19 research outputs found

    Health 2020 – achieving health and development in today’s Europe

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    Health and well-being are universal human goals that are currently considered to be vital human rights; major components of equitable human, economic and social development; and a resource for everyday life. These goals are increasingly seen as central to human development and security. Health is no longer seen as simply items of consumption to be financed but is considered an asset that needs to be nurtured and equitably improved and also as a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources as well as physical capacity

    The health of the public: What has gone wrong?

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    COVID-19, a new pandemic, has swept the world. How could this have happened? In theory the world should have been prepared, armed as it has been since 2005 with a new set of International Health Regulations with universal commitment by WHO Member States. Yet disaster has struck. The authors of this paper consider that fundamental rethinking is needed, with a new review of the post-World War 2 international system for global governance for health. Whilst WHO and its present and future actions will be scrutinized, the organization is fundamentally made up of 194 Member States, which must share the responsibility for ensuring better global health protection in the future. It is clear the world needs a more effective WHO, but it also needs countries to support and develop their public health infrastructure to face today’s more complex health challenges, which can only grow in scope and complexity over coming years. The paper proposes several key steps to achieve these goals


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    An interesting insight on the Health 2020 European Health Strategy is revealed in the next content proposed for the journal section dedicated to personalities of health management, given that the authors of this paper have a huge experience in health management at European level and are deeply involved in elaborating and implementing the new European Health Strategy.Health 2020 is the new European health policy framework. It aims to support action across government and society to: “significantly improve the health and well-being of populations, reduce health inequalities, strengthen public health and ensure people-centred health systems that are universal, equitable, sustainable and of high quality”.O perspectivă interesantă asupra Strategiei europene de sănătate “Sănătatea 2020” este dezvăluită în conținutul ce urmează, pe care vi-l propunem pentru secțiunea dedicată personalităților din managementul sanitar, având în vedere că autorii acestei lucrări au o experiență foarte mare în managementul sanitar la nivel european și sunt profund implicați în elaborarea și punerea în aplicare a noii strategii europene din domeniul sănătății. ”Sănătatea 2020” este noul cadru de politici de sănătate europene. Acesta are ca scop sprijinirea acțiunilor intreprinse de către guverne și societăți în vederea: "îmbunătățirii în mod semnificativ a sănătății și bunăstării populației, reducerii inegalităților în domeniul sănătății, întăririi sănătății publice și asigurării unor îngrijiri de sănătate centrate pe cetățeni, care sunt universale, echitabile, durabile și de înaltă calitate"

    ZDRAVLJE 2020 – Postizanje zdravlja i razvoja u današnjoj Europi

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    Zdravlje i blagostanje su ciljevi svakog čovjeka. Oni se danas smatraju kao najvažnija ljudska prava, glavne komponente pravičnog humanog, ekonomskog i društvenog razvoja, kao i resurs za svakodnevni život. Sve je više prisutno uvjerenje da su ovi ciljevi esencijalno važni za humani razvoj i sigurnost. Na zdravlje se više ne gleda samo kao na stavku u potrošnji za koju treba osigurati sredstva već kao na vrijednost koju treba njegovati i pravično unapređivati. Na zdravlje se gleda i kao na jedan pozitivni koncept, u kojem se naglašavaju društveni i individualni resursi, kao i fizički kapacitet

    ZDRAVLJE 2020 – Postizanje zdravlja i razvoja u današnjoj Europi

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    Zdravlje i blagostanje su ciljevi svakog čovjeka. Oni se danas smatraju kao najvažnija ljudska prava, glavne komponente pravičnog humanog, ekonomskog i društvenog razvoja, kao i resurs za svakodnevni život. Sve je više prisutno uvjerenje da su ovi ciljevi esencijalno važni za humani razvoj i sigurnost. Na zdravlje se više ne gleda samo kao na stavku u potrošnji za koju treba osigurati sredstva već kao na vrijednost koju treba njegovati i pravično unapređivati. Na zdravlje se gleda i kao na jedan pozitivni koncept, u kojem se naglašavaju društveni i individualni resursi, kao i fizički kapacitet

