47 research outputs found

    The Cost Prediction for Chromium Detox Using Foods Intake Containing Glutathione at the Leather Tanning Industry in Magetan, Indonesia

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    BACKGROUND: Chromium was an organic compound which was used in metal alloys such as stainless steel, chrome plating, metal ceramics, leather tanning, etc. To reduce and eliminate toxin of chromium from the human body could be using detoxification process, one of them was using foods. AIM: The aim was to calculate the foods intake contain glutathione to improve chromium detoxification and calculate the cost of foods intake. METHOD: The type of research was a descriptive study. The subjects were 10 workers. Inclusion criteria of subjects were workers who had worked for more than or equal to 10 years. Variables were body weight, duration of work, and chromium concentration. After getting all variables above, breathing rate and intake non-carcinogen per respondent can be calculated. Then, the effective dose of foods rich in glutathione and costs of foods will be obtained. RESULTS: The results of this research indicated that the highest cost of foods intake containing glutathione was 5948 idr of broccoli per week and the lowest cost of foods intake was 535 idr of avocado per week. CONCLUSION: Intake of foods containing glutathione (avocado, broccoli, carrot, tomato, and grape) was expected to increase detoxification of chromium. Each individual had a different amount of cost. This depends on the effective dose, chromium concentration, weight, and duration of work per respondent

    Prediction of The Needs for Benzene Detox with Foods Intake Containing CYP2El Enzyme, Sulfation, and Glutathione at Gas Stations Pancoranmas Depok, Indonesia

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    Background: Benzene was a dangerous chemical compound which was one of the products of gas stations and one of the chemicals contained in gasoline and it was carcinogenic. TTo reduce and eliminate toxin of benzene from human body, could be used the detoxification process. One of the detoxification process approach was using foods. The aim of this research was to calculate the foods intake containing CYP2E 1 enzyme, sulfation, and glutathione to improve benzene detox. Method: The type ofr esearch was descriptive study. The subjects was 15 workers. Location of this research was in gas station Pancoranmas Depok. Variables were body weight, duration of work, working time perweek, working time perday, and benzene concentration. After getting all variables above, breathing rate and intake non-carcinogen per respondent can be calculated. Then, effective doses of foods containing CYP2El enzyme, sulfation, and glutathione would be obtained. Results: All respondents were at workplace shows benzene concentration below the TL V. The highest effective dose of foods containing CYP2El enzyme was cow brain, sulfation was tuna, and glutathione was carrot. Conclusion: The level of adequacy of enzyme of each respondent was different. Effective dose of each respondent depending on body weight, duration of work, and benzene concentration at workplace. Every respondent could choose foods depending on their needs and taste

    The relationship between duration of benzene exposure with liver enzymes in car painting workshop workers

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    Benzene is a carcinogenic compound that can be found in a car painting workshop in Surabaya. The source of benzene in the car painting workshop comes from thinners. Inhalation is the main route for benzene to enter the body. The duration of benzene exposure can affect the accumulation of benzene concentrations. If work safety is not considered, the benzene compound can cause the liver disease. Furthermore, SGOT and SGPT are basic parameters of liver function. The study aims to determine the relationship between the duration of benzene exposure with SGOT and SGPT levels in car painting workshop workers. Method: observational research with a cross-sectional approach was applied as the method of this study. The research was conducted in a car painting workshop in 2019 with 20 workers. The variables were the duration of benzene exposure (hours/day) and levels of SGOT and SGPT. Data analysis used the Fisher's Exact Test and Coefficient Contingency test. Results: Workers worked with a duration of benzene exposure ≤ 8 hours/day by 70% and > 8 hours/day by 30%. The measurement results exceeded the normal limit with the value of SGOT of 15% and the SGPT of 30%. Furthermore, the Sstatistical test show p-values between the duration of benzene exposure and SGOT (0.202) and SGPT (0.303), body weight with SGOT (1.000) and SGPT (1.000), education with SGOT (0.199) and SGPT (0.182) and alcohol consumption with SGOT (1.000) and SGPT (1.000). Conclusion: There was no relationship between the duration of benzene exposure with SGOT and SGPT levels in car painting workshop workers in Surabaya with a p-value >0.05

    Association between Malondialdehyde and Glutathione (L-gamma-Glutamyl-Cysteinyl-Glycine/GSH) Levels on Workers Exposed to Benzene in Indonesia

