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    This paper simulates the impact that Covid-19 related job losses will have on family incomes and the public finances. It finds that in the central ‘medium’ unemployment scenario of 600,000 job losses, around 400,000 families will see their disposable income fall by more than 20 per cent in the absence of policy changes, with proportionately larger losses for those in higher income families. Measures announced by the Government – notably the flat-rate Pandemic Unemployment Payment of €350 per week – reduce the numbers exposed to such extreme losses by about a third, but at significant cost to the Exchequer. The paper also finds that the additional cost of the Government’s Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme may be minimal, in part because its current design is less generous to lower earners than the Pandemic Unemployment Payment they would receive if laid off

    Influencia de la práctica clínica en la presencia de puntos gatillo miofasciales en el músculo trapecio de estudiantes de enfermería. Estudio longitudinal descriptivo.

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    Aim: To observe whether the tasks performed by nursing students during their third year of nursing degrees have an influence on the state of MTP of their trapezius muscle.Participants and Methods: 30 third-year students from Alcalá de Henares University College of Nursing were evaluated. Exclusion criteria: to suffer any sense or trophic muscular disorder, to have begun or be receiving any influential treatment. A questionnaire about the types of tasks they carry out and other sociodemographic and academical work factors were done. Students were assessed to check the presence of some MTP in their trapezius, describing its active or dormant state through diagnostic criteria, their pressure pain threshold (measured with an algometer) and active ranges of cervical movements were also recorded. All measurements were taken before and after one month of the experiment. Through the statistical analysis the data collected in the questionnaire was compared with the state of the MTP in both moments, with a p<0.05 and a 95% confidence interval.Results: all the subjects were women who over the course of the experiment recorded a 1.8- upper scoring on the visual analogue scale, they showed an average increase of 1.55º in the cervical ranges of motion, except flexion; and the pressure pain threshold rose an average 0.139 kg/cm2. Trigger points (TP) 1 and 2 changed from dormant to active state on 6,7% of the subjects, and the TP5 on 3,3%. At the end of the experiment the TP6 appeared as 6,7% of them.Conclusions: tendencies have been observed among the analyzed variables which allow the proposition of more specific studies about biological and socio-labour factors linked to MTPs in order to establish physio-therapeutic efficient strategies for incorporation into the professional world.Objetivo: Observar si la práctica clínica de estudiantes de enfermería influye en el estado de PGM en el trapecio.Participantes y métodos: Estudio longitudinal descriptivo en el que se evaluaron 30 estudiantes de tercero de la Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería de Alcalá de Henares. Criterios de inclusión: iniciar su primer período de prácticas tras la primera sesión de valoración. Criterios de exclusión: presentar alteración muscular sensitiva o trófica, estar realizando o iniciar algún tratamiento influyente. Se pasó un cuestionario sobre tareas desempeñadas en sus prácticas clínicas y otros factores sociodemográficos y del entorno académico-laboral. Se valoraron: la presencia de puntos gatillo miofasciales (activos y latentes) en el trapecio según criterios diagnósticos, el umbral de dolor a la presión (con algómetro), y los rangos de movimiento cervical activo. Todas las medidas se tomaron antes y después de un mes de prácticas. En el análisis estadístico se compararon los datos recopilados en el cuestionario con el estado de los PGM en los dos momentos, considerando una p<0.05 y el intervalo de confianza del 95%.Resultados: Todos los participantes fueron mujeres, que tras el período de prácticas clínicas, registraron una puntuación 1.8 superior en la escala analógica visual, mostraron un incremento medio de 1,55º en los rangos de movimiento cervical, salvo en la flexión; y el umbral de dolor a la presión aumentó de media 0.139 kg/cm2. Los PG 1 y 2 cambiaron de estado latente a activo en un 6,7% de sujetos, y el PG 5 en un 3,3%. Al final del período el PG6 apareció en el 6,7%.Conclusiones: Se han observado tendencias en las variables analizadas que permiten plantear el estudio más específico de factores biológicos y sociolaborales influyentes en la presencia de PGM, para establecer estrategias fisioterápicas eficientes antes de la incorporación al ámbito profesional

