1,724 research outputs found

    Heterogeneity and the Dynamics of Technology Adoption

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    We estimate the demand for a videocalling technology in the presence of both network effects and heterogeneity. Using a unique dataset from a large multinational firm, we pose and estimate a fully dynamic model of technology adoption. We propose a novel identification strategy based on post-adoption technology usage to disentangle equilibrium beliefs concerning the evolution of the network from observed and unobserved heterogeneity in technology adoption costs and use benefits. We find that employees have significant heterogeneity in both adoption costs and network benefits, and have preferences for diverse networks. Using our estimates, we evaluate a number of counterfactual adoption policies, and find that a policy of strategically targeting the right subtype for initial adoption can lead to a faster-growing and larger network than a policy of uncoordinated or diffuse adoption.

    The Luminosity Function of Galaxies in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey

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    We present the RR-band luminosity function for a sample of 18678 galaxies, with average redshift z=0.1z = 0.1, from the Las Campanas Redshift Survey. The luminosity function may be fit by a Schechter function with M=20.29±0.02+5loghM^* = -20.29 \pm 0.02 + 5 \log h, α=0.70±0.05\alpha = -0.70 \pm 0.05, and $\phi^* = 0.019 \pm 0.001 \ h^3 Mpc~Mpc^{-3},forabsolutemagnitudes, for absolute magnitudes -23.0 \leq M - 5 \log h \leq -17.5.Wecompareourluminosityfunctiontothatfromotherredshiftsurveys;inparticularournormalizationisconsistentwiththatoftheStromloAPMsurvey,andisthereforeafactoroftwobelowthatimpliedbythe. We compare our luminosity function to that from other redshift surveys; in particular our normalization is consistent with that of the Stromlo-APM survey, and is therefore a factor of two below that implied by the b_J \approx 20brightgalaxycounts.Ournormalizationthusindicatesthatmuchmoreevolutionisneededtomatchthefaintgalaxycountdata,comparedtominimalevolutionmodelswhichnormalizeat bright galaxy counts. Our normalization thus indicates that much more evolution is needed to match the faint galaxy count data, compared to minimal evolution models which normalize at b_J \approx 20.Also,weshowthatourfaintendslope. Also, we show that our faint-end slope \alpha = -0.7,thoughshallowerthantypicalpreviousvalues, though ``shallower'' than typical previous values \alpha = -1,resultsprimarilyfromfittingthedetailedshapeoftheLCRSluminosityfunction,ratherthanfromanyabsenceofintrinsicallyfaintgalaxiesfromoursurvey.Finally,using[OII]3727equivalentwidth, results primarily from fitting the detailed shape of the LCRS luminosity function, rather than from any absence of intrinsically faint galaxies from our survey. Finally, using [OII] 3727 equivalent width W_{\lambda} = 5 A˚ asthedividingline,wefindsignificantdifferencesintheluminosityfunctionsofemissionandnonemissiongalaxies,particularlyintheir~\AA \ as the dividing line, we find significant differences in the luminosity functions of emission and non-emission galaxies, particularly in their \alphavalues.EmissiongalaxieshaveSchechterparameters values. Emission galaxies have Schechter parameters M^* = -20.03 \pm 0.03 + 5 \log hand and \alpha = -0.9 \pm 0.1,whilenonemissiongalaxiesaredescribedby, while non-emission galaxies are described by M^* = -20.22 \pm 0.02 + 5 \log hand and \alpha = -0.3 \pm 0.1$. (abridged abstract)Comment: 41 pages, including 13 postscript figures, uses AASTEX v4.0 style files. Important clarification of R-band definition, plus correction of luminosity densities and updated references. Main conclusions unchanged. Final version to appear in Ap

    Cryogenic Fluid Management Technologies for Advanced Green Propulsion Systems

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    In support of the Exploration Vision for returning to the Moon and beyond, NASA and its partners are developing and testing critical cryogenic fluid propellant technologies that will meet the need for high performance propellants on long-term missions. Reliable knowledge of low-gravity cryogenic fluid management behavior is lacking and yet is critical in the areas of tank thermal and pressure control, fluid acquisition, mass gauging, and fluid transfer. Such knowledge can significantly reduce or even eliminate tank fluid boil-off losses for long term missions, reduce propellant launch mass and required on-orbit margins, and simplify vehicle operations. The Propulsion and Cryogenic Advanced Development (PCAD) Project is performing experimental and analytical evaluation of several areas within Cryogenic Fluid Management (CFM) to enable NASA's Exploration Vision. This paper discusses the status of the PCAD CFM technology focus areas relative to the anticipated CFM requirements to enable execution of the Vision for Space Exploration

    Müller cell activation, proliferation and migration following laser injury.