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    BACKGROUND: Chemicals that enter the body, especially benzene, will undergo a detoxification process. Unfortunately, at the detoxification process, sometimes benzene can produce free radicals. Free radical oxidation of lipids produces MDA compounds (malondialdehyde). To overcome these free radicals, the body will adapt to produce Glutathione (GSH) enzymes. AIM: The purpose of this study was to analyse the relationship between benzene concentration, MDA levels and glutathione enzymes in Shoe-Maker Home Industry workers exposed to benzene for more than 10 years. METHODS: Measurement of benzene concentration using a gas chromatography-flame ionisation detector (GC-FID). MDA levels used a modified spectrophotometric and GSH method of thiobarbituric acid (TBA) test. RESULT: The results showed that the majority of respondents had benzene concentrations still below the TLV value, mean of MDA levels were 6.94 mg/ml, while GSH was 4.54 mg/ml. Benzene concentration did not have a significant correlation with MDA and glutathione levels, whereas MDA levels had a strong correlation with glutathione levels (p = 0.000; r = -0.947). CONCLUSION: Workers should always use PPE and always eat foods that contain lots of glutathione enzymes such as spinach or broccoli to reduce the impact of free radicals from benzene inhalation

    Determination of Safe Benzene concentration at Kebon Jeruk Toll Gate Keeper Jakarta Indonesia

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    Benzene is a liquid aromatic hydrocarbon compound that is clear, colorless, flammable, and volatile. High concentrations of benzene in the body through inhalation can cause health problems. The purpose of this study is to determine the safe concentration of benzene exposure (C6H6) in Jakarta Kebon Jeruk toll gate keeper. Toll gate keepers are vulnerable to exposure to benzene compounds in the air. 20 toll gate keeper who are divided into toll gate 1 and toll gate 2 were population in the study. The sample technique used total population sampling. The present study used quantitative data analysis manually calculated through the calculation of safe concentration in the environmental toxicology concept. Safe concentration data on Jakarta Kebon Jeruk toll gate keeper were based on data from rat experimental animals, experimental body surface, workers’ characteristics of body weight, body height, body surface area, breathing rate and working duration. In addition, data on benzene concentration, animal km, human km, NOAEL and safe limits for toxin doses were also used. The average measurement results of benzene concentration in the air entering the body of workers through inhalation was 0.00167 mg/m3 (0.0052 ppm). This value is lower than benzene threshold according to the Minister of Manpower Regulation Number 5 of 2018 of 0.5 ppm.6 The safe concentration of benzene calculated was 0.0875 mg/m3 (0.0273 ppm). Based on the calculation of safe concentration, the concentration of benzene in the environment of the Kebon Jeruk toll gate keeper indicated safe

    Relationship of Benzene Concentration, ECR Benzene, Malondialdehyde, Glutathione, and DNA Degeneration in Shoe Industrial Workers in Osowilangun, Indonesia

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    In the shoes industry, benzene constitute as one of the source of chemical hazard especially used in the gluing section. This compound is metabolized by the liver, forming free radicals in the body which can ultimately reduce the concentration of glutathione and increased malondialdehyde causing DNA degeneration. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between benzene concentration, excess cancer risk (ECR), malondialdehyde, glutathione, and DNA degeneration among workers in shoes industry in Osowilangun, Surabaya. This is an observational study with a cross-sectional design. The number of research samples was 25 respondents. The average concentration of benzene in workers was above the threshold (10.31 ppm). There were 15 (60) respondents with ECR >0.0001 who experienced DNA degeneration. There was no relationship between benzene concentration, malondialdehyde, glutathione, and DNA degeneration. However, there was a relationship between benzene ECR, malondialdehyde, glutathione, and DNA degeneration in the shoe industry workers in Osowilangun. © The Author(s) 2020

    Relationship of Total Suspended Particulate Dust Levels, Personal Protective Equipment, and Individual Characteristics with "Breathing Respiratory Complaints at Benowo Landfill Surabaya

