68 research outputs found

    Inter-annual tropical Pacific climate variability in an isotope-enabled CGCM: implications for interpreting coral stable oxygen isotope records of ENSO

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    Water isotope-enabled coupled atmosphere/ocean climate models allow for exploration of the relative contributions to coral stable oxygen isotope (δ<sup>18</sup>O<sub>coral</sub>) variability arising from Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and the isotopic composition of seawater (δ<sup>18</sup>O<sub>sw</sub>). The unforced behaviour of the isotope-enabled HadCM3 Coupled General Circulation Model affirms that the extent to which inter-annual δ<sup>18</sup>O<sub>sw</sub> variability contributes to that in model δ<sup>18</sup>O<sub>coral</sub> is strongly spatially dependent, ranging from being negligible in the eastern equatorial Pacific to accounting for 50% of δ<sup>18</sup>O<sub>coral</sub> variance in parts of the western Pacific. In these latter cases, a significant component of the inter-annual δ<sup>18</sup>O<sub>sw</sub> variability is correlated to that in SST, meaning that local calibrations of the effective local δ<sup>18</sup>O<sub>coral</sub>–SST relationships are likely to be essential. Furthermore, the relationship between δ<sup>18</sup>O<sub>sw</sub> and SST in the central and western equatorial Pacific is non-linear, such that the interpretation of model δ<sup>18</sup>O<sub>coral</sub> in the context of a linear dependence on SST alone may lead to overestimation (by up to 20%) of the SST anomalies associated with large El-Niño events. Intra-model evaluation of a salinity-based pseudo-coral approach shows that such an approach captures the first-order features of the model δ<sup>18</sup>O<sub>sw</sub> behaviour. However, the utility of the pseudo-corals is limited by the extent of spatial variability seen within the modelled slopes of the temporal salinity–δ<sup>18</sup>O<sub>sw</sub> relationship

    ENSO in the Mid-Holocene according to CSM and HadCM3

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    The offline linearized ocean–atmosphere model (LOAM), which was developed to quantify the impact of the climatological mean state on the variability of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), is used to illuminate why ENSO changed between the modern-day and early/mid-Holocene simulations in two climate modeling studies using the NCAR Climate System Model (CSM) and the Hadley Centre Coupled Model, version 3 (HadCM3). LOAM reproduces the spatiotemporal variability simulated by the climate models and shows both the reduction in the variance of ENSO and the changes in the spatial structure of the variance during the early/mid-Holocene. The mean state changes that are important in each model are different and, in both cases, are also different from those hypothesized to be important in the original papers describing these simulations. In the CSM simulations, the ENSO mode is stabilized by the mean cooling of the SST. This reduces atmospheric heating anomalies that in turn give smaller wind stress anomalies, thus weakening the Bjerknes feedback. Within the ocean, a change in the thermocline structure alters the spatial pattern of the variance, shifting the peak variance farther east, but does not reduce the overall amount of ENSO variance. In HadCM3, the ENSO mode is stabilized by a combination of a weaker thermocline and weakened horizontal surface currents. Both of these reduce the Bjerknes feedback by reducing the ocean’s SST response to wind stress forcing. This study demonstrates the importance of considering the combined effect of a mean state change on the coupled ocean–atmosphere system: conflicting and erroneous results are obtained for both models if only one model component is considered in isolation

    Assessing amino acid racemization variability in coral intra-crystalline protein for geochronological applications.

