17 research outputs found

    Safety and Efficacy of Dronedarone in the Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter

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    Dronedarone is an amiodarone analog but differs structurally from amiodarone in that the iodine moiety was removed and a methane-sulfonyl group was added. These modifications reduced thyroid and other end-organ adverse effects and makes dronedarone less lipophilic, shortening its half-life. Dronedarone has been shown to prevent atrial fibrillation/flutter (AF/AFl) recurrences in several multi-center trials. In addition to its rhythm control properties, dronedarone has rate control properties and slows the ventricular response during AF. Dronedarone is approved in Europe for rhythm and rate control indications. In patients with decompensated heart failure, dronedarone treatment increased mortality and cardiovascular hospitalizations. However, when dronedarone was used in elderly high risk AF/AFl patients excluding such high risk heart failure, cardiovascular hospitalizations were significantly reduced and the drug was approved in the USA for this indication in 2009 by the Food and Drug Administration. Updated guidelines suggest dronedarone as a front-line antiarrhythmic in many patients with AF/Fl but caution that the drug should not be used in patients with advanced heart failure. In addition, the recent results of the PALLAS trial suggest that dronedarone should not be used in the long-term treatment of patients with permanent AF

    2016 ESC Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation developed in collaboration with EACTS.

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    Effect of dronedarone on renal function in healthy sujects

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    Rapport de synthèse : But : Evaluer l'effet de la dronédarone sur la fonction rénale et le transport tubulaire des cations. Méthodes : Douze sujets masculins en bonne santé ont été inclus dans une étude randomisée, croisée, comparée à un placebo, en double aveugle. Ils ont reçu 400 mg de dronédarone ou un placebo deux fois par jour pendant sept jours. Des tests fonctionnels rénaux ont été effectués avant le traitement et en cours de traitement après une standardisation stricte des apports, par détermination de la clairance de la créatinine, de la sinistrine, du para-amino-hippurate (PAH) et du N-méthylnicotinamide (NMN) et de l'excrétion des électrolytes. Résultats : Comparée au placebo, la dronédarone a réduit de manière significative la clairance de la créatinine (en moyenne 138-119 ml/min après dronédarone vs 142-149 ml/min après placebo) et la clairance du NMN (448-368 ml/min vs 435-430 ml/min), mais n'a pas eu d'effet sur la clairance rénale de la sinistrine, du PAH ou sur d'autres paramètres rénaux. Conclusion : La dronédarone réduit la clairance rénale de la créatinine et du NMN d'environ 18%, sans évidence d'effet sur la filtration glomérulaire, sur le flux plasmatique rénal ou sur les échanges électrolytiques. Cela suggère une inhibition spécifique partielle du transport tubulaire organique des cations (OCT). Une augmentation limitée de la créatininémie est donc à attendre sous traitement de dronédarone, sans que cela ne soit assimilable à une baisse de la fonction rénale

    Increased mortality after dronedarone therapy for severe heart failure

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    Background Dronedarone is a novel antiarrhythmic drug with electrophysiological properties that are similar to those of amiodarone, but it does not contain iodine and thus does not cause iodine-related adverse reactions. Therefore, it may be of value in the treatment of patients with heart failure. Methods In a multicenter study with a double-blind design, we planned to randomly assign 1000 patients who were hospitalized with symptomatic heart failure and severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction to receive 400 mg of dronedarone twice a day or placebo. The primary end point was the composite of death from any cause or hospitalization for heart failure. Results After inclusion of 627 patients (310 in the dronedarone group and 317 in the placebo group), the trial was prematurely terminated for safety reasons, at the recommendation of the data and safety monitoring board, in accordance with the board's predefined rules for termination of the study. During a median follow-up of 2 months, 25 patients in the dronedarone group (8.1%) and 12 patients in the placebo group (3.8%) died (hazard ratio in the dronedarone group, 2.13; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.07 to 4.25; P=0.03). The excess mortality was predominantly related to worsening of heart failure - 10 deaths in the dronedarone group and 2 in the placebo group. The primary end point did not differ significantly between the two groups; there were 53 events in the dronedarone group (17.1%) and 40 events in the placebo group (12.6%) (hazard ratio, 1.38; 95% CI, 0.92 to 2.09; P=0.12). More increases in the creatinine concentration were reported as serious adverse events in the dronedarone group than in the placebo group. Conclusions In patients with severe heart failure and left ventricular systolic dysfunction, treatment with dronedarone was associated with increased early mortality related to the worsening of heart failure