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    A landfill can have an impact on environmental quality such as air pollution from dust and gas produced from the anaerobic decomposition process, especially ifwaste disposal uses an open dumping system,. The results ofthe preliminary study showed that scavengers in the final processing ofgarbage had not used PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) such as masks and did not use hand protectors. Many health complaints felt by them are low back pain and headache. This research was observational, the study design used was a cross-sectional study design. The location of the study was carried out at the Surabaya Benowo waste landfill, the sample in the study w:ls scavengers of women who worked at the Surabaya Benowo waste landfill aged l5-64 years. The method ofmeasuring TSP (Total Suspended Particulate) dust using laboratory tests with gravimetric methods, data on tie use of PPE mask and respiratory complaints were obtained through questionnaires. Statistical tests were used to see strong relationships using Kendall's tau-b with a significance value ofu = 0.05. The results ofthe air quality test in the form ofTSP dust content at the work site ofthe scavengers showed the results of0.0972 mg/Nm3 which meant that TSP dust levels did not exceJd environmental quality standards. Of the 37 scavenger respondents, l3 people (24%o) experienced moderate respiratory complaints and 24 people (65%) experienced mild respiratory complaints. Characteristics of individual scavengers associated with respiratory complaints were cigarette exposure (Sig = 0.025) and disease history (Sig : 0.00). There was no significant relationship between the use ofPPE with respiratory complaints suffered by scavengers at Benowo landfill Surabaya

    Determination of Highest Dose of Ammonia without Effect at Work Environment through the Expression of Interleukin-2 Cell in Rattus Novergicus

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    BACKGROUND: For determining the threshold limit value firstly determined the highest dose of ammonia without effect (NOAEL). However, research on the determination of NOAEL ammonia didn't conduct in Indonesia. AIM: The aim of this study to determine the value of the highest dose of ammonia without effect (No Observed Adverse Effect Level/NOAEL) through interleukin-2 (IL-2) expression on white mice. METHODS: This study used experimental laboratory research with post-test only control group design using white mice as experimental subjects. The treatment group divided into 6 groups (a group of controls and five groups with different ammonia exposure through inhalation). The trend curve of Remmele Scale Index (IRS) and histopathologic analysis could be used for determining NOAEL. RESULT: The location of the highest dose of ammonia without any effect (NOAEL) of white mice was in the second group, with 0.0103 mg/kg body weight dose. Analysis of statistical tests Kruskal Wallis stated there was no significant difference in interleukin-2 expression between the control with ammonia exposed group with a significance of p (0.747) > α (0.05). CONCLUSION: There is no difference between some interleukin-2 expression in the lymphocyte cell lung white mice group exposed to ammonia and control group. The highest dose of ammonia without any effect (NOAEL) on white mice was 0.0103 mg/kg body weight

    Requirement Prediction for Toluene Detox with Foods Intake Rich in CYP2E1 Enzyme and Glycine to Prevent Nerve and Kidney Damage at Shoe Home Industry Workers in Romokalisari Surabaya

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    BACKGROUND: Toluene was an organic compound used in chemical and drug industries, the main source of toluene emissions from fires. To reduce and even eliminate toluene toxins in chemical component could be using detoxification by foods. AIM: This research aimed to calculate the intake of foods rich in CYP2E1 enzyme and glycine to improve toluene detoxification.METHODS: The type of research was a descriptive study. The subject of the study was 51 workers in Romokalisari Surabaya who had worked for more than or equal to 10 years. Variables were body weight, duration of working (years), working time per week (days), and working time per day (hours). The breathing rate, intake of non-carcinogen per respondent, can be calculated by variables before. Then, the effective dose of food rich in CYP2E1 enzyme and glycine will be obtained.RESULTS: Majority respondents had toluene concentrations below the threshold limit value (TLV). The highest effective dose of foods rich in CYP2E1 enzymes such as beef liver, beef brain, and salmon was 239.61 g, 745.45 g, and 203.3 g. Also, foods rich in glycines such as seaweed, tuna, and spinach were 432.98 mg, 934.41 mg, and 2070.71 mg. CONCLUSION: The level of adequacy of the CYP2E1 enzyme and glycine of each person was different and varied. The effective dose required by each respondent depending on weight, length of work, and concentration of benzene in the workplace. The greater the toluene concentration, the greater the needs for foods rich in CYP2E1 enzymes and glycine. Body weight can also be another factor in differences in individual intake. Weight, length of working, and toluene concentration can affect the intake of non-carcinogen in each which can affect the effective dose of foods

    Determination of Reference Dose (RfD) of mercury exposure based on NOAEL mercury

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    This study aimed to determine the RfD from mercury exposure in Bulawa Subdistrict in Bone Bolango District using NOAEL mercury in white mice and body weight and height of Indonesians who were exposed to mercury.This wasan observational study with a cross-sectional design using manual quantitative data analysis methods. As a result, the average mercury concentration in respondents’ drinking water and fish consumed was 0.000478 mg/L and 0.0298 mg/kg. In conclusion,the average mercury concentration in respondents’ drinking water and fish consumedis still below the threshold limitvalue set by the national standard for mercury concentration