109 research outputs found

    On-The-Fly Observing System of the Nobeyama 45-m and ASTE 10-m Telescopes

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    We have developed spectral line On-The-Fly (OTF) observing mode for the Nobeyama Radio Observatory 45-m and the Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment 10-m telescopes. Sets of digital autocorrelation spectrometers are available for OTF with heterodyne receivers mounted on the telescopes, including the focal-plane 5 x 5 array receiver, BEARS, on the 45-m. During OTF observations, the antenna is continuously driven to cover the mapped region rapidly, resulting in high observing efficiency and accuracy. Pointing of the antenna and readouts from the spectrometer are recorded as fast as 0.1 second. In this paper we report improvements made on software and instruments, requirements and optimization of observing parameters, data reduction process, and verification of the system. It is confirmed that, using optimal parameters, the OTF is about twice as efficient as conventional position-switch observing method.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Histopathological evaluation of gastric mucosal environments in peptic ulcer using the endoscopic 5-point gastric biopsy method.

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    Although a strong association has been established between chronic Helicobacter pylori infection and peptic ulcers, the role of H. pylori is not necessarily causative because there are many patients infected with H. pylori who do not develop peptic ulcer. Therefore, we studied the relationship between the gastric mucosal environment and the development of peptic ulcers. We examined 165 endoscopic biopsy specimens from the gastric mucosa of 33 patients with peptic ulcers using the 5-point gastric biopsy method. The follow-up biopsies done within 3 weeks were well correlated with the first biopsy samples. We also reviewed the clinicohistopathological findings of 2250 endoscopic biopsy specimens from 450 patients with active gastric and/or duodenal ulcers. Over 90% of the patients with duodenal ulcer, with or without gastric ulcer, had no fundic gland atrophy, and a high incidence of intestinal metaplasia and pyloric mucosal atrophy was found in the patients with gastric ulcer. These findings suggest that patients with concomitant active gastric and duodenal ulcers exhibit severe atrophic changes in the antral mucosa but not in the fundic mucosa.</p

    Alpha-CaMKII deficiency causes immature dentate gyrus, a novel candidate endophenotype of psychiatric disorders

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    Elucidating the neural and genetic factors underlying psychiatric illness is hampered by current methods of clinical diagnosis. The identification and investigation of clinical endophenotypes may be one solution, but represents a considerable challenge in human subjects. Here we report that mice heterozygous for a null mutation of the alpha-isoform of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (alpha-CaMKII+/-) have profoundly dysregulated behaviours and impaired neuronal development in the dentate gyrus (DG). The behavioral abnormalities include a severe working memory deficit and an exaggerated infradian rhythm, which are similar to symptoms seen in schizophrenia, bipolar mood disorder and other psychiatric disorders. Transcriptome analysis of the hippocampus of these mutants revealed that the expression levels of more than 2000 genes were significantly changed. Strikingly, among the 20 most downregulated genes, 5 had highly selective expression in the DG. Whereas BrdU incorporated cells in the mutant mouse DG was increased by more than 50 percent, the number of mature neurons in the DG was dramatically decreased. Morphological and physiological features of the DG neurons in the mutants were strikingly similar to those of immature DG neurons in normal rodents. Moreover, c-Fos expression in the DG after electric footshock was almost completely and selectively abolished in the mutants. Statistical clustering of human post-mortem brains using 10 genes differentially-expressed in the mutant mice were used to classify individuals into two clusters, one of which contained 16 of 18 schizophrenic patients. Nearly half of the differentially-expressed probes in the schizophrenia-enriched cluster encoded genes that are involved in neurogenesis or in neuronal migration/maturation, including calbindin, a marker for mature DG neurons. Based on these results, we propose that an "immature DG" in adulthood might induce alterations in behavior and serve as a promising candidate endophenotype of schizophrenia and other human psychiatric disorders

    First light demonstration of the integrated superconducting spectrometer

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    Ultra-wideband 3D imaging spectrometry in the millimeter-submillimeter (mm-submm) band is an essential tool for uncovering the dust-enshrouded portion of the cosmic history of star formation and galaxy evolution. However, it is challenging to scale up conventional coherent heterodyne receivers or free-space diffraction techniques to sufficient bandwidths (\geq1 octave) and numbers of spatial pixels (>10210^2). Here we present the design and first astronomical spectra of an intrinsically scalable, integrated superconducting spectrometer, which covers 332-377 GHz with a spectral resolution of F/ΔF380F/\Delta F \sim 380. It combines the multiplexing advantage of microwave kinetic inductance detectors (MKIDs) with planar superconducting filters for dispersing the signal in a single, small superconducting integrated circuit. We demonstrate the two key applications for an instrument of this type: as an efficient redshift machine, and as a fast multi-line spectral mapper of extended areas. The line detection sensitivity is in excellent agreement with the instrument design and laboratory performance, reaching the atmospheric foreground photon noise limit on sky. The design can be scaled to bandwidths in excess of an octave, spectral resolution up to a few thousand and frequencies up to \sim1.1 THz. The miniature chip footprint of a few cm2\mathrm{cm^2} allows for compact multi-pixel spectral imagers, which would enable spectroscopic direct imaging and large volume spectroscopic surveys that are several orders of magnitude faster than what is currently possible.Comment: Published in Nature Astronomy. SharedIt Link to the full published paper: https://rdcu.be/bM2F

