147 research outputs found

    A Comparative Political Analysis of Finland and Belarus Based on the 2022 World Happiness Report

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    This analysis is in the field of Political Science, specifically Comparative Politics. This paper analyzes the scores of two countries Finland and Belarus on the 2022 World Happiness Report. Finland, known as the happiest country in the world is highly esteemed as a leader in democracy, healthcare, and education, and ranks number 1 on the World Happiness Report with a score of 7.821. Belarus*, a former Soviet Republic famously known for its lack of free and fair elections, ranks number 65 with a score of 5.821 (Helliwell et al., 2022). According to the report, the asterisk near Belarus signifies that the ranking is based on survey reports from 2019, and not from 2020 or 2021 (Helliwell et al., 2022). This analysis explains the gap between the two countries and identifies factors responsible for the stark differences between the scores. Several factors identified that explained the differences in the scores were related to politics, such as formal political institutions (political structure within both countries), political informal institutions (political culture), election processes (validity of elections), and the presence of a steady modern democracy or lack thereof, determined by the presence of four requirements. Another important factor identified was economic performance and the presence or lack of economic stability. This paper concludes that although Belarus presents itself as a democracy, the country does not in fact qualify as a modern democracy because of its inability to pass the requirements of a modern democracy

    Методика формування культури енергозбереження учнів основної школи на уроках фізики

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    The author has developed a methodology of forming energy saving culture of secondary school students at physics lessons. It is proved that activity of a physics teacher should be aimed at activating and developing curiosity, broad cognitive interest, deep theoretical interest and the needs of secondary school students in learning the basics of energy saving, energy efficient behavior, as well as forming a system of knowledge on energy saving. It is found that students’ activities involve their awareness of the value of energy saving activities and a positive attitude to the formation of energy saving culture of secondary school students at physics lessons, as well as mastering the knowledge system on energy saving and energy efficient behavior.Key words: energy saving, energy saving culture, secondary school students, physics lessons, methodology of energy saving culture formation.Автором розроблено методику формування культури енергозбереження учнів основної школи на уроках фізики. Доведено, що діяльність учителя фізики має бути спрямована на активізацію та розвиток зацікавлення, допитливості, широкого пізнавального інтересу, глибокого теоретичного інтересу й потреби учнів основної школи в пізнанні основ енергозбереження, енергоефективної поведінки, а також на формування системи знань з енергозбереження. З’ясовано, що діяльність учнів передбачає усвідомлення учнями цінності енергозбережувальної діяльності та позитивне ставлення до формування культури енергозбереження учнів основної школи на уроках фізики, а також опанування системи знань з основ енергозбереження та енергоефективної поведінки.Ключові слова: енергозбереження, культура енергозбереження, учні основної школи, уроки фізики, методика формування культури енергозбереження

    Methods of multicriterion estimations in system total quality management

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    In this article the method of multicriterion comparative estimation of efficiency (Data Envelopment Analysis) and possibility of its application in system of total quality management is considered

    Arterial pulmonary hypertension in noncardiac intensive care unit

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    Pulmonary artery pressure elevation complicates the course of many complex disorders treated in a noncardiac intensive care unit. Acute pulmonary hypertension, however, remains underdiagnosed and its treatment frequently begins only after serious complications have developed. Significant pathophysiologic differences between acute and chronic pulmonary hypertension make current classification and treatment recommendations for chronic pulmonary hypertension barely applicable to acute pulmonary hypertension. In order to clarify the terminology of acute pulmonary hypertension and distinguish it from chronic pulmonary hypertension, we provide a classification of acute pulmonary hypertension according to underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms, clinical features, natural history, and response to treatment. Based on available data, therapy of acute arterial pulmonary hypertension should generally be aimed at acutely relieving right ventricular (RV) pressure overload and preventing RV dysfunction. Cases of severe acute pulmonary hypertension complicated by RV failure and systemic arterial hypotension are real clinical challenges requiring tight hemodynamic monitoring and aggressive treatment including combinations of pulmonary vasodilators, inotropic agents and systemic arterial vasoconstrictors. The choice of vasopressor and inotropes in patients with acute pulmonary hypertension should take into consideration their effects on vascular resistance and cardiac output when used alone or in combinations with other agents, and must be individualized based on patient response

    Bioaffinity sorbent based on immobilized protein A Staphylococcus aureus: development and application

