1,298 research outputs found

    TRASYS form factor matrix normalization

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    A method has been developed for adjusting a TRASYS enclosure form factor matrix to unity. This approach is not limited to closed geometries, and in fact, it is primarily intended for use with open geometries. The purpose of this approach is to prevent optimistic form factors to space. In this method, nodal form factor sums are calculated within 0.05 of unity using TRASYS, although deviations as large as 0.10 may be acceptable, and then, a process is employed to distribute the difference amongst the nodes. A specific example has been analyzed with this method, and a comparison was performed with a standard approach for calculating radiation conductors. In this comparison, hot and cold case temperatures were determined. Exterior nodes exhibited temperature differences as large as 7 C and 3 C for the hot and cold cases, respectively when compared with the standard approach, while interior nodes demonstrated temperature differences from 0 C to 5 C. These results indicate that temperature predictions can be artificially biased if the form factor computation error is lumped into the individual form factors to space


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    An Investigation into the Reverse Transfer of Reading Strategies in an EAP Context

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    This study aims to empirically measure students’ use of academic reading strategies in both English and their L1 at the beginning of the semester at a university in Hawaʻi, and compare results with academic reading strategy use at the end of the term to determine whether there was a reverse transfer. The author highlights the literature on reading strategy instruction and further describes the terms ‘reading strategy’ and ‘transfer’, followed by an explanation of the research question, research method and design of the study, summary of results, discussion, and pedagogical implications

    Perturbativity in the seesaw mechanism

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    AbstractWe consider the Standard Model extended by right-handed neutrinos to explain massive neutrinos through the seesaw mechanism. The new fermion can be observed when it has a sufficiently small mass and large mixings to left-handed neutrinos. If such a particle is the lightest right-handed neutrino, its contribution to the mass matrix of active neutrinos needs to be canceled by that of a heavier one. Yukawa couplings of the heavier one are then larger than those of the lightest one. We show that the perturbativity condition gives a severe upper bound on the mixing of the lightest right-handed neutrino, depending on the masses of heavier ones. Models of high energy phenomena, such as leptogenesis, can be constrained by low energy experiments

    Th2 cells and cytokine networks in allergic inflammation of the lung

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    The cytokines released from Th2 and Th2-like cells are likely to be central to the pathophysiolgy of asthma and allergy, contributing to aberrant IgE production, eosinophilia and, perhaps, mucosal susceptibility to viral infection. IL-4 has emerged as a central target, not only for B cell IgE production, but also in the commitment of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells to cells with Th2 effector function capable of secreting IL-5 resultlng in eosinophilic inflammation. In view of the central role of this cytokine and the evidence that glucocorticoids are unable to modify many IL-4 dependent effects, Th2 inhibitors may prove to be novel therapies for the treatment of bronchial asthma