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    PurposeMüller cells are well known for their critical role in normal retinal structure and function, but their reaction to retinal injury and subsequent role in retinal remodeling is less well characterized. In this study we used a mouse model of retinal laser photocoagulation to examine injury-induced Müller glial reaction, and determine how this reaction was related to injury-induced retinal regeneration and cellular repopulation.MethodsExperiments were performed on 3-4-week-old C57BL/6 mice. Retinal laser photocoagulation was used to induce small, circumscribed injuries; these were principally confined to the outer nuclear layer, and surrounded by apparently healthy retinal tissue. Western blotting and immunohistochemical analyses were used to determine the level and location of protein expression. Live cell imaging of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-infected Müller cells (AAV-GFAP-GFP) were used to identify the rate and location of retinal Müller cell nuclear migration.ResultsUpon injury, Müller cells directly at the burn site become reactive, as evidenced by increased expression of the intermediate filament proteins glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and nestin. These reactive cells re-enter the cell cycle as shown by expression of the markers Cyclin D1 and D3, and their nuclei begin to migrate toward the injury site at a rate of approximately 12 microm/hr. However, unlike other reports, evidence for Müller cell transdifferentiation was not identified in this model.ConclusionsRetinal laser photocoagulation is capable of stimulating a significant glial reaction, marked by activation of cell cycle progression and retinal reorganization, but is not capable of stimulating cellular transdifferentiation or neurogenesis

    Loose Groups of Galaxies in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey

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    A ``friends-of-friends'' percolation algorithm has been used to extract a catalogue of dn/n = 80 density enhancements (groups) from the six slices of the Las Campanas Redshift Survey (LCRS). The full catalogue contains 1495 groups and includes 35% of the LCRS galaxy sample. A clean sample of 394 groups has been derived by culling groups from the full sample which either are too close to a slice edge, have a crossing time greater than a Hubble time, have a corrected velocity dispersion of zero, or contain a 55-arcsec ``orphan'' (a galaxy with a mock redshift which was excluded from the original LCRS redshift catalogue due to its proximity to another galaxy -- i.e., within 55 arcsec). Median properties derived from the clean sample include: line-of-sight velocity dispersion sigma_los = 164km/s, crossing time t_cr = 0.10/H_0, harmonic radius R_h = 0.58/h Mpc, pairwise separation R_p = 0.64/h Mpc, virial mass M_vir = (1.90x10^13)/h M_sun, total group R-band luminosity L_tot = (1.30x10^11)/h^2 L_sun, and R-band mass-to-light ratio M/L = 171h M_sun/L_sun; the median number of observed members in a group is 3.Comment: 32 pages of text, 27 figures, 7 tables. Figures 1, 4, 6, 7, and 8 are in gif format. Tables 1 and 3 are in plain ASCII format (in paper source) and are also available at http://www-sdss.fnal.gov:8000/~dtucker/LCLG . Accepted for publication in the September 2000 issue of ApJ

    Cryogenic Tank Modeling for the Saturn AS-203 Experiment

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    A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model is developed for the Saturn S-IVB liquid hydrogen (LH2) tank to simulate the 1966 AS-203 flight experiment. This significant experiment is the only known, adequately-instrumented, low-gravity, cryogenic self pressurization test that is well suited for CFD model validation. A 4000-cell, axisymmetric model predicts motion of the LH2 surface including boil-off and thermal stratification in the liquid and gas phases. The model is based on a modified version of the commercially available FLOW3D software. During the experiment, heat enters the LH2 tank through the tank forward dome, side wall, aft dome, and common bulkhead. In both model and test the liquid and gases thermally stratify in the low-gravity natural convection environment. LH2 boils at the free surface which in turn increases the pressure within the tank during the 5360 second experiment. The Saturn S-IVB tank model is shown to accurately simulate the self pressurization and thermal stratification in the 1966 AS-203 test. The average predicted pressurization rate is within 4% of the pressure rise rate suggested by test data. Ullage temperature results are also in good agreement with the test where the model predicts an ullage temperature rise rate within 6% of the measured data. The model is based on first principles only and includes no adjustments to bring the predictions closer to the test data. Although quantitative model validation is achieved or one specific case, a significant step is taken towards demonstrating general use of CFD for low-gravity cryogenic fluid modeling

    Cation composition effects on oxide conductivity in the Zr_2Y_2O_7-Y_3NbO_7 system

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    Realistic, first-principles-based interatomic potentials have been used in molecular dynamics simulations to study the effect of cation composition on the ionic conductivity in the Zr2Y2O7-Y3NbO7 system and to link the dynamical properties to the degree of lattice disorder. Across the composition range, this system retains a disordered fluorite crystal structure and the vacancy concentration is constant. The observed trends of decreasing conductivity and increasing disorder with increasing Nb5+ content were reproduced in simulations with the cations randomly assigned to positions on the cation sublattice. The trends were traced to the influences of the cation charges and relative sizes and their effect on vacancy ordering by carrying out additional calculations in which, for example, the charges of the cations were equalised. The simulations did not, however, reproduce all the observed properties, particularly for Y3NbO7. Its conductivity was significantly overestimated and prominent diffuse scattering features observed in small area electron diffraction studies were not always reproduced. Consideration of these deficiencies led to a preliminary attempt to characterise the consequence of partially ordering the cations on their lattice, which significantly affects the propensity for vacancy ordering. The extent and consequences of cation ordering seem to be much less pronounced on the Zr2Y2O7 side of the composition range.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte