67 research outputs found

    Rate of Sediment Yield in the Conveyance Canals of Kano River Irrigation Project (Phase I) North-Western Nigeria

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    This study examined the rate of sedimentation in the conveyance canals of Kano River Irrigation Project (Phase I). Five canals were sampled from the total number of canals using systematic sampling technique. The base lines of the canals were taken to be the transect line, and all the samples were taken with reference to the transect line using simple random sampling. The method adopted was a combination of volumetric analysis and filtration method for field and laboratory work respectively. Variables investigated include canal discharge at pre and post siltation period, sediment texture, and sedimentation of the canals. Descriptive statistics with the use of tables (as means total and percentages) was used for the analysis and presentation of data collected on canals discharge, sediment texture and suspended and dissolved sediments. The deposit consists of a fine sand fraction (76.3%) with a small amount of clay and silt of about 12.04% and 11.66% respectively. The average canal concentration for the suspended sediment concentration was found to be 8474.4 ton per annum. Although result of student t-test revealed no difference between the present and potential discharge the canals discharge has reduced by 47%. And this in turn affected the farms by reducing the total designed irrigable hectares of land. Many factors are believed to have contributed to the increase of sediments in the canals which include movement of farm tractors across the canals, poor irrigation practice by the farmers, and lack of adequate maintenance. It is recommended among other things that: there should be effective maintenance and monitoring of the canals through regular disilting and cleaning the canals by the participant farmers and the government. Keywords: Canals, siltation, discharge, texture, accumulation


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    Environmental hydrogeo-chemistry is unique in focusing directly on the presence of dissolved salts and other contaminants observed in the surface and ground water sources, resulting in intriguing fall in the productivity of public health issues related to environment. This is mostly brought by Intensive human and agricultural activity. Trace elements, normally present in minute quantities in the stream water are a major influence on health. Chemical data itself can be used to obtain information about geological processes. Spectro-photometric methods and procedures for the evaluation of water samples were use to obtain values of concentrations of a selected number of alkaline elements and their compounds, in addition to other water condition indicators. These were sampled and evaluated. The result of the research shows that, all the parameters tested show variations when compared with the control site, but the concentration is not severe to the level it makes the water not suitable for either domestic or agricultural use. The study therefore, recommended for frequent monitoring of the soil, sand, water conditions in order to detect early signs of hazards

    Analysis of 137 obstetric fistula cases seen at three fistula centres in northwest Nigeria

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    Objectives: To determine the contributory factors to development of obstetric fistula and to determine the knowledge and practice of modern contraception among fistula patients.Design: Descriptive hospital cross-sectional study.Setting: Three fistula centres in north west Nigeria.Subjects: All obstetric fistula patients that met the inclusion criteria.Results: Of 137 cases of obstetric fistula patients that satisfied the inclusion criteria, 88% had only Vesico-vaginal fistula, while 10% and 2% had recto-vaginal fistula, and combined vesico vaginal fistula and recto-vaginal fistula respectively. All the patients had early marriage (before age 20 years) with median ages at first marriage of 15 years and at presentation in hospital of 16 years. Majority (93.4%) of the patients developed fistula during the first delivery. Approximately two-third of the patients had no form of education. Only 42.3% of the patients received antenatal care and 86% delivered at home. Only 28% of the patients was aware of modern contraception and 2% had used modern contraceptive before developing fistula. All the patients expressed willingness to use modern contraception after fistula repair.Conclusion: This study shows that child marriage, low education, unskilled birth attendance and low contraceptive uptake are common among the obstetric fistula patients in north west Nigeria. Public advocacy and formulation of laws and policies to protect girls from early marriage, girl child education to secondary school level be encouraged, public education on the importance of and utilisation of maternity and modern family planning services

    Prevalence of Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamases (ESBL) Producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae in Tuberculosis Patients in Kano, Nigeria

