159 research outputs found

    MINA (MYC induced nuclear antigen)

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    Review on MINA (MYC induced nuclear antigen), with data on DNA, on the protein encoded, and where the gene is implicated

    Utility of preoperative dynamic magnetic resonance imaging of the pancreas in diagnosing tumor-forming pancreatitis that mimics pancreatic cancer: report of a case.

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    The differential diagnosis of pancreatic carcinoma and tumor-forming pancreatitis remains difficult, and this situation can cause serious problems because the management and prognosis of these two focal pancreatic masses are entirely different. We herein report a case of tumor-forming pancreatitis that mimics pancreatic carcinoma in an 80-year-old woman. Computed tomography showed a solid mass in the head of the pancreas, and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography showed a complete obstruction of the main pancreatic duct in the head of the pancreas. Dynamic contrastenhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated a time-signal intensity curve (TIC) with a slow rise to a peak (1 min after the administration of the contrast material), followed by a slow decline at the pancreatic mass, indicating a fibrotic pancreas. Under the diagnosis of tumor-forming pancreatitis, the patient underwent a segmental pancreatectomy instead of a pancreaticoduodenectomy. The histopathology of the pancreatic mass was chronic pancreatitis without malignancy. The pancreatic TIC obtained from dynamiccontrast MRI can be helpful to differentiate tumor-forming pancreatitis from pancreatic carcinoma and to avoid any unnecessary major pancreatic surgery

    Functional Characterization of a First Avian Cytochrome P450 of the CYP2D Subfamily (CYP2D49)

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    The CYP2D family members are instrumental in the metabolism of 20–25% of commonly prescribed drugs. Although many CYP2D isoforms have been well characterized in other animal models, research concerning the chicken CYP2Ds is limited. In this study, a cDNA encoding a novel CYP2D enzyme (CYP2D49) was cloned from the chicken liver for the first time. The CYP2D49 cDNA contained an open reading frame of 502 amino acids that shared 52%–57% identities with other CYP2Ds. The gene structure and neighboring genes of CYP2D49 are conserved and similar to those of human CYP2D6. Additionally, similar to human CYP2D6, CYP2D49 is un-inducible in the liver and expressed predominantly in the liver, kidney and small intestine, with detectable levels in several other tissues. Metabolic assays of the CYP2D49 protein heterologously expressed in E. coli and Hela cells indicated that CYP2D49 metabolized the human CYP2D6 substrate, bufuralol, but not debrisoquine. Moreover, quinidine, a potent inhibitor of human CYP2D6, only inhibited the bufuralol 1β€²-hydroxylation activity of CYP2D49 to a negligible degree. All these results indicated that CYP2D49 had functional characteristics similar to those of human CYP2D6 but measurably differed in the debrisoquine 4β€²-hydroxylation and quinidine inhibitory profile. Further structure-function investigations that employed site-directed mutagenesis and circular dichroism spectroscopy identified the importance of Val-126, Glu-222, Asp-306, Phe-486 and Phe-488 in keeping the enzymatic activity of CYP2D49 toward bufuralol as well as the importance of Asp-306, Phe-486 and Phe-488 in maintaining the conformation of CYP2D49 protein. The current study is only the first step in characterizing the metabolic mechanism of CYP2D49; further studies are still required

