99 research outputs found

    High precision abundances in the 16 Cyg binary system: a signature of the rocky core in the giant planet

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    We study the stars of the binary system 16 Cygni to determine with high precision their chemical composition. Knowing that the component B has a detected planet of at least 1.5 Jupiter masses, we investigate if there are chemical peculiarities that could be attributed to planet formation around this star. We perform a differential abundance analysis using high resolution (R = 81,000) and high S/N (~700) CFHT/ESPaDOnS spectra of the 16 Cygni stars and the Sun; the latter was obtained from light reflected of asteroids. We determine differential abundances of the binary components relative to the Sun and between components A and B as well. We achieve a precision of about 0.005 dex and a total error ~0.01 dex for most elements. The effective temperatures and surface gravities found for 16 Cyg A and B are Teff = 5830+/-7 K, log g = 4.30+/-0.02 dex, and Teff = 5751+/-6 K, log g = 4.35+/-0.02 dex, respectively. The component 16 Cyg A has a metallicity ([Fe/H]) higher by 0.047+/-0.005 dex than 16 Cyg B, as well as a microturbulence velocity higher by 0.08 km/s. All elements show abundance differences between the binary components, but while the volatile difference is about 0.03 dex, the refractories differ by more and show a trend with condensation temperature, which could be interpreted as the signature of the rocky accretion core of the giant planet 16 Cyg Bb. We estimate a mass of about 1.5-6 M_Earth for this rocky core, in good agreement with estimates of Jupiter's core.Comment: ApJ Letters. Press release: http://cfht.hawaii.edu/en/news/16CygAB

    2MASS J18082002-5104378: The brightest (V=11.9) ultra metal-poor star

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    Context. The most primitive metal-poor stars are important for studying the conditions of the early galaxy and are also relevant to big bang nucleosynthesis. Aims. Our objective is to find the brightest (V<14) most metal-poor stars. Methods. Candidates were selected using a new method, which is based on the mismatch between spectral types derived from colors and observed spectral types. They were observed first at low resolution with EFOSC2 at the NTT/ESO to obtain an initial set of stellar parameters. The most promising candidate, 2MASS J18082002-5104378 (V=11.9), was observed at high resolution (R=50 000) with UVES at the VLT/ESO, and a standard abundance analysis was performed. Results. We found that 2MASS J18082002-5104378 is an ultra metal-poor star with stellar parameters Teff = 5440 K, log g = 3.0 dex, vt = 1.5 km/s, [Fe/H] = -4.1 dex. The star has [C/Fe]<+0.9 in a 1D analysis, or [C/Fe]<=+0.5 if 3D effects are considered; its abundance pattern is typical of normal (non-CEMP) ultra metal-poor stars. Interestingly, the star has a binary companion. Conclusions. 2MASS J1808-5104 is the brightest (V=11.9) metal-poor star of its category, and it could be studied further with even higher S/N spectroscopy to determine additional chemical abundances, thus providing important constraints to the early chemical evolution of our Galaxy.Comment: A&A Letter

    Shallow extra mixing in solar twins inferred from Be abundances

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    Lithium and beryllium are destroyed at different temperatures in stellar interiors. As such, their relative abundances offer excellent probes of the nature and extent of mixing processes within and below the convection zone. We determine Be abundances for a sample of eight solar twins for which Li abundances have previously been determined. The analyzed solar twins span a very wide range of age, 0.5-8.2 Gyr, which enables us to study secular evolution of Li and Be depletion. We gathered high-quality UVES/VLT spectra and obtained Be abundances by spectral synthesis of the Be II 313 nm doublet. The derived beryllium abundances exhibit no significant variation with age. The more fragile Li, however, exhibits a monotonically decreasing abundance with increasing age. Therefore, relatively shallow extra mixing below the convection zone is necessary to simultaneously account for the observed Li and Be behavior in the Sun and solar twins

    Revisiting the 16 Cygni planet host at unprecedented precision and exploring automated tools for precise abundances

