1,113 research outputs found

    Classical and Quantum Implications of the Causality Structure of Two-Dimensional Spacetimes with Degenerate Metrics

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    The causality structure of two-dimensional manifolds with degenerate metrics is analysed in terms of global solutions of the massless wave equation. Certain novel features emerge. Despite the absence of a traditional Lorentzian Cauchy surface on manifolds with a Euclidean domain it is possible to uniquely determine a global solution (if it exists), satisfying well defined matching conditions at the degeneracy curve, from Cauchy data on certain spacelike curves in the Lorentzian region. In general, however, no global solution satisfying such matching conditions will be consistent with this data. Attention is drawn to a number of obstructions that arise prohibiting the construction of a bounded operator connecting asymptotic single particle states. The implications of these results for the existence of a unitary quantum field theory are discussed.Comment: 27 pages LaTex (6 Figures), Journal of Mathematical Physics (Accepted

    Gauge Symmetry and Gravito-Electromagnetism

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    A tensor description of perturbative Einsteinian gravity about an arbitrary background spacetime is developed. By analogy with the covariant laws of electromagnetism in spacetime, gravito-electromagnetic potentials and fields are defined to emulate electromagnetic gauge transformations under substitutions belonging to the gauge symmetry group of perturbative gravitation. These definitions have the advantage that on a flat background, with the aid of a covariantly constant timelike vector field, a subset of the linearised gravitational field equations can be written in a form that is fully analogous to Maxwell's equations (without awkward factors of 4 and extraneous tensor fields). It is shown how the remaining equations in the perturbed gravitational system restrict the time dependence of solutions to these equations and thereby prohibit the existence of propagating vector fields. The induced gravito-electromagnetic Lorentz force on a test particle is evaluated in terms of these fields together with the torque on a small gyroscope. It is concluded that the analogy of perturbative gravity to Maxwell's description of electromagnetism can be valuable for (quasi-)stationary gravitational phenomena but that the analogy has its limitations.Comment: 29 pages no-fig

    Solutions for Neutral for Axi-Dilaton Gravity in 4-Dimensions

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    We examine a 1 parameter class of actions describing the gravitational interaction between a pair of scalar fields and Einsteinian gravitation. When the parameter is positive the theory corresponds to an axi-dilatonic sector of low energy string theory. We exploit an SL(2,R) symmetry of the theory to construct a family of electromagnetically neutral solutions with non-zero axion and dilaton charge from solutions of the Brans-Dicke theory. We also comment on solutions to the theory with negative coupling parameter.Comment: 7 pages Plain Tex (No Figures), Letter to Editor, Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Tensor distributions on signature-changing space-times

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    Irregularities in the metric tensor of a signature-changing space-time suggest that field equations on such space-times might be regarded as distributional. We review the formalism of tensor distributions on differentiable manifolds, and examine to what extent rigorous meaning can be given to field equations in the presence of signature-change, in particular those involving covariant derivatives. We find that, for both continuous and discontinuous signature-change, covariant differentiation can be defined on a class of tensor distributions wide enough to be physically interesting.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX 2.0

    Twisted Electromagnetic Modes and Sagnac Ring-Lasers

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    A new approximation scheme, designed to solve the covariant Maxwell equations inside a rotating hollow slender conducting cavity (modelling a ring-laser), is constructed. It is shown that for well-defined conditions there exist TE and TM modes with respect to the longitudinal axis of the cavity. A twisted mode spectrum is found to depend on the integrated Frenet torsion of the cavity and this in turn may affect the Sagnac beat frequency induced by a non-zero rotation of the cavity. The analysis is motivated by attempts to use ring-lasers to measure terrestrial gravito-magnetism or the Lense-Thirring effect produced by the rotation of the Earth.Comment: LaTeX 31 pages, 3 Figure

    Maxwell's Equations in a Uniformly Rotating Dielectric Medium and the Wilson-Wilson Experiment

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    This note offers a conceptually straightforward and efficient way to formulate and solve problems in the electromagnetics of moving media based on a representation of Maxwell's equations in terms of differential forms on spacetime together with junction conditions at moving interfaces. This framework is used to address a number of issues that have been discussed recently in this journal about the theoretical description underlying the interpretation of the Wilson-Wilson experiment.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum Electromagnetic Fluctuations in Inhomogeneous Dielectric Media

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    A new mathematical and computational technique for calculating quantum vacuum expectation values of energy and momentum densities associated with electromagnetic fields in bounded domains containing inhomogeneous media is discussed. This technique is illustrated by calculating the mode contributions to the difference in the vacuum force expectation between opposite ends of an inhomogeneous dielectric non-dispersive medium confined to a perfectly conducting rigid box.Comment: 7 pages, appeared in Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Quantum Optics (2011
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