78 research outputs found

    Viscous tilting and production of vorticity in homogeneous turbulence

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    Viscous depletion of vorticity is an essential and well known property of turbulent flows, balancing, in the mean, the net vorticity production associated with the vortex stretching mechanism. In this letter, we, however, demonstrate that viscous effects are not restricted to a mere destruction process, but play a more complex role in vorticity dynamics that is as important as vortex stretching. Based on the results from three dimensional particle tracking velocimetry experiments and direct numerical simulation of homogeneous and quasi-isotropic turbulence, we show that the viscous term in the vorticity equation can also locally induce production of vorticity and changes of the orientation of the vorticity vector (viscous tilting)

    Acceleration, pressure and related quantities in the proximity of the turbulent/non-turbulent interface

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    This paper presents an analysis of flow properties in the proximity of the turbulent/non-turbulent interface (TNTI), with particular focus on the acceleration of fluid particles, pressure and related small scale quantities such as enstrophy, ω2 = ωiωi, and strain, s2 = sijsij. The emphasis is on the qualitative differences between turbulent, intermediate and non-turbulent flow regions, emanating from the solenoidal nature of the turbulent region, the irrotational character of the non-turbulent region and the mixed nature of the intermediate region in between. The results are obtained from a particle tracking experiment and direct numerical simulations (DNS) of a temporally developing flow without mean shear. The analysis reveals that turbulence influences its neighbouring ambient flow in three different ways depending on the distance to the TNTI: (i) pressure has the longest range of influence into the ambient region and in the far region non-local effects dominate. This is felt on the level of velocity as irrotational fluctuations, on the level of acceleration as local change of velocity due to pressure gradients, Du/Dt ∂u/∂t − p/ρ, and, finally, on the level of strain due to pressure-Hessian/strain interaction, (D/Dt)(s2/2) (∂/∂t)(s2/2) −sijp,ij > 0; (ii) at intermediate distances convective terms (both for acceleration and strain) as well as strain production −sijsjkski > 0 start to set in. Comparison of the results at Taylor-based Reynolds numbers Reλ = 50 and Reλ = 110 suggests that the distances to the far or intermediate regions scale with the Taylor microscale λ or the Kolmogorov length scale η of the flow, rather than with an integral length scale; (iii) in the close proximity of the TNTI the velocity field loses its purely irrotational character as viscous effects lead to a sharp increase of enstrophy and enstrophy-related terms. Convective terms show a positive peak reflecting previous findings that in the laboratory frame of reference the interface moves locally with a velocity comparable to the fluid velocity fluctuation

    Slip-velocity of large neutrally-buoyant particles in turbulent flows

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    We discuss possible definitions for a stochastic slip velocity that describes the relative motion between large particles and a turbulent flow. This definition is necessary because the slip velocity used in the standard drag model fails when particle size falls within the inertial subrange of ambient turbulence. We propose two definitions, selected in part due to their simplicity: they do not require filtration of the fluid phase velocity field, nor do they require the construction of conditional averages on particle locations. A key benefit of this simplicity is that the stochastic slip velocity proposed here can be calculated equally well for laboratory, field, and numerical experiments. The stochastic slip velocity allows the definition of a Reynolds number that should indicate whether large particles in turbulent flow behave (a) as passive tracers; (b) as a linear filter of the velocity field; or (c) as a nonlinear filter to the velocity field. We calculate the value of stochastic slip for ellipsoidal and spherical particles (the size of the Taylor microscale) measured in laboratory homogeneous isotropic turbulence. The resulting Reynolds number is significantly higher than 1 for both particle shapes, and velocity statistics show that particle motion is a complex non-linear function of the fluid velocity. We further investigate the nonlinear relationship by comparing the probability distribution of fluctuating velocities for particle and fluid phases

    Geometrical statistics of the vorticity vector and the strain rate tensor in rotating turbulence

