16 research outputs found

    Drought-Forest Fire Relationships

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    This study was carried out to determine the methods that bear the most realistic results in predicting the number of fires and burned area under the climate conditions in future. Different indices and statistical methods were used in predicting the burned area and the number of fires. With this aim, in addition to the indices used in estimating the climate, Machine Learning and multivariate adaptive regression spline (MARS) models are also used in predicting these factors. According to the results obtained in several studies, the relationship between the drought and fire indices burned area and the number of fires changes from region to region. While better results are obtained in predicting the burned area and the number of fires via the drought indices being used in this study and the MARS models that the combinations of these indices use, it is seen that a 30–39% success was achieved for predicting the amount of burned area via Machine Learning methods (Kernel Nearest Neighbor (kNN), Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees (RPART), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and RF), and this success ranges widely from 8 to 41% in terms of the number of fires. RPART, of these four algorithms, performed the best in fire prediction, but kNN was the worst

    The Investigation of Loading, Unloading andStacking Operations in Forest Transportation in Terms of Time, Productivity and Cost in Western Black Sea Region

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    Bu çalışma, Batı Karadeniz Bölgesi ormanlarında ve orman depolarında uygulanmakta olan yükleme, boşaltma ve istişeme işlerinde kullanılan yöntemlerin zaman, verim, masraf yönünden kıyaslanması ve bu faaliyetlerin rasyonel olarak nasıl yapılabileceğinin ortaya konulması amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Seçilen örnek çalışma birimlerinde insan ve makine gücü kullanılarak yapılan yükleme, boşaltma ve istişeme faaliyetlerinin iş kısımlarına ilişkin zaman etütleri devamlı çalıştırılan kronometre yöntemi ile yapılmıştır. Zaman etütleriyle saptanan değerlerin karşılaştırılmasıyla en yüksek yükleme verimine (19.807 m3/saat) sahip olan Granab 4515 in yıllık yükleme hacmi 8500 m3 ü aşan alanlarda kullanılmasıyla işletme masraşarı minimize edilebilecektir. Aynı olguyu istişeme çalışmaları için düşünürsek; en yüksek istişeme verimine sahip olan (79.437 m3/saat) Caterpillar 920 nin yıllık istişeme hacmi 148 000 m3 ü aşan alanlarda kullanılması gerekir.This study was conducted on methods used in loading, unloading and stacking carried out in forests and forest depots in the western Black Sea region. The aims of this study were to compare methods in terms of time, cost and productivity, and to make suggestions on how these activities could be made more efficient. Time studies were conducted using human and mechanical force for loading, unloading and stacking operations in chosen sample working units, with continuously running chronometer. The results, according to analysis of time measurements, show that administration expenses canbe minimized by using Granab 4515, which has maximum loading productivity (19.807 m3/h) in areas with annual loading capacities of over 8500 m3, and Caterpillar 920, which has maximum stacking productivity (79.437 m3/h), in areas with annual stacking capacities of over 148.000 m3

    Determination of carbon stock changes: biomass models or biomass expansion factors

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    It was aimed to reveal the usability of Geographical Information System (GIS) in determination of land usage changes and carbon stock changes by an examined case, and to determine the efficiency and reliability of biomass expansion factors (BEFs) in determination of carbon stock changes. With this purpose, the maps of field usage changes and carbon stock changes according to plan arrangement periods were prepared, and then, biomass and carbon amounts were determined and compared according to growth models of tree species and BEFs. As a result of performed researches, it was understood that GIS technology, where forest inventory information can be evaluated during determining the field usage changes as well as stored biomass and carbon stock amounts in planning units, is efficient and smoother. The calculations performed by using BEFs gave values 17% more than those with models. This situation conflicts with the expectation that calculations must be complete and accurate, and it also casts doubts on usage of BEFs. Rather than usage of BEFs, it is seen that usage of models based on estimation of aboveground and belowground biomass values of standing stem volume data and their commercial and noncommercial parts are the most appropriate methods for obtaining reliable result

    Evaluation of Bartın Urban Forest in Terms of Carbon Storage, Oxygen Production and Recreation

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    Kent yaşamını olumlu yönde destekleyen, doğal ormanlardan ya da ağaçlandırmalarla tesis edilen kent ormanları giderek önemli hale gelmektedir. Yalnızca peyzaj açısından değil, aynı zamanda toplum sağlığı, temiz hava üretimi ile değişen dünyada ilgi çekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Bartın Kent Ormanı'nın mevcut durumu ile ne kadar oksijen üretimi gerçekleştirip, karbon tuttuğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca yöre halkının kent ormanı hakkındaki farkındalığı ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Kent ormanında 170.21 ton/ha biyokütlede, 76.56 ton/ha organik toprakta olmak üzere 246.77 ton/ha karbon depoladığı hesaplanmıştır. Ağaçların 1cm lik çap artımı yaparken 35.71 ton/ha oksijen üretimi gerçekleştirildiği, 15.18 ton/ha karbon depoladığı belirlenmiştir. Bartın Kent Ormanı'nın yakın çevresinin temiz hava (r=0,415*), flora ve fauna gözlemleri için (r=-0,367**) kullanıldığı görülürken, alandaki donatı eksikliği (r=0,438**) ve güvenli bulunmaması (r=0,267**) tercih edilmeme nedenleri olarak tespit edilmiştir.Urban forests, which are established from natural forests or plantations to support urban life in a positive way,are becoming increasingly important. It attracts attention not only from the landcape point of view, but also in terms of public health and air production. In this study, in its current situation, the amount of oxygen produced and the amount of carbon held by the Bartin Urban Forest is calculated. Additionally, awareness of the local people about the urban forest is tried to be revealed. It is observed that the urban forest stored 246.77 ton/ha of carbon where 170.21 ton/ha is in ground biomass and 76.56 ton/ha is in the organic soil. It is found that 1 cm diameter increase of trees result in 35.71 tonnes of additional oxygen production and 15.18 tonnes of carbon storage, per hectare. It is seen that Bartın urban forest is preferred for the freash air (r=0,415), flora and fauna observations (r=0,367). On the other hand, the lack of reinforcements (r=0,438) and security concerns (r=0,267) are identified as the reasons of not being preferable

    Calculation of carbon stock change; Çaycuma example

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    İnsan faaliyetlerinin bir sonucu olarak atmosfere salınan sera gazları ve özellikle CO2miktarının artışıyla, Dünya’da bir dengesizlik meydana gelmiştir. En önemli ekolojik problem olan küresel ısınma, iklim değişikliğine neden olmuştur. Dünya karasal ekosisteminde orman alanları, iklim değişikliği ile mücadelede önemli görevler üstlenmeleri nedeniyle özel bir yere sahiptirler. Ülkeler atmosferdeki karbon birikimi ile ormanların ilişkisini ortaya koyabilmek ve ülke politikalarını uluslararası politika ve anlaşmalara uyumlulaştırmak amacıyla, ulusal orman karbon bütçelerini belirlemektedirler. Karbon bütçeleri ormanlarda belirlenirken, yöresel orman envanter verileri kullanılmaktadır. Çünkü orman koşullarının mevcut durumuve gelişimlerini en iyi şekilde ortaya konulması gereklidir. Ülke ormanlarında tutulan karbonun ağaç servetinden belirlemesi, 1) Asan (1995;1999) tarafından önerilen, 2) Ekosistem Tabanlı Fonksiyonel Orman Amenajman Planlarında (ETFOP) önerilen Biyokütle Genişletme Faktörü Yöntemleri (BEF) katsayılarının kullanılmasıyla gerçekleştirilmektedir. Ağaç türlerinin servetleri yerine, çap ya da çap/boy değerlerinin kullanılarak, her ağaç türü için geliştirilen ve bölgeye ait biyokütle modelleri kullanılarak ta karbon stok değerlerine ulaşılmaktadır. Bu yöntemlerin kullanılması durumunda meşcere biyokütle ve dolayısıyla karbon hesabında nasıl değişiklik olduğunun ortaya konulması bu çalışmanın amacını oluşturmaktadır. Bu amaçla Zonguldak Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü (OBM)Çaycuma Orman İşletme Şefliği 2015-2031 Amenajman Planı verileri kullanılmıştır. Asan Yöntemi kullanılarak alanda biriken meşcere karbonu 872 314,08 ton, BEFyöntemiyle 889 656.8 ton ve Biyokütle Denklemleri Yöntemiyle alanda 1 203 294.5 ton karbon depolandığı belirlenmiştir. Biyokütle Denklemleri Yönteminin, BEF’egöre %35 oranında, Asan Yöntemine göre %37 oranında fazla değer verdiği belirlenmiştir. Gerçeğe en yakın sonuç veren Biyokütle Denklemleri Yöntemine göre, diğer yöntemlerin oldukça düşük sonuçlar verdiği, bu durum da ülke ormanlarında stoklanan karbonun eksik bildirimine neden olacağı anlaşılmaktadır.As a result of human activities, an imbalance has occurred in the world with the increase of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere and especially the amount of CO2.Global warming, the most important ecological problem, has caused climate change. Forest areas in the global terrestrial ecosystem have a special place because play important role in the fight against climate change.Countries set national forest carbon budgets in order to demonstrate the relationship between carbon accumulation in the atmosphere and forests and to harmonize country policies with international policies and agreements.While carbon budgets are determined in forests, regional forest inventory data is used. Because the current situation of forest conditions and their development should be put forward in the best way.Determination of carbon retained in country forests from tree wealth; 1) It is carried out by using the Biomass Expansion Factor Methods (BEF) coefficients proposed by Asan (1995; 1999), 2) Ecosystem-Based Functional Forest Management Plans (ETFOP).Carbon stock values are developed by using biomass models developed for each tree type by using diameter or diameter /tree height values instead of the fortunes of tree species.The aim of this study is; In the case of using these methods, it is to reveal how the biomass and thus carbon account change.For this purpose, Zonguldak Forest Regional Directorate (OBM) Çaycuma Forest Management Directorate 2015-2031 Management Plan data were used.Using the Asan Method, the carbonaceous carbon stored in the field was determined as 872 314,08 tons, 889 656.8 tons by ETFOP method and 1 203 294.5 tons of carbon stored in the field by Biomass Equations Method.It was determined that the Biomass Equations Method gave a value of 35% compared to ETFOP and 37% more than Asan Method.According to the Biomass Equations Method, which gives the closest result to reality, it is understood that other methods give very low results and this will cause incomplete reporting of carbon stocked in country forests

    Biyokütle denklemleri ve biyokütle genişletme faktörü (BEF) ile karbon hesabı; Amasra Orman İşletme Şefliği örneği

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    Carbon dioxide, which accumulates in the atmosphere as a result of human activities, is one of the most important causes of global warming. Carbon dioxide, the main component of the atmosphere, is stored in carbon forests, in the earth and in the oceans. In the context of combating global climate change, countries need to determine the amount of carbon retained and carbon changes in forest ecosystems. There are various methods developed for this purpose. In this study, the biomass equation based on the biomass equations of tree species and the BEF method based on the tree volumes are compared. It has been determined that the biomass equation method that is evaluated as the result of the study gives higher results than the BEF method in determining the stand carbon. The amount of carbon stock in Amasra Enterprize was 185.07 t / ha by biomass method; It was determined as 151.08 t / ha by BEF method

