34 research outputs found

    La plateforme pour la santé orale en Europe

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    International audienceThe Platform for Better Oral Health in Europe brings together five European organizations (Council of European Chief Dental Officers, Association for Dental Education in Europe, European Association of Dental Public Health, Pan European-International Association For Dental Research, Oral Health Foundation-UK) along with eighteen other associated European or national organizations. The platform aims to encourage oral health promotion and the prevention of oral diseases as fundamental components of good general health. The aim is thus to strengthen oral health promotion in Europe through integrating oral health into the relevant public health policies. It also aims to address the issue of oral health inequality, particularly among vulnerable populations such as children and adolescents, older adults, and people with particular needs. The platform is therefore a European-level resource for providing evidence-based information on best practice in oral health promotion and for guiding oral health policies. It also works to reinforce communication at the European level between stakeholders, policy makers, health professionals, and the public, in order to improve awareness of oral health issues.La « plateforme pour une meilleure santé orale en Europe » réunit six associations européennes (Council of European Chief Dental Officers, Association for Dental Education in Europe, European Association of Dental Public Health, Pan European-International Association For Dental Research, Oral Health Fondation-European Federation of Periodontology) en lien avec dix-neuf organisations européennes ou nationales associées. Elle a pour objectif d’encourager la promotion de la santé orale et la prévention des maladies bucco-dentaires en tant qu’éléments fondamentaux d’une bonne santé générale. L’objectif est aussi de renforcer la politique de promotion de la santé orale en Europe, y compris par l’intégration de la santé orale dans des politiques de santé publique pertinentes. Il s’agit également de prendre en compte la question des inégalités en matière de santé orale, notamment au sein des populations vulnérables comme les enfants et les adolescents, les personnes âgées et les personnes ayant des besoins spécifiques. La plateforme constitue ainsi une ressource au niveau européen pour fournir des informations fondées sur des preuves concernant les meilleures pratiques en promotion de la santé orale et pour l’orientation des politiques en matière de santé orale. Elle travaille aussi à développer les relations au niveau européen avec les parties prenantes, les décideurs politiques, les professionnels de santé, le public, afin d’améliorer la prise en compte des enjeux concernant la santé orale en Europe

    Dental status of new caledonian children: is there a need for a new oral health promotion programme?

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    Before implementing a new oral health promotion program in the French overseas territory of Nouvelle Calédonie, the health authorities needed recent data about dental status of the New Caledonian child population.This study aimed to describe the dental status of 6, 9 and 12-yr-old New Caledonian children and to investigate the environmental and behavioural risk factors related to oral health.A randomly selected sample of 2734 children (744 6-yr-olds, 789 9-yr-olds, and 1201 12-yr-olds) was examined clinically by seven calibrated investigators and participants responded to a questionnaire. The main variables were objective criteria about dental status and subjective criteria about experience of dental care, dental fear, self-perception of oral health, cultural or ethnic identity and environmental and behavioural risk factors.Overall, most of the children had infectious oral diseases: more than 50% had gingivitis, and 60% of 6- and 9 yr-olds had at least one deciduous or permanent tooth with untreated caries. The mean 12-yr-old number of decayed missing and filled teeth (DMFT) was 2.09±2.82. The number of carious lesions was related to the unfavourable lifestyle, deprived social status and no preventive dental care. Kanak, Polynesians and Caledonians (respectively 27%, 18% and 45% of the study sample) were more affected by caries than metropolitan French and Asian children. Children with many untreated carious lesions had negative perceptions of their oral health; they complained of chewing difficulty and had higher scores for dental anxiety.This study highlights the need for new strategies aimed at improving oral health and at reducing inequalities in New Caledonia. An oral health promotion program would need to be developed in connection with other health programmes using the common risk factor approach within the context of the local environment

    Data from: Dental status of New Caledonian children: is there a need for a new oral health promotion programme?

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    Background: Before implementing a new oral health promotion program in the French overseas territory of Nouvelle Calédonie, the health authorities needed recent data about dental status of the New Caledonian child population. Objectives: This study aimed to describe the dental status of 6, 9 and 12-yr-old New Caledonian children and to investigate the environmental and behavioural risk factors related to oral health. Methods: A randomly selected sample of 2734 children (744 6-yr-olds, 789 9-yr-olds, and 1201 12-yr-olds) was examined clinically by seven calibrated investigators and participants responded to a questionnaire. The main variables were objective criteria about dental status and subjective criteria about experience of dental care, dental fear, self-perception of oral health, cultural or ethnic identity and environmental and behavioural risk factors. Results: Overall, most of the children had infectious oral diseases: more than 50% had gingivitis, and 60% of 6- and 9 yr-olds had at least one deciduous or permanent tooth with untreated caries. The mean 12-yr-old number of decayed missing and filled teeth (DMFT) was 2.09±2.82. The number of carious lesions was related to the unfavourable lifestyle, deprived social status and no preventive dental care. Kanak, Polynesians and Caledonians (respectively 27%, 18% and 45% of the study sample) were more affected by caries than metropolitan French and Asian children. Children with many untreated carious lesions had negative perceptions of their oral health; they complained of chewing difficulty and had higher scores for dental anxiety. Conclusion: This study highlights the need for new strategies aimed at improving oral health and at reducing inequalities in New Caledonia. An oral health promotion program would need to be developed in connection with other health programmes using the common risk factor approach within the context of the local environment

    Common risk indicators for oral diseases and obesity in 12-year-olds: a South Pacific cross sectional study

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    Abstract Background Despite the increasing need to prevent obesity and oral diseases in adolescents worldwide, few studies have investigated the link existing between these conditions and their common risk factors. This study aims to evaluate the oral health and weight status of New Caledonian Children (aged 6,9,12 years) and to identify, amongst 12-year-olds, risk indicators that may characterize the groups of children affected by oral diseases, obesity or both diseases. Methods This survey evaluated in 2011–2012 the oral health and stature-weight status and related risk indicators in a national representative sample of 6, 9 and 12 years-old children in New Caledonia. Dental status, chewing efficiency, height, weight and waist circumference were clinically recorded at school. The body mass index (BMI) and the waist to height ratio (WtHR) were calculated. For BMI the WHO Cut-offs were used. Twelve years-old participants responded to a questionnaire concerning socio-demographic and behavioural variables. For statistical analysis, the Clinical Oral and Global Health Index (COGHI) was developed and used. Twelve years-old children were categorised into four groups; Oral Diseases (ODG), Obesity (OG), Obesity and Oral Diseases (ODOG) and a Healthy Group (HG). A multivariate analysis was conducted using mixed-effects multinomial logistic regression models. Results Prevalence of overweight and obesity was greatly increasing from 6 years (respectively 10.8% [8.8;13.3] and 7.8% [6.0;9.9]) to 12 years (respectively 22.2% [19.9;24.7] and 20.5% [18.2;22.9]) and one third of the 12-yr-olds had an excess of abdominal adiposity. At age 12, 36.6% of the children were healthy (HG), 27.3% had oral diseases (ODG), 19.7% were obese (OG) and 16.5% had both conditions (ODOG). Geographical location, ethnicity, tooth-brushing frequency and masticatory disability were significant risk factors for the OG, ODOG and ODG groups. Ethnicity and masticatory impairment were common risk indicators for the association of oral diseases and obesity. Conclusions In NC health promotion programs should be specifically addressed towards Native populations who are particularly exposed to oral diseases and obesity, integrating a multiple risk factors approach, in order to prevent the onset of chronic diseases in adulthood. The impact of masticatory ability on children’s weight status is a major issue for future research