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    The binary system 16 Cygni is key in studies of the planet-star chemical composition connection, as only one of the stars is known to host a planet. This allows us to better assess the possible influence of planet interactions on the chemical composition of stars that are born from the same cloud and thus, should have a similar abundance pattern. In our previous work, we found clear abundance differences for elements with Z≀30\leq30 between both components of this system, and a trend of these abundances as a function of the condensation temperature (Tc_{c}), which suggests a spectral chemical signature related to planet formation. In this work we show that our previous findings are still consistent even if we include more species, like the volatile N and neutron capture elements (Z >> 30). We report a slope with Tc_{c} of 1.56±0.24×10−51.56 \pm 0.24 \times 10^{-5} dex K−1^{-1}, that is good agreement with both our previous work and recent results by Nissen and collaborators. We also performed some tests using ARES and iSpec to automatic measure the equivalent width and found Tc_c slopes in reasonable agreement with our results as well. In addition, we determine abundances for Li and Be by spectral synthesis, finding that 16 Cyg A is richer not only in Li but also in Be, when compared to its companion. This may be evidence of planet engulfment, indicating that the Tc_{c} trend found in this binary system may be a chemical signature of planet accretion in the A component, rather than a imprint of the giant planet rocky core formation on 16 Cyg B.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Chemical inhomogeneities in the Pleiades: signatures of rocky-forming material in stellar atmospheres

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    The aim of Galactic archaeology is to recover the history of our Galaxy through the information encoded in stars. An unprobed assumption of this field is that the chemical composition of a star is an immutable marker of the gas from which it formed. It is vital to test this assumption on open clusters, group of stars formed from the same gas. Previous investigations have shown that unevolved stars in clusters are chemically homogeneous within the typical uncertainties of these analysis, i.e. 15%\% of the elemental abundances. Our strictly differential analysis on five members of the Pleiades allows us to reach precisions of 5%\% for most elements and to unveil chemical anomalies within the cluster that could be explained by planet engulfment events. These results reveal that the evolution of planetary systems may alter the chemical composition of stars, challenging our capability of tagging them to their native environments, and also paving the way for the study of planetary architectures and their evolution, through the chemical pattern of their host stars.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    The Solar Twin Planet Search II. A Jupiter twin around a solar twin

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    Through our HARPS radial velocity survey for planets around solar twin stars, we have identified a promising Jupiter twin candidate around the star HIP11915. We characterize this Keplerian signal and investigate its potential origins in stellar activity. Our analysis indicates that HIP11915 hosts a Jupiter-mass planet with a 3800-day orbital period and low eccentricity. Although we cannot definitively rule out an activity cycle interpretation, we find that a planet interpretation is more likely based on a joint analysis of RV and activity index data. The challenges of long-period radial velocity signals addressed in this paper are critical for the ongoing discovery of Jupiter-like exoplanets. If planetary in nature, the signal investigated here represents a very close analog to the solar system in terms of both Sun-like host star and Jupiter-like planet.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures; A&A accepted; typos corrected in this versio

    The Solar Twin Planet Search. V. Close-in, low-mass planet candidates and evidence of planet accretion in the solar twin HIP 68468

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    [Methods]. We obtained high-precision radial velocities with HARPS on the ESO 3.6 m telescope and determined precise stellar elemental abundances (~0.01 dex) using MIKE spectra on the Magellan 6.5m telescope. [Results]. Our data indicate the presence of a planet with a minimum mass of 26 Earth masses around the solar twin HIP 68468. The planet is a super-Neptune, but unlike the distant Neptune in our solar system (30 AU), HIP 68468c is close-in, with a semi-major axis of 0.66 AU, similar to that of Venus. The data also suggest the presence of a super-Earth with a minimum mass of 2.9 Earth masses at 0.03 AU; if the planet is confirmed, it will be the fifth least massive radial velocity planet discovery to date and the first super-Earth around a solar twin. Both isochrones (5.9 Gyr) and the abundance ratio [Y/Mg] (6.4 Gyr) indicate an age of about 6 billion years. The star is enhanced in refractory elements when compared to the Sun, and the refractory enrichment is even stronger after corrections for Galactic chemical evolution. We determined a NLTE Li abundance of 1.52 dex, which is four times higher than what would be expected for the age of HIP 68468. The older age is also supported by the low log(R'HK) (-5.05) and low jitter. Engulfment of a rocky planet of 6 Earth masses can explain the enhancement in both lithium and the refractory elements. [Conclusions]. The super-Neptune planet candidate is too massive for in situ formation, and therefore its current location is most likely the result of planet migration that could also have driven other planets towards its host star, enhancing thus the abundance of lithium and refractory elements in HIP 68468. The intriguing evidence of planet accretion warrants further observations to verify the existence of the planets that are indicated by our data and to better constrain the nature of the planetary system around this unique star.Comment: A&A, in pres