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    Resistance to broad spectrum β lactams, mediated by extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESβL) is an increasing problem worldwide. Production of these enzymes in clinical infections can result in treatment failure if one of the second or third generation cephalosporins is used. This study investigates the incidence of ESBL among E. coli and K. pneumoniae which were isolated from tuberculosis patients with secondary opportunistic bacterial infection attending Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital (AKTH), Kano and Infectious Disease Hospital (IDH), Kano. A total of 37 E. coli and 33 K. pneumoniae obtained from their sputum were screened for ESBL production by Double disk synergy test method (DDST). Prevalence of 37.3% (14/37) and 36.4% (12/33) was recorded for Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae respectively. Furthermore, a slight high prevalence of 39.4% (13/33) was recorded with the female tuberculosis patients when compared with their male counterpart 35.1% (13/37). Escherichia coli harboring ESBL were more encountered among the elderly patients aged 31-50 (13/51 or 25.5%) when compared with K. pneumoniae with (9/51 or 17.6%). The study shows alarming rise in ESBL production among Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli among immunocompromised patients raising fear of possible emergence of multiple drug resistant bacteria that will be hard to treat. Thereby early detection of ESBL in these patients is recommended to curb the spread. Keywords: Extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBLs), Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Tuberculosis

    Ameliorative Effect of Faidherbia albida Against 2.4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine Induced Hyperbilirubinemia in Wistar Albino Rats

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    Maryam Ibrahim Tukur,1 Ibrahim Babangida Abubakar,2 Isah Musa Fakai,1 Jamilu Bala Danjuma,1 Ibrahim Malami,3 Aliyu Muhammad4 1Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Life Sciences, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero, Kebbi State, Nigeria; 2Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, Kampala International University, Kampala, Uganda; 3Department of Pharmacognosy and Ethnopharmacy, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Usmanu Danfodio University, Sokoto, Nigeria; 4Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Life Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Zaria, 810271, NigeriaCorrespondence: Ibrahim Babangida Abubakar, Email [email protected]: Faidherbia albida, popularly known as gawo in Hausa, is traditionally used to treat jaundice in Zuru emirate of Kebbi State. Herein, the ameliorative effect of F. albida against 2.4-dinitrophenylhydrazine-induced hyperbilirubinemia in Wistar albino rats was investigated.Methods: Thirty healthy rats were administered 75 mg of 2.4-dinitrophenylhydrazine to induce hyperbilirubinemia. Thereafter, groups 1ā€“ 3 received 500, 750, and 1000 mg/kg body weight of the methanol stem-bark extract, and 15 mg/kg of phenobarbitone (standard drug) was administered to group 4. Groups 5 and 6 served as the untreated and normal controls, respectively. The phytochemical composition was evaluated using standard methods, and acute oral toxicity was evaluated using standard OECD 2008 guidelines.Results: Phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of alkaloids, phenols, and a substantial amount of tannins. A significant (P< 0.05) reduction of direct bilirubin, total bilirubin, and total protein levels for all the doses of the extract and standard drug compared to untreated groups was observed. Similarly, there were significant reductions in serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels of the group treated with the standard drug and all extract-treated groups compared to elevated levels observed in untreated controls. However, a significant (P< 0.05) increase in serum albumin (ALB) levels, red blood cells, hemoglobin, and pack cell volume was observed in all extract-treated compared to the untreated control in contrast to a significant decrease in MCH levels in treated groups compared to the untreated group.Conclusion: F. albida ameliorated the hyperbilirubinemia induced by 2.4-dinitrophenylhydrazine in Wistar albino rats, thus providing some support for its use in traditional medicine to treat jaundice.Keywords: Faidherbia albida, jaundice, liver enzymes, hyperbilirubinemia, 2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrazine, red blood cell

    Increasing the productivity of sorghum farmers in Sudan Savannah of Nigerian: Effect of Access to improved technology and market

