35 research outputs found

    Internal corporate social responsibility and organizational creativity: an empirical study of Vietnamese small and medium-sized enterprises

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    Purpose: The present study investigates the relationship between internal corporate social responsibility (CSR), a type of CSR particularly for employees within organizations, and organizational creativity. The focus is on the mediating effects of affective commitment and knowledge sharing within the relationship. Design/methodology: Data were collected in Vietnam via questionnaire survey. Regarding survey administration, first, we chose the five biggest universities, which specialized in economics and business in Hanoi. Then, from those universities, we randomly selected graduate classes whose students are fulltime employees in various companies around Hanoi. The questionnaire included 5 point Likert scale multi-items designed to measure factors. Among 750 distributed questionnaires, 252 were returned. After screening and deleting those questionnaires with missing information or those from large companies, 199 remained for further investigation, representing 26.53% of the valid response rate. The sample included 117 manufacturing and 82 non-manufacturing companies. For the statistical analysis of the data, we followed the three-step procedure of exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and structural equation modeling. Findings: Results support our hypotheses that predict positive mediating effects, except for the direct relationship between training and development as one aspect of internal CSR and affective commitment, although training and development have an indirect relationship with organizational creativity through knowledge sharing. Originality/value: The study contributes to the literature on internal CSR, especially because it provides the valid empirical evidence for the relationship between internal CSR and organizational creativity, which needs more clarification regarding the process. We emphasize the importance of findings to the case of small and medium-sized enterprises in developing countries, because they often face difficulties implementing external CSR due to resource constraints.Peer Reviewe

    Impact of Service Quality Performance on Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study of Vietnam’s Five Star Hotel

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    To exist in highly competitive market, companies need to pay more attention in improving quality of products and services. It is necessary to maintain customers’ loyalty for sustainable future development. This research focuses on investigating the impact of service quality performance on customer satisfaction in a sample of Vietnam’s five star hotels, with a case study of Hotel X, where service quality is considered as the key to success. This study chose the SERVPERF model as a conceptual framework. Analysis of results shows that components RES-EM, ASSURANCE and RELIABLITY explain customer evaluation of perceived service quality in Hotel X. These components play important roles in service quality measurement and thus it is suggested that five star hotels generally and Hotel X in particular needs to have specific strategies to enhance these components as well as customer satisfaction

    Model prihvaćanja tehnologije i putevi do online lojalnosti potrošača na tržištima u razvoju

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    The technology acceptance model (TAM) has been well-known for decades. However, the global adoption of the Internet creates new interests in utilizing TAM in e-commerce and the post-consumption intention, especially in emerging markets. Data was collected from 758 online customers via a web-based survey in Vietnam. Particular contribution of the results is that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, fairness, trust and the quality of the customer interface have direct or indirect impacts on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Moreover, in emerging markets, trust was outlined as the strongest factor contributing to customer satisfaction and leading to customer loyalty.Model prihvaćanja tehnologije (engl. technology acceptance model – TAM) dobro je poznat već desetljećima. Međutim globalno prihvaćanje interneta potiče novo zanimanje za primjenu TAM-a u e-trgovanju i postkupovnoj namjeri, posebice na tržištima u razvoju. Podaci su prikupljeni online anketiranjem 758 potrošača u Vijetnamu. Poseban doprinos rezultata jest u tome što pokazuju da percipirana korisnosti jednostavnost korištenja, poštenje, povjerenje i kvaliteta korisničkog sučelja imaju izravan ili neizravan utjecaj na zadovoljstvo i lojalnost potrošača. Nadalje, na tržištima u razvoju povjerenje je istaknuto kao najsnažniji čimbenik stvaranja zadovoljstva potrošača koje vodi lojalnosti potrošača

    Exploring The Link Between Learning And Firm Performance: An Empirical Study Of Private Manufacturing Firms In Yangon – Myanmar

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    This paper focuses on evaluating the performance of firms from the knowledge and learning perspective. The survey covered a random sample of 120 private manufacturing firms in industrial zones in the Yangon area. Two broad categories of learning are determined: Internal and external. Internal learning is captured by two domains of learning, individual and organisational, whereas external learning involves customers, competitors and suppliers. Firm performance is evaluated using two broad groups of aspects: Non-financial and financial. The ordinary least square (OLS) results show that first, different domains of learning affect firms’ performance differently. Individual, organisational and competitor learning impact firms’ non-financial performance, whereas other forms of learning do not. Second, the effect of different domains of learning on performance differs in accordance with the different aspects of performance measurement. Individual learning can explain firms' financial performance both directly and indirectly. However, organisational and competitor learning explain firm financial performance indirectly. Third, non-financial performance affects financial performance. Thus, the empirical results have important implications