    Light-Promoted Hydrogenation of Carbon DioxideΒΏAn Overview

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    [EN] Hydrogenation of carbon dioxide is considered as a viable strategy to generate fuels while closing the carbon cycle (heavily disrupted by the abuse in the exploitation of fossil resources) and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The process can be performed by heat-powered catalytic processes, albeit conversion and selectivity tend to be reduced at increasing temperatures owing to thermodynamic constraints. Recent investigations, as summarised in this overview, have proven that light activation is a distinct possibility for the promotion of CO2 hydrogenation to fuels. This effect is particularly beneficial in methanation processes, which can be enhanced under simulated solar irradiation using materials based on metallic nanoparticles as catalysts. The use of nickel, ruthenium and rhodium has led to substantial efficiencies. Light-promoted processes entail performances on a par with (or even superior to) those of thermally-induced, industrially-relevant, commercial technologies.The author thanks the Spanish Government (Ministerio de EconomΓ­a y Competitividad, MINECO) for financial support via a project for young researchers (CTQ2015-74138-JIN), and the β€˜β€˜Severo Ochoa’’ programme (SEV 2012-0267). The European Union is also acknowledged for the SynCatMatch project (ERCAdG-2014-671093)Puga Vaca, A. (2016). Light-Promoted Hydrogenation of Carbon DioxideΒΏAn Overview. Topics in Catalysis. 59(15-16):1268-1278. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11244-016-0658-zS126812785915-16Centi G, Perathoner S (2009) Opportunities and prospects in the chemical recycling of carbon dioxide to fuels. Catal Today 148:191–205Aresta M, Dibenedetto A, Angelini A (2014) Catalysis for the valorization of exhaust carbon: from CO2 to chemicals, materials, and fuels. technological use of CO2. 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Energy Environ Sci 5:9217–9233Indrakanti VP, Kubicki JD, Schobert HH (2009) Photoinduced activation of CO2 on Ti-based heterogeneous catalysts: current state, chemical physics-based insights and outlook. Energy Environ Sci 2:745–758Ozin GA (2015) You can’t have an energy revolution without transforming advances in materials, chemistry and catalysis into policy change and action. Energy Environ Sci 8:1682–1684Ozin GA (2015) Throwing new light on the reduction of CO2. Adv Mater 27:1957–1963Abe T, Tanizawa M, Watanabe K, Taguchi A (2009) CO2 methanation property of Ru nanoparticle-loaded TiO2 prepared by a polygonal barrel-sputtering method. Energy Environ Sci 2:315–321Li Y, Lu G, Ma J (2014) Highly active and stable nano NiO-MgO catalyst encapsulated by silica with a core-shell structure for CO2 methanation. RSC Adv 4:17420–17428Garbarino G, Bellotti D, Riani P, Magistri L, Busca G (2015) Methanation of carbon dioxide on Ru/Al2O3 and Ni/Al2O3 catalysts at atmospheric pressure: catalysts activation, behaviour and stability. Int J Hydrogen Energy 40:9171–9182Carenco S, Wu C-H, Shavorskiy A, Alayoglu S, Somorjai GA, Bluhm H, Salmeron M (2015) Synthesis and structural evolution of nickel-cobalt nanoparticles under H2 and CO2. Small 11:3045–3053Sharafutdinov I, Elkjaer CF, de Carvalho HWP, Gardini D, Chiarello GL, Damsgaard CD, Wagner JB, Grunwaldt J-D, Dahl S, Chorkendorff I (2014) Intermetallic compounds of Ni and Ga as catalysts for the synthesis of methanol. J Catal 320:77–88Studt F, Sharafutdinov I, Abild-Pedersen F, Elkjaer CF, HummelshΓΈj JS, Dahl S, Chorkendorff I, NΓΈrskov JK (2014) Discovery of a Ni-Ga catalyst for carbon dioxide reduction to methanol. Nat Chem 6:320–324Garbarino G, Riani P, Magistri L, Busca G (2014) A study of the methanation of carbon dioxide on Ni/Al2O3 catalysts at atmospheric pressure. Int J Hydrogen Energy 39:11557–11565Iablokov V, Beaumont SK, Alayoglu S, Pushkarev VV, Specht C, Gao J, Alivisatos AP, Kruse N, Somorjai GA (2012) Size-controlled model CO nanoparticle catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation: synthesis, characterization, and catalytic reactions. Nano Lett 12:3091–3096Behrens M, Studt F, Kasatkin I, KΓΌhl S, HΓ€vecker M, Abild-Pedersen F, Zander S, Girgsdies F, Kurr P, Kniep B-L, Tovar M, Fischer RW, NΓΈrskov JK, SchlΓΆgl R (2012) The active site of methanol synthesis over Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 industrial catalysts. Science 336:893–897Graciani J, Mudiyanselage K, Xu F, Baber AE, Evans J, Senanayake SD, Stacchiola DJ, Liu P, Hrbek J, FernΓ‘ndez Sanz J, Rodriguez JA (2014) Highly active copper-ceria and copper-ceria-titania catalysts for methanol synthesis from CO2. 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    Bone mineral density and cytokine levels during interferon therapy in children with chronic hepatitis B: does interferon therapy prevent from osteoporosis?