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    Sorghum has assumed greater importance in the economies of several African countries especially with the renewed interest by processors who are interested in using the grain to compliment/substitute wheat and barley in the confectionery and malting industries. Low on-farm grain yields are attributed to low use of inputs including seeds and fertilizers as well as good agronomic practices. ICRISAT Nigeria, in collaboration with several partners under the Agricultural Transformation Support Project (ATASP-1) implemented several activities including thematic training, on-farm technology demonstrations, community seed production and formation of innovation platforms (IPs) for market linkages. Remarkable progress were made in enhancing access to quality seeds and other inputs to over 40,000 farmers while expanding knowledge of Improved technologies to over 100 communities. During the 2016 cropping season, farmers produced over 70,268 Mt of grains valued at N9.135billion (US$29M). The impacts of trainings resulted in about 60% improvement in the understanding of good agronomic practices and post-harvest handling by the farmers and extension agents. The use of improved technologies increased grain yields by 30 to 64% (improved varieties), 27 to 38% (seed dressing), and 20% to 55% (tillage practices). Through IPs and market linkages to large scale processors, 109.76 tons of seeds were procured, distributed and planted. Average yield obtained from improved technologies was 1.5 t/ha compared to 1.1 t/ha by other farmers giving a 40% increase. A total of 1,093 women farmers comprising of about 34.2% of the total number of participating farmers benefited directly from the project. Seed fairs, radios and audio-visual broadcasts on improved production technologies and market availability were used to reach non-participating farmers within the zones. The combination of methods stimulated adoption of improved sorghum production technologies and market linkages proofed effective in achieving both increased sorghum yields and household income

    Effect of cyclic heat treatment process on the pitting corrosion resistance of EN-1.4405 martensitic, EN-1.4404 austenitic, and EN-1.4539 austenitic stainless steels in chloride-sulfate solution.

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    The effect of high temperature variation on the corrosion resistance of EN-1.4405, EN-1.4404, and EN-1.4539 stainless steels in 2 M H2SO4/3.5% NaCl solution was studied. Untreated EN 1.4405 exhibited the highest corrosion rate at 4.775 mm/year compared to untreated EN 1.4539 with the lowest corrosion rate (1.043 mm/year). Repetitive heat treatment significantly decreased the corrosion rate of the steels by 54.61%, 27.83%, and 50.28% to 2.167, 1.396, and 0.519 mm/year. EN-1.4539 steel exhibited the shortest metastable pitting activity among the untreated steels due to higher resistance to transient pit formation while heat treated EN-1.4404 and EN-1.4539 steels exhibited double metastable pitting activity. Heat treated EN-1.4405 was unable to passivate after anodic polarization signifying weak corrosion resistance. Pitting current of heat-treated steels was generally higher than the untreated counterparts. Heat treatment extended the passivation range value of EN-1.4405 and EN-1.4539 steels compared to those of the untreated steels. The corrosion potential of heat-treated steels significantly shifted to electronegative values. The optical image of untreated and heat treated EN-1.4404 and EN-1.4539 steels were generally similar while the images for EN-1.4405 significantly contrast each other

    A qualitative focus group study concerning perceptions and experiences of Nigerian mothers on stillbirths

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    Objective To explore the experiences and perceptions of stillbirth among mothers from a tertiary medical centre in Kano, Northern Nigeria. Design Qualitative, interpretative. Setting Tertiary healthcare facility, Murtala Muhammad Specialist Hospital (MMSH), Kano, Northern Nigeria. Sample Mothers who had given birth to a liveborn baby at the MMSH in the prior 6 months (n =ā€‰31). In order to capture the experiences and perception of stillbirth within this cohort we approached mothers who had in a previous pregnancy experienced a stillbirth. Of the 31 who attended 16 had a previous stillbirth. Methods Semi-structured Focus Group Discussions, consisting of open-ended questions about stillbirth, beliefs, experiences and influences were held in MMSH, conducted over 1 day. Results Our findings highlight that this is a resource-poor tertiary facility serving an ever-growing population, increasing strain on the hospital and healthcare workers. Many of the participants highlighted needing permission from certain family members before accessing healthcare or medical treatment. We identified that mothers generally have knowledge on self-care during pregnancy, yet certain societal factors prevented that from being their priority. Judgement and blame was a common theme, yet a complex area entwined with traditions, superstitions and the pressure to procreate with many mothers described being made to feel useless and worthless if they did not birth a live baby. Conclusions As access to healthcare becomes easier, there are certain traditions, family and social dynamics and beliefs which conflict with scientific knowledge and act as a major barrier to uptake of healthcare services. The findings highlight the need for investment in maternity care, appropriate health education and public enlightenment; they will help inform appropriate interventions aimed at reducing stigma around stillbirth and aide in educating mothers about the importance of appropriate health seeking behaviour. Stillbirths are occurring in this area of the world unnecessarily, globally there has been extensive research conducted on stillbirth prevention. This research has highlighted some of the areas which can be tackled by modifying existing successful interventions to work towards reducing preventable stillbirths
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