58 research outputs found

    Light-Triggered Electron Transfer between a Conjugated Polymer and Cytochrome C for Optical Modulation of Redox Signaling

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    Protein reduction/oxidation processes trigger and finely regulate a myriad of physiological and pathological cellular functions. Many biochemical and biophysical stimuli have been recently explored to precisely and effectively modulate intracellular redox signaling, due to the considerable therapeutic potential. Here, we propose a first step toward an approach based on visible light excitation of a thiophene-based semiconducting polymer (P3HT), demonstrating the realization of a hybrid interface with the Cytochrome c protein (CytC), in an extracellular environment. By means of scanning electrochemical microscopy and spectro-electrochemistry measurements, we demonstrate that, upon optical stimulation, a functional interaction between P3HT and CytC is established. Polymer optical excitation locally triggers photoelectrochemical reactions, leading to modulation of CytC redox activity, either through an intermediate step, involving reactive oxygen species formation, or via a direct photoreduction process. Both processes are triggered by light, thus allowing excellent spatiotemporal resolution, paving the way to precise modulation of protein redox signaling

    Synthesis of modified fullerenes for oxygen reduction reactions

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    In the search for carbon based catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reactions (ORR), two different classes of fullerene hybrids and metal free fullerene derivatives have been prepared by highly selective metal- and organo-catalyzed synthetic methods. They were included as both electron acceptors and catalysts in polymer-based photo-electrochemical cell,fully demonstrating electrocatalytic activity. Remarkably, the activity of the metal free fullerenes proved to be as high as that observed for metallofullerenes based on noble metals, and up to ten-fold higher than by using PCBM

    Micro- and Nanopatterned Silk Substrates for Antifouling Applications

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    A major problem of current biomedical implants is the bacterial colonization and subsequent biofilm formation, which seriously affects their functioning and can lead to serious post-surgical complications. Intensive efforts have been directed toward the development of novel technologies that can prevent bacterial colonization while requiring minimal antibiotics doses. To this end, biocompatible materials with intrinsic antifouling capabilities are in high demand. Silk fibroin, widely employed in biotechnology, represents an interesting candidate. Here, we employ a soft-lithography approach to realize micro- and nanostructured silk fibroin substrates, with different geometries. We show that patterned silk film substrates support mammal cells (HEK-293) adhesion and proliferation, and at the same time, they intrinsically display remarkable antifouling properties. We employ Escherichia coli as representative Gram-negative bacteria, and we observe an up to 66% decrease in the number of bacteria that adhere to patterned silk surfaces as compared to control, flat silk samples. The mechanism leading to the inhibition of biofilm formation critically depends on the microstructure geometry, involving both a steric and a hydrophobic effect. We also couple silk fibroin patterned films to a biocompatible, optically responsive organic semiconductor, and we verify that the antifouling properties are very well preserved. The technology described here is of interest for the next generation of biomedical implants, involving the use of materials with enhanced antibacterial capability, easy processability, high biocompatibility, and prompt availability for coupling with photoimaging and photodetection techniques

    P-type Semiconducting Polymers as Photocathodes: A Comparative Study for Optobioelectronics

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    Recent studies have shown that p-type polymeric semiconductors enable a new type of wireless, optically triggered interface with cells and tissues. Poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) (P3HT) has already been used to create such optobioelectronic interfaces, producing reactive oxygen species and hydrogen peroxide that act as messengers in biological systems to impact cell signaling and proliferation. However, the use of P3HT in biomedical in-vivo applications is limited as its optical absorption does not match the tissue transparency window. This paper compares the performance of P3HT with two low band-gap polymers commonly employed in high-performance organic solar cells, namely Poly[[4,8-bis[5-(2-ethylhexyl)-2-thienyl]benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b′]dithiophene-2,6-diyl]-2,5-thiophenediyl[5,7-bis(2-ethylhexyl)-4,8-dioxo-4H,8H-benzo[1,2-c:4,5-c′]dithiophene-1,3-diyl]] (PBDB-T) and Poly({4,8-bis[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b′]dithiophene-2,6-diyl}{3-fluoro-2-[(2-ethylhexyl)carbonyl]thieno[3,4-b] thiophenediyl}) (PTB7). Their photogeneration capabilities are quantified in physiological-like conditions through photocurrent analysis and a hydrogen peroxide assay, finding a superior photocurrent generation and a better H2O2 photogeneration yield in PTB7 as compared to the other two polymers. Spectroscopic and structural investigations are used to compare such differences by comparing their energy levels at the electrochemical interface and their morphologies. Finally, biocompatibility is tested both in dark and illuminated conditions and effective in-vitro intracellular ROS production is demonstrated. These findings provide insight into the physico-chemical properties crucial for the development of novel, less invasive, optically operated bioelectronic interfaces