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    Over 500 Free Amino Acid (FAA) and corresponding Total Hydrolysed Amino Acid (THAA) analyses were completed from eight independently-dated, multi-century coral cores of massive Porites sp. colonies. This dataset allows us to re-evaluate the application of amino acid racemization (AAR) for dating late Holocene coral material, 20 years after Goodfriend et al. (GCA56 (1992), 3847) first showed AAR had promise for developing chronologies in coral cores. This re-assessment incorporates recent method improvements, including measurement by RP-HPLC, new quality control approaches (e.g. sampling and sub-sampling protocols, statistically-based data screening criteria), and cleaning steps to isolate the intra-crystalline skeletal protein. We show that the removal of the extra-crystalline contaminants and matrix protein is the most critical step for reproducible results and recommend a protocol of bleaching samples in NaOCl for 48 h to maximise removal of open system proteins while minimising the induced racemization. We demonstrate that AAR follows closed system behaviour in the intra-crystalline fraction of the coral skeletal proteins. Our study is the first to assess the natural variability in intra-crystalline AAR between colonies, and we use coral cores taken from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, and Jarvis Island in the equatorial Pacific to explore variability associated with different environmental conditions and thermal histories. Chronologies were developed from THAA Asx D/L, Ala D/L, Glx D/L and FAA Asx D/L for each core and least squares Monte Carlo modelling applied in order to quantify uncertainty of AAR age determinations and assess the level of dating resolution possible over the last 5 centuries. AAR within colonies follow consistent stratigraphic aging. However, there are systematic differences in rates between the colonies, which would preclude direct comparison from one colony to another for accurate age estimation. When AAR age models are developed from a combined dataset to include this natural inter-colony variability THAA Asx D/L, Glx D/L and Ala D/L give a 2σ age uncertainty of ±19, ±38 and ±29 year, for the 20th C respectively; in comparison 2σ age uncertainties from a single colony are ±12, ±12 and ±14 year. This is the first demonstration of FAA D/L for dating coral and following strict protocols 2σ precisions of ±24 years can be achieved across different colonies in samples from the last 150 years, and can be ±10 years within a core from a single colony. Despite these relatively large error estimates, AAR would be a valuable tool in situations where a large number of samples need to be screened rapidly and cheaply (e.g. identifying material from mixed populations in beach or uplift deposits), prior to and complementing the more time-consuming geochronological tools of U/Th or seasonal isotopic timeseries

    The reconstructed Indonesian warm pool sea surface temperatures from tree rings and corals: Linkages to Asian monsoon drought and El Niño–Southern Oscillation

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    [ 1] The west Pacific warm pool is the heat engine for the globe's climate system. Its vast moisture and heat exchange profoundly impact conditions in the tropics and higher latitudes. Here, September - November sea surface temperature (SST) variability is reconstructed for the warm pool region (15 degrees S - 5 degrees N, 110 - 160 degrees E) surrounding Indonesia using annually resolved teak ring width and coral delta O-18 records. The reconstruction dates from A. D. 1782 - 1992 and accounts for 52% of the SST variance over the most replicated period. Significant correlations are found with El Nino - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and monsoon indices at interannual to decadal frequency bands. Negative reconstructed SST anomalies coincide with major volcanic eruptions, while other noteworthy extremes are at times synchronous with Indian and Indonesian monsoon drought, particularly during major warm ENSO episodes. While the reconstruction adds to the sparse network of proxy reconstructions available for the tropical Indo-Pacific, additional proxies are needed to clarify how warm pool dynamics have interacted with global climate in past centuries to millennia.</p

    Marginal Reefs Under Stress: Physiological Limits Render Galápagos Corals Susceptible to Ocean Acidification and Thermal Stress

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    Ocean acidification (OA) and thermal stress may undermine corals' ability to calcify and support diverse reef communities, particularly in marginal environments. Coral calcification depends on aragonite supersaturation (Ω » 1) of the calcifying fluid (cf) from which the skeleton precipitates. Corals actively upregulate pHcf relative to seawater to buffer against changes in temperature and dissolved inorganic carbon, which together control Ωcf. Here we assess the buffering capacity of modern and fossil corals from the Galápagos Islands that have been exposed to sub-optimal conditions, extreme thermal stress, and OA. We demonstrate a significant decline in pHcf and Ωcf since the pre-industrial era, trends which are exacerbated during extreme warm years. These results suggest that there are likely physiological limits to corals' pH buffering capacity, and that these constraints render marginal reefs particularly susceptible to OA