    Explain by Evidence: An Explainable Memory-based Neural Network for Question Answering

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    Interpretability and explainability of deep neural networks are challenging due to their scale, complexity, and the agreeable notions on which the explaining process rests. Previous work, in particular, has focused on representing internal components of neural networks through human-friendly visuals and concepts. On the other hand, in real life, when making a decision, human tends to rely on similar situations and/or associations in the past. Hence arguably, a promising approach to make the model transparent is to design it in a way such that the model explicitly connects the current sample with the seen ones, and bases its decision on these samples. Grounded on that principle, we propose in this paper an explainable, evidence-based memory network architecture, which learns to summarize the dataset and extract supporting evidences to make its decision. Our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on two popular question answering datasets (i.e. TrecQA and WikiQA). Via further analysis, we show that this model can reliably trace the errors it has made in the validation step to the training instances that might have caused these errors. We believe that this error-tracing capability provides significant benefit in improving dataset quality in many applications.Comment: Accepted to COLING 202

    Determinants of Online Customer Satisfaction in an Emerging Market – a Mediator Role of Trust

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    Background. Customer satisfaction, in many cases affected by trust, is critical to the postconsumption intention and is regarded as the key success factor of sales in general and electronic commerce websites in particular. However few studies indicate clearly the determinants and especially their influential strengths on online customer satisfaction in emerging markets. Research aims. This study investigates what factors determine customer satisfaction. Methods. Conducted research is using data collected from 758 online customers in Vietnam, mostly young people. Key  findings. The particular contribution of these results shows that distributive fairness, customer interface quality, perceived security, perceived usefulness and trust are significant predictors of mcustomer satisfaction; especially, the mediator role of trust is proved.Słowa kluczowe: Young online customer satisfaction, Trust, E-commerce, Mediator rol

    An investigation the main internal brand crisis antecedents

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    To enrich literature of brand crisis causes regards internal perspective, this paper investigates internal brand shortage as crisis antecedents provoking brand fire consequently. Phenomenological approach is adopted using in-depth interviews, key-note seminar and validating by case studies analysis, internal brand crises antecedents were explored based on insights taken from experts in marketing and branding industry. Drafting from the phenomenological research, there are six problems leading to crisis found as follows: lack of human-centred strategy, lack of crisis prevention, lack of market understanding, lack of leadership and management skill, lack of innovation, and lack of quality assurance. These internal antecedents which accumulate to both performance-related and value-related brand crisis. This paper can have explicit implications for marketer, branders and managers, understanding these drivers and its occurrence, business managers are able to scan and analyses crisis situation faster to form timely response to crisis

    The theory of planned behavior and knowledge sharing: A systematic review and meta-analytic structural equation modelling.

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    The theory of planned behavior (TPB) is the most frequently used model in knowledge sharing. However, the empirical results are inconclusive on whether TPB can provide reasonable prediction of knowledge sharing behavior (KSB). This study aims to examine TPB in knowledge sharing and identify potential moderators of relationships among constructs in TPB

    An explorative study of psychological and social factors impacting littering behavior in Vietnam

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    Littering is a worldwide problem and Vietnam is one of the most affected countries. To enact change, not only individual cognitive determinants but also social and natural-, or environment-related variables should be taken into consideration. Although there is a large body of literature researching littering, most researchers do not distinguish the level of these factors. Thus, this research aims to investigate the interactive mechanism of these different level factors influencing the intention of the Vietnamese to stop littering, with the multi-level social-ecological model used to guide model building. The data were collected through a self-reported online questionnaire and the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) method was employed to examine the proposed conceptual framework. The results indicated that perceived behavioral control and connectedness to nature are the two main factors influencing the Vietnamese people’s intention to stop littering. Multi-group analysis results suggested the moderating effects of injunctive and descriptive norms. This research proposed a new conceptual framework and achieved unique insights into littering behavior in Vietnam, which could benefit and guide behavioral change experts, academics, and practitioners to design appropriate marketing strategies/campaigns to reduce littering