    Estimating carbon storage through machine learning algorithms

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    Forest ecosystems have an important place in carbon conversion by transforming the CO2 they receive from the atmosphere and storing it in large quantities on the earth. Standard models are established and carbon calculations are made for biomass estimations of forest trees. While regression equations are frequently used in the prediction of biomass, estimations made with machine learning algorithms using stand parameters are rarely tested. In this study, it is evaluated whether the parameters of the stand type can be used without using the standard models or equations in the biomass estimation procedure. Verification of biomass estimates via kNN (Kernel Nearest Neighbor), RF (Random Forest) and RPART (Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees) from machine learning algorithms for coniferous, broad-leaved and mixed stands in the Amasra, Arıt and Kurucaşile Sub-district Directorates of Bartın Forestry Directorate have been carried out. Amasra, Arıt and Kurucaşile regions, where the work was carried out, have 121, 79 and 121 stand types respectively. Carbon calculations for five diametric classes were carried out using the data for the tables of stand identification. Total carbon stocks were found to be 111 tons/ha, 115 tons/ha and 179 tons/ha for Amasra, Arıt and Kurucaşile regions respectively. Carbon stock values calculated by regression equations; it can be estimated as 40%, 85%, 99% with the KNN algorithm, 42%, 57%, 85% with the RPART algorithm and 71%, 78%, 80% with the RF algorithm in the mixed, coniferous and broad-leaved stands, respectively

    Investigation on growth and adaptation ability of fast growing afforestations in Bartin-Karaçaydere district

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    Ormanlardan sağlanan ürün ve hizmetlerin devamlılığının sağlanabilmesi için bu önemli doğal kaynağın kalitesinin ve alansal büyüklüğünün artırılması gerekmektedir. Bu kapsamda doğal orman kaynakları üzerindeki baskı azaltılmalı ve özellikle odun hammaddesine dayalı sektörlerin taleplerinin karşılanabilmesi amacıyla kısa idare süresine sahip hızlı gelişen yerli ve yabancı türler ile endüstriyel plantasyonlar uygun alanlarda ve ekolojik koşullarda tesis edilmelidir. Ancak bu konuda başarılı olunabilmesi için uygun alan seçimi kadar tür, orijin ve klon seçimi de büyük bir önem taşımaktadır. Ülkemizde 1975 yılından itibaren değişik yörelerde hızlı gelişen yerli ve yabancı türler ile endüstriyel plantasyonların tesis edilmesi çalışmaları gerçekleştirilmektedir. Bu amaçla ülkemiz ekolojik koşullarına uygun olabileceği düşüncesiyle çok sayıda hızlı gelişen egzotik tür ithal çalışmaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu türlerin başında Pinus pinasterAiton., Pinus taedaL. ve Pinus radiataD. Don gelmektedir. Bu çalışmada Bartın-Karaçaydere mıntıkasında bu üç egzotik hızlı gelişen çam türü ile gerçekleştirilen ağaçlandırma çalışmalarında büyüme ve adaptasyon yetenekleri karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmiş ve araştırma alanında hakim olan ekolojik koşullar kapsamında yöreye en iyi adapte olabilen türün belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.In order to ensure the continuity of the products and services provided by the forests, the quality and spatial size of this important natural resource must be increased. In this context, the pressure on natural forest resources should be reduced and fast growing invasive and exotic forest tree species and industrial plantations with a short rotation period should be established in suitable areas and ecological conditions in order to meet the demands of the sectors, especially based on wood raw materials. However, in order to be successful in this matter, selection of species, origins and clones is of great importance as well as the selection of suitable sites. Since 1975 in our country, efforts are being made to establish industrial plantations by fast growing invasive and exotic forest tree species in different regions. For this purpose, numerous fast-growing exotic species import studies have been carried out with the thought that our country may be suitable ecological conditions. At the beginning of these species are Pinus pinasterAiton., Pinus taedaL. and Pinus radiataD. Don. In this study aimed that the growth and adaptation abilities of these three exotic fast growing pine species were investigated comparatively in Bartın-Karaçaydere afforestation areas and should be determined the best adaptable species in the area under actual ecological conditions


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    The paper deals with the changes of annual temperatures and precipitations in West Black Sea Region of Turkey. The of climatic features of the region for the forest growth is analyzed by the distribution of different climatic types of years (CTYs) and classes according to the standardized precipitation index (SPI) for 1901 – 2009. Based on the obtained trends of temperature and precipitation curves for 43 years, the future climate changes are predicted. According to the survey it was found that in almost all studied sites the climate was dominated by the warm - dry climatic type. The established trend of increasing of average annual temperatures and reducing of annual precipitations will expose a high risk to the forest growth and economy in the region. Certain basic recommendations for forest management are given by the authors