    Prevalencia y factores asociados a incontinencia urinaria en el área de salud este de Valladolid

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    Introduction: Urinary incontinence (UI) is the involuntary loss of urine that is a major social or hygienic problem and is objectively provable. It is a common symptom that appears in many diseases, affecting all age groups and both sexes. In Spain it is estimated a prevalence of 24% in women and 7% in men, increasing with age up to 50% and 29% respectively. Despite its impact on quality of life, it is under-diagnosed for various reasons. Objective: To determine the prevalence of UI and its associated factors. Material and method: In this retrospective longitudinal epidemiological study data were collected from the medical histories of patients with UI belonging to the Pelvic Floor Unit of the East Health Area in Valladolid. Results: The most frequent types of incontinence were: effort (43,13%) and mixed (39,21%). The most important risk factors and associated diseases were episiotomy (57.1%) and cystocele (32.6%) in women and adenocarcinoma of prostate (60%) in men. Responses in the questionnaires of urinary incontinence (ICIQ-SF) improved after 2-3 months of rehabilitation treatment.Conclusions: The collected data are consistent with studies reviewed, and seeing the progress in prevention and treatment of UI, multidisciplinary approach is coherent.Introducción: La incontinencia urinaria (IU) es la pérdida involuntaria de orina que constituye un problema social o higiénico importante y es demostrable de forma objetiva. Es un síntoma común que aparece en muchas enfermedades, afectando a todos los grupos de edad y a ambos sexos. En España se estima una prevalencia global de 24% en la mujer y 7% en el hombre, aumentando con la edad hasta el 50% y 29% respectivamente. A pesar de su repercusión en la calidad de vida se encuentra infradiagnosticada por diversos motivos. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de la IU y sus factores asociados. Material y Método: En este estudio epidemiológico observacional retrospectivo se recogieron datos de las historias clínicas de pacientes con IU de la Unidad de Suelo Pélvico del Área de Salud Este de Valladolid. Resultados: Los tipos de incontinencia más frecuentes fueron: de esfuerzo (43,13%) y mixta (39,21%). Los factores de riesgo y patología asociada más importantes fueron episiotomía (57,1%) y cistocele (32,6%) en las mujeres y adenocarcinoma de próstata (60%) en los hombres. Tras tratamiento rehabilitador en un intervalo de 2 a 3 meses mejoraron las respuestas en los cuestionarios de incontinencia urinaria (ICIQ-SF).Conclusiones: Los datos recopilados están en consonancia con estudios revisados, y viendo los avances en prevención y tratamiento de IU resulta coherente su abordaje multidisciplinar

    Assessing the State and Impacts of the Artisanal Reef Fisheries and their Management Implications in Kenyan South Coast

