111 research outputs found

    Circumventing embryonic lethality with Lcmt1 deficiency: generation of hypomorphic Lcmt1 mice with reduced protein phosphatase 2A methyltransferase expression and defects in insulin signaling.

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    Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), the major serine/threonine phosphatase in eukaryotic cells, is a heterotrimeric protein composed of structural, catalytic, and targeting subunits. PP2A assembly is governed by a variety of mechanisms, one of which is carboxyl-terminal methylation of the catalytic subunit by the leucine carboxyl methyltransferase LCMT1. PP2A is nearly stoichiometrically methylated in the cytosol, and although some PP2A targeting subunits bind independently of methylation, this modification is required for the binding of others. To examine the role of this methylation reaction in mammalian tissues, we generated a mouse harboring a gene-trap cassette within intron 1 of Lcmt1. Due to splicing around the insertion, Lcmt1 transcript and LCMT1 protein levels were reduced but not eliminated. LCMT1 activity and methylation of PP2A were reduced in a coordinate fashion, suggesting that LCMT1 is the only PP2A methyltransferase. These mice exhibited an insulin-resistance phenotype, indicating a role for this methyltransferase in signaling in insulin-sensitive tissues. Tissues from these animals will be vital for the in vivo identification of methylation-sensitive substrates of PP2A and how they respond to differing physiological conditions

    Capture of Escherichia coli O157:H7 Using Immunomagnetic Beads of Different Size and Antibody Conjugating Chemistry

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    Immunomagnetic beads (IMB) were synthesized using anti-Escherichia coli O157 antibodies and magnetic beads of two different sizes (1 μm and 2.6 to 2.8 μm) that contained a streptavidin coating, activated carboxyl groups or tosylated surfaces. The synthesized IMB, together with a commercially available IMB, were used to capture different strains of E. coli O157:H7 and E. coli O157:NM. The E. coli capture was measured by the time resolved fluorescence (TRF) intensity using a sandwich assay which we have previously demonstrated of having a sensitivity of 1 CFU/g after 4.5 hour enrichment [1]. The analyses of measured TRF intensity and determined antibody surface concentration indicated that larger beads provided higher response signals than smaller beads and were more effective in capturing the target of interest in pure culture and ground beef. In addition, while each type of IMB showed different favorable capture of E. coli O157:H7, streptavidin-coated IMB elicited the highest response, on average. Streptavidin-coated IMB also provided an economic benefit, costing less than $0.50 per assay. The results could be used to guide the proper choice of IMB for applications in developing detection processes for E. coli O157:H7

    Exploration of the use of antibiotics in a hospital based on point prevalence survey

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    Objective·To analyze the changes in the use of antibiotics in a tertiary hospital in Jiangsu Province, so as to provide reference for the improvement of antimicrobial drug management in the hospital.Methods·The point prevalence survey was conducted to investigate the usage of antibiotics and nosocomial infection of Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University on October 16, 2019, and September 15, 2022, respectively. The related data were summarized by Excel 16.0 and analyzed by SPSS 26.0 software. The related data were described by utilization rate and constituent ratio, and χ2 test was used for comparative analysis.Results·In 2019, a total of 474 patients were enrolled and their antimicrobial utilization rate was 48.1% on the day of the survey; in 2022, a total of 484 patients were enrolled and their antimicrobial utilization rate was 33.5% on the day of the survey. Compared with 2019, the rate of antibiotic usage in hospitalized patients showed an overall downward trend in 2022. The usage rate of only one antimicrobial agent increased from 38.6% to 82.7% (χ2=75.182, P=0.000), the usage rate of double therapy decreased from 40.8% to 14.2% (χ2=32.048, P=0.000), and the usage rate of quadruple therapy decreased from 14.0% to 0 (χ2=24.769, P=0.000). In 2019 and 2022, the usage rate of surgical prophylactic antibiotics was 61.5% and 88.1%, and the usage rate of two or more surgical prophylactic antibiotics was 38.5% and 11.9%, respectively. The usage rate of surgical prophylactic antibiotics in 2022 was higher than that in 2019 (χ2=27.297, P=0.000). The rate of antibiotic usage with medication records increased from 4.0% to 97.8% (χ2=695.523, P=0.000), and the rate of antibiotic withdrawal records increased from 22.4% to 91.0% (χ2=468.698, P=0.000). The rate of empirical usage of antibiotics by clinicians decreased from 47.3% to 35.8% (χ2=260.038, P=0.000), and the rate of antibiotic usage based on inflammatory indicators increased from 18.9% to 27.0% (χ2=505.637, P=0.000). The rate of antibiotics compliance increased from 88.6% to 92.1% (χ2=464.573, P=0.000). The most common type of nosocomial infection in 2019 and 2022 was pneumonia, accounting for 64.7% and 81.0%.Conclusion·The level of antibacterial drug management in the hospital has been stable and improved, and the standardization of the usage of antibacterial drugs by medical staff has been improved. Hospital managers should improve the construction of information technology for rational use of antimicrobial drugs, emphasize departmental collaboration, and work together to formulate work plans to improve the rate of rational usage of antimicrobial drugs and enhance patient satisfaction

    Palmoplantar keratoderma along with neuromuscular and metabolic phenotypes in Slurp1-deficient mice.

