4 research outputs found


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    Η περιοχή μελέτης είναι στο δυτικό άκρο του Κορινθιακού ανοίγματος. Ο Κορινθιακός κόλπος αποτελεί χαρακτηριστικό παράδειγμα νεοτεκτονικού βυθίσματος στον Ελληνικό χώρο. Το βύθισμα αυτό δημιουργήθηκε από την δράση μεγάλων ρηγμάτων τα οποία ανοίγουν τον φλοιό κατά την διεύθυνση Β-Ν. Με βάση το ψηφιακό υψομετρικό μοντέλο της περιοχή,ς υπολογίστηκαν τέσσερις μορφοτεκτονικοί δείκτες (υψομετρικό ολοκλήρωμα, ασυμμετρία L·κάvης απορροής, λόγος πλάτους κοιλάδας προς ύψος, και ο δείκτης κλίσης). Επίσης χρησιμοποιώντας το ψηφιακό μοντέλο εδάφους, δορυφορικές εικόνες από τον σαρωτή ΕΤΜ+ του δορυφόρου Landsat 7 και δεδομένα SRTM, έγινε η ψηφιοποίηση των ρηγμάτων της περιοχής μελέτης. Στην συνέχεια, η μελέτη της τεκτονικής γεωμορφολογίας της περιοχής έγινε με χρήση θεματικών χαρτών, οι οποίοι απεικόνιζαν την χωρική κατανομή των δεικτών. Στην εργασία αυτή μελετήθηκε ιδιαίτερα το κανονικό ρήγμα του Ψαθόπυργου το οποίο λειτουργεί ως μία ενιαία, ενεργή δομή μήκους 16 χιλιομέτρων.The study area is located on the western part of the Gulf of Corinth which is considered as a paradigm of an active rift system in Greece. This rift was formed by normal slip on big faults which extend the crust of the Earth in the N-S direction. The morphotectonic indices (hypsometric curve, hypsometric integral, drainage basin asymmetry, ratio of valley floor width to valley height) have been estimated using the 20-m digital elevation model of this area and the ARC software. The normal faults of the study area have been extracted by use of a DEM mosaic of 20-m pixel size, satellite images from Landsat 7 ETM+ and SRTM 90m. Our results highlight the recent activity of the Psathopyrgos normal fault on the basis of a series of morphotectonic evidence and suggest the existence of a single fault segment for a distance of 16 km


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    Οι εδαφικές κινήσεις στην περιοχή του Καλοχωρίου μετρήθηκαν από το Γεωδυναμικό Ινστιτούτο του ΕΑΑ με χρήση τοπικού δικτύου GNSS. Το δίκτυο ιδρύθηκε τον Οκτώβριο του 2013 στο πλαίσιο του έργου INDES-MUSA και μετρήθηκε τέσσερις (4) φορές μεταξύ Οκτωβρίου 2013 - Απρίλιου του 2015.Τα σημεία του δικτύου είναι 18 και αποτελούν μπουλόνια σε δρόμους, πλατείες καθώς και καρφιά σε βάθρα της ΓΥΣ. Τα αποτελέσματα (στο σύστημα αναφοράς ITRF 2008) που προέκυψαν από επεξεργασία με το λογισμικό GAMIT δείχνουν κατακόρυφες μετατοπίσεις της τάξεως των σύν-πλήν 2 εκατοστών, εκτός από την περίμετρο του φράγματος του Καλοχωρίου το οποίο ανυψώθηκε από 2-5 εκατοστά. Οι οριζόντιες μετακινήσεις δεν δείχνουν κάποια συσχέτιση με τεκτονικές κινήσεις της ευρύτερης περιοχής.The ground motions in the Kalochori region (well known for its subsidence history during the 2nd half of 20th century) were investigated by NOA using a mobile GNSS (GPS) network, comprising 18 stations. The network was measured four (4) times during the period October 2013 - April 2015 under the framework of the research project INDES-MUSA. Our GPS measurements were processed with GAMIT software and show vertical (ITRF 2008) motions ranging from -2 cm to +2 cm (i.e. just above the margins of measurement error) with the exception of the Kalochori dam where an uplift of 2-5 cm was observed. We also found no evidence for local (non-tectonic) motions and/or interseismic strain

    On the Mw 6.4 SW-Achaia (western Greece) earthquake sequence of 8 June 2008: Seismological, field, GPS observations and stress modeling

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    On 8 June 2008 an Mw(NOA)=6.4 earthquake occurred in NW Peloponnesus, western Greece. This event is the largest strike-slip earthquake to occur in western Greece during the past 25 years. The hypocentre was determined at 18 km depth beneath village Mihoi in SW Achaia. No surface rupture was observed. Many rock falls, slides and liquefaction features have been found as is typical for an earthquake of this size. Double-difference relocations of 370 aftershocks show a linear pattern of events and define a clear NE-SW striking mainshock fault plane. The aftershock region extends approximately 30 km in length, and the width of the surface projection of the aftershocks is as large as 10 km. The depth of the aftershocks rarely exceeds 22 km. Analysis of high-rate GPS data showed that station RLS (Riolos) which is located 12.8 km N5°W of the epicentre was displaced co-seismically 7 mm to the North in agreement with right-lateral kinematics of the rupture. Static (Coulomb) stress transfer analysis indicates loading of faults near the towns of Patras (north) and Amaliada (south), respectively. The earthquake put more emphasis on the role of strike-slip fault in the deformation of western Greece also indicating that seismic strain is partitioned between strike-slip and normal-slip events due to obliquity of the Nubia (Africa) subduction and the N-S extension of the overriding Aegean upper plateSubmitted1.9. TTC - Rete GPS nazionaleJCR Journalreserve

    On the Mw 6.4 SW-Achaia (western Greece) earthquake sequence of 8 June 2008: Seismological, field, GPS observations and stress modeling

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    On 8 June 2008 an Mw(NOA)=6.4 earthquake occurred in NW Peloponnesus, western Greece. This event is the largest strike-slip earthquake to occur in western Greece during the past 25 years. The hypocentre was determined at 18 km depth beneath village Mihoi in SW Achaia. No surface rupture was observed. Many rock falls, slides and liquefaction features have been found as is typical for an earthquake of this size. Double-difference relocations of 370 aftershocks show a linear pattern of events and define a clear NE-SW striking mainshock fault plane. The aftershock region extends approximately 30 km in length, and the width of the surface projection of the aftershocks is as large as 10 km. The depth of the aftershocks rarely exceeds 22 km. Analysis of high-rate GPS data showed that station RLS (Riolos) which is located 12.8 km N5°W of the epicentre was displaced co-seismically 7 mm to the North in agreement with right-lateral kinematics of the rupture. Static (Coulomb) stress transfer analysis indicates loading of faults near the towns of Patras (north) and Amaliada (south), respectively. The earthquake put more emphasis on the role of strike-slip fault in the deformation of western Greece also indicating that seismic strain is partitioned between strike-slip and normal-slip events due to obliquity of the Nubia (Africa) subduction and the N-S extension of the overriding Aegean upper plat