16 research outputs found


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    Wife has an important role in helping the family economy. Hamadi village, Subdistrict South Jayapura, Jayapura City is one of Village that has a fishing community. Problems that occur are not yet available business institutions in the community that can  coordination fish processing business activities and Causing a lack of motivation and innovation as well as community creativity in developing processed fish products. This happened to one of the fishery business groups is POLAKSHAR Mama Papua, where processed fishery products are only made into smoked fish simply.  The Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach was used in this activity.The community has a large role to implementing the proses and can make processed fishery products, namely meatballs that use tuna meat by adding black ink hitam which comes from squid rich in glutamic acid so that it tastes like guri umami truffle and Parmesan cheese, and can  improve income  and can managed well in a book keepin


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    Mangrove forest is a very productive and beneficial ecosystem. Mangrove forest resources in Amahai Village will be increasingly exploited along with the increasing population and economic pressure. The aim of this research is to identify the forms of use by the community in the mangrove area, and to recommend mangrove ecosystem management strategies in Amahai Village. This research was conducted in the mangrove forest area of ​​Amahai Village, Central Maluku Regency from September to November 2018. Sampling was carried out by purposive sampling technique of 36 respondents. The analytical method used is data analysis of descriptive qualitative to identify forms of utilization by the community. SWOT analysis is used to analyze the management strategies of mangrove ecosystem on Amahai Village by identifying internal strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities external threats. The results obtained five forms of utilization carried out in the mangrove area of ​​Amahai Village, those are fishing, collecting sea cucumbers, gleaning shellfish (bameti), tourism (recreation), and research. There are eight management strategies produced, namely 1) implementing government policies to maintain the potential of mangrove ecosystem resources in order to meet community needs and regional income; 2) utilizing the potential of mangrove ecosystem resources for ecotourism activities and support science and technology; 3) revitalization of customary institutions as an effort to manage mangrove ecosystem areas; 4) organizing resource processing activities in the mangrove ecosystem to meet nutritional needs and increase community income; 5) development of mangrove areas with an environmental insight; 6) improving MCS (Monitoring, Controling and Surveillance); 7) improving coordination among stakeholders; and 8) increasing community knowledge and awareness about the function of mangrove ecosystems and the skills of the communities around the mangrove area.   ABSTRAK Hutan mangrove merupakan suatu ekosistem yang sangat produktif dan memberikan manfaat. Sumberdaya hutan mangrove di Negeri Amahai akan semakin tereksploitasi seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah penduduk dan desakan ekonomi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi bentuk-bentuk pemanfaatan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat di kawasan mangrove, serta merekomendasikan strategi pengelolaan ekosistem mangrove di Negeri Amahai. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kawasan hutan mangrove Negeri Amahai, Kabupaten Maluku Tengah pada bulan September hingga November 2018. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling terhadap responden sebanyak 36 orang. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis data deskriptif kualitatif untuk mengidentifikasi bentuk-bentuk pemanfaatan yang dilakukan masyarakat. Analisa SWOT digunakan untuk menganalisis strategi pengelolaan ekosistem mangrove Negeri Amahai dengan mengideintifikasi kekuatan dan kelemahan internal serta peluang dan ancaman eksternal. Hasil penelitian diperoleh lima bentuk pemanfaatan yang dilakukan pada kawasan mangrove Negeri Amahai yaitu penangkapan ikan, pengumpulan teripang, bameti, wisata (rekreasi), serta penelitian. Terdapat delapan strategi pengelolaan yang dihasilkan yaitu 1) mengimplementasikan kebijakan pemerintah untuk menjaga potensi sumberdaya ekosistem mangrove guna pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat dan pendapatan daerah; 2) memanfaatkan potensi sumberdaya ekosistem mangrove untuk kegiatan ekowisata serta mendukung ilmu pengetahuan dan terknologi; 3) revitalisasi kelembagaan adat sebagai upaya mengelola kawasan eksoistem mangrove; 4) menyelenggarakan kegiatan pengolahan sumberdaya pada ekosistem mangrove untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gizi dan meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat; 5) pengembangan kawasan mangrove yang berwawasan lingkungan; 6) peningkatan monitoring, controling and surveilance; 7) meningkatkan koordinasi antar stakeholder; dan 8) meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesadaran masyarakat tentang fungsi ekosistem mangrove serta keterampilan masyarakat sekitar daerah mangrove   Kata Kunci: Strategi pengelolaan, ekosistem mangrove, SWOT, keberlanjutan, Negeri Amaha


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    Background: The issue of IUU fishing is a major threat to fish stocks in today's world, regionally and nationally. In order to prevent and control IUU fishing, supervision at fishing ports needs attention to be evaluated. Methods: This study was conducted for 5 months from August to December 2018. The data analysis used was SWOT and AHP. Results:The results obtained in this study were optimization of ASN capacity development for IUUF prevention and control (0.0257), increased education and outreach for fishermen about the importance of IUUF prevention and control (0.0195), RPP policy (local fisheries management plan) (0.0180), Increased accessibility of fishermen and fisheries officers (0.0134), Improved TPI functions (0.0089), Improved coordination between fishermen, entrepreneurs and fisheries supervisors (0.0086), Improved monitoring, controlling and surveillance (MCS ) between ASN and the community (0.0058). Conclusion: There has been an increase in strategies and priorities for prevention and control of iuu fishing in PPP Banda


