804 research outputs found

    Holliday junction resolvase in Schizosaccharomyces pombe has identical endonuclease activity to the CCE1 homologue YDC2

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    A novel Holliday junction resolving activity has been identified in fractionated cell extracts of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe . The enzyme catalyses endonucleolytic cleavage of Holliday junction-containing chi DNA and synthetic four-way DNA junctions. The activity cuts with high specificity a synthetic four-way junction containing a 12 bp core of homologous sequences but has no activity on another four-way junction (with a fixed crossover point), a three-way junction, linear duplex DNA or duplex DNA containing six mismatched nucleotides in the centre. The major cleavage sites map as single nicks in the vicinity of the crossover point, 3' of a thymidine residue. These data indicate that the activity has a strong DNA structure selectivity as well as a limited sequence preference; features similar to the Holliday junction resolving enzymes RuvC of Escherichia coli and the mitochondrial CCE1 (cruciform-cuttingenzyme 1) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A putative homologue of CCE1 in S.pombe (YDC2_SCHPO) has been identified through a search of the sequence database. The open reading frame of this gene has been cloned and the encoded protein, YDC2, expressed in E.coli . The purified recombinant YDC2 exhibits Holliday junction resolvase activity and is, therefore, a functional S.pombe homologue of CCE1. The resolvase YDC2 shows the same substrate specificity and produces identical cleavage sites as the activity obtained from S. pombe cells. Both YDC2 and the cellular activity cleave Holliday junctions in both orientations to give nicks that can be ligated in vitro. The partially purified Holliday junction resolving enzyme in fission yeast is biochemically indistinguishable from recombinant YDC2 and appears to be the same protein

    Sequential noise-induced escapes for oscillatory network dynamics

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    It is well known that the addition of noise in a multistable system can induce random transitions between stable states. The rate of transition can be characterised in terms of the noise-free system's dynamics and the added noise: for potential systems in the presence of asymptotically low noise the well-known Kramers' escape time gives an expression for the mean escape time. This paper examines some general properties and examples of transitions between local steady and oscillatory attractors within networks: the transition rates at each node may be affected by the dynamics at other nodes. We use first passage time theory to explain some properties of scalings noted in the literature for an idealised model of initiation of epileptic seizures in small systems of coupled bistable systems with both steady and oscillatory attractors. We focus on the case of sequential escapes where a steady attractor is only marginally stable but all nodes start in this state. As the nodes escape to the oscillatory regime, we assume that the transitions back are very infrequent in comparison. We quantify and characterise the resulting sequences of noise-induced escapes. For weak enough coupling we show that a master equation approach gives a good quantitative understanding of sequential escapes, but for strong coupling this description breaks down

    Fast and slow domino regimes in transient network dynamics

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    It is well known that the addition of noise to a multistable dynamical system can induce random transitions from one stable state to another. For low noise, the times between transitions have an exponential tail and Kramers' formula gives an expression for the mean escape time in the asymptotic limit. If a number of multistable systems are coupled into a network structure, a transition at one site may change the transition properties at other sites. We study the case of escape from a "quiescent" attractor to an "active" attractor in which transitions back can be ignored. There are qualitatively different regimes of transition, depending on coupling strength. For small coupling strengths the transition rates are simply modified but the transitions remain stochastic. For large coupling strengths transitions happen approximately in synchrony - we call this a "fast domino" regime. There is also an intermediate coupling regime some transitions happen inexorably but with a delay that may be arbitrarily long - we call this a "slow domino" regime. We characterise these regimes in the low noise limit in terms of bifurcations of the potential landscape of a coupled system. We demonstrate the effect of the coupling on the distribution of timings and (in general) the sequences of escapes of the system.Comment: 3 figure

    Sequential escapes: onset of slow domino regime via a saddle connection

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    We explore sequential escape behaviour of coupled bistable systems under the influence of stochastic perturbations. We consider transient escapes from a marginally stable "quiescent" equilibrium to a more stable "active" equilibrium. The presence of coupling introduces dependence between the escape processes: for diffusive coupling there is a strongly coupled limit (fast domino regime) where the escapes are strongly synchronised while for intermediate coupling (slow domino regime) without partially escaped stable states, there is still a delayed effect. These regimes can be associated with bifurcations of equilibria in the low-noise limit. In this paper we consider a localized form of non-diffusive (i.e pulse-like) coupling and find similar changes in the distribution of escape times with coupling strength. However we find transition to a slow domino regime that is not associated with any bifurcations of equilibria. We show that this transition can be understood as a codimension-one saddle connection bifurcation for the low-noise limit. At transition, the most likely escape path from one attractor hits the escape saddle from the basin of another partially escaped attractor. After this bifurcation we find increasing coefficient of variation of the subsequent escape times


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    The adoption of cloud computing is a major requirement for expanding a conventional business into an electronic one. In order to benefit fully from the advantages of cloud computing, companies need to have their business applications redesigned, yet this requires substantial financial, human and time resources which even the largest enterprises cannot afford. A feasible option is developing a strategy for gradual transition to cloud systems and technologies, which implies integrating the conventional systems of enterprises with newly developed cloud solutions. The underlying idea of this research is that the priorities of such gradual transition should be identified on the basis of the major characteristics of the activities comprising the overall business process, such as its dynamics and prospects, the current and the potential level of automation, the volume of processed data, the workload they create for the systems processing those data, etc. The research paper proposes an approach for integrating a conventional and a cloud system to service the business process ‘Requesting a consumer loan’ that requires real-time data exchange. The integration solution uses data structures which have been created in an intermediate data base for communication between systems. The rules for accessing and manipulating data by each of the integrated systems are defined. Interoperability is ensured through programme components (triggers and stored procedures) that are created in the data base of the operational system and ensure data exchange for real-time processing. The approach proposed in the paper has been employed in the business practice of a large Bulgarian bank. Its major advantages relate to the comprehensive service of the business process, as well as the greater flexibility, adaptability and scalability achieved with minimum financial and time resources


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    Reflections on Church-Based English Ministry

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    This article provides a reflection on lessons learned in directing a church-based ESL program in the United States. The author reflects on stories of God’s provision, the importance of preparing and teaching well, the deeply relational aspects of this ministry, the integration of the Body of Christ, and the importance of encouraging and supporting volunteers in these programs. Special consideration is given to the scope and purpose of church-based English programs and the ways that TESOL professionals can support volunteer teachers in this work

    Modeling Joint Improvisation between Human and Virtual Players in the Mirror Game

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    Joint improvisation is observed to emerge spontaneously among humans performing joint action tasks, and has been associated with high levels of movement synchrony and enhanced sense of social bonding. Exploring the underlying cognitive and neural mechanisms behind the emergence of joint improvisation is an open research challenge. This paper investigates the emergence of jointly improvised movements between two participants in the mirror game, a paradigmatic joint task example. A theoretical model based on observations and analysis of experimental data is proposed to capture the main features of their interaction. A set of experiments is carried out to test and validate the model ability to reproduce the experimental observations. Then, the model is used to drive a computer avatar able to improvise joint motion with a human participant in real time. Finally, a convergence analysis of the proposed model is carried out to confirm its ability to reproduce the emergence of joint movement between the participants
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