12 research outputs found
Multi-Visual Qualitative Method: Observing Social Groups in Mass Media
In reviewing the bibliography upon which qualitative method is based, the author refers to ethnography, ethnomethdology, symbolic interactionism and cultural studies, and argues that a combination of the qualitative methods is actually possible. To enforce his point, he gives the example of research that was recently conducted about the National Television Channel of Greece. Moreover, through the theoretical review, he asserts that the application of all qualitative methods is a way to transfer ourselves from observation to focusing and depth interviews. He believes that such an application can be really effective while collecting data as well as while analyzing and presenting the results of the research. Finally, it is his firm conviction that this shift to qualitative multi-methods can be also achieved in other scientific fields, apart from that of mass media
A Report on Museum Branding Literature
Recent social, financial and technological developments have changed dramatically both the NPOs’ and museums’ activities and orientation. Today, museums striving for their viability are urged on marketing and branding orientation. Despite its importance, still museum branding is a neglected research field. This is the first paper to remedy this problem by classifying the recent research by 2016 on museum branding. Drawing on a review of 33 papers this study categorizes the available research relating to the NPOs and museum branding. Therefore, the findings should make a major contribution to research on NPOs and museum/cultural marketing by serving a classification of the recent literature and by recommending both new research venues and profitable managerial recommendations to museums practitioners and scholars
Techniques to Enhance the Transmission of Quality Programs by Private Television Channels in Europe
television market, television programs, property rights, self regulation, codes of conduct,
Public Television Programming Strategy Before and After Competition: The Greek Case
This study analyzes the changes introduced to public television programming by commercial competition. The examination of Greek television programs from 1987-1989, before free competition began, and 1990-1992, after competition was introduced, reveals after competition public television broadcasters developed similar programs to those of their private counterparts.
Leadership styles in the top greek media companies: leading people with a mixed style
Media companies are different from manufactures and other commercial organizations. They have both measurable economic goals and nonmeasurable social responsibilities. Leading these companies is a difficult task. The main issue is that an appropriate leadership style for media people must balance business and political goals. In this study, semi-structured interviews were used to collect data about Greek media leaders. The research explores and identifies the leadership style of CEOs heading the top media companies in Greece. These findings indicate that media leaders use a mixed leadership style involving both transformational and transactional styles in order to anticipate the peculiar external and internal media environment
E-book consumers’ characteristics and behaviour: the Greek market as case study
Technological innovation could play an integral role in the future of content delivery in the publishing industry. New technologies are posing fresh challenges and forcing publishers to rethink their businesses and make novel plans for development, distribution, and marketing. Although there is little threat to the existing book publishing model, since the industry’s core economic model remains essentially the same, there have been changes to marketing and promotion, since the competitive environment is being modified and manufacturing and distribution processes are being enhanced. Publishing industries must adopt these technological advances. Otherwise, in a relentless, demanding, and competitive environment, they will fail. Despite the introduction of online markets, publishers are still concerned about how reading on a screen might replace traditional practices, and they doubthow positively consumers might react to this change. Meanwhile, the empirical research on this issue illustrates e-consumers’ demand for e-books. Through conjoined analysis, it also emphasizes a theoretical discussion on the behaviour of e-consumers/readers and offers practical suggestions for publishers to respond strategically to the new digital environment.Na indústria editorial, a inovação tecnológica poderia jogar um rol fundamental na entrega de conteúdos. As novas tecnologias introduzem desafios inovadores e obrigam a reformular o negócio das editoriais e seus planos de desenvolvimento, distribuição e marketing. Embora o modelo atual de edição de livros não corra nenhum risco, já que a base do modelo económico da indústria continua sendo essencialmente a mesma, a publicidade e o marketing têm mudado, ao ter-se modificado o ambiente competitivo e ampliado os processos de produção e distribuição. As indústrias editoriais devem adoptar os avanços tecnológicos. Caso não consigam se adaptar, em um ambiente tão implacável, demandante e competitivo, vão fracassar. Apesar da apertura dos mercados em linha, nas editoriais existe uma preocupação pela substituição da leitura tradicional pela leitura na tela e, surge adúvida de se a reação do publico seria positiva. Entretanto, a pesquisa apresenta a demandade livros eletrônicos. Através de uma análise conjunto, destaca o debate teórico em torno ao comportamento dos consumidores e leitores de produtos electrónicos, e oferece sugestões práticas para as editoriais responder estrategicamente ante o novo ambiente digital.En la industria editorial, la innovación tecnológica podría jugar un rol fundamental en la entrega de contenidos. Las nuevas tecnologías introducen novedosos desafíos y obligan a replantear el negocio de las editoriales y sus planes de desarrollo, distribución y marketing. Aunque el modelo actual de edición de libros no corre ningún riesgo, ya que la base del modelo económico de la industria sigue siendo esencialmente la misma, la publicidad y el marketing han cambiado, al haberse modificado el ambiente competitivo y ampliado los procesos de producción y distribución. Las industrias editoriales deben adoptar los avances tecnológicos. Si no lo hacen, en un ambiente tan implacable, demandante y competitivo, fracasarán. A pesar de la apertura de los mercados en línea, en las editoriales hay preocupación por cómo la lectura en pantalla podría remplazar a las prácticas tradicionales, y se duda de cuan positiva sería la reacción del público. Mientras tanto, la investigación empírica da cuenta de la demanda de libros electrónicos. A través de un análisis conjunto, resalta el debate teórico en torno al comportamiento de los consumidores y lectores de productos electrónicos, y ofrece sugerencias prácticas para que las editoriales respondan estratégicamente ante el nuevo ambiente digital
Implementation of alternative publishing channels by Greek newspapers
As technology for the distribution of journalistic information in various forms has become more easily available, and with the Internet and the World Wide Web’s introduction into companies and households, the tendency has been for the larger media organisations and companies to have several publication channels at their disposal. This study investigates the implementation of multiple publishing channels by Greek newspapers. It attempts to identify the pattern in implementing the publishing channels and the factors that relate to the adoption of alternative publishing channels
Adoption of information technology by Greek journalists: A case study
The information age has created many challenges for every profession. In the case of journalism the introduction of information technology has altered considerably various aspects of the profession. Today various computerized sources are regularly being used in media organizations. This paper investigates the adoption of information technology by Greek journalists. The study focuses on journalists working in local newspapers
Ecolabels and the Attitude–Behavior Relationship towards Green Product Purchase: A Multiple Mediation Model
Ecolabels are regarded as an exceptional marketing and advertising tool that informs contemporary consumers about the green traits of a product. They provide information that motivates consumers to exhibit a positive attitude and actual behavior towards a green product purchase. Despite the growing interest in the relationship between green attitude and the corresponding green purchase behavior, studies that investigate the influence of ecolabel features on this relationship are rather scarce. In the present study, a survey carried out in Greece with a sample of 571 participants, examined the direct and indirect effects of ecolabel credibility and ecolabel involvement on attitude and actual behavior about green product purchase. A multiple mediation model about green purchase behavior was developed. Results highlighted the crucial role of ecolabel credibility that positively influences attitude towards green product purchase as well as ecolabel involvement. Moreover, emphasis was given on the concepts of attitude towards green product purchase and ecolabel involvement that proved to be significant mediators of this model. Findings can provide useful guidance to green marketers so that they can generate effective strategies based of ecolabels and favor a positive attitude towards green product purchase that ultimately will enhance green product purchase behavior