5 research outputs found


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    目的:全国及び群馬県の訪問看護ステーション(以下,ST)の経営状況と事業所特性及び地域特性,経営管理との関連を明らかにし,比較検討する. 方法:全国2,000人及び群馬県163人のST管理者を対象とし,自記式質問紙調査を実施した.有効回答は全国473人,群馬県55人で,経営状況と各項目との関連はχ2検定及びKruskal-Wallis検定を,さらに経営状況を目的変数とするロジスティック回帰分析を行った. 結果:全国では,看護師常勤・看護師非常勤・事務職員非常勤の従業者数,1人1日平均訪問回数,北海道・東北地域,収支のモニタリングが黒字に関連していた.群馬県では関連がみられず,全国に比して赤字のST割合が多く,経営管理の得点が低かった. 結論:経営状況の改善には,ST規模の拡大やST管理者の収支のモニタリングに焦点を当てた行動の有効性が示唆された.群馬県では,経営管理に関する分析の強化が必要である.Objectives: The financial status of home-visit nursing stations (STs) was analyzed in relation to business office characteristics, local community characteristics and business management, and the results between Gunma Prefecture and all prefectures in Japan were compared. Methods: A self-administered questionnaire survey was completed by 163 ST managers in Gunma Prefecture and 2000 ST managers from all over Japan. Valid responses were collected from 55 managers from Gunma Prefecture and 473 managers from all over Japan. The association between management status with each variable was analyzed by the chisquare test and Kruskal-Wallis test. In addition, logistic regression analysis was carried out with the status of management as the dependent variable. Results: For STs all prefectures in Japan, profitable business (black-ink balance) was associated with the number of employees (full-time nurses, part-time nurses and part-time clerical staff), the mean number of care receiver homes visited daily by each nurse, the district (Hokkaido/Tohoku) and revenue/expenditure balance monitoring. In Gunma Prefecture, the percentage of red-ink operation STs was higher and the score for business management was lower than in all prefectures in Japan. Conclusions: These results suggest that management actions focusing on expansion of the scale of STs and on revenue/ expenditure balance monitoring by ST managers are effective in improving the status of management. In Gunma Prefecture, reinforcement of how to analyze business management is needed.原

    Linkage to Care and Treatment for TB and HIV among People Newly Diagnosed with TB or HIV-Associated TB at a Large, Inner City South African Hospital

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the outcomes of linkage to TB and HIV care and identify risk factors for poor referral outcomes. DESIGN: Cohort study of TB patients diagnosed at an urban hospital. METHODS: Linkage to care was determined by review of clinic files, national death register, and telephone contact, and classified as linked to care, delayed linkage to care (>7 days for TB treatment, >30 days for HIV care), or failed linkage to care. We performed log-binomial regression to identify patient and referral characteristics associated with poor referral outcomes. RESULTS: Among 593 TB patients, 23% failed linkage to TB treatment and 30.3% of the 77.0% who linked to care arrived late. Among 486 (86.9%) HIV-infected TB patients, 38.3% failed linkage to HIV care, and 32% of the 61.7% who linked to care presented late. One in six HIV-infected patients failed linkage to both TB and HIV care. Only 20.2% of HIV-infected patients were referred to a single clinic for integrated care. A referral letter was present in 90.3%, but only 23.7% included HIV status and 18.8% CD4 cell count. Lack of education (RR 1.85) and low CD4 count (CD4≤50 vs. >250cells/mm(3); RR 1.66) were associated with failed linkage to TB care. Risk factors for failed linkage to HIV care were antiretroviral-naïve status (RR 1.29), and absence of referral letter with HIV or CD4 cell count (RR1.23). CONCLUSIONS: Linkage to TB/HIV care should be strengthened by communication of HIV and CD4 results, ART initiation during hospitalization and TB/HIV integration at primary care