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    We report results on the geometrical statistics of the vorticity vector obtained from experiments in electromagnetically forced rotating turbulence. A range of rotation rates Ω\Omega is considered, from non-rotating to rapidly rotating turbulence with a maximum background rotation rate of Ω=5\Omega=5 rad/s (with Rossby number much smaller than unity). Typically, in our experiments Reλ≈100{\rm{Re}}_{\lambda}\approx 100. The measurement volume is located in the centre of the fluid container above the bottom boundary layer, where the turbulent flow can be considered locally statistically isotropic and horizontally homogeneous for the non-rotating case, see van Bokhoven et al., Phys. Fluids 21, 096601 (2009). Based on the full set of velocity derivatives, measured in a Lagrangian way by 3D Particle Tracking Velocimetry, we have been able to quantify statistically the effect of system rotation on several flow properties. The experimental results show how the turbulence evolves from almost isotropic 3D turbulence (Ωâ‰Č0.2\Omega\lesssim 0.2 rad/s) to quasi-2D turbulence (Ω≈5.0\Omega\approx 5.0 rad/s) and how this is reflected by several statistical quantities. In particular, we have studied the orientation of the vorticity vector with respect to the three eigenvectors of the local strain rate tensor and with respect to the vortex stretching vector. Additionally, we have quantified the role of system rotation on the self-amplification terms of the enstrophy and strain rate equations and the direct contribution of the background rotation on these evolution equations. The main effect is the strong reduction of extreme events and related (strong) reduction of the skewness of PDFs of several quantities such as, for example, the intermediate eigenvalue of the strain rate tensor and the enstrophy self-amplification term.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, 3 table

    A Lagrangian investigation of the small-scale features of turbulent entrainment through particle tracking and direct numerical simulation

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    We report an analysis of small-scale enstrophy ω2 and rate of strain s2 dynamics in the proximity of the turbulent/non-turbulent interface in a flow without strong mean shear. The techniques used are three-dimensional particle tracking (3D-PTV), allowing the field of velocity derivatives to be measured and followed in a Lagrangian manner, and direct numerical simulations (DNS). In both experiment and simulation the Taylor-microscale Reynolds number is Reλ = 50. The results are based on the Lagrangian viewpoint with the main focus on flow particle tracers crossing the turbulent/non-turbulent interface. This approach allowed a direct investigation of the key physical processes underlying the entrainment phenomenon and revealed the role of small-scale non-local, inviscid and viscous processes. We found that the entrainment mechanism is initiated by self-amplification of s2 through the combined effect of strain production and pressure--strain interaction. This process is followed by a sharp change of ω2 induced mostly by production due to viscous effects. The influence of inviscid production is initially small but gradually increasing, whereas viscous production changes abruptly towards the destruction of ω2. Finally, shortly after the crossing of the turbulent/non-turbulent interface, production and dissipation of both enstrophy and strain reach a balance. The characteristic time scale of the described processes is the Kolmogorov time scale, τη. Locally, the characteristic velocity of the fluid relative to the turbulent/non-turbulent interface is the Kolmogorov velocity, u

    Small scale dynamics of a shearless turbulent/non-turbulent interface in dilute polymer solutions

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    We study the physics of the turbulent/non-turbulent interface (TNTI) of an isolated turbulent region in dilute polymer solutions and Newtonian fluids. We designed an experimental setup of a turbulent patch growing in water/dilute polymer solutions, without mean shear and far from the walls. The observations from the experiments are complemented and expanded by simulations performed using a localised homogeneous forcing to generate the turbulent front and the Finitely Extensible Elastic model with the Peterlin closure model for the polymer stress. The comparison, which shows that when Newtonian and viscoelastic TNTIs are fed by the same energy they behave in similar manner both in the experiments and in the simulations, permits to extend the applicability, on a qualitative basis, of single relaxation time polymer models also to turbulent/non-turbulent interfaces. From the detailed analysis offered by the numerical results, the alterations in the dynamics between strain and vorticity help understanding the mechanics of the polymer action on the TNTI without mean shear. The reduced vorticity stretching and increased vorticity compression terms are found to be due to the modified degrees of alignment between vorticity, polymer conformation tensor, and rate-of-strain tensor eigenvectors observed especially near the interface. These alignments at the smallest scales of the non-Newtonian turbulent flow lead to a reduced production of enstrophy and consequently to a reduced entrainment, which in this problem are seen as reduced advancement of a turbulent region

    Velocity and temperature derivatives in high- Reynolds-number turbulent flows in the atmospheric surface layer. Part 3. Temperature and joint statistics of temperature and velocity derivatives

