7 research outputs found

    Ocena metabolizmu tkanki kostnej u kobiet przed menopauz膮 choruj膮cych na nadczynno艣膰 i niedoczynno艣膰 tarczycy

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    Introduction: Osteoporosis is one of the commonest metabolic diseases of bone. Its possible causes may include thyroid hormonal dysfunction. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism on osseous tissue metabolism in premenopausal women. Material and methods: 38 women with hyperthyroidism, 40 with hypothyroidism and 41 healthy women participated in this study. Initially after 6 and 12 months, each patient underwent selected hormonal, immunological and biochemical tests, measurement of concentrations of bone turnover markers and densitometry were also performed. Results: On initial evaluation, lower cortical bone density was found in patients with hyperthyroidism (femoral neck). After 12 months, an increase in BMD was seen, but it was still lower than in the control group. Statistically significantly higher concentrations of bone turnover markers, decreasing from the sixth month of treatment, were noted only in the group with hyperthyroidism. Statistically significant differences were not noted in the femoral neck nor in the lumbar spine BMD in patients with hypothyroidism. Conclusions: Hyperthyroidism poses a negative effect on bone metabolism. Hypothyroidism in premenopausal females does not have any influence on bone density.Wst臋p: Osteoporoza nale偶y do najcz臋stszych chor贸b metabolicznych ko艣ci. Jej przyczynami mog膮 by膰 mi臋dzy innymi choroby gruczo艂u tarczowego. Celem pracy by艂a ocena wp艂ywu nadczynno艣ci i niedoczynno艣ci tarczycy na metabolizm tkanki kostnej u kobiet w okresie przedmenopauzalnym. Materia艂 i metody: Badaniem obj臋to 38 kobiet z nadczynno艣ci膮 tarczycy, 40 — z niedoczynno艣ci膮 tarczycy i 41 zdrowych kobiet. Oceniano wyj艣ciowo, po 6 i 12 miesi膮cach wybrane parametry hormonalne, immunologiczne i biochemiczne, st臋偶enie marker贸w obrotu kostnego oraz wykonano badanie densytometryczne ko艣ci. Wyniki: W grupie z nadczynno艣ci膮 tarczycy stwierdzono obni偶enie BMD w zakresie ko艣ci korowej (szyjka ko艣ci udowej). Po rocznym leczeniu tyreostatykiem obserwowano wzrost BMD, ale by艂a ona nadal mniejsza ni偶 w grupie kontrolnej. Tylko w grupie z nadczynno艣ci膮 tarczycy wykazano statystycznie istotnie wi臋ksze st臋偶enie marker贸w obrotu kostnego, kt贸re w spos贸b istotny zmniejsza艂o si臋 od 6 miesi膮ca leczenia. W grupie z niedoczynno艣ci膮 tarczycy nie wykazano wp艂ywu na BMD zar贸wno w zakresie szyjki ko艣ci udowej, jak i kr臋gos艂upa l臋d藕wiowego. Wnioski: Niekorzystny wp艂yw na metabolizm kostny wywiera nadczynno艣膰 tarczycy. Niedoczynno艣膰 tarczycy u kobiet przed menopauz膮 nie wp艂ywa na g臋sto艣膰 ko艣ci