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    BACKGROUND: Our aim was to determinate bone mineral density (BMD), levels of biochemical markers and cytokines in children with chronic hepatitis B treated with interferon (IFN)-alpha and to investigate effect of IFN-alpha therapy on these variables. To the best of our knowledge, this is first study carried out about BMD and cytokine levels in pediatric patients with chronic hepatitis B treated with IFN-alpha. METHODS: BMD, levels of parathyroid hormone (PTH), osteocalcin, C-terminal cross-linking telopeptide of type I collagen (CTX), calcium, alkaline phosphates (ALP), cytokines as TNF-alpha, interleukin (IL)-1(Ξ²), IL-2r, IL-6, and IL-8 were studied in 54 children with chronic hepatitis B (4–15 years old) treated with interferon alone (n = 19) or in combination with lamivudine (n = 35) for six months and as controls in 50 age-matched healthy children. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in respect to serum IL-1(Ξ²), TNF-Ξ± and osteocalcin levels while serum IL-2r (p = 0.002), IL-6 (p = 0.001), IL-8 (p = 0.013), PTH (p = 0.029), and CTX (p = 0.021) levels were higher in children with chronic hepatitis B than in healthy controls. BMD of femur neck (p = 0.012) and trochanter (p = 0.046) in patients were higher than in healthy controls. There was a statistically significant correlation between serum IL-1(Ξ² )and osteocalcin (r = -0.355, p < 0.01); between serum IL-8 and CTX levels (r = 0.372, p = 0.01), and ALP (r = 0.361, p = 0.01); between serum ALP and femur neck BMD (r = 0.303, p = 0.05), and trochanter BMD (r = 0.365, p = 0.01); between spine BMD and IL-2R (r = -0.330, p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: In conclusion, our study suggest that BMD of femur, serum IL-2r, IL-6, IL-8, PTH, and CTX levels were higher in children with chronic hepatitis B treated with IFN-alpha alone or combination with lamivudine than in healthy children. High femur BMD measurements found in patients may suggest that IFN-alpha therapy in children with chronic hepatitis B could contribute indirectly to prevent from hip osteoporosis. Additionally, further investigations on effects of IFN-alpha for bone structure in children should be performed in the future

    Functional Promoter Polymorphisms Govern Differential Expression of HMG-CoA Reductase Gene in Mouse Models of Essential Hypertension

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    3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A [HMG-CoA] reductase gene (Hmgcr) is a susceptibility gene for essential hypertension. Sequencing of the Hmgcr locus in genetically hypertensive BPH (blood pressure high), genetically hypotensive BPL (blood pressure low) and genetically normotensive BPN (blood pressure normal) mice yielded a number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). BPH/BPL/BPN Hmgcr promoter-luciferase reporter constructs were generated and transfected into liver HepG2, ovarian CHO, kidney HEK-293 and neuronal N2A cells for functional characterization of the promoter SNPs. The BPH-Hmgcr promoter showed significantly less activity than the BPL-Hmgcr promoter under basal as well as nicotine/cholesterol-treated conditions. This finding was consistent with lower endogenous Hmgcr expression in liver and lower plasma cholesterol in BPH mice. Transfection experiments using 5β€²-promoter deletion constructs (strategically made to assess the functional significance of each promoter SNP) and computational analysis predicted lower binding affinities of transcription factors c-Fos, n-Myc and Max with the BPH-promoter as compared to the BPL-promoter. Corroboratively, the BPH promoter-luciferase reporter construct co-transfected with expression plasmids of these transcription factors displayed less pronounced augmentation of luciferase activity than the BPL construct, particularly at lower amounts of transcription factor plasmids. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays also showed diminished interactions of the BPH promoter with HepG2 nuclear proteins. Taken together, this study provides mechanistic basis for the differential Hmgcr expression in these mouse models of human essential hypertension and have implications for better understanding the role of this gene in regulation of blood pressure
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