220 research outputs found

    Next generation space robot

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    The recent research effort on the next generation space robots is presented. The goals of this research are to develop the fundamental technologies and to acquire the design parameters of the next generation space robot. Visual sensing and perception, dexterous manipulation, man machine interface and artificial intelligence techniques such as task planning are identified as the key technologies

    A perspective on space robotics in Japan

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    This report summarizes the research and development status and perspective on space robotics in Japan. The R & D status emphasizes the current on-going projects at NASDA including the JEM Remote Manipulator System (JEMRMS) to be used on Space Station Freedom and the robotics experiments on Engineering Satellite 7 (ETS-7). As a future perspective, not only NASDA, but also ISAS and other government institutes have been promoting their own research in space robotics in order to support wide spread space activities in the future. Included in this future research is an autonomous satellite retrieval experiment, a dexterous robot experiment, an on-orbit servicing platform, an IVA robot, and several moon/planetary rovers proposed by NASDA or ISAS and other organizations

    Radiofrequency Ablation with the Real-Time Virtual Sonography System for Treating Hepatocellular Carcinoma Difficult to Detect by Ultrasonography

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    Radiofrequency ablation has been applied to treat hepatocellular carcinoma, with favorable therapeutic outcomes. Nevertheless, practitioners have approached radiofrequency ablation with some reluctance due to the difficulty of identifying isoechoic tumors and recurrent tumors. The aim of the present study is to investigate the efficacy of Real-time Virtual Sonography to treat hepatocellular carcinoma difficult to detect by conventional ultrasonography. Real-time Virtual Sonography is a system generating multiplanar reconstruction images in real-time using the Hitachi medico EUB-8500 equipped with a probe. The system included following components: 1) digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) data from dynamic CT, 2) a magnetic field generator to match the multiplanar reconstruction image on the monitor and the actual ultrasonography image, 3) the cross section with the tumor displayed as a multiplanar reconstruction image. Total twenty-five nodules of twenty-one patients underwent radiofrequency ablation monitored by Real-time Virtual Sonography. All nodules difficult to detect via conventional ultrasonography were clearly visualized in real-time. The average nodule diameter was 2.4 ± 1.6 cm, and punctures and coagulation were performed an average of 2.2 and 3 times per session. Dynamic CT after session confirmed effective coagulation of each nodule. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that the present system is capable of effectively and accurately treating tumors difficult to detect by conventional ultrasonography

    Retrospective clinical study on the notable efficacy and related factors of infliximab therapy in a rheumatoid arthritis management group in Japan: one-year clinical outcomes (RECONFIRM-2)

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    Biologics targeting TNF have brought about a paradigm shift in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and infliximab, anti-TNF-α chimeric monoclonal antibody, was marketed in 2003 in Japan. We previously reported on the RECONFIRM study, a retrospective clinical study on the efficacy of infliximab therapy in a RA management group in Japan, where we evaluated the clinical response after 22 weeks of the therapy in 258 patients. The study reported here was aimed at reconfirming the clinical efficacy of the infliximab therapy and demographic factors related to the efficacy over a 54-week study period in 410 RA patients in the same study group. Infliximab was infused according to the domestically approved method, and the clinical response was evaluated following 54 weeks of infliximab therapy using the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) response criteria. Disease activity was assessed by DAS28-CRP (Disease Activity Score including a 28-joint count/C-reactive protein). Infliximab was discontinued in 24.4% of the 410 patients at 54 weeks and 9.3% and 8.1% discontinued the therapy due to adverse events and inefficiency, respectively. Average DAS28-CRP decreased from 5.5 at week 0 to 3.1 at week 54 after the therapy. Patients in remission and those showing low-, moderate-, and high-disease activity changed from 0.0, 1.0, 9.0 and 90.0%, respectively, at the start of the study to 27.6, 11.7, 34.4 and 26.3%, respectively, at week 54. Younger age, RF-negativity and low scores of DAS28-CRP showed significant correlations with remission at week 54. EULAR response criteria—good, moderate, and no response to infliximab—were 37.0, 41.7 and 21.2%, respectively. In conclusion, we reconfirmed the clinical efficacy of infliximab and demographic factors related to the efficacy over a 54-week study period in 410 Japanese patients with RA using DAS28-CRP and EULAR response criteria

    Photometric Properties of Kiso Ultraviolet-Excess Galaxies in the Lynx-Ursa Major Region

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    We have performed a systematic study of several regions in the sky where the number of galaxies exhibiting star formation (SF) activity is greater than average. We used Kiso ultraviolet-excess galaxies (KUGs) as our SF-enhanced sample. By statistically comparing the KUG and non-KUG distributions, we discovered four KUG-rich regions with a size of 10×10\sim 10^\circ \times 10^\circ. One of these regions corresponds spatially to a filament of length 60h1\sim 60 h^{-1} Mpc in the Lynx-Ursa Major region (α9h10h,δ4248\alpha \sim 9^{\rm h} - 10^{\rm h}, \delta \sim 42^\circ - 48^\circ). We call this ``the Lynx-Ursa Major (LUM) filament''. We obtained V(RI)CV(RI)_{\rm C} surface photometry of 11 of the KUGs in the LUM filament and used these to investigate the integrated colors, distribution of SF regions, morphologies, and local environments. We found that these KUGs consist of distorted spiral galaxies and compact galaxies with blue colors. Their star formation occurs in the entire disk, and is not confined to just the central regions. The colors of the SF regions imply that active star formation in the spiral galaxies occurred 107810^{7 - 8} yr ago, while that of the compact objects occurred 106710^{6-7} yr ago. Though the photometric characteristics of these KUGs are similar to those of interacting galaxies or mergers, most of these KUGs do not show direct evidence of merger processes.Comment: 39 pages LaTeX, using aasms4.sty, 20 figures, ApJS accepted. The Title of the previous one was truncated by the author's mistake, and is corrected. Main body of the paper is unchange