93 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Perilaku Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun Dengan Terjadinya Diare Pada Anak Usia Sekolah Di SD Gmim Dua Kecamatan Tareran

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    : Diarrhea is an objec abnormal stools with frequency of spending three times or more with a view consistent mushy, liquid, until with or without blood and mucus in the stool. Objective: to analyze the relationship between the behavior of handwashing with soap by the occurrence of diarrhea in children in elementary school elementary district Lansot Tareran GMIM 2. This research is the cross-sectional relationship mencara anatara sabub handwashing behavior with the occurrence of diarrhea in children of primary school. The population of primary school children in elementary GMIM 2 Lansot 1sampai sitting in class 6 were present and willing to be a respondent. Results: The study shows that handwashing with soap as many as 55 children (93.2%), and were not accustomed to 4 children (6.8%). Elementary school children who suffer diarrhea in the last 3bulan total of 11 children (18.6%), while children who do not suffer from diarrhea, 48 children (81.4%). Conclusion: There is a relationship between the behavior of handwashing with soap by the occurrence of diarrhea in children of primary school age in primary GMIM 2 Lansot Tareran District. With p = 0.003, this means the relationship anatara handwashing with soap is very important to prevent diseases including diarrhea

    Peranan Lingkungan Terhadap Kejadian Malaria Di Kecamatan Silian Raya Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara

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    : Malaria, an infectious disease, is still an issue for public health world-wide, including in Indonesia. Malaria is caused by Plasmodium Sp. which is transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito. Southeast Minahasa Regency has high malaria rate. This study aimed to know the role of the environment on the incidence of malaria in Silian Raya subdistrict, Southeast Minahasa regency. This was a descriptive survey. The population was the community in Silian Raya subdistrict, Southeast Minahasa regency with 194 respondents. The results showed that people in Silian Raya subdistrict mostly live around swamps, rice paddies, and rivers. This study also showed that only a few people of Silian Raya subdistrict who had pets, and fish ponds around their houses

    Peran Sarana Pelayanan Kesehatan Terhadap Kejadian Malaria Di Kecamatan Silian Raya Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara

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    : The problem of public health, especially in developing coutries such as Indonesia, is based on the physical aspects such as health facilities, the treatment of disease, and non physical aspects related to the health problem. Malaria is still a public health problem because it often creates exrtraordinary events, which has great impact on quality on life and economy, and may result death. The main keys of reducing the incidence of malaria especially in high endemic areas are prevention and treatment. This study aimed to determine the role of health care facilities on the incidence of malaria in Silian Raya sub-district of Southheast Minahasa district. This was a descriptive survey study. The population was the community in Silian Raya sub-district of Southeast Minahasa district with total samples 194 respondents. The results showed that the counseling done by health workers was at the most 2 times (39.2%). Spraying insecticide by health workers was 1 time (41.8%). People that used the available health care facilities in Silian Raya sub-district, the health center, were 51.0%

    Hubungan Supervisi Kepala Ruangan dengan Kepuasan Perawat Pelaksana di RSUD Liunkendage Tahuna

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    Supervision is an act of direct observations and periodically by the supervisor of the work performed by subordinates and then if there are any problems, immediately given guidance or assistance that is directly in order to cope. Satisfaction is a person's emotional response to the work he does. Job satisfaction is also inseparable from the role of the various parties, and one of them is the role of supervision. Aim for the head room supervision relationship is known to nurse satisfaction in hospitals implementing Liunkendage Tahuna. The study design is observational analytic cross-sectional approach. The population of the entire nurse practitioner working in eight wards in hospitals Liunkendage Tahuna. Sampling using purposive sampling. Data processed through the analysis of univariate and bivariate Chi Square. The results obtained by the analysis of the probability (p) = 0.001 <α (0.05). Conclusion, the relationship supervision chief nurse executive room with satisfaction. Advice, For the hospital in order to make improvements to the quality of head room to be included in the training and special education for the head of the room

    Prevalensi infeksi cacing usus yang ditularkan melalui tanah pada petani di Kelurahan Ranowangko Kecamatan Tondano Timur Kabupaten Minahasa

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    Background: Helminthiasis was categorized as a neglected disease for its commonly found without significant clinical manifestation. According to World Health Organization (WHO) approximately there are 1,5 billion people in the world infected with Soil Transmitted Helminths (STH). This infection have been associated with health and productivity insults. Aims: This study was aimed to investigate prevalence of STH infection in farmers at Ranowangko, east side of Tondano. Method: This study is a cross sectional descriptive study. Result: Fifty four stool specimens were collected on November 2018 and were examined microscopically at Parasitology Laboratory, Sam Ratulangi University Manado. There were no positive results. Conclusion: Based on this study, all farmers in Ranowangko Tondano were not infected with STH