    Tropical-North Pacific Climate Linkages over the Past Four Centuries*

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    ABSTRACT Analyses of instrumental data demonstrate robust linkages between decadal-scale North Pacific and tropical Indo-Pacific climatic variability. These linkages encompass common regime shifts, including the noteworthy 1976 transition in Pacific climate. However, information on Pacific decadal variability and the tropical high-latitude climate connection is limited prior to the twentieth century. Herein tree-ring analysis is employed to extend the understanding of North Pacific climatic variability and related tropical linkages over the past four centuries. To this end, a tree-ring reconstruction of the December-May North Pacific index (NPI)-an index of the atmospheric circulation related to the Aleutian low pressure cell-is presented (1600-1983). The NPI reconstruction shows evidence for the three regime shifts seen in the instrumental NPI data, and for seven events in prior centuries. It correlates significantly with both instrumental tropical climate indices and a coral-based reconstruction of an optimal tropical Indo-Pacific climate index, supporting evidence for a tropical-North Pacific link extending as far west as the western Indian Ocean. The coral-based reconstruction shows the twentieth-century regime shifts evident in the instrumental NPI and instrumental tropical Indo-Pacific climate index, and three previous shifts. Changes in the strength of correlation between the reconstructions over time, and the different identified shifts in both series prior to the twentieth century, suggest a varying tropical influence on North Pacific climate, with greater influence in the twentieth century. One likely mechanism is the low-frequency variability of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and its varying impact on Indo-Pacific climate

    Coral record of Younger Dryas Chronozone warmth on the Great Barrier Reef

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2020. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 35(12), (2020): e2020PA003962, doi:10.1029/2020PA003962.The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is an internationally recognized and widely studied ecosystem, yet little is known about its sea surface temperature (SST) evolution since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) (~20 kyr BP). Here, we present the first paleo‐application of Isopora coral‐derived SST calibrations to a suite of 25 previously published fossil Isopora from the central GBR spanning ~25–11 kyr BP. The resultant multicoral Sr/Ca‐ and δ18O‐derived SST anomaly (SSTA) histories are placed within the context of published relative sea level, reef sequence, and coralgal reef assemblage evolution. Our new calculations indicate SSTs were cooler on average by ~5–5.5°C at Noggin Pass (~17°S) and ~7–8°C at Hydrographer's Passage (~20°S) (Sr/Ca‐derived) during the LGM, in line with previous estimates (Felis et al., 2014, https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms5102). We focus on contextualizing the Younger Dryas Chronozone (YDC, ~12.9–11.7 kyr BP), whose Southern Hemisphere expression, in particular in Australia, is elusive and poorly constrained. Our record does not indicate cooling during the YDC with near‐modern temperatures reached during this interval on the GBR, supporting an asymmetric hemispheric presentation of this climate event. Building on a previous study (Felis et al., 2014, https://doi.org10.1038/ncomms5102), these fossil Isopora SSTA data from the GBR provide new insights into the deglacial reef response, with near‐modern warming during the YDC, since the LGM.This work was funded by National Science Foundation (NSF) award OCE 13‐56948 to B. K. L, with NSF GRFP support DGE‐11‐44155 to L. D. B., and the Australian Research Council (grant no. DP1094001) and ANZIC IODP. Partial support for B. K. L's work on this project also came from the Vetlesen Foundation via a gift to the Lamont‐Doherty Earth Observatory. T. F. received funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation)—Project number 180346848, through Priority Program 527 “IODP.” A. T. received support from the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NE/H014136/1 and NE/H014268/1). M. T. thanks Ministry of Earth Sciences for support (NCPOR contribution no. J‐84/2020‐21). L. D. B. would also like to thank Kassandra Costa for her input regarding error analysis.2021-06-1

    Anthropogenic nitrogen pollution threats and challenges to the health of South Asian coral reefs

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    Nitrogen pollution is a widespread and growing problem in the coastal waters of South Asia yet the ecological impacts on the region’s coral ecosystems are currently poorly known and understood. South Asia hosts just under 7% of global coral reef coverage but has experienced significant and widespread coral loss in recent decades. The extent to which this coral ecosystem decline at the regional scale can be attributed to the multiple threats posed by nitrogen pollution has been largely overlooked in the literature. Here, we assess the evidence for nitrogen pollution impacts on corals in the central Indian Ocean waters of India, Sri Lanka and the Maldives. We find that there is currently limited evidence with which to clearly demonstrate widespread impacts on coral reefs from nitrogen pollution, including from its interactions with other stressors such as seawater warming. However, this does not prove there are no significant impacts, but rather it reflects the paucity of appropriate observations and related understanding of the range of potential impacts of nitrogen pollution at individual, species and ecosystem levels. This situation presents significant research, management and conservation challenges given the wide acceptance that such pollution is problematic. Following from this, we recommend more systematic collection and sharing of robust observations, modelling and experimentation to provide the baseline on which to base prescient pollution control action