63 research outputs found

    Optimising UCNS3D, a High-Order finite-Volume WENO Scheme Code for arbitrary unstructured Meshes

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    UCNS3D is a computational-fluid-dynamics (CFD) code for the simulation of viscous flows on arbitrary unstructured meshes. It employs very high-order numerical schemes which inherently are easier to scale than lower-order numerical schemes due to the higher ratio of computation versus communication. In this white paper, we report on optimisations of the UCNS3D code implemented in the course of the PRACE Preparatory Access Type C project “HOVE” in the time frame of February to August 2016. Through the optimisation of dense linear algebra operations, in particular matrix-vector products, by formula rewriting, pre-computation and the usage of BLAS, significant speedups of the code by factors of 2 to 6 have been achieved for representative benchmark cases. Moreover, very good scalability up to the order of 10,000 CPU cores has been demonstrated

    Addressing the challenges of implementation of high-order finite volume schemes for atmospheric dynamics of unstructured meshes

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    The solution of the non-hydrostatic compressible Euler equations using Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) schemes in two and three-dimensional unstructured meshes, is presented. Their key characteristics are their simplicity; accuracy; robustness; non-oscillatory properties; versatility in handling any type of grid topology; computational and parallel efficiency. Their defining characteristic is a non-linear combination of a series of high-order reconstruction polynomials arising from a series of reconstruction stencils. In the present study an explicit TVD Runge-Kutta 3rd -order method is employed due to its lower computational resources requirement compared to implicit type time advancement methods. The WENO schemes (up to 5th -order) are applied to the two dimensional and three dimensional test cases: a 2D rising

    Adaptive mesh refinement techniques for high-order finite-volume WENO schemes

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    This paper demonstrates the capabilities of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Techniques (AMR) on 2D hybrid unstructured meshes, for high order finite volume WENO methods. The AMR technique developed is a conformal adapting unstructured hybrid quadrilaterals and triangles (quads & tris) technique for resolving sharp flow features in accurate manner for steady-state and time dependent flow problems. In this method, the mesh can be refined or coarsened which depends on an error estimator, making decision at the parent level whilst maintaining a conformal mesh, the unstructured hybrid mesh refinement is done hierarchically.When a numerical method can work on a fixed conformal mesh this can be applied to do dynamic mesh adaptation. Two Refinement strategies have been devised both following a H-P refinement technique, which can be applied for providing better resolution to strong gradient dominated problems. The AMR algorithm has been tested on cylindrical explosion test and forward facing step problems

    Stencil selection algorithms for WENO schemes on unstructured meshes

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    In this paper, a family of stencil selection algorithms is presented for WENO schemes on unstructured meshes. The associated freedom of stencil selection for unstructured meshes, in the context of WENO schemes present a plethora of various stencil selection algorithms. The particular focus of this paper is to assess the performance of various stencil selection algorithm, investigate the parameters that dictate their robustness, accuracy and computational efficiency. Ultimately, efficient and robust stencils are pursued that can provide significant savings in computational performance, while retaining the non-oscillatory character of WENO schemes. This is achieved when making the stencil selection algorithms adaptive, based on the quality of the cells for unstructured meshes, that can in turn reduce the computational cost of WENO schemes. For assessing the performance of the developed algorithms well established test problems are employed. These include the least square approximation of polynomial functions, linear advection equation of smooth functions and solid body rotation test problem. Euler and Navier-Stokes equations test problems are also pursued such as the Shu-Osher test problem, the Double Mach Reflection, the supersonic Forward Facing step, the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, the Taylor-Green Vortex, and the flow past a transonic circular cylinder

    Extended bounds limiter for high-order finite-volume schemes on unstructured meshes

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    This paper explores the impact of the definition of the bounds of the limiter proposed by Michalak and Ollivier-Gooch in [Accuracy preserving limiter for the high-order accurate solution of the Euler equations, J. Comput. Phys. 228 (2009) 8693–8711], for higher-order Monotone-Upstream Central Scheme for Conservation Laws (MUSCL) numerical schemes on unstructured meshes in the finite-volume (FV) framework. A new modification of the limiter is proposed where the bounds are redefined by utilising all the spatial information provided by all the elements in the reconstruction stencil. Numerical results obtained on smooth and discontinuous test problems of the Euler equations on unstructured meshes, highlight that the newly proposed extended bounds limiter exhibits superior performance in terms of accuracy and mesh sensitivity compared to the cell-based or vertex-based bounds implementations

    Implementation of a low-mach number modification for high-order finite-volume schemes for arbitrary hybrid unstructured meshes

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    An implementation of a novel low-mach number treatment for high-order finite-volume schemes using arbitrary hybrid unstructured meshes is presented in this paper. Low-Mach order modifications for Godunov type finite-volume schemes have been implemented successfully for structured and unstructured meshes, however the methods break down for hybrid mesh topologies containing multiple element types. The modification is applied to the UCNS3D finite-volume framework for compressible flow configurations, which have been shown as very capable of handling any type of grid topology. The numerical methods under consideration are the Monotonic Upstream-Centered Scheme for Conservation Laws (MUSCL) and the Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) schemes for two-dimensional mixed-element type unstructured meshes. In the present study the HLLC Approximate Riemann Solver is used with an explicit TVD Runge-Kutta 3rd-order method due to its excellent scalability. These schemes (up to 5th-order) are applied to well established two-dimensional and three-dimensional test cases. The challenges that occur when applying these methods to low-mach flow configurations is thoroughly analysed and possible improvements and further test cases are suggested

    A high-order finite-volume method for atmospheric flows on unstructured grids

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    This paper presents an extension of a Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) type schemes for the compressible Euler equations on unstructured meshes for stratified atmospheric flows. The schemes could be extended for regional and global climate models dynamical cores. Their potential lies in their simplicity; accuracy; robustness; non-oscillatory properties; versatility in handling any type of grid topology; computational and parallel efficiency. Their defining characteristic is a non-linear combination of a series of high-order reconstruction polynomials arising from a series of reconstruction stencils. In the present study an explicit Strong Stability Preserving (SSP) Runge-Kutta 3rd-order method is employed for time advancement. The WENO schemes (up to 5th-order) are applied to the two dimensional and three dimensional test cases: a 2D rising thermal bubble; the 2D density current and the 3D Robert smooth bubble. The parallel performance of the schemes in terms of scalability and efficiency is also assessed

    WENO schemes on arbitrary mixed-element unstructured meshes in three space dimensions

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    The paper extends weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) methods to three dimensional mixed-element unstructured meshes, comprising tetrahedral, hexahedral, prismatic and pyramidal elements. Numerical results illustrate the convergence rates and non-oscillatory properties of the schemes for various smooth and discontinuous solutions test cases and the compressible Euler equations on various types of grids. Schemes of up to fifth order of spatial accuracy are considered

    Arbitrary high order central non-oscillatory schemes on mixed-element unstructured meshes

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    In this paper we develop a family of very high-order central (up to 6th-order) non-oscillatory schemes for mixed-element unstructured meshes. The schemes are inherently compact in the sense that the central stencils employed are as compact as possible, and that the directional stencils are reduced in size therefore simplifying their implementation. Their key ingredient is the non-linear combination in a CWENO style similar to Dumbser et al [1] of a high-order polynomial arising from a central stencil with lower-order polynomials from directional stencils. Therefore, in smooth regions of the computational domain the optimum order of accuracy is recovered, while in regions of sharp-gradients the larger influence of the reconstructions from the directional stencils suppress the oscillations. It is the compactness of the directional stencils that increases the chances of at least one of them lying in a region with smooth data, that greatly enhances their robustness compared to classical WENO schemes. The two variants developed are CWENO and CWENOZ schemes, and it is the first time that such very-high-order schemes are designed for mixed-element unstructured meshes. We explore the influence of the linear weights in each of the schemes, and assess their performance in terms of accuracy, robustness and computational cost through a series of stringent 2D and 3D test problems. The results obtained demonstrate the improved robustness that the schemes offer, a parameter of paramount importance for and their potential use for industrial-scale engineering applications

    Assessment of air flow distribution and hazardous release dispersion around a single obstacle using Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations

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    The flow around a cubical building, with a pollution source at the central point of the top of the cube, is studied. The Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes and species concentration equations are solved for Reynolds number, Re = 40,000, is based on the height of the cube. The predictions obtained with the standard, the Kato-Launder, and the low-Reynolds number k-epsilon models are examined with various wall functions for the near wall treatment of the flow. Results are compared against Martinuzzi and Tropea measurements (J. of Fluids Eng., 115, 85–92, 1993) for the flow field and against Li and Meroney (J. of Wind Eng. and Industrial Aerodynamics, 81, 333–345, 1983) experiments and Gaussian models for the concentration distribution. It is found that the present unstructured mesh model performs similarly to the structured mesh models. Results from the Kato-Launder model are closer to the experimental data for the flow patterns and contaminant distribution on the cube's roof. However, the Kato-Launder model has an over-prediction for the recirculation zone and the contaminant distribution windward of the cube. The standard k-epsilon and the low-Reynolds number k-epsilon models predict similar flow patterns and are closer to the experimental data of the cube's windward and side face