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    This is part 3 of our work describing experiments in which explicit information was obtained on all the derivatives, i.e. spatial derivatives, ∂/∂xj, and temporal derivatives, ∂/∂t, of velocity and temperature fields (and all the components of velocity fluctuations and temperature) at the Reynolds number Reλ~104. This part is devoted to the issues concerning temperature with the emphasis on joint statistics of temperature and velocity derivatives, based on preliminary results from a jet facility and the main results from a field experiment. Apart from a number of conventional results, these contain a variety of results concerning production of temperature gradients, such as role of vorticity and strain, eigen-contributions, geometrical statistics such as alignments of the temperature gradient and the eigenframe of the rate-of-strain tensor, tilting of the temperature gradient, comparison of the true production of the temperature gradient with its surrogate. Among the specific results of importance is the essential difference in the behaviour of the production of temperature gradients in regions dominated by vorticity and strain. Namely, the production of temperature gradients is much more intensive in regions dominated by strain, whereas production of temperature gradients is practically independent of the magnitude of vorticity. In contrast, vorticity and strain are contributing equally to the tilting of the vector of temperature gradients. The production of temperature gradients is mainly due to the fluctuative strain, the terms associated with mean fields are unimportant. It was checked directly (by looking at corresponding eigen-contributions and alignments), that the production of the temperature gradients is due to predominant compressing of fluid elements rather than stretching, which is true of other processes in turbulent flows, e.g. turbulent energy production in shear flows. Though the production of the temperature gradient and its surrogate possess similar univariate PDFs (which indicates the tendency to isotropy in small scales by this particular criterion), their joint PDF is not close to a bisector. This means that the true production of the temperature gradient is far from being fully represented by its surrogate. The main technical achievement is demonstrating the possibility of obtaining experimentally joint statistics of velocity and temperature gradient

    Velocity and temperature derivatives in high-Reynolds-number turbulent flows in the atmospheric surface layer. Part 2. Accelerations and related matters

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    We report the first results of an experiment, in which explicit information on all velocity derivatives (the nine spatial derivatives, ∂ui∂xj, and the three temporal derivatives, ∂ui/∂t) along with the three components of velocity fluctuations at a Reynolds number as high as Reλ~104 is obtained. No use of the Taylor hypothesis was made, and this allowed us to obtain a variety of results concerning acceleration and its different Eulerian components along with vorticity, strain and other small-scale quantities. The field experiments were performed at five heights between 0.8 and 10m above the ground. The report consists of three parts. Part 1 is devoted to the description of facilities, methods and some general results. Part 2 concerns accelerations and related matters. Part 3 is devoted to the issues concerning temperature with the emphasis on joint statistics of temperature and velocity derivative

    Velocity and temperature derivatives in high-Reynolds-number turbulent flows in the atmospheric surface layer. Part 1. Facilities, methods and some general results

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    This is a report on a field experiment in an atmospheric surface layer at heights between 0.8 and 10m with the Taylor micro-scale Reynolds number in the range Reλ = 1.6−6.6 ×103. Explicit information is obtained on the full set of velocity and temperature derivatives both spatial and temporal, i.e. no use of Taylor hypothesis is made. The report consists of three parts. Part 1 is devoted to the description of facilities, methods and some general results. Certain results are similar to those reported before and give us confidence in both old and new data, since this is the first repetition of this kind of experiment at better data quality. Other results were not obtained before, the typical example being the so-called tear-drop R-Q plot and several others. Part 2 concerns accelerations and related matters. Part 3 is devoted to issues concerning temperature, with the emphasis on joint statistics of temperature and velocity derivatives. The results obtained in this work are similar to those obtained in experiments in laboratory turbulent grid flow and in direct numerical simulations of Navier-Stokes equations at much smaller Reynolds numbers Reλ ~ 102, and this similarity is not only qualitative, but to a large extent quantitative. This is true of such basic processes as enstrophy and strain production, geometrical statistics, the role of concentrated vorticity and strain, reduction of nonlinearity and non-local effects. The present experiments went far beyond the previous ones in two main respects. (i) All the data were obtained without invoking the Taylor hypothesis, and therefore a variety of results on fluid particle accelerations became possible. (ii) Simultaneous measurements of temperature and its gradients with the emphasis on joint statistics of temperature and velocity derivatives. These are reported in Parts 2 and

    On different cascade-speeds for longitudinal and transverse velocity increments

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    We address the problem of differences between longitudinal and transverse velocity increments in isotropic small scale turbulence. The relationship of these two quantities is analyzed experimentally by means of stochastic Markovian processes leading to a phenomenological Fokker- Planck equation from which a generalization of the Karman equation is derived. From these results, a simple relationship between longitudinal and transverse structure functions is found which explains the difference in the scaling properties of these two structure functions.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, now with corrected postscrip