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    Mutations in SLURP1 cause mal de Meleda, a rare palmoplantar keratoderma (PPK). SLURP1 is a secreted protein that is expressed highly in keratinocytes but has also been identified elsewhere (e.g., spinal cord neurons). Here, we examined Slurp1-deficient mice (Slurp1(-/-)) created by replacing exon 2 with β-gal and neo cassettes. Slurp1(-/-) mice developed severe PPK characterized by increased keratinocyte proliferation, an accumulation of lipid droplets in the stratum corneum, and a water barrier defect. In addition, Slurp1(-/-) mice exhibited reduced adiposity, protection from obesity on a high-fat diet, low plasma lipid levels, and a neuromuscular abnormality (hind-limb clasping). Initially, it was unclear whether the metabolic and neuromuscular phenotypes were due to Slurp1 deficiency, because we found that the targeted Slurp1 mutation reduced the expression of several neighboring genes (e.g., Slurp2, Lypd2). We therefore created a new line of knockout mice (Slurp1X(-/-) mice) with a simple nonsense mutation in exon 2. The Slurp1X mutation did not reduce the expression of adjacent genes, but Slurp1X(-/-) mice exhibited all of the phenotypes observed in the original line of knockout mice. Thus, Slurp1 deficiency in mice elicits metabolic and neuromuscular abnormalities in addition to PPK

    Compromised Mitochondrial Fatty Acid Synthesis in Transgenic Mice Results in Defective Protein Lipoylation and Energy Disequilibrium

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    A mouse model with compromised mitochondrial fatty acid synthesis has been engineered in order to assess the role of this pathway in mitochondrial function and overall health. Reduction in the expression of mitochondrial malonyl CoA-acyl carrier protein transacylase, a key enzyme in the pathway encoded by the nuclear Mcat gene, was achieved to varying extents in all examined tissues employing tamoxifen-inducible Cre-lox technology. Although affected mice consumed more food than control animals, they failed to gain weight, were less physically active, suffered from loss of white adipose tissue, reduced muscle strength, kyphosis, alopecia, hypothermia and shortened lifespan. The Mcat-deficient phenotype is attributed primarily to reduced synthesis, in several tissues, of the octanoyl precursors required for the posttranslational lipoylation of pyruvate and a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complexes, resulting in diminished capacity of the citric acid cycle and disruption of energy metabolism. The presence of an alternative lipoylation pathway that utilizes exogenous free lipoate appears restricted to liver and alone is insufficient for preservation of normal energy metabolism. Thus, de novo synthesis of precursors for the protein lipoylation pathway plays a vital role in maintenance of mitochondrial function and overall vigo

    Genotypes and Toxin Gene Profiles of Staphylococcus aureus Clinical Isolates from China

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    A total of 108 S. aureus isolates from 16 major hospitals located in 14 different provinces in China were characterized for the profiles of 18 staphylococcal enterotoxin (SE) genes, 3 exfoliatin genes (eta, etb and etd), and the toxic shock syndrome toxin gene (tsst) by PCR. The genomic diversity of each isolate was also evaluated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), multilocus sequence typing (MLST), and accessory gene regulator (agr) typing. Of these strains, 90.7% (98/108) harbored toxin genes, in which tsst was the most prevalent toxin gene (48.1%), followed by sea (44.4%), sek (42.6%) and seq (40.7%). The see and etb genes were not found in any of the isolates tested. Because of high-frequency transfer of toxin gene-containing mobile genetic elements between S. aureus strains, a total of 47 different toxin gene combinations were detected, including a complete egc cluster in 19 isolates, co-occurrence of sea, sek and seq in 38 strains, and sec and sel together in 11 strains. Genetic typing by PFGE grouped all the strains into 25 clusters based on 80% similarity. MLST revealed 25 sequence types (ST) which were assigned into 16 clonal complexes (CCs) including 2 new singletons. Among these, 11 new and 6 known STs were first reported in the S. aureus strains from China. Overall, the genotyping results showed high genetic diversity of the strains regardless of their geographical distributions, and no strong correlation between genetic background and toxin genotypes of the strains. For genotyping S. aureus, PFGE appears to be more discriminatory than MLST. However, toxin gene typing combined with PFGE or MLST could increase the discriminatory power of genotyping S. aureus strains
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