    Surgical ‘damage control’ treatment of a large retroperitoneal liposarcoma encasing a horseshoe kidney

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    Damage control is a surgical strategy for severely compromised trauma patients based on speed control of life-threatening injuries that aims to rapidly resuscitate patients in an intensive care unit (ICU). We report on the use of such therapeutic strategy in a patient affected by a retroperitoneal sarcoma concomitant to a horseshoe kidney, a relatively rare anatomical malformation

    Conjugated polymers mediate intracellular Ca2+ signals in circulating endothelial colony forming cells through the reactive oxygen species-dependent activation of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 (TRPV1)

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    Endothelial colony forming cells (ECFCs) represent the most suitable cellular substrate to induce revascularization of ischemic tissues. Recently, optical excitation of the light-sensitive conjugated polymer, regioregular Poly (3-hexyl-thiophene), rr-P3HT, was found to stimulate ECFC proliferation and tube formation by activating the non-selective cation channel, Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 (TRPV1). Herein, we adopted a multidisciplinary approach, ranging from intracellular Ca2+ imaging to pharmacological manipulation and genetic suppression of TRPV1 expression, to investigate the effects of photoexcitation on intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+](i)) in circulating ECFCs plated on rr-P3HT thin films. Polymer-mediated optical excitation induced a long-lasting increase in [Ca2+](i) that could display an oscillatory pattern at shorter light stimuli. Pharmacological and genetic manipulation revealed that the Ca2+ response to light was triggered by extracellular Ca2+ entry through TRPV1, whose activation required the production of reactive oxygen species at the interface between rr-P3HT and the cell membrane. Light-induced TRPV1-mediated Ca2+ entry was able to evoke intracellular Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum through inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors, followed by store-operated Ca2+ entry on the plasma membrane. These data show that TRPV1 may serve as a decoder at the interface between rr-P3HT thin films and ECFCs to translate optical excitation in pro-angiogenic Ca2+ signals

    Photocatalytic Activity of Polymer Nanoparticles Modulates Intracellular Calcium Dynamics and Reactive Oxygen Species in HEK-293 Cells

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    Optical modulation of living cells activity by light-absorbing exogenous materials is gaining increasing interest, due to the possibility both to achieve high spatial and temporal resolution with a minimally invasive and reversible technique and to avoid the need of viral transfection with light-sensitive proteins. In this context, conjugated polymers represent ideal candidates for photo-transduction, due to their excellent optoelectronic and biocompatibility properties. In this work, we demonstrate that organic polymer nanoparticles, based on poly(3-hexylthiophene) conjugated polymer, establish a functional interaction with an in vitro cell model (Human Embryonic Kidney cells, HEK-293). They display photocatalytic activity in aqueous environment and, once internalized within the cell cytosol, efficiently generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) upon visible light excitation, without affecting cell viability. Interestingly, light-activated ROS generation deterministically triggers modulation of intracellular calcium ion flux, successfully controlled at the single cell level. In perspective, the capability of polymer NPs to produce ROS and to modulate Ca2+ dynamics by illumination on-demand, at non-toxic levels, may open the path to the study of biological processes with a gene-less approach and unprecedented spatio-temporal resolution, as well as to the development of new biotechnology tools for cell optical modulation

