti-infectious protection and hematopoiesis in patients with polytrauma (randomized prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled study)

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    The  aim of the study was to evaluate  the effect of sodium  deoxyribonucleate on anti-infectious resistance and hematopoiesis in patients with polytraumas. A single-center study of sodium  deoxyribonucleate effectiveness approved by the local Ethics Committee (protocol No. 4 05/18/2016), was conducted in 54 patients with polytrauma. The  main  group  included 27 people, at the mean  age of 39 (29-51)  years old; ISS severity score,  26 (22-34). The  comparison group  comprised 27 people, mean  age,  40 years old (26-53), mean  ISS severity score was 25 points (20 to 29). The patients with randomly attributed even numbers were injected with 5 ml preparation from vials of even-numbered series, the patients with odd numbers were treated with preparation from the odd-numbered series. They were injected intramuscularly daily from day 1 to day 10 after the injury. Before treatment, as well as on days 8, 15 after injury, peripheral blood was examined for leukocyte, erythrocyte counts, hemoglobin, total  protein, blood  IL-6, CRP; proportion of CD117+  and  CD34+  mononuclear cells, CD14+ monocytes, CD14+ granulocytes, HLA-DR+  mononuclear cells, defensin + granulocytes.On  the  day  +8,   patients from  the  main  group,  against  the  comparison group  showed  an  increase   in lymphocytes, monocytes, CD117+ and CD34+ cell counts. Serum IL-6 and CRP were decreased in both groups of the patients to a similar  degree. Terms  of hospitalization in the main  group were 32.8 days, against  39.6 in comparison group. The number of complications per 1 case was, respectively, 21 versus 39, thus being 1.8 times less than  in comparison group.  When developing complications, anemia (Hb  < 90 g/l),  or hypoproteinaemia (< 60 g/l) in the main group was, respectively, 2.5and 3.5-fold  less than  in the comparison group.Treatment with sodium  deoxyribonucleate in polytrauma may promote migration of blood precursors to the bloodstream, increase anti-infectious properties of leukocytes, reduce duration of anemia and hypoproteinemia, number of complications and decrease the terms of hospitalization

    Новая возможность применения бактериофагов для профилактики инфекционных осложнений при свободной кожной пластике (бактериофаги при кожной пластике)

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     Aim. To prevent infectious processes in the area of a recipient wound in free skin grafting with a split-graft.Materials and methods. A method was developed for immobilizing bacteriophages in the area of split thickness skin grafts through transferring a solution containing bacteriophages into a gel form. Microbiological and clinical studies of the effectiveness of the proposed method were performed.Results. The viability of bacteriophages in a gel dressing for up to 4 days was confirmed, as well as the reduced likelihood of local infectious complications in skin grafting.Conclusion. The gel composition containing bacteriophages allows quick response to changes in current hospital microflora and effectively counteract the dangers of nosocomial infection.  Цель. Профилактика инфекционного процесса в области реципиентной раны при свободной кожной пластике расщепленным трансплантатом.Материалы и методы. Разработан способ иммобилизации бактериофагов в области аутодермотрансплантата путем перевода раствора, содержащего бактериофаги, в гелевую форму. Выполнены микробиологические и клинические исследования эффективности предложенного способа.Результаты. Подтверждена жизнеспособность бактериофагов в гелевой повязке в сроки до 4 сут и снижение вероятности развития местных инфекционных осложнений при кожной пластике.Заключение. Гелевая композиция, содержащая бактериофаги, позволяет оперативно реагировать на изменения актуальной  госпитальной микрофлоры и эффективно противодействовать  опасности нозокомиального инфицирования.

    A transgenic cell line with inducible transcription for studying (CGG)n repeat expansion mechanisms

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    There are more than 30 inherited human disorders connected with repeat expansion (myotonic dystrophy type I, Huntington’s disease, Fragile X syndrome). Fragile X syndrome is the most common reason for inherited intellectual disability in the human population. The ways of the expansion development remain unclear. An important feature of expanded repeats is the ability to form stable alternative DNA secondary structures. There are hypotheses about the nature of repeat instability. It is proposed that these DNA secondary structures can block various stages of DNA metabolism processes, such as replication, repair and recombination and it is considered as the source of repeat instability. However, none of the hypotheses is fully conf irmed or is the only valid one. Here, an experimental system for studying (CGG)n repeat expansion associated with transcription and TCR­-NER is proposed. It is noteworthy that the aberrations of transcription are a poorly studied mechanism of (CGG)n instability. However, the proposed systems take into account the contribution of other processes of DNA metabolism and, therefore, the developed systems are universal and applicable for various studies. Transgenic cell lines carrying a repeat of normal or premutant length under the control of an inducible promoter were established and a method for repeat instability quantif ication was developed. One type of the cell lines contains an exogenous repeat integrated into the genome by the Sleeping Beauty transposon; in another cell line, the vector is maintained as an episome due to the SV40 origin of replication. These experimental systems can serve for f inding the causes of instability and the development of therapeutic agents. In addition, a criterion was developed for the quantif ication of exogenous (CGG)n repeat instability in the transgenic cell lines’ genome

    Использование метрик уровней готовности при оценке зрелости продукта или технологии к применению в ОАО «РЖД»

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    The article is devoted to the methods for maturity assessment of an innovative product or technology for implementation at the enterprises of JSCo “RZD” and assessing the risks of not achieving the readiness level of innovative projects. The main principles, scope and effects of using methods are noted. The method was developed for JSCo “RZD” and based on the TPRL methodology for a complex assessment of the technological project readiness level with the improvement of the procedure, rules and the mathematical model of assessment in accordance with the management processes in the railway industry. Approbation of the proposed assessment methods was carried out on the examples of promising innovative proposals received by the “SingleWindow of Innovations of JSCo “RZD”.The methods can be used for: a) assessing the level of technology development in JSCo “RZD” and comparing the level of technological development of the Russian Railways holding with foreign analogue companies; b) making a management decision on financing a development project, or on purchasing an innovative product and (or) technology and introducing it into the production process of JSCo “RZD”; c) building and verifying a product (technology) development and implementation roadmaps; d) monitoring the implementation of a project for the development and implementation of a product (technology), etc.The application of the methods will improve the efficiency of innovation activities in JSCo “RZD”.Статья посвящена методике оценки зрелости инновационного продукта (технологии) к внедрению на предприятиях ОАО «РЖД» и оценки рисков недостижения уровня готовности инновационных проектов. Отмечены основные принципы, сфера применения и результаты использования методики. Методика разработана в интересах ОАО «РЖД» на основе методологии комплексной оценки уровня технологической готовности проекта TPRL с усовершенствованием порядка и правил выполнения и математической модели оценки в соответствии с процессами управления в железнодорожной отрасли. Выполнена апробация применимости предложенных подходов на примерах перспективных инновационных предложений, поступивших в «Единое окно инноваций ОАО «РЖД».Методика может быть использована: а) при оценке уровня освоения технологий в ОАО «РЖД» и сопоставлении уровня технологического развития холдинга «РЖД» с зарубежными компаниями-аналогами;б) при принятии управленческого решения о финансировании проекта разработки или о закупке инновационного продукта и (или) технологии и внедрении в производственный процесс ОАО «РЖД»;в) для построения и верификации дорожных карт по разработке и внедрению продукта (технологии);г) при контроле выполнения проекта разработки и внедрения продукта (технологии) и др.Применение методики позволит повысить эффективность инновационной деятельности в ОАО «РЖД»