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    Цель. Создание биоаффинного сорбента на основе ориентированно иммобилизованного белка А Staphylococcus aureus (SPA) через два целлюлозосвязывающих домена (СBD) Clostridium thermocellum и его применение для очистки антител. Методы. С использованием последовательностей ДНК, кодирующих SPA и два СBD, сконструирован ген слитного белка SPA-CBD2 и обеспечено его получение в растворимой форме экспрессией в клетках Escherichia coli. Целевой белок иммобилизовали методом биоаффинного связывния на микрокристаллической целлюлозе. Результаты. Установлены такие характеристики биоаффинного сорбента, как емкость (1 мг SPA-CBD2 /1 мл целлюлози), динамическая емкость (3 мг иммуноглобулинов мыши/1 мл сорбента) и продуктивность, а также показана его стабильность при долгосрочном хранении. С помощью биоаффинного сорбента выделены фракции иммуноглобулинов с чистотой более 95 %. Определено, что очищенные таким способом антитела с высокой чувствительностью выявляют соответствующие антигены. Выводы. Предложенный биоаффинный сорбент позволяет получать очищенные функционально активные полии моноклональные антитела, а также проводить фракционирование на подклассы иммуноглобулинов G мыши. Ключевые слова: антитела, белок А, целлюлозосвязывающий домен, иммобилизация белка, аффинная хроматография.Мета. Створення біоафінного сорбента на основі орієнтовано іммобілізованого білка А Staphylococcus aureus (SPA) через два целюлозозв’язувальних домени (СBD) Clostridium thermocellum та його застосування для очищення антитіл. Методи. З використанням послідовностей ДНК, кодуючих SPA і два СBD, сконструйовано ген злитого білка SPA-CBD2 та забезпечено його отримання в розчинній формі експресією у клітинах Escherichia coli. Цільовий білок іммобілізовано методом біоафінного зв’язування на мікрокристалічній целюлозі. Результати. Встановлено такі характеристики біоафінного сорбента, як ємність (1 мг SPACBD2/1 мл целюлози), динамічна ємність (3 мг імуноглобулінів миші/1 мл сорбента) і продуктивність, а також показано його стабільність при тривалому зберіганні. За допомогою біоафінного сорбента виділено фракції імуноглобулінів з чистотою понад 95 %. Визначено, що очищені у такий спосіб антитіла з високою чутливістю виявляють відповідні антигени. Висновки. Запропонований біоафінний сорбент дозволяє отримувати очищені функціонально активні поліі моноклональні анттіла, а також проводити фракціонування на підкласи імуноглобулінів G миші. Ключові слова: антитіла, білок А, целюлозозв’язувальний домен, іммобілізація білка, афінна хроматографія.Aim. The obtaining of bioaffinity sorbent based on the immobilized protein A of S. aureus (SPA) using two cellulose-binding domains (CBD), and its application for purification of antibodies. Methods. The DNA sequences encoding SPA and two CBD were genetically fused, expressed in the high-productive Escherichia coli system and the protein SPA-CBD2 was obtained in a soluble form. The SPA-CBD2 fusion protein was affinity immobilized on the microcrystalline cellulose. Results. Capacity of bioaffinity sorbent (1 mg SPA-CBD2/1 ml CC31-cellulose), dynamic capacity (3 mg mouse IgG/1 ml bioaffinity sorbent), efficiency and stability during prolonged storage were determined. The bioffinity sorbent was used for purification of antibodies. The purity of antibodies in eluted fractions was more than 95 %. The purified antibodies detected target antigens with a high sensitivity. Conclusions. The designed bioaffinity sorbent provides obtaining pure poly- and monoclonal antibodies in functionally active form and can be useful for the fractionation of mouse immunoglobulin G. Keywords: antibodies, protein A, cellulose-binding domain, protein immobilization, affinity chromatography

    Enhancing Optoelectronic Performance of Randomly Oriented Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Films

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    The doctoral dissertation is conducted under a convention for the joint supervision of thesis at Aalto University (Finland) and Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Russia) for the degree of Doctor of Science (Technology) at Aalto University.Randomly oriented single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) in the form of films are a promising material for various optoelectronic and photonic applications, including actual flexible and stretchable, transparent and conductive electrodes. However, the optoelectronic performance of as-synthesized SWCNT films still needs to be improved in order to provide industry-required conductivity characteristics. In this thesis, several novel approaches are introduced to enhance the optoelectronic properties of the films by an adsorption doping technique. The first approach based on the creation of a hybrid graphene/SWCNT material allowed us to reduce the sheet resistance by introducing a large area π-stacking interaction between the carbon nanomaterials. The second one is devoted to the optimization of an adsorption doping technique with a correct selection of a dopant solvent in which the evaporation rate is the most important parameter to control the optoelectric properties of the SWCNT films. The final one presents an aerosol-assisted approach that focuses on a uniform, controllable, and reproducible doping which leads to fine-tuning of the SWCNT film work function and conductivity. Additionally, the optical properties of the as-synthesized and doped nanotubes were extensively studied using broad wavelength non-destructive spectroscopies and optical pumping with a terahertz probe. The first study contributes and confirms the observable spectral effects for free carriers described in the Drude conductivity model. The second one identifies strong negative photoconductivity in both pristine and doped nanotubes. As a result, each of these cases leads to the creation of the SWCNT films that exhibit superior properties. This opens up numerous breathtaking opportunities for today and upcoming devices

    The Scientific-Practical Approach to Development of Economic-Organizational Provision of the Logistic Activity of Enterprise

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    The article is aimed at forming a scientific-practical approach to the development of economic-organizational provision of logistic activity of enterprise in modern economic conditions. Approaches to definition of the logistic activity of enterprise are allocated. It is determined that the important provisions of logistics management are not only logistical concepts, but also logistical approaches, in particular: system, functional, and process. The bases of formation of the logistic activity of enterprises are analyzed. On the basis of the conducted research the scientific-practical approach to development of economic-organizational provision of the logistic activity of enterprise is formed, essence of which consists in combination of interests of producer, consumer and supplier, with attention to the economic and organizational support. This approach includes the purpose, tasks, functions and principles, use of the methodical instrumentarium, carrying out of complex analysis of the activity of enterprise, formation and introduction of the efficient managerial decisions concerning the logistic activity of enterprise

    Multicriterion Comparative Estimation of Consumer Properties of Passenger Cars

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    In this article the method of multicriterion comparative estimation of efficiency (Data Envelopment Analysis) and possibility of its application for evaluation of consumer properties of passenger cars is considered