    Density limit in discharges with high internal inductance on JT-60U

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    High densities exceeding the Greenwald limit by a factor of 1.7 have been obtained in L-mode discharges with high internal inductances of elli as high as 2.8 in JT-60U. The internal inductance is controlled by ramping down the plasma current. In addition to the extension of the operational regime limited by disruptions, confinement performance remains as good as an H89PL factor of 1.6 even above the Greenwald limit. While an earlier high elli study has indicated core confinement improvement due to enhancement of the poloidal field, the additional improvement of the tolerance against the high density turned out to be correlated with high edge temperature. The normalized density when the detachment occurs, characterized by a decrease in the Dα signal at the divertor, is even higher in the case with no disruption than in the case with a disruption. These comparisons have indicated that the improvement in thermal and particle transport does exist in the periphery and in the edge in high elli plasmas, and the shift of the density limit towards higher densities is observed coincidently. Although the high elli discharge studied here lies outside the usual parameter space for steady-state operation of a tokamak, demonstration of a stable discharge with good confinement beyond the Greenwald limit suggests that the magnetic shear at the edge is one key parameter to uncover the physical elements of the operational density limit

    Lessons from bright-spots for advancing knowledge exchange at the interface of marine science and policy

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    Evidence-informed decision-making is in increasing demand given growing pressures on marine environments. A way to facilitate this is by knowledge exchange among marine scientists and decision-makers. While many barriers are reported in the literature, there are also examples whereby research has successfully informed marine decision-making (i.e., 'bright-spots'). Here, we identify and analyze 25 bright-spots from a wide range of marine fields, contexts, and locations to provide insights into how to improve knowledge exchange at the interface of marine science and policy. Through qualitative surveys we investigate what initiated the bright-spots, their goals, and approaches to knowledge exchange. We also seek to identify what outcomes/impacts have been achieved, the enablers of success, and what lessons can be learnt to guide future knowledge exchange efforts. Results show that a diversity of approaches were used for knowledge exchange, from consultative engagement to genuine knowledge co-production. We show that diverse successes at the interface of marine science and policy are achievable and include impacts on policy, people, and governance. Such successes were enabled by factors related to the actors, processes, support, context, and timing. For example, the importance of involving diverse actors and managing positive relationships is a key lesson for success. However, enabling routine success will require: 1) transforming the ways in which we train scientists to include a greater focus on interpersonal skills, 2) institutionalizing and supporting knowledge exchange activities in organizational agendas, 3) conceptualizing and implementing broader research impact metrics, and 4) transforming funding mechanisms to focus on need-based interventions, impact planning, and an acknowledgement of the required time and effort that underpin knowledge exchange activities

    Clinical laboratory reference values amongst children aged 4 weeks to 17 months in Kilifi, Kenya: A cross sectional observational study

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    Reference intervals for clinical laboratory parameters are important for assessing eligibility, toxicity grading and management of adverse events in clinical trials. Nonetheless, haematological and biochemical parameters used for clinical trials in sub-Saharan Africa are typically derived from industrialized countries, or from WHO references that are not region-specific. We set out to establish community reference values for haematological and biochemical parameters amongst children aged 4 weeks to 17 months in Kilifi, Kenya. We conducted a cross sectional study nested within phase II and III trials of RTS, S malaria vaccine candidate. We analysed 10 haematological and 2 biochemical parameters from 1,070 and 423 community children without illness prior to experimental vaccine administration. Statistical analysis followed Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute EP28-A3c guidelines. 95% reference ranges and their respective 90% confidence intervals were determined using non-parametric methods. Findings were compared with published ranges from Tanzania, Europe and The United States. We determined the reference ranges within the following age partitions: 4 weeks to <6 months, 6 months to less than <12 months, and 12 months to 17 months for the haematological parameters; and 4 weeks to 17 months for the biochemical parameters. There were no gender differences for all haematological and biochemical parameters in all age groups. Hb, MCV and platelets 95% reference ranges in infants largely overlapped with those from United States or Europe, except for the lower limit for Hb, Hct and platelets (lower); and upper limit for platelets (higher) and haematocrit(lower). Community norms for common haematological and biochemical parameters differ from developed countries. This reaffirms the need in clinical trials for locally derived reference values to detect deviation from what is usual in typical children in low and middle income countries
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