    Seasonal variations in serum vitamin D concentrations in human

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    Witamina D reguluje homeostaz臋 wapniowo-fosforanow膮 organizmu, bierze udzia艂 w procesach proliferacji, dojrzewania i r贸偶nicowania kom贸rek. Jej st臋偶enia w organizmie cz艂owieka s膮 zmienne, zale偶膮 przede wszystkim od efektywnej biosyntezy w nask贸rku, w mniejszym stopniu tak偶e od poda偶y egzogennej. Powstawanie witaminy D w organizmie jest proporcjonalne do stopnia ekspozycji na promieniowanie s艂oneczne, st膮d w r贸偶nych szeroko艣ciach geograficznych i w r贸偶nych porach roku st臋偶enia witaminy D b臋d膮 si臋 r贸偶ni膰. Sezonowo艣膰 st臋偶e艅 witaminy D w ludzkim ustroju implikuje okresowe wyst臋powanie zachorowa艅 lub zaostrze艅 pewnych grup schorze艅 (np.: reumatoidalnego zapalenia staw贸w, stwardnienia rozsianego, cukrzycy typu 1, choroby Le艣niowskiego-Crohna, astmy oskrzelowej, nowotwor贸w sutka, prostaty, jelita grubego, pierwotnego nadci艣nienia t臋tniczego, choroby wie艅cowej i niewydolno艣ci serca).Vitamin D regulates the homeostasis of calcium and phosphate. It also plays an important role in cell’s proliferation, maturation and differentiation. It’s concentration in serum is unstable, it depends on effective biosynthesis in epidermis and on dietary supply. Productionof vitamin D in skin is proportional to exposition to sunlight, so it varies according to the season and latitude. Seasonal changes in concentration of vitamin D in human blood has an important influence on some diseases’ morbidity or exacerbation (for example: rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes mellitus, Crohn’s disease, asthma, cancers of the breast, colon, prostate, primary hypertension, ischemic heart disease and heart failure)

    Rola osteoprotegeryny i witaminy D w patologii tarczycy

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    Hormonal dysfunction of thyroid gland manifests, among other, in bone tissue disorders. The evaluation of changes in bone is possible not only by using the classical markers of bone turnover. Very interesting chemical compounds are osteoprotegerin and vitamin D; their serum concentration among patients with thyroid disorders can show the range of changes in bone metabolism. Osteoprotegerin possess an ability of reduction of bone resorption. Vitamin D has several "nonclassical" mechanisms of action, also the possibility of interaction with endogenous thyroid hormones. The aim of this study is to review the current literature concerning the role of osteoprotegerin and vitamin D in thyroid pathology.Dysfunkcja hormonalna tarczycy przejawia si臋 mi臋dzy innymi zaburzeniami metabolizmu tkanki kostnej. Ocena zmian kostnych jest po艣rednio mo偶liwa nie tylko dzi臋ki klasycznym markerom obrotu kotnego. Interesuj膮cymi zwi膮zkami chemicznymi, kt贸rych zmiany st臋偶e艅 w surowicy krwi u pacjent贸w z chorobami tarczycy mog膮 odzwierciedla膰 stopie艅 nasilenia zmian w tkance kostnej, s膮 - posiadaj膮ca zdolno艣膰 hamowania proces贸w resorpcji ko艣ci - osteoprotegeryna (OPG) oraz witamina D, kt贸ra spo艣r贸d wielu swoich "nieklasycznych" mechanizm贸w dzia艂ania, posiada prawdopodobnie mo偶liwo艣膰 interferowania z endogennymi hormonami tarczycy. Celem niniejszej pracy jest przegl膮d aktualnego pi艣miennictwa dotycz膮cy roli osteoprotegeryny i witaminy D w patologii tarczycy

    Comparison and assessment of thyroid morphology and function in inhabitants of Lower Silesia before and after administration of a single dose of iodine-containing contrast agent during cardiac intervention procedure