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    Background: Phytoplankton is one of the microalgae that has great potential as an energy source, one of which is Chlorella sp.. Chlorella sp. is the largest producer of protein compared to other types of phytoplankton. The lipid and fatty acid content in microalgae is a source of energy that plays a role in the process of making biodiesel. Phytoplankton type Chlorella sp. easy to cultivate and breed. Supporting breeding in the process is supported by the use of fertilizers that are rich in nutrients so that it will optimize the growth of these phytoplankton. Generally fertilizer is divided into two, namely inorganic fertilizer and organic fertilizer. The aim of this research was to determine the fat content of Chlorella sp. which was obtained from the results of culture with the treatment of giving skipjack tuna fertilizer through a proximate test. Methods: This research was conducted by taking samples of Chlorella sp. At Base-G Beach. Samples were cultured and added liquid fertilizer from skipjack fish waste at a concentration of 4;8;12 ml/L. Chlorella sp. The culture results were calculated for cell density and tested for fat content through proximate fat analysis. Results: The study showed that the density of microalgae cells produced ranges from 0.21 x106 cells/ml to 0.51x106 cells/ml. The average proximate analysis of fat in microalgae was 0.022%-0.039% (w/w). The application of skipjack tuna waste fertilizer affected the proximate fat value of Chlorella sp. (p<0.05). Conclusion: The proximate fat content in Chlorella sp samples from Base-G beach which were cultured with the addition of liquid skipjack tuna waste fertilizer was 0.022-0.039% (w/w)


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    Backround: The existence of mangrove forests has an important meaning for human life and also the environment around it. One of the villages that has a mangrove ecosystem Bukisi Village Yokari District. The existence of mangrove forests can provide benefits both ecological and economic  so it is interesting to research. The use of mangrove ecosystem areas has not been carried out properly and will experience damage, So that research on the use around mangrove ecosystems needs to be carried out. Method: This research was carried out for 3 months with primary and secondary data collection on July – September 2022. The data analysis used is quantitative descriptive. Resultas : Utilization carried out around the mangrove area of Bukisi Village are as a fishing ground, Crabs and shellfish, Where to find sources of construction materials, sources of energy materials, Tourist attractions, and sacred areas. Conclusion. Then, Efforts to be made in the development of the mangrove area are the development of carbon sequestration, pay attention to socioeconomic issues, p integrated mangrove management and restoration. Keywords: Utilization of Mangrove Ecosystems, Bukisi Village

    Pengenalan Alat Navigasi, Keselamatan dan Kesehatan pada Kapal Penangkap Ikan Enterprise di Perairan Selat Makassar

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    On voyage fishing vessel should be equipped with proper navigation equipment. Cadets who will be working onboard of a  fishing vessel should understanding and aware of navigational equipment, safety equipment and healthy equipment. Because ,it could cause accident and awareness on navigational equipment. One of the ways for cadets to understand about navigation equipment are Maps, Campasses, Global Positioning System, Radia and Automatic Identification System. Each of these navigation equipment are hhaving their own function and operating system. So, it is a mandatory for every cadets to understand and aware in operating sthes navigation and know about  safety equipment and healthy equipment on Enterprise fishing vessel