    How telemedicine can improve the quality of care for patients with alzheimer’s disease and related dementias? A narrative review

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    Background and Objectives: Dementia affects more than 55 million patients worldwide, with a significant societal, economic, and psychological impact. However, many patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other related dementias have limited access to effective and individualized treatment. Care provision for dementia is often unequal, fragmented, and inefficient. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated telemedicine use, which holds promising potential for addressing this important gap. In this narrative review, we aim to analyze and discuss how telemedicine can improve the quality of healthcare for AD and related dementias in a structured manner, based on the seven dimensions of healthcare quality defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), 2018: effectiveness, safety, people-centeredness, timeliness, equitability, integrated care, and efficiency. Materials and Methods: MEDLINE and Scopus databases were searched for peer-reviewed articles investigating the role of telemedicine in the quality of care for patients with dementia. A narrative synthesis was based on the seven WHO dimensions. Results: Most studies indicate that telemedicine is a valuable tool for AD and related dementias: it can improve effectiveness (better access to specialized care, accurate diagnosis, evidence-based treatment, avoidance of preventable hospitalizations), timeliness (reduction of waiting times and unnecessary transportation), patient-centeredness (personalized care for needs and values), safety (appropriate treatment, reduction of infection risk),integrated care (interdisciplinary approach through several dementia-related services), efficiency (mainly cost-effectiveness) and equitability (overcoming geographical barriers, cultural diversities). However, digital illiteracy, legal and organizational issues, as well as limited awareness, are significant potential barriers. Conclusions: Telemedicine may significantly improve all aspects of the quality of care for patients with dementia. However, future longitudinal studies with control groups including participants of a wide educational level spectrum will aid in our deeper understanding of the real impact of telemedicine in quality care for this population

    Healthy Cities Phase V evaluation: further synthesizing realism

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    In this article we reflect on the quality of a realist synthesis paradigm applied to the evaluation of Phase V of the WHO European Healthy Cities Network. The programmatic application of this approach has led to very high response rates and a wealth of important data. All articles in this Supplement report that cities in the network move from small-scale, time-limited projects predominantly focused on health lifestyles to the significant inclusion of policies and programmes on systems and values for good health governance. The evaluation team felt that, due to time and resource limitations, it was unable to fully exploit the potential of realist synthesis. In particular, the synthetic integration of different strategic foci of Phase V designation areas did not come to full fruition. We recommend better and more sustained integration of realist synthesis in the practice of Healthy Cities in future Phase

    Healthy cities : lessons learned.

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    In the twentieth century, the urban settings of the wealthy nations were largely associated with opportunity, accumulation of wealth, and better health than their rural counterparts. In the twenty-first century, demographic changes, globalization, and climate change are having important health consequences on wealthy nations and especially on low- and middle-income countries. The increasing concentration of poverty and significant inequalities between urban neighborhoods and the physical and social environments in cities are important determinants of population health. In this important new book, experts identify the priority problems and outline solutions that can generate and sustain healthy urban environments

    The health of the public: What has gone wrong?

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    COVID-19, a new pandemic, has swept the world. How could this have happened? In theory the world should have been prepared, armed as it has been since 2005 with a new set of International Health Regulations with universal commitment by WHO Member States. Yet disaster has struck. The authors of this paper consider that fundamental rethinking is needed, with a new review of the post-World War 2 international system for global governance for health. Whilst WHO and its present and future actions will be scrutinized, the organization is fundamentally made up of 194 Member States, which must share the responsibility for ensuring better global health protection in the future. It is clear the world needs a more effective WHO, but it also needs countries to support and develop their public health infrastructure to face today’s more complex health challenges, which can only grow in scope and complexity over coming years. The paper proposes several key steps to achieve these goals. Conflict of interest: None declared