    Spazio come evento. Animato e inanimato negli interstizi urbani

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    Il lavoro intitolato Spazio come evento. Animato e inanimato negli interstizi urbani intende avviare una rilettura filosofica dello spazio urbano a partire dai contributi di Doreen Massey, Gilles Deleuze e Bruno Latour. Un simile tentativo è possibile unicamente svincolando la riflessione dalle posizioni di coloro che sostengono l’ormai sopraggiunta impossibilità di comprendere la città. Secondo questi ultimi, infatti, qualsiasi pretesa di dare o di intravedere un ordine e una pianificazione nelle trame del tessuto urbano sarebbe stata definitivamente scompaginata o neutralizzata. Diversamente, la proposta della presente ricerca consiste in uno studio dello spazio urbano come interazione localizzata di agenti umani e non umani, che nella rinuncia alla pretesa di dare armonia allo spazio riconosce, tuttavia, la composizione di nuove e inedite melodie, senza arrendersi a una solo apparente dissonanza. L'obiettivo, dunque, è di far emergere un concetto città come accadimento ed evento materiale, ovvero come incontro tra agenti eterogenei entro uno spazio di contingenza che non preesiste all’incontro stesso, ma ne costituisce al contempo l’esito e la perimetrazione. A questo proposito il lavoro si articola in cinque capitoli. Nel primo capitolo si conduce un approfondimento delle posizioni espresse da Massey nel fondamentale testo For Space, cercando di innestarle su un orizzonte filosofico deleuziano, al fine di farne emergere le implicazioni ontologiche e, al contempo, di radicalizzarne il portato. A un concetto di spazio come assemblaggio aperto, eterogeneo e dinamico si vengono ad aggiungere connotazioni quali l’immanenza, l’evenemenzialità, la deterritorializzazione e la differenza. Il secondo capitolo si concentra specificatamente sul carattere attivo, o meglio, agentivo dello spazio e dei corpi che lo abitano e che lo compongono. Centrale si rivela il riferimento alla riflessione di Latour la cui posizione teorica rompe i legami con quelle griglie rigide che parte ampia della sociologia pone a fondamento del mondo sociale, culturale e politico – come, per esempio, quelle di sistema e di struttura – e consente di indagare il modo in cui quei corpi umani e non umani, animati e inanimati, interagiscono, partecipando attivamente alla costituzione dello spazio. A partire dalla cornice immanentistica deleuziana, all’interno della quale è stato situato il discorso di Massey successivamente sviluppato attraverso il contributo di Latour, nel terzo capitolo viene analizzata la reciproca costituzione di spazio e corpi che si è precedentemente venuta a delineare. In ragione di ciò, vi si discute la natura composizionale, emergenziale e materiale dello spazio, il suo collocarsi nella sperimentazione di assemblaggi sempre nuovi e sorgivi, mai semplicemente dati. A questo proposito, se vi è un’agentività dello spazio, inseparabile dall’attività dei corpi, la materia deve essere intesa come la matrice di una simile inseparabilità, non un vincolo ma un principio di indeterminazione e rideterminazione a partire dal quale è possibile dare ragione del mondo come un divenire di e in una caotica rete di connessioni. Se tuttavia una simile caoticità non costringe ad arrendersi alla presunta illeggibilità e incomprensibilità dello spazio urbano, ciò significa che sarà ancora possibile pensare – e praticare – una politica della città. Pertanto, nel quarto capitolo si illustrano due diversi modelli organizzativi del potere e dei suoi rapporti tesi al controllo e alla gestione dello spazio: un modello politico che ha il proprio fondamento nei rapporti di potere di tipo causale e uno nei rapporti di potere di tipo relazionale. Nello stesso capitolo, facendo emergere la complicità tra potenza, deleuzianamente intesa, e potere, l’obiettivo è di contribuire ad aprire la strada a una politica urbanistica alternativa al modello gestionale e disciplinare del potere, in direzione di un divenire minoritario della politica stessa. Si tratta di una micro-politica all’altezza di una città che si afferma sempre e solo come il piano di consistenza orizzontale, a- significante, a-soggettivo, accondiscendendo, e non ostacolando, agli eventi, alle eterogeneità, alle esperienze che vi balenano. Il quinto e ultimo capitolo rappresenta il precipitato o la messa in opera dei concetti precedentemente acquisiti. A partire da studi etnografici condotti di recente, dall’esperienza della pandemia da Covid-19, è emersa una forte e spontanea solidarietà tra ciò che è umano e ciò che non lo è, tra il colto e l’incolto, tra il domestico e il selvatico, nella costituzione dello spazio che abitiamo. Alla luce di questo studio si può dunque sostenere che è ancora possibile offrire una lettura della città che riesca a coglierla nonostante i suoi fremiti; una lettura che rinuncia all’universale e all’eternità quali categorie perentorie e necessarie a definire uno spazio cittadino e che si affida alla bontà dell’evento

    "Reference Mollusk". Space as material and emerging property

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    This article provides a contribution to the debate on space towards a concept that echoes the image of Einstein's Reference Mollusk. Considering Doreen Massey's, Gilles Deleuze', Bruno Latour' and Carlo Rovelli' works, the space is presented as multidirectional vector field, an aggregation of moving bodies, so it is no longer something different from matter, something that stands out from the things, a conteiner; rather an affirmative, productive matter. This configuration leads us to a concept of space not only as an emerging property, but also an absolutely material movement, knowable and therefore identifiable following a pragmatic of experimentation
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