8 research outputs found

    Digitalization of the ECtHR activities in inheritance cases and in compulsory enforcement of jurisdictional decisions: International-legal aspect

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    Global challenges and the change in people's usual way of life during the pandemic have shown that it is digital technologies that can expand the possibilities of humanity. Their improvement and expansion of their scope is a priority for many states of the world. Therefore, global digitalization has covered all spheres of social life, including justice and the activities of decision-enforcement bodies. In particular, at the 37th plenary meeting of the European Commission on the Efficiency of Justice of the Council of Europe (CEPEJ), unity was demonstrated on the need for further development of tools concerning the digitalization of justice. Due to this, it is important to analyze the features of the digitalization of justice on the example of the activities of the European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter referred to as the ECtHR) regarding inheritance cases and pay attention to the international legal aspect of this issue. The purpose of the work is to study the international legal aspect of digitalization of the activity of the ECtHR in inheritance cases and in the course of enforcement of decisions of jurisdictional bodies. The research methodology includes the dialectical method, historical-logical, comparative-legal, formal-legal, statistical, systemic-structural, modeling, and sociological methods. The authors summarized that the digitalization of justice is reflected in the activities of the ECtHR, including inheritance cases. The authors also highlighted the problematic issues of regulation of the implementation of digitalization tools for the administration of justice in some countries and problematic issues of digitalization of enforcement of court decisions

    Початок дії легату (заповідального відказу): від Юстиніана до сучасності

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    Цибульська О. Ю. Початок дії легату (заповідального відказу): від Юстиніана до сучасності / О. Ю. Цибульська // Римське право як підґрунтя сучасного права Європи : матеріали Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Одеса, 27 травня 2016 р.) / за заг. ред. Є. О. Харитонова ; НУ "ОЮА". Півд. регіон. центр НАПрН України. - Одеса : Фенікс, 2016. - С. 24-26

    The concept of non-contractual obligations in inheritance law: international legal experience

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    The article is devoted to the study and analysis of such areas of civil law as non-contractual structures, within the inheritance law of individual European Union countries, the emergence, development and implementation of such structures in regulations governing the inheritance procedures of countries such as Poland, Czech Republic, Republic of Lithuania and the Republic of Latvia. The purpose of the study in the monograph is a comprehensive analysis of the nature and specifics of legal and doctrinal bases of regulation and practice of non-contractual constructions in the inheritance law of individual EU countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania, and Latvia). As a result of the study the concept of non-contractual constructions of inheritance law is formed in the work. The types of non-contractual constructions, first of all their dialectical classification, architecture and place in the system of inheritance law are singled out and analyzed. An analysis of their identification and separation in different states, depending on the legal family, traces the integrity of the fundamental structure of knowledge about the obligatory rights of the testator within the will, heirs and beneficiaries in their biocentric expression and in the context of social ties. Emphasis is placed on rethinking and solving some problems in inheritance law, from the point of view of new world realities

    Influência do direito privado romano nos princípios básicos da sucessão singular na lei de herança da Ucrânia, Polónia e Lituânia

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    The authors of the article analyzed the hereditary laws of the present day based on the designs that were used during the time of ancient Rome. The object of the study of the article is the succession – universal and singular. Universal succession is characterized by the fact that civil rights and responsibilities pass directly to other persons directly, as a whole, in full, by a single act, at the same time. Singular succession is a legal succession of individual rights or duties. By singular succession to individuals, only certain property benefits passed without any burden on them. These were the so-called testamentary disposition, carried out in the form of a legate and fideicommissum. The authors concluded that in the modern civil law of Ukraine, with the help of a legate, the testator is given the opportunity to assign the heir to the will of execution of any property obligation in favor of the person - the legatee specified by the testator. Poland and Lithuania also have a singular succession. The comparative legal analysis made by the authors testifies that they differ only in certain details from the constructions contained in the legislation of Ukraine. Thus, on the example of the analysis of the rules of inheritance law of the above-mentioned states, one can be convinced that the influence of the rules of Roman law on the corresponding testamentary constructions is present and is decisive.Los autores del artículo analizaron las leyes hereditarias de la actualidad en función de los diseños que se utilizaron durante la época de la antigua Roma. El objeto del estudio del artículo es la sucesión - universal y singular. La sucesión universal se caracteriza por el hecho de que los derechos y responsabilidades civiles pasan directamente a otras personas directamente, en su totalidad, en su totalidad, mediante un solo acto, al mismo tiempo. La sucesión singular es una sucesión legal de derechos o deberes individuales. Por sucesión singular a individuos, solo ciertos beneficios de propiedad pasaron sin ninguna carga para ellos. Estas fueron las llamadas disposiciones testamentarias, realizadas en forma de legado y fideicomiso. Los autores concluyeron que en la ley civil moderna de Ucrania, con la ayuda de un legado, el testador tiene la oportunidad de asignar al heredero la voluntad de ejecución de cualquier obligación de propiedad a favor de la persona, el legatario especificado por el testador. . Polonia y Lituania también tienen una sucesión singular. El análisis jurídico comparativo realizado por los autores demuestra que difieren solo en ciertos detalles de las construcciones contenidas en la legislación de Ucrania. Por lo tanto, en el ejemplo del análisis de las reglas de la ley de herencia de los estados mencionados anteriormente, uno puede estar convencido de que la influencia de las reglas de la ley romana sobre las construcciones testamentarias correspondientes está presente y es decisiva.Os autores do artigo analisaram as leis hereditárias dos dias atuais com base nos desenhos que foram usados durante a época da Roma antiga. O objeto do estudo do artigo é a sucessão - universal e singular. A sucessão universal é caracterizada pelo fato de que os direitos e responsabilidades civis passam diretamente a outras pessoas diretamente, como um todo, por um único ato, ao mesmo tempo. A sucessão singular é uma sucessão legal de direitos ou deveres individuais. Por sucessão singular a indivíduos, apenas certos benefícios de propriedade passavam sem qualquer ônus para eles. Estas eram as chamadas disposições testamentárias, realizadas sob a forma de um legado e fideicomissum. Os autores concluíram que na lei civil moderna da Ucrânia, com a ajuda de um legado, o testador é dado a oportunidade de atribuir o herdeiro à vontade de execução de qualquer obrigação de propriedade em favor da pessoa - o legatário especificado pelo testador. A Polónia e a Lituânia também têm uma sucessão singular. A análise jurídica comparativa feita pelos autores atesta que eles diferem apenas em certos detalhes das construções contidas na legislação da Ucrânia. Assim, no exemplo da análise das regras da lei de herança dos estados acima mencionados, pode-se convencer que a influência das regras do direito romano nas construções testamentárias correspondentes está presente e é decisiva

