330 research outputs found

    Konus-Wind and Helicon-Coronas-F Observations of Solar Flares

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    Results of solar flare observations obtained in the Konus-Wind experiment from November, 1994 to December, 2013 and in the Helicon Coronas-F experiment during its operation from 2001 to 2005, are presented. For the periods indicated Konus-Wind detected in the trigger mode 834 solar flares, and Helicon-Coronas-F detected more than 300 solar flares. A description of the instruments and data processing techniques are given. As an example, the analysis of the spectral evolution of the flares SOL2012-11-08T02:19 (M 1.7) and SOL2002-03-10T01:34 (C5.1) is made with the Konus-Wind data and the flare SOL2003-10-26T06:11 (X1.2) is analyzed in the 2.223 MeV deuterium line with the Helicon-Coronas-F data.Comment: Published version. A list of the Konus-Wind solar flare triggers and figures of their time profiles are available at http://www.ioffe.ru/LEA/Solar

    Competence-based approach in system of secondary professional education

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    В статье рассматривается компетентностный подход к системе среднего профессионального образования на примере подготовки специалистов среднего звена по специальности «Технологии машиностроения»The article examines the competence approach to the system of secondary vocational education on the example of the training of mid-level specialists in the specialty «Machine-building technologies»

    Values and basic beliefs of working and non-working students

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    The article is prepared on the basis of empirical data obtained from a sample of senior students divided into two groups – a group of working and a group of non-working students. They studied and compared social values and individual priorities, as well as basic beliefs. It is shown that both student samples are generally characterized by the same average overall level of social values (3.9 points out of 7 possible) and a low overall level of individual priorities, although it is higher for working students (2.1 vs. 1.8 points). The priority of social values over individual values was found in both groups. Intergroup differences in the value of “power” are established: its indicator is higher among working students; non-working students attach more importance to independence. Working students, in comparison with non-working students, have a higher individual significance of conformity and achievements. Students of both groups have a high level of conviction in their own worth and luck, but the world seems to them more unfair than fair. Significant intergroup differences in none of the five basic beliefs were revealed


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    В статье рассмотрены понятия «бренд» и «брендинг»; изучены особенности бренда и брендинга услуг; исследована модель точек контакта с брендом С. Дэвиса и М. Данна, а также проведена оценка эффективности сервисного бренда Starbucks с помощью данной модели.The article discusses the concepts of “brand” and “branding”; the features of the brand and branding of services are studied; the model of points of contact with the brand of S. Davis and M. Dunn is investigated, and the eff ctiveness of the service brand Starbucks is evaluated using this model

    Personal prerequisites for the psychological safety of Russian students in close intercultural interaction

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    The article is based on the data of an empirical study carried out in 2022 with the participation of 148 students of the MGIMO University – Russian’s citizens, one half of whom identified themselves as Russian, and the other attributed themselves to other ethnic groups. The personal prerequisites for psychological safety, which are characteristic of Russian students who define themselves as “Russian”, include: a normative variant of the development of five basic characteristics that make up the structure of a “normal” personality; tolerance as a personality trait; average and a lower authoritarianism index relative to the other group; components of self-actualisation – support, behavioural flexibility, cognitive needs; medium-developed subjectivity; adequate level of psychological defenses. The students – Russian citizens who attributed themselves to other ethnic groups, have: a normative version of the development of the five basic characteristics of a “normal” personality; an average overall level of tolerance and authoritarianism as well as self-actualisation; an adequately high level of belief in the fairness of the world, their good fortune and ability to control events; activity as a leading component of subjectivity; a willingness to establish a social distance with other ethnic groups that facilitates dialogue. Based on the results of the survey, personal preconditions that can cause inter-ethnic conflicts have been identified

    Thermal stability of the cellular structure of an austenitic alloy after selective laser melting

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    Published ArticleThe thermal stability of the cellular structure of an austenitic Fe–17% Cr–12% Ni–2% Mo–1% Mn–0.7% Si–0.02% C alloy produced by selective laser melting in the temperature range 20–1200°C is investigated. Metallographic analysis, transmission electron microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy show that structural changes in the alloy begin at 600-700°C and are fully completed at ~1150°C. Differential scanning calorimetry of the alloy with a cellular structure reveals three exothermic processes occurring upon annealing within the temperature ranges 450–650, 800–1000, and 1050–1200°


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    Aim of the study was to investigate in a comparative manner associations between the parameters of central aortic pressure, office and ambulatory blood pressure with indicators of target organ damage. Material and methods. 47 consecutive outpatients and hospital patients (22 men and 25 women) aged 19–70 years were included in the open one-stage follow-up of a series of cases. The study program included anthropometry, measurement of office and ambulatory blood pressure, applanation tonometry of the radial artery, recording of resting ECG, echocardiography, biochemical blood analysis. In analyzing the data, the methods of descriptive statistics and the general linear model (GLM) were used. Results. Central aortic pressure is comparable to office blood pressure and, more than ambulatory blood pressure, was associated with indicators of left ventricular hypertrophy. Systolic central aortic pressure was associated with all electrocardiographic and echocardiographic indices used in the study. Of the central aortic pressure parameters characterizing the amplification and augmentation of the pulse wave, only non-augmented amplification of systolic pressure was associated with signs of left ventricular hypertrophy, but the amplification and augmentation of the pulse wave showed a sufficiently high degree of association with estimated glomerular filtration rate. Conclusion. The results of this study substantiate the relevance of using aortic pressure parameters in addition to traditional methods for determining blood pressure