    Serum macrophage migration inhibitory factor reflects adrenal function in the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis of septic patients: an observational study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis modulates the inflammatory response during sepsis. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), which counteracts the anti-inflammatory activity of glucocorticoid (GC), is one of the mediators of the development of inflammation. An inflammatory imbalance involving GC and MIF might be the cause or result of adrenal insufficiency. Our objective was to clarify the relationship between serum MIF and adrenal function in the HPA axis of sepsis patients using the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation test.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>An observational study was performed in a university intensive care unit over a two-year period. Of 64 consecutive sepsis patients, 41 were enrolled. The enrolled patients underwent an ACTH stimulation test within 24 h of the diagnosis of severe sepsis or septic shock. Clinical and laboratory parameters, including serum MIF and cortisol, were measured.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Based on their responses to the ACTH stimulation test, the patients were divided into a normal adrenal response (NAR) group (n = 22) and an adrenal insufficiency (AI) group (n = 19). The AI group had significantly more septic shock patients and higher prothrombin time ratios, serum MIF, and baseline cortisol than did the NAR group (<it>P </it>< 0.05). Serum MIF correlated significantly with the SOFA (Sequential Organ Failure Assessment) score, prothrombin time ratio, and delta max cortisol, which is maximum increment of serum cortisol concentration after ACTH stimulation test (rs = 0.414, 0.355, and -0.49, respectively, <it>P </it>< 0.05). Serum MIF also correlated significantly with the delta max cortisol/albumin ratio (rs = -0.501, <it>P </it>= 0.001). Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis identified the threshold serum MIF concentration (19.5 ng/mL, <it>P </it>= 0.01) that segregated patients into the NAR and AI groups.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The inverse correlation between serum MIF and delta max cortisol or the delta max cortisol/albumin ratio suggests that high serum MIF reflects an insufficient adrenal response in the HPA axis. Serum MIF could be a valuable clinical marker of adrenal insufficiency in sepsis patients.</p

    トウイン ニオケル セツジョ フノウ キョクショ シンコウ ショクドウガン ノ チリョウ セイセキ

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    【背景】遠隔転移のない切除不能局所進行食道癌に対する標準治療は根治的化学放射線療法(CRT)だが,近年Docetaxel/5-FU/ Cisplatin 療法をはじめとした導入化学療法(ICT)からの外科的切除の有用性が報告されている.今回,当院での切除不能局所進行食道癌に対する治療成績について検証した.【対象と方法】2016年から2019年の期間で,当院で治療した切除不能局所進行食道癌9例(リンパ節T4bも含む)を対象とした.【結果】男性:6例,女性:3例.年齢:中央値 64(41-78)歳.腫瘍主占居部位:Ut/Mt/Lt=1/7/1.浸潤臓器:気管/左主気管支/大動脈=2/4/3,cN0/1/2=1/3/5,初回治療: ICT/CRT=7/2であった.初回治療別に検証すると,奏効率:ICT/CRT=5(71.4%)/0(0%)であり,ICTにて奏効が得られた5例は根治切除可能と判断し,4例(80%)でR0切除が得られた.術後合併症は,縫合不全0例,肺炎1例(20%),反回神経麻痺2例(40%)であった.術後在院日数中央値は16日(13-21)であった.R0切除4例は全例1年以上の生存が得られているが,2例で再発(リンパ節再発1例,肺・リンパ節再発1例)を認めた.R1切除例はCRTを追加し,術後2年無再発生存中である.根治切除を施行していない4例の初回治療からの1年生存率は25%と予後不良であった.【結語】切除不能局所進行食道癌であってもICTを組み入れることでconversion surgeryが安全に施行され,高いR0切除率が得られ,予後の延長に寄与する可能性がある.Background:Recently, the usefulness of surgical resection after induction chemotherapy (ICT) including Docetaxel / 5-FU / Cisplatin therapy for locally advanced esophageal cancer has been reported. Methods:Nine patients with locally advanced unresectable esophageal cancer who underwent multidisciplinary treatment in our hospital from 2016 to 2019 were eligible for this study. Results:The patients’ characteristics included a median age of 64 years; the male/female ratio of 6/3; Tumor main occupancy site Ut / Mt / Lt = 1/7/1; Invading adjacent organs: trachea / left main bronchus / aorta; 2/4/3, Lymph node metastasis (0/1/2); 1/3/5, and initial treatment ICT / CRT; 7/2. Response rate of ICT were 71.4% (5 cases) and that of CRT were 0%. Four patients (80%) of 5 patients who responded to ICT were underwent R0 resection. Postoperative complications were anastomotic leakage in 0 cases, pneumonia in 1 case (20%), and recurrent nerve paralysis in 2 cases (40%). The median length of hospital stay after surgery was 16 days. All 4 cases of R0 resection had survived for 1 year or more. The 1-year survival rate from the initial treatment of 4 patients who did not undergo radical resection was 25%. Conclusion:Conversion surgery after ICT for locally advanced unresectable esophageal cancer may contribute to a high R0 resection rate and better clinical outcomes