    18 Sco: a solar twin rich in refractory and neutron-capture elements. Implications for chemical tagging

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    We study with unprecedented detail the chemical composition and stellar parameters of the solar twin 18 Sco in a strictly differential sense relative to the Sun. Our study is mainly based on high resolution (R ~ 110 000) high S/N (800-1000) VLT UVES spectra, which allow us to achieve a precision of about 0.005 dex in differential abundances. The effective temperature and surface gravity of 18 Sco are Teff = 5823+/-6 K and log g = 4.45+/-0.02 dex, i.e., 18 Sco is 46+/-6 K hotter than the Sun and log g is 0.01+/-0.02 dex higher. Its metallicity is [Fe/H] = 0.054+/-0.005 dex and its microturbulence velocity is +0.02+/-0.01 km/s higher than solar. Our precise stellar parameters and differential isochrone analysis show that 18 Sco has a mass of 1.04+/-0.02M_Sun and that it is ~1.6 Gyr younger than the Sun. We use precise HARPS radial velocities to search for planets, but none were detected. The chemical abundance pattern of 18 Sco displays a clear trend with condensation temperature, showing thus higher abundances of refractories in 18 Sco than in the Sun. Intriguingly, there are enhancements in the neutron-capture elements relative to the Sun. Despite the small element-to-element abundance differences among nearby n-capture elements (~0.02 dex), we successfully reproduce the r-process pattern in the solar system. This is independent evidence for the universality of the r-process. Our results have important implications for chemical tagging in our Galaxy and nucleosynthesis in general.Comment: ApJ, in pres

    The Solar Twin Planet Search I. Fundamental parameters of the stellar sample

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    Context. We are carrying out a search for planets around a sample of solar twin stars using the HARPS spectrograph. The goal of this project is to exploit the advantage offered by solar twins to obtain chemical abundances of unmatched precision. This survey will enable new studies of the stellar composition - planet connection.Aims. We determine the fundamental parameters of the 88 solar twin stars that have been chosen as targets for our experiment.Methods. We used the MIKE spectrograph on the Magellan Clay Telescope to acquire high resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio spectra of our sample stars. We measured the equivalent widths of iron lines and used strict differential excitation/ionization balance analysis to determine atmospheric parameters of unprecedented internal precision: σ(Teff) = 7? K, σ(log? g) = 0.019, σ([Fe/H]) = 0.006? dex, σ(vt) = 0.016? km? s-1. Reliable relative ages and highly precise masses were then estimated using theoretical isochrones.Results. The spectroscopic parameters we derived are in good agreement with those measured using other independent techniques. There is even better agreement if the sample is restricted to those stars with the most internally precise determinations of stellar parameters in every technique involved. The root-mean-square scatter of the differences seen is fully compatible with the observational errors, demonstrating, as assumed thus far, that systematic uncertainties in the stellar parameters are negligible in the study of solar twins. We find a tight activity-age relation for our sample stars, which validates the internal precision of our dating method. Furthermore, we find that the solar cycle is perfectly consistent both with this trend and its star-to-star scatter.Conclusions. We present the largest sample of solar twins analyzed homogeneously using high quality spectra. The fundamental parameters derived from this work will be employed in subsequent work that aims to explore the connections between planet formation and stellar chemical composition