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    Artisanal fisheries of tropical waters are estimated to harvest about 25% of the world s fisheries catch. Despite this importance, a majority of tropical fish stocks remain unassessed and poorly managed. Reasons include a severe under-reporting of catches or the lack of reliable information of the fishery. With the growing concern over overexploitation and the challenge to assess fisheries status in these data-limited situations, a suit of assessment approaches have been proposed. In this study, we explore the usefulness of these data-limited approaches for the multi-species and multi-gear fishery of the Kenyan coast. The primary objective was to evaluate the current level and impacts of the fishery at the species and ecosystem level and to revise current management measures. In a first step, we used the Schaefer and Fox production models to estimate the sustainable catch and effort limits of the pooled catches for the entire coastal fishery and also explored possible changes in the mean trophic level of the catch by analysing officially reported time series data over sixty years. The results indicate that the current fish extraction and effort surpass sustainable limits (MSY) and that the mean trophic level of the catch has continuously declined over the years. In a second step, the size structure of currently obtained catches from the multi-gear fishery was studied based on a case study area of the Kenyan South coast. Results reveal that the multi-species fisheriesa catches are dominated by small to medium-sized species and individuals. While these finding may indicate an unsustainable fishery, where older and larger fish have been serially depleted from the stock leading to a truncation of the size structure of the aggregated catches and a critical removal of large spawners, it is also possible that the observed pattern has emerged because of a fishers shift towards the smaller, more abundant and productive elements of the fished community. In this context, it is important to mention that catches from different gears overlap in species and sizes but also differ due to gear selectivity and spatial differences in gear use (inshore shallow lagoon versus more offshore waters). In a third step, the exploitation rates of the four commercially most important target species of the fishery were determined using lengtha based single-species stock assessment approaches. Results suggest moderate to high mean exploitation rates for all species with low spawning potential ratios, supporting the results of the above analysis of an unsustainable fishery, with some species experiencing both growth and recruitment overfishing. In a fourth step, results from the single-species stock assessment were compared to those obtained from a holistic trophic model constructed for the study area. The results from the latter suggest that the system is in a perturbed (immature) state, likely due to the very intense resource exploitation. Overall catch volumes are relatively low (4.6 t Km-2 year-1), and comparable to other intensively exploited coastal and coral reef ecosystems of the world. Our findings reveal that it may not be sufficient to rely on the current single-species management approaches such as gear restrictions and size limits for sustaining this multi-species fishery. Instead, control and reduction of the fishing effort and the establishment of specific areas closed to some fisheries may be needed if sustainable, ecosystem-based management is to be achieved. This should be done while considering the fishing impacts, the economic and social benefits within the ecosystem context


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    Pandemi Covid-19 merupakan salah satu krisis global terburuk yang pernah dihadapi dunia sejauh ini dan dampaknya masih akan terasa selama beberapa dekade mendatang. Covid-19 telah meluas ke seluruh penjuru dunia sejak SARS-CoV-2 teridentifikasi pertama kali di Wuhan, Cina pada tanggal 31 Desember 2019. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan persepsi tentang kompetensi, teknologi, dan sistem dengan kinerja petugas promosi kesehatan di RSUD dan Puskesmas se-Kota Tomohon pada masa Pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian survey analitik dan desain penelitian menggunakan cross sectional study. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2022 sampai dengan bulan April 2023 dengan lokasi penelitian di RSUD Anugerah Kota Tomohon, Puskesmas Tinoor, Puskesmas Kakaskasen, Puskesmas Matani, Puskesmas Rurukan, Puskesmas Lansot, Puskesmas Pangolombian, dan Puskesmas Tatatara. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode sensus, yaitu dengan mengambil semua populasi menjadi responden penelitian. Hasil penelitian mengenai hubungan persepsi tentang kompetensi, teknologi, dan sistem dengan kinerja petugas promosi kesehatan di RSUD dan Puskesmas se-Kota Tomohon pada masa Pandemi Covid-19 pada bulan Maret-April, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara persepsi tentang kompetensi intelektual dengan kinerja petugas promosi kesehatan di RSUD dan puskesmas se-Kota Tomohon, sehingga semakin tinggi persepsi tentang kompetensi intelektual semakin tinggi juga kinerja

    Hubungan Komunikasi Dalam Keluarga Dengan Perkembangan Psikologis Anak Asia Sekolah (6-12 Tahun) Di Desa Tumaratas Dua Kecamatan Langowan Bara

