45 research outputs found

    Unele particularităţi ale mortalităţii prin tuberculoză în Republica Moldova în anul 2005

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    Din datele existente privind mortalitatea s-au analizat anumite particularităţi ale acesteia în anul 2005. Astfel, mortalitatea prin tuberculoză şi complicaţiile ei, сonstituind 19,10, a crescut în ultimii 20 de ani de 4,8 ori şi a atins nivelul anului 1965 (18,00). Mortalitatea determinată de localizarea respiratorie a tuberculozei este mult mai înaltă (98,0%) decât cea cauzată de localizările extrarespiratorii ale bolii şi de sechelele de tuberculoză (2,0%). Ponderea deceselor prin tuberculoză extrarespiratorie s-a redus în ultimii 10 ani de 3,1 ori. Majoritatea deceselor prin tuberculoză se produc în perioada de vârstă de 31-65 de ani (85,6%). Nivelul cel mai înalt al mortalităţii atât la bărbaţi, cât şi la femei s-a înregistrat la grupa de vârstă de 41-50 de ani. La 125 de decese(15,5%) tuberculoza drept cauză a decesului a fost depistată post-mortem, la 153 de decese (19,0%) ea a fost depistată tardiv (în termen de până la un an de evidenţă dispensarială). Frecvenţa depistării tuberculozei post- mortem şi tardiv a crescut în ultimii 10 ani respectiv de 2,4 ori şi 1,3 ori

    Tuberculoza şi aspergilomul pulmonar. Caz clinic

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    Se prezintă un caz de aspergilom pulmonar asociat tuberculozei pulmonare multidrogrezistente. Pacient de 45 de ani, acuze la tuse cu secreţii mucopurulente neînsemnate, hemoptizie repetată, dispnee la efort fi zic moderat, scădere ponderală, inapetenţă, transpiraţie nocturnă. Abandon dublu al tratamentului antituberculos. Examenul radiotomografi c sugerează prezenţa unui micetom. Seronegativ HIV. BAAR-negativ. Cultura pozitivă. Rezistenţă HRES. A urmat tratament chirurgical: cavernotomie cu cavernomioplastie şi toracoplastie de 7 coaste pe dreapta. Aspergilom confi rmat histologic, evoluţie postoperatorie pozitivă în pofi da tratamentului chirurgical radical (traumatic)

    Modificările activităţii funcţionale a limfocitelor şi neutrofilelor sub influenţa preparatului Bior la bolnavii cu tuberculoză pulmonară

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    Au fost examinaţi 20 de bolnavi de sex şi de vârstă diferite, cu diverse forme de tuberculoză pulmonară şi 50 de persoane sănătoase (grupa de control), la care au fost studiată acţiunea preparatului bioR asupra activităţii funcţionale a limfocitelor şi neutro™lelor. Astfel de mecanism imunomodulativ de acţiune, când scad indicii măriţi, cresc indicii scăzuţi şi fără acţiune asupra indicilor situaţi în 98 limitele normei, este caracteristic pentru imunomodulatorii din grupul adaptogenelor, ceea ce permite a atribui preparatul bioR la grupul imunomodulatorilor de origine vegetală (adaptogene)

    Novel omega-conotoxins from Conus catus discriminate among neuronal calcium channel subtypes

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    omega -Conotoxins selective for N-type calcium channels are useful in the management of severe pain. In an attempt to expand the therapeutic potential of this class, four new omega -conotoxins (CVIA-D) have been discovered in the venom of the piscivorous cone snail, Conus catus, using assay-guided fractionation and gene cloning. Compared with other omega -conotoxins, CVID has a novel loop 4 sequence and the highest selectivity for N-type over P/Q-type calcium channels in radioligand binding assays. CVIA-D also inhibited contractions of electrically stimulated rat vas deferens. In electrophysiological studies, omega -conotoxins CVID and MVIIA had similar potencies to inhibit current through central (alpha (1B-d)) and peripheral (alpha (1B-b)) splice variants of the rat N-type calcium channels when coexpressed with rat beta (3) in Xenopus oocytes, However, the potency of CVID and MVIIA increased when alpha (1B-d) and alpha (1B-b) were expressed in the absence of rat beta (3), an effect most pronounced for CVID at alpha (1B-d) (up to 540-fold) and least pronounced for MVIIA at alpha (1B-d) (3-fold). The novel selectivity of CVID may have therapeutic implications. H-1 NMR studies reveal that CMD possesses a combination of unique structural features, including two hydrogen bonds that stabilize loop 2 and place loop 2 proximal to loop 4, creating a globular surface that is rigid and well defined

    Meet me on the other side: trans-bilayer modulation of a model voltage-gated ion channel activity by membrane electrostatics asymmetry.

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    While it is accepted that biomembrane asymmetry is generated by proteins and phospholipids distribution, little is known about how electric changes manifested in a monolayer influence functional properties of proteins localized on the opposite leaflet. Herein we used single-molecule electrophysiology and investigated how asymmetric changes in the electrostatics of an artificial lipid membrane monolayer, generated oppositely from where alamethicin--a model voltage-gated ion channel--was added, altered peptide activity. We found that phlorizin, a membrane dipole potential lowering amphiphile, augmented alamethicin activity and transport features, whereas the opposite occurred with RH-421, which enhances the monolayer dipole potential. Further, the monolayer surface potential was decreased via adsorption of sodium dodecyl sulfate, and demonstrated that vectorial modification of it also affected the alamethicin activity in a predictive manner. A new paradigm is suggested according to which asymmetric changes in the monolayer dipole and surface potential extend their effects spatially by altering the intramembrane potential, whose gradient is sensed by distantly located peptides

    Stochastic sensing through covalent interactions

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    A system and method for stochastic sensing in which the analyte covalently bonds to the sensor element or an adaptor element. If such bonding is irreversible, the bond may be broken by a chemical reagent. The sensor element may be a protein, such as the engineered PSH type or ?HL protein pore. The analyte may be any reactive analyte, including chemical weapons, environmental toxins and pharmaceuticals. The analyte covalently bonds to the sensor element to produce a detectable signal. Possible signals include change in electrical current, change in force, and change in fluorescence. Detection of the signal allows identification of the analyte and determination of its concentration in a sample solution. Multiple analytes present in the same solution may be detected.U

    Stochastic sensing through covalent interactions

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    A system and method for stochastic sensing in which the analyte covalently bonds to the sensor element or an adaptor element. If such bonding is irreversible, the bond may be broken by a chemical reagent. The sensor element may be a protein, such as the engineered PSH type or αHL protein pore. The analyte may be any reactive analyte, including chemical weapons, environmental toxins and pharmaceuticals. The analyte covalently bonds to the sensor element to produce a detectable signal. Possible signals include change in electrical current, change in force, and change in fluorescence. Detection of the signal allows identification of the analyte and determination of its concentration in a sample solution. Multiple analytes present in the same solution may be detected.U

    Stochastic sensing through covalent interactions

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    A system and method for stochastic sensing in which the analyte covalently bonds to the sensor element or an adaptor element. If such bonding is irreversible, the bond may be broken by a chemical reagent. The sensor element may be a protein, such as the engineered PSH type or ?HL protein pore. The analyte may be any reactive analyte, including chemical weapons, environmental toxins and pharmaceuticals. The analyte covalently bonds to the sensor element to produce a detectable signal. Possible signals include change in electrical current, change in force, and change in fluorescence. Detection of the signal allows identification of the analyte and determination of its concentration in a sample solution. Multiple analytes present in the same solution may be detected.U