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    Wst臋p: Wiadomym jest, 偶e mieszka艅cy teren贸w ubogich w jod rozwijaj膮 szereg niemych klinicznie patologii tarczycy. Celem badania by艂a ocena morfologii i funkcji tarczycy w populacji doros艂ych mieszka艅c贸w Dolnego 艢l膮ska oraz ocena wp艂ywu na gruczo艂 tarczowy jednorazowo podanej dawki jodu w postaci kontrastu w trakcie kardiologicznych procedur interwencyjnych. Materia艂y i metody: Do pierwszej cz臋艣ci badania, kt贸rej celem by艂a ocena morfologii i funkcji tarczycy u zdrowych mieszka艅c贸w Dolnego 艢l膮ska zakwalifikowano 120 os贸b (78 m臋偶czyzn i 42 kobiety). Z tej grupy wy艂oniono 60 os贸b (38 m臋偶czyzn i 22 kobiety) kt贸re, z racji wskaza艅 do inwazyjnych zabieg贸w kardiologicznych (koronarografii/PTCA), obci膮偶ono du偶膮 dawk膮 jodu oraz przeprowadzano u nich ocen臋 tyreologiczn膮 po 1, 3 i 6 miesi膮cach od interwencji. Wyniki: 1) Patologiczne zmiany w morfologii tarczycy stwierdzono u 49,1%, zaburzenia dotycz膮ce st臋偶e艅 hormon贸w tarczycy i przeciwcia艂 przeciwtarczycowych stwierdzono u 17,6%, kt贸re przek艂ada艂y si臋 na zaburzenia funkcji tarczycy u 9,3% zdrowych tyreologicznie mieszka艅c贸w Dolnego 艢l膮ska. 2) Najwi臋ksze zmiany: obni偶enie st臋偶enia TSH i wzrost st臋偶enia fT3 by艂y widoczne 4 tygodnie po obci膮偶eniu jodem, prowadz膮c do rozpoznania nadczynno艣ci tarczycy u 15% pacjent贸w. Wnioski: 1) Z uwagi na du偶膮 ilo艣膰 klinicznie niemych zaburze艅 morfologii i funkcji tarczycy wa偶na jest jej dok艂adna ocena przed obci膮偶eniem chorego jodem. 2) Jest poparte dowodami i polecane monitorowanie st臋偶enia TSH i fT3 przed i 4 tygodnie po obci膮偶eniu chorego jodem. 3) Zaburzenia morfologii i funkcji tarczycy po podaniu pacjentowi jodu maj膮 charakter przemijaj膮cy, wymagaj膮 monitorowania, ale nie leczenia.Introduction: Inhabitants living in areas with endemic dietary iodine intake deficiency develop nodular goitre. The aim of our study was to evaluate thyroid morphology and function among adults residing in Lower Silesia and to assess the effect on the thyroid gland of an iodine-based contrasting agent administered during a cardiac intervention procedure. Materials and methods: The first part of the study (evaluation of thyroid gland) was carried out on 120 subjects (78 men and 42 women). From among this group, invasive cardiac procedures were performed on 60 subjects (38 men and 22 women) during the second part of the study. Endocrine tests were repeated one, three, and six months after the invasive procedure. Results: 1) Within the studied group, pathological changes in thyroid morphology were found in 49.1%, and thyroid function disturbances in 9.3%, of all subjects. 2) A decrease in TSH concentration with a corresponding increase in fT3 concentration was seen at the second visit (four weeks after iodine administration) leading to the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism in 15% of subjects. Conclusions: 1) Considering the multitude of silent thyroid pathologies, particular care is required before administering an iodine-based medium. 2) It is reasonable and advisable to monitor TSH and fT3 levels before and at four weeks after administration of an iodine-containing contrast agent. 3) Thyroid morphology and function disturbances after iodine administration do not necessitate treatment, as they are of transient character and only require monitoring

    Susceptibility to apoptosis of lymphocytes from patients with peripheral arterial disease

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    Purpose. To determine, in vitro, the susceptibility to apoptosis of lymphocytes from patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) in the presence of a low culture medium serum concentration, and to evaluate the correlation of the degree of apoptosis and the serum lipid levels. Methods. Lymphocytes were isolated from the venous blood of PAD patients with lower limb ischemia secondary to obliterative atherosclerosis of Fountain stage IIb. None of the patients had received hypo-lipemic therapy. The lymphocytes were incubated for 48 hr in media containing reduced concentrations of fetal calf serum. The study group consisted of 10 patients (7 men and 3 women), with a mean age of 67.0 卤 4.0 yr. The control group consisted of ten healthy volunteers, of the same mean age and sex proportion as the study group. Results. The percentage of non-apoptotic lymphocytes was lower (by 17%) and the percentage of late apoptotic lymphocytes was higher (by 33%) in the PAD patients than in the healthy donors when comparing the slopes of regression lines describing the relation between frequency of apoptotic lymphocytes in culture media containing reduced concentration of fetal calf serum The percentage of late apoptotic lymphocytes was correlated with the levels of total cholesterol (rs=0.93; P < 0.01) and LDL cholesterol (rs=0.80; P < 0.01) , and negatively correlated with the level of triglycerides (rs=-0.71; P < 0.05). Conclusion. The results of this study of lymphocyte apoptosis are important in understanding of the disease pathogenesis and should be taken into account in elaboration of treatment strategies