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    : Good communication in families is very important in times of psychological development of school-aged children. The purpose of research to determine the relationship of communication in families with school-age children development. Cross sectional method, with the total sampling of as many as 40 of the respondents. The Data processed with SPSS for analysis by the method of chi-square test at 95% significance level (α= 0.05). The research results showed that respondents with a good category for communication within the family as well as the development of appropriate psychological there are a total of 16 respondents (84.2%) and respondents are categorized well for communication within the family but not in accordance with the development of the psychological as much as 3 of the respondents (15.8%). the respondents by category is bad for communication within the family but in accordance with the psychological development of school-aged children as much as 9 respondents (42,9%) and respondents who considered bad for communication within the family but did not match psychological development of as many as 12 respondents (57,1%). Conclusion there is a meaningful relationship communication in families with the psychological development of school-aged children (6-12 years) in the village of Tumaratas west of two district Langowan with value p = 0.007 and value analysis of the Odds Ratio (OR) obtained the value of 7,111

    La estacionariedad y la resiliencia del turismo : cómo actúan las economías en función de su perfil y del suceso crítico

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    67 páginas.Trabajo de Máster en Economía, Finanzas y Computación. Tutor: Dr. D. Alfonso Vargas Sánchez. La evolución del turismo es uno de los indicadores más importantes para la economía de un país. De hecho, muchos países se basan en un modelo cuyo principal sustentador de sus economías es el turismo. Pero, ¿qué ocurre cuando el sector turístico se ve afectado por algún tipo de adversidad? La resiliencia es la capacidad que tiene un individuo, un colectivo o, en este caso, un sector de la economía, para superar circunstancias adversas o extremas, ya sean de carácter natural, biológico, terrorista o financiero. En este estudio, analizaremos nuestros datos de dos maneras: en primer lugar, buscamos conocer si el nivel de turismo de una determinada zona sigue una tendencia estacionaria. Para ello, empleamos la metodología de Box-Jenkins para determinar si nuestro modelo econométrico sigue un patrón estacionario y establecer una predicción. La serie temporal transcurre desde el año 2000 al año 2018. En la segunda etapa emplearemos una herramienta de visualización (PowerBI) para comparar el comportamiento del turismo, del nivel de gasto y del PIB per cápita de países con diferentes perfiles.The evolution of tourism is one of the most important indicators for the economy of a country. In fact, many countries are based on a model whose main pillar of their economies is tourism. But, what happens when the tourism sector is affected by some kind of adversity? Resilience is the capacity of an individual, a group or, in this case, a sector of the economy, to overcome adverse or extreme circumstances, whether of a natural, biological, terrorist or financial nature. In this study, we will analyse our data in two ways: first, we seek to find out if the level of tourism in a given area follows a stationary trend. To do this, we use the Box-Jenkins methodology to determine if our economic model follows a stationary pattern and to establish a prediction. The time series runs from 2000 to 2018. In the second stage, we will use a visualization tool (PowerBI) to compare the behavior of tourism, the expenditure and GDP per capita of countries with different profiles

    Hubungan Antara Perilaku Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun Dengan Terjadinya Diare Pada Anak Usia Sekolah Di SD Gmim Dua Kecamatan Tareran

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    : Diarrhea is an objec abnormal stools with frequency of spending three times or more with a view consistent mushy, liquid, until with or without blood and mucus in the stool. Objective: to analyze the relationship between the behavior of handwashing with soap by the occurrence of diarrhea in children in elementary school elementary district Lansot Tareran GMIM 2. This research is the cross-sectional relationship mencara anatara sabub handwashing behavior with the occurrence of diarrhea in children of primary school. The population of primary school children in elementary GMIM 2 Lansot 1sampai sitting in class 6 were present and willing to be a respondent. Results: The study shows that handwashing with soap as many as 55 children (93.2%), and were not accustomed to 4 children (6.8%). Elementary school children who suffer diarrhea in the last 3bulan total of 11 children (18.6%), while children who do not suffer from diarrhea, 48 children (81.4%). Conclusion: There is a relationship between the behavior of handwashing with soap by the occurrence of diarrhea in children of primary school age in primary GMIM 2 Lansot Tareran District. With p = 0.003, this means the relationship anatara handwashing with soap is very important to prevent diseases including diarrhea