    Набуття заповідального відказу за цивільним законодавством Чехії

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    Цибульська О. Ю. Набуття заповідального відказу за цивільним законодавством Чехії / О. Ю. Цибульська // Від римського приватного права до права Європи : матер. 15-ої міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Одеса, 15 трав., 2017 р.) / за заг. ред. д.ю.н., проф. Є. О. Харитонова. – Одеса : Фенікс, 2017. – С. 83-84

    Заповідальне покладення або право заповідача покласти на спадкоємців інші обов'язки

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    Цибульська О. Ю. Заповідальне покладення або право заповідача покласти на спадкоємців інші обов'язки / О. Ю. Цибульська // Часопис цивілістики. – 2016. – Вип. 20. – С. 103-106.В статті досліджуються питання, пов’язані з особливостями виникнення, здійснення та захисту прав, що ви­никають внаслідок встановлення в заповіті конструкції заповідального покладення. Визначається сутність права заповідача покласти на спадкоємців інші обов’язки.В статье исследуются вопросы, связанные с особенностями возникновения, осуществления и защиты прав, возникающих в результате установления в завещании конструкции завещательного возложения. Определяется сущность права завещателя возложить на наследников другие обязанности.The questions, related to the features of origin, realization and protection of rights arising up as a result of establishment in the testament of construction of testamentary laying­on, are investigated in the article. Essence of right for a testator to lay other duties on heirs is determined

    Dialogue-Interaction-Respect as key elements of pedagogical partnership and their significance for the development of teachers' competence

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    The current educational environment should be conducive to the students' development, open to innovation, interactive, and stimulating the active participation of all participants in the educational process. However, in this context, it is important to design such an environment that would be developmental not only for students but also for teachers. Therefore, this study aimed to check how the observance of the principles of pedagogical partnership in the educational process affects the development of the teachers' competence. The Marzano Teacher Evaluation Model (2017) and the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) were used to identify the professional competence level. The implementation of the Pedagogy of Partnership program in general secondary education institutions had a positive effect on the development of teachers' methodological professional competence, namely: it increased by 10% among teachers of the English language, by 14% among teachers of the Ukrainian Language and Literature, and Mathematics — by 9%. It was also determined that there is a statistically significant relationship between the teachers' experience and their level of competence: the highest correlation is observed between the level of competence and experience from 5 to 10 years (0.988). The study revealed that teachers working according to the principles of the Pedagogy of Partnership use new forms of interaction and teaching methods, which helps to improve their methodological competence. Future research could focus on analyzing the use of information and communication technologies to support pedagogical partnerships

    El impacto de la digitalización de la educación en el desarrollo de competencias docentes claves

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    The aim of the study is to identify the relationship between the digital competence of a higher school teacher and creativity, critical thinking, communicative, subject methodical, and communicative competence. The main research methods included testing to identify the level of digital competence, creativity, and critical thinking, as well as the interview to determine the level of subject methodological competence. The results of the study indicate that the medium level of the teacher competencies dominates. The level of teachers’ digital, subject methodological, communicative competencies, creativity, and critical thinking decrease in persons with 16-25 years of work experience. Digitalization of education most significantly affects the development of communicative and subject methodological competence. The relationship between digitalization and professional competencies is more significant among teachers with 1-15 years of work experience. The obtained results can be used to improve existing educational programmes for teacher training. The prospects for further research include the creation and verification of programmes of formative experiments aimed at clarifying the causal relationship between the digitalization of education and the development of the professional competence of higher school teachers