    トウイン ニオケル キョウクウ キョウカ ショクドウ セツジョ ノ ドウニュウ ト タンキ チリョウ セイセキ ノ ケントウ

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    【背景】食道癌に対する胸腔鏡手術は本邦で広く行われており、施設ごとに手術手技の定型化がなされている.胸腔鏡下手術の利点として拡大視効果や緻密な手術操作が可能となることが挙げられるが、当院でも2016年より腹臥位胸腔鏡下食道手術を導入し、出血の少ない安全かつ確実な郭清を目指し、定型化に向けてその手技を刷新している.【対象と方法】】2016年4月から2019年4月までに当院で施行した胸腔鏡下食道切除38例につき、その短期成績を検討した.【結果】男:女=32:6、年齢中央値 66歳(41-76)、cStage I / II / III / IVa: 17 / 6 / 13 / 2であった.胸腔内出血量中央値は10ml(0-53)、胸部操作時間中央値は192分(97-478)、胸腔内郭清リンパ節個数中央値は17個(1-42)であった.術後合併症は、縫合不全3例(7.9%)、反回神経麻痺7例(18.4%)、肺炎12例(31.6%)であった.術後在院日数中央値は19日(11-38)であった.導入期からの前半19例では反回神経麻痺を6例(31.6%)に認めたが、後半19例では1例(5.2%)であった(p=0.036).【結語】当院における胸腔鏡下食道切除術は安全に導入、施行可能であった.手術手技が定型化されることで反回神経麻痺を少なくする郭清が可能になると考えられた.Background: Thoracoscopic esophagectomy (TE) is increasingly being used worldwide in patients with esophageal cancer. In this study, we investigated the clinical short-term outcomes of TE performed in patients placed in the prone position. Method: We investigated the surgical and clinical outcomes in 38 patients with esophageal cancer who underwent TE at our hospital between April 2016 and April 2019. Results: Of the 39 patients investigated, 32 were men. Median patient age was 66 (range 41–76) years, the median intraoperative blood loss was 10 (0–53) mL, and the median operation time for thoracoscopy was 192 (97–478) min. The mean operation time for thoracoscopy in the latter group was significantly shorter than that in the former group (188 min vs. 232 min, p=0.013). The following postoperative complications were observed: 7 (18.4%) cases of recurrent nerve palsy, 3 (7.9%) cases of anastomotic leakage, 12 (31.6%) cases of pneumonia, and 0 (0%) cases of chylothorax. The incidence of recurrent nerve palsy was lower in the latter group than in the former group (5.2% vs. 31.6%, p=0.036). Conclusions: TE in the prone position is safe and feasible. As experience performing the procedure increases, the performance of the procedure stabilizes

    ノウホウナイ シュッケツ ニ トモナイ シンゴウ キョウド ノ コトナッタ タボウセイ ノウホウ オ テイシタ スイショウエキセイ ノウホウ センシュ ノ 1レイ

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    症例は33歳,女性.経時的に増大する膵体部嚢胞性病変を認めた.MRIではT1強調画像で低信号を呈する部位とT1強調画像で淡い高信号を呈する,信号強度の異なる大小不同の多房性嚢胞性病変を認め,MRCPおよび超音波内視鏡検査で主膵管拡張および腫瘍と主膵管との交通が疑われた.以上よりmixed typeの膵漿液性嚢胞腺腫を疑ったが粘液性嚢胞腺腫や膵管内乳頭粘液性腫瘍を否定できず,腹腔鏡下脾温存膵体尾部切除術を施行した.病理組織学的検査所見では卵巣様間質は認めず,主膵管交通も認めず,mixed typeの膵漿液性嚢胞腺腫と診断した.膵漿液性嚢胞腺腫は漿液性嚢胞液を有するが,異なった信号強度を呈する多房性嚢胞を有するものはまれである.今回われわれは,信号強度の異なった多房性嚢胞を呈した膵漿液性嚢胞腺腫の1例を経験したので報告する.A 33-year-old woman presented at our hospital with cystic tumor increased over time at pancreatic body. Magnetic resonance image revealed multilocular cysts with different signal intensities, which were mixed to low and slightly high intensities in T1 weighted image. Moreover, the connection of the cyst and main pancreatic duct was suspected by magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography and endoscopic ultrasonography. We diagnosed as mixed-type serous cystadenoma, yet we could not contradict mucinous cystadenoma and intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm. Therefore, we performed laparoscopic spleen preserved distal pancreatectomy. Histopathological findings revealed mixed-type serous cystadenoma, and the connection of the cyst and main pancreatic duct was not seen. Serous cystadenoma usually has serous discharge in the cyst and shows uniform signal intensity in the image findings. However, serous cystadenoma with different signal intensities in the multilocular cysts is relatively rare. We described a case of serous cystadenoma of the pancreas with different signal intensities in the multilocular cysts that was treated by laparoscopic surgery