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    Tihlepuai Bay in Morella Village has a protected area called Kebun Kima, which has been developed to become a location for marine ecotourism. An increase in visitor numbers is thought to disrupt conservation activities due to the lack of understanding of local people and tourists regarding the importance of developing marine conservation and tourism. This study aims to analyze the suitability and carrying capacity of the Kebun Kima ecotourism area. The research was conducted in Kebun Kima ecotourism area in Tihlepuai Bay from April to June 2020. Data collection on the suitability of the location designated for the snorkeling and diving categories was obtained from the results of measuring the suitability parameters of the area. Carrying capacity data is intended to determine the number of tourists who can occupy the area. Community social data collection in the form of support for the development of marine ecotourism in the Kebun Kima and tourists' assessment of the coral reef's beauty was obtained from interview results, field observation, and questionnaires. The data obtained were then analyzed descriptively. Based on the study's results, diving and snorkeling activities are suitable for development with a carrying capacity of 4 people per day, both snorkeling and diving. The proportion of people who do not know about the impact of coral reef damage is about 55%, while the proportion of tourists evaluating the coral reef's attractiveness is 60% for the 'very good' category.   ABSTRAK Pantai Teluk Tihlepuai di Negeri Morella memiliki sebuah kawasan yang dilindungi bernama Kebun Kima yang dikembangkan menjadi lokasi ekowisata bahari. Peningkatan jumlah pengunjung di kawasan konservasi Kebun Kima diduga dapat mengganggu kegiatan konservasi. Hal ini disebabkan kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat lokal maupun wisatawan tentang pentingnya pengembangan konservasi dan wisata bahari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kesesuaian dan daya dukung kawasan ekowisata kebun kima. Penelitian dilakukan di kawasan ekowisata Kebun Kima di Pantai Teluk Tihlepuai, Negeri Morella, Kabupaten Maluku Tengah pada April-Juni 2020. Pengambilan data kesesuaian lokasi yang diperuntukkan untuk kategori snorkeling dan selam diperoleh dari hasil pengukuran parameter kesesuaian kawasan. Pengambilan data daya dukung diperuntukkan untuk mengetahui jumlah wisatawan yang dapat menempati kawasan tersebut. Pengambilan data sosial masyarakat berupa dukungan terhadap pengembangan ekowisata bahari kebun kima dan penilaian wisatawan terhadap keindahan terumbu karang diperoleh dari hasil wawancara, pengamatan lapangan, dan penyebaran kuesioner. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, kegiatan selam dan snorkeling sesuai untuk dikembangkan serta snorkeling dengan daya dukung mampu melayani 4 orang/hari, dan kategori selam dengan tingkat pelayanan 4 orang wisatawan/hari. Persepsi masyarakat kategori tidak tahu tentang dampak kerusakan terumbu karang sebesar 55%, sedangkan penialian wisatawan terhadap keindangan terumbu karang di kebun kima kategori sangat bagus sebesar 60%. Kata kunci: Ekowisata, kebun kima, kesesuaian, daya dukung, Negeri Morell

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Produk Olahan Ikan “Kripik Ikan Cakalang” untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Ibu-ibu Rumah Tangga pada PW GKI Siloam Waena

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    PW GKI Siloam merupakan persekutuan ibu-ibu yang memiliki peran membangun rohani tetapi juga berperan dalam pendidikan.  PW GKI  Siloam merupakan kumpulan ibu-ibu rumah tangga yang bekerja sebagai PNS, swasta dan sebagai ibu rumah tangga.  Sebagai ibu rumah tangga yang tidak memiliki penghasilan sangat kesulitan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga. Untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pokok dan sekunder seperti kebutuhan makan atau kebutuhan pendidikan/sekolah anak-anak, mereka harus rela berhutang. Agar ibu-ibu tidak kesulitan dalam memenuhi  kebutuhan rumah tangga maka perlu diberikan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan. Program pengabdian pada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan skill kelompok ibu-ibu rumah tangga dalam PW GKI Siloam melalui transformasi teknologi pengolahan dan pengemasaran dengan bahan dasar ikan cakalang menjadi produk olahan kripik ikan cakalang.  Manfaat yang diperoleh dari kegiatan ini adalah (1) ibu-ibu rumah tangga mampu membuat produk olahan ikan “ Kripik Ikan Cakalang”, (2) Ibu-ibu rumah tangga memiliki jiwa wirausaha (2) ibu-ibu rumah tangga memiliki usaha dan penghasilan/ pendapatan untuk membantu perekonomian keluarga

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dengan Mengajari Microsoft Word Bagi Anak Muda di Kampung Enggros, Kota Jayapura

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    Pengabdian masyarakat dilaksanakan dengan tujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan anak-anak tentang penggunaan komputer dan pengenalan terhadap Microsot office yaitu Microsoft word di Kampung Enggros, Distrik Abepura, Kota Jayapura. Permasalahan yang terjadi yaitu anak-anak SD sampai dengan SMP belum semua mengenal tools yang ada di Microsoft word. Oleh sebab itu perlu untuk mengenalkan perangkat tersebut kepada mereka. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini melalui tiga tahapan yaitu pertama pengenalan alat, kedua praktek dan ketiga sesi tanya jawab. Kegiatan pengabdian ini diberikan  kepada anak sekolah pada jenjang pendidikan SD sampai dengan SMP yang melibatkan Ecodefender, Lantamal X, Dosen FMIPA Uncen, Mahasiswa/i dari Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Planologi serta Mahasiwa Ilmu Perikanan (IKP) dan SI (Sistem Informasi). Kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh Dosen FMIPA Uncen yaitu perihal pengajaran dan pendampingan tentang Microsfot Word kepada siswa/siswi SMP dan diadakan sebanyak dua kali dari bulan Maret sampai dengan April Tahun 2023

    Model Pemberdayaan Perempuan Pelaku Usaha Perikanan di Negeri Tulehu Kabupaten Maluku Tengah

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    Women activities as a fishery businessmen is a effort for to increased family income while husband income insufficient household needs. Empowerment efforts become one of alternative solution for reduce that problem, the study aims to formulated empowerment model of women from fishery businessmen in Tulehu village. The analysis method that used SWOT and AHP. Based on the results of research that showed the first priority to increased management ability of fishery business, the second priority is increased human resources quality and infrastructures , the third priority is optimization of utilization fishery resources potential and the last priority is expand cooperation networks in business development