6 research outputs found

    Multiple Angle Observations Would Benefit Visible Band Remote Sensing Using Night Lights

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    The spatial and angular emission patterns of artificial and natural light emitted, scattered, and reflected from the Earth at night are far more complex than those for scattered and reflected solar radiation during daytime. In this commentary, we use examples to show that there is additional information contained in the angular distribution of emitted light. We argue that this information could be used to improve existing remote sensing retrievals based on night lights, and in some cases could make entirely new remote sensing analyses possible. This work will be challenging, so we hope this article will encourage researchers and funding agencies to pursue further study of how multi‐angle views can be analyzed or acquired

    Paleoambientes y procedencia de la sección inferior de la Formación Rodeo, en el valle de La Tranca Norte, Provincia de San Juan

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    Con el objetivo de analizar la sección inferior de la Formación Rodeo, aflorante en el valle de La Tranca Norte, se realizó un relevamiento de la misma describiendo las litologías presentes así como las estructuras sedimentarias, para luego confeccionar dos perfiles sedimentológicos de detalle y un mapa geológico. A su vez, se analizaron las distintas áreas de aporte a partir de conteos de clastos de conglomerados y de muestras de areniscas.\nCon el objetivo de analizar la sección inferior de la Formación Rodeo, aflorante en el valle de La Tranca Norte, se realizó un relevamiento de la misma describiendo las litologías presentes así como las estructuras sedimentarias, para luego confeccionar dos perfiles sedimentológicos de detalle y un mapa geológico. A su vez, se analizaron las distintas áreas de aporte a partir de conteos de clastos de conglomerados y de muestras de areniscas.\nEl análisis sedimentológico permitió la identificación de 7 asociaciones de facies: AF1 (Brechas verdes monomícticas), AF2 (Lentes conglomerádicas), AF3 (Conglomerados y areniscas), AF4 (Areniscas y pelitas en bancos tabulares), AF5 (Rocas volcaniclásticas), AF6 (Conglomerados polimícticos, areniscas y pelitas) y AF7 (Conglomerados polimícticos y areniscas).\nLa interpretación paleoambiental de cada una de las asociaciones de facies, permitió concluir que la sección inferior de la Formación Rodeo corresponde a un sistema de piedemonte asociado al levantamiento de la Sierra de Caracol, seguido por un sistema fluvial axial que evoluciona a un sistema fluvial entrelazado de transferencia desarrollado en una cuenca de piggyback. El bloqueo del sistema debido a la generación de barreras de tipo sedimentario o estructural, o el ahogamiento asociado a la actividad volcánica sincrónica con la sedimentación, resultó en intercalaciones de depósitos finos asociados a un sistema lacustre efímero. A lo largo de la sección estudiada, se pudo determinar una actividad volcánica sincrónica con la depositación, que se hace más abundante hacia el techo de la formación.\nEl estudio composicional realizado en las muestras de areniscas permitió establecer que las áreas de aporte corresponden a un arco disectado para los depósitos basales de la unidad, asociados al aporte del batolito de Colangüil y Grupo Choiyoi de Cordillera Frontal. Hacia el techo, el aumento de líticos volcánicos intermedios y plagioclasa, ubican a las muestras en el campo de arco transicional, reflejando el aporte del vulcanismo mioceno andesítico a dacítico. A su vez, en las muestras basales se observó una mayor participación de líticos metamórficos provenientes de la Precordillera, aportados por el levantamiento de las Sierras de La Tranca y Caracol.\nLos resultados obtenidos a partir de los conteos de clastos de conglomerados fueron consistentes con lo observado en las muestras de areniscas. Los conteos en la base de la unidad mostraron un predominio de aporte local de Precordillera (filitas) con un aumento en la participación de clastos provenientes de Cordillera Frontal (riolitas y granitos) y del vulcanismo mioceno (dacitas y andesitas) hacia sectores superiores pero siempre siendo mayor el contenido de clastos de Precordillera.\nFinalmente, a partir de los análisis paleoambiental y de procedencia, y de las características geológicas y estructurales, se realizó una interpretación para la evolución de la región.Fil:Tuñón, Milagros. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina

    Growth of pigeon pea (Canajus Cajan) using auxin irrigation in a home garden in Panamá

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    We evaluated the growth of 120 plants divided into two groups of 60 grown in an area of 1000 m2 . The control group was hydrated with water, while the experimental group received water fortified with auxins. The experiment was carried out for twelve weeks during the dry season, and the amount of water per plant in each application was 250 mL. The planting area is located in the town of Burunga, district of Arraiján, which corresponds to the province of West Panama. A comparison of the control group with the experimental group was established using the Mann-Whitney U non-parametric inferential statistics test. Statistically significant differences were observed between the control and experimental groups in all measurements except that of 120 hours, demonstrating that water with auxins strengthens the growth of pigeon pea plants. Furthermore, there were statistically significant differences in the edophological properties between the control and experimental groups

    Multiple Angle Observations Would Benefit Visible Band Remote Sensing Using Night Lights

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    The spatial and angular emission patterns of artificial and natural light emitted, scattered, and reflected from the Earth at night are far more complex than those for scattered and reflected solar radiation during daytime. In this commentary, we use examples to show that there is additional information contained in the angular distribution of emitted light. We argue that this information could be used to improve existing remote sensing retrievals based on night lights, and in some cases could make entirely new remote sensing analyses possible. This work will be challenging, so we hope this article will encourage researchers and funding agencies to pursue further study of how multi‐angle views can be analyzed or acquired.Plain Language Summary: When satellites take images of Earth, they usually do so from directly above (or as close to it as is reasonably possible). In this comment, we show that for studies that use imagery of Earth at night, it may be beneficial to take several images of the same area at different angles within a short period of time. For example, different types of lights shine in different directions (street lights usually shine down, while video advertisements shine sideways), and tall buildings can block the view of a street from some viewing angles. Additionally, since views from different directions pass through different amounts of air, imagery at multiple angles could be used to obtain information about Earth's atmosphere, and measure artificial and natural night sky brightness. The main point of the paper is to encourage researchers, funding agencies, and space agencies to think about what new possibilities could be achieved in the future with views of night lights at different angles.Key Points: Remote sensing using the visible band at night is more complex than during the daytime, especially due to the variety of artificial lights. Views of night lights intentionally taken from multiple angles provide several advantages over near‐nadir or circumstantial view geometries. Night lights remote sensing would benefit from greater consideration of the role viewing geometry plays in the observed radiance.EC H2020 H2020 Societal Challenges http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100010676Helmholtz Association http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100009318Slovak Research and Development AgencyXunta de Galicia (Regional Government of Galicia) http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100010801National Aeronautics and Space Administration http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100000104University of Hong Kong http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100003803Fonds de recherche du QuébecEC Emprego, Assuntos Sociais e Inclusão European Social Fund http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100004895Natural Environment Research Council http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000270City of Cologne, German