137 research outputs found

    Academic Research Achievements in the Geography of Tourism at the Department of Regional Geography and Tourism, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin: DidacticI and Practical Applications

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    The present paper is an attempt to assess academic research achievements in the field of the geography of tourism and their didactic and practical applications. The study method was a review of academic articles and archival compilations as well as materials collected in the department

    Selected Aspects of the Tourist Space of the Lublin Region (Case Study)

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    The article presents the results of studies on the tourist space of the Lublin Region conducted so far by employees of the Department of Regional Geography and Tourism at the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University. The studies, regarding the environmental and cultural tourist values, the level of management and transport accessibility, as well as selected elements of the tourism policy of the local authorities, permitted the determination of the tourist potential of spatial units (administrative and physicogeographical) with various importance and character. Areas with varied degrees of attractiveness were distinguished based on their tourist potential. Those classified as attractive and very attractive were described in detail in terms of: the degree of development of the tourist function, functional types of spatial units, perception of tourist space by users, and attitudes of the local community towards the development of tourism

    Bariery i możliwości rozwoju tanich linii lotniczych w Europie. Studium przypadku Polski i Portugalii

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    Travelling by air transport surpasses all other existing means of transportation. According to the UNWTO data, in 2014, more than half of all tourists travelled to their destinations by air. This success is expressed, among other things, in the rapid expansion of routes and strong growth in demand. With low-cost carriers (LCC) it has become an essential form of air transport to peripheral regions such as Portugal or “new” destinations in CEE countries, e.g. Poland. In 2016, Portuguese airports handled 40.9 million passengers on international flights, of whom about 47% travelled using LCC flights, whereas in Poland, in 2017, Polish airports handled nearly 5 million passengers with 57.3% share of LCC. The purpose of this article is to analyze some of the factors that influenced the success of LCCs in the two countries, and their strengthened role in the aviation market.W ciągu ostatniego dziesięciolecia nastąpił wyraźny wzrost częstotliwości korzystania z transportu lotniczego w Europie. Było to związane z pojawieniem się nowego segmentu działającego w sektorze linii lotniczych, czyli przewoźników niskokosztowych. W artykule dokonano analizy wpływu dostępności infrastruktury regionalnych portów lotniczych na kontynuowanie występującej tendencji na przykładzie dwóch peryferyjnie położonych europejskich destynacji – Polski (do 2004 r. obszar stosunkowo „odizolowany” od mobilności typowej dla Europy Zachodniej) i Portugalii. Jak pokazują przeprowadzone analizy, udział tanich linii w analizowanych rynkach jest duży i wykazuje tendencję wzrostową. W 2016 r. lotniska w Portugalii obsłużyły 40,9 mln pasażerów zagranicznych, z czego około 47% przypadło na tanie linie. Na rynku polskim natomiast w 2017 r. udział ten oszacowano na poziomie prawie 60%

    What is the tourist landscape? Aspects and features of the concept

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    This paper will present a systematic review of the main publications for landscape and tourism research in Scopus and polish language databases. These were used to identify papers on landscape and tourism published from January 2003 to September 2013. A total of 382 articles and 37 other sources were identified, but 116 analysed. The analysis, focusing on the explicated relation between landscape and tourism, shows that it is a new but growing concern for geographers, ecologists, and landscape architects contributing to the debate. The result is a veritable smorgasbord of definitions and approaches. The objective of this paper is to systematise the current knowledge on tourism and landscape, review the existing definitions of the term “tourist landscape”, and determine its aspects and components in the context of proper functioning of regions. The paper concludes with a tentative definition of a tourist landscape and proposals for further scholarly research and some policy advice

    Residents’ Attitude Toward Tourism in Zwierzyniec Town

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    In recent years, tourism has been playing a more significant role in the economies of Poland, including rural areas, especially in eastern Poland. Therefore, tourism development and management are being integrated with community planning and development, including stakeholders` perception and opinion on tourism. The purpose of the paper is to examine attitudes of residents of small tourist destination toward tourism development. Factor analysis of scaled items measuring their attitudes resulted in four tourism-related factors: Negative social and cultural impact, Affirmative of tourism development, Economic and social benefits and and stronger sense of belonging, Nature and culture conservations. The results indicate that there is a relationship between residents’ affirmation of tourism development and employment in tourism industry

    Simulation of diesel engine emissions on the example of Fiat Panda in the NEDC test

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    Road transport may be deemed a strategic branch of modern economy. Unfortunately, a rapid increase in the number of on-road motor vehicles entails some negative consequences as well, for instance, excessive concentration of exhausts produced by engines which results in deterioration of air quality. EURO emission standards which define acceptable limits for exhaust emissions of power units is an example of an activity performed in attempt to improve air quality. The EURO standard defines permissible amount of exhausts produced by a vehicle. Presently new units are examined through NEDC test. For the purpose of this thesis, a virtual test stand in a form of a computer simulation of a chassis dynamometer was used to simulate emission of a diesel engine (compression-ignition engine) in the NEDC test. Actual parameters of the 1.3 MultiJet engine of the Fiat Panda passenger car of 2014 were applied in the model. The simulation was carried out in the Matlab Simulink environment. The simulation model of the Fiat Panda passenger car enables the designation of the emission waveform for all test stages which corresponds to the values received during an approval test in real-life conditions

    The current state of hostels in Lublin

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    The aim of the article is to present the role of hostels in the accommodation services market, with a particular emphasis on the city of Lublin and in contrast Poland. The source of data is the Central Statistical Office. The work based on a sample of 7 hostels includes their location, offer and rating by guests on selected booking portals to establish the service quality characters. Artykuł jest próbą przedstawienia poziomu rozwoju hosteli na terenie Lublina na tle wielkości bazy hostelowej w Polsce. Źródłem danych wykorzystanych w pracy jest Główny Urząd Statystyczny. W pracy dokonano charakterystyki lokalizacji obiektów na terenie Lublina, ich oferty oraz przedstawiono ocenę gości na podstawie wybranych portali rezerwacyjnych.

    Ontologia zasobów turystyki kajakowej Roztocza (na przykładzie Górnego Wieprza)

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    Recreational canoeing and hiking is a popular way to use free time by people who like to spend time actively. Promoting tourist resources on the Internet with the use of semantic technologies enables precise, interactive and proactive dedicated travel services. Semantic information technologies are based on formal knowledge representation systems. Ontology is the basis to build semantic knowledge base that integrates information about tourist resources. The article gives a method of building ontology resources tourism canoeing on the example of the Lublin Voivodeship, using ontology editor FluentEditor.Turystyka kajakowa to jedna z form turystyki kwalifikowanej. Kajakarstwo rekreacyjne i turystyczne jest popularnym sposobem wykorzystania wolnego czasu przez osoby, które lubią spędzać aktywnie czas nad wodą. Propagowanie zasobów turystycznych w Internecie z wykorzystaniem technologii semantycznych umożliwia precyzyjne, interaktywne i proaktywne dedykowanie usług turystycznych. Semantyczne technologie informacyjne bazują na formalnych i wykonywalnych systemach reprezentacji wiedzy zwanych ontologiami. Ontologia taka jest podstawą do skonstruowania semantycznej bazy wiedzy integrującej informacje o zasobach turystycznych. W artykule przedstawiono metodę budowy ontologii zasobów turystyki kajakowej w województwie lubelskim na przykładzie Roztocza z wykorzystaniem edytora ontologii FluentEditor