14 research outputs found

    Analysis of the impact of sex and age on the variation in the prevalence of antinuclear autoantibodies in Polish population: a nationwide observational, cross-sectional study

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    The detection of antinuclear autoantibody (ANA) is dependent on many factors and varies between the populations. The aim of the study was first to assess the prevalence of ANA in the Polish adult population depending on age, sex and the cutoff threshold used for the results obtained. Second, we estimated the occurrence of individual types of ANA-staining patterns. We tested 1731 patient samples using commercially available IIFA using two cutoff thresholds of 1:100 and 1:160. We found ANA in 260 participants (15.0%), but the percentage of positive results strongly depended on the cutoff level. For a cutoff threshold 1:100, the positive population was 19.5% and for the 1:160 cutoff threshold, it was 11.7%. The most prevalent ANA-staining pattern was AC-2 Dense Fine speckled (50%), followed by AC-21 Reticular/AMA (14.38%) ANA more common in women (72%); 64% of ANA-positive patients were over 50 years of age. ANA prevalence in the Polish population is at a level observed in other highly developed countries and is more prevalent in women and elderly individuals. To reduce the number of positive results released, we suggest that Polish laboratories should set 1:160 as the cutoff threshold

    Changes of land use on peatlands in Pozna艅 region

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    Celem bada艅 by艂o ustalenie zmian w sposobie u偶ytkowania torfowisk Wielkopolski. Badania, wykonane w 2002 r., prowadzono na 124 torfowiskach o 艂膮cznej powierzchni ok. 4000 ha. Prace realizowano za pomoc膮 bada艅 terenowych oraz interpretacji zdj臋膰 lotniczych i satelitarnych, stosuj膮c programy komputerowe do prac graficznych w celu okre艣lenia obszaru zajmowanego przez poszczeg贸lne u偶ytki. Wydzielano 艂膮ki jedno- i dwuko艣ne, 艂膮ki niekoszone, 艂膮ki zakrzewione, ekstensywne pastwiska, szuwary trzcinowe, wody stoj膮ce, grunty orne oraz lasy i zadrzewienia. Potwierdzono znaczne zmiany w sposobie u偶ytkowania obiekt贸w w stosunku do stanu z lat: 1957-1969, okre艣lonego na podstawie dokumentacji geologicznej torfowisk, 1993-1998 na podstawie zdj臋膰 lotniczych oraz 1989-1991 na podstawie zdj臋膰 satelitarnych. Przy opracowaniu wniosk贸w, obok omawianych bada艅, wykorzystano wcze艣niej publikowane wyniki bada艅 w艂asnych [Restoration ..., 2002]. Ustalono, i偶 na torfowiskach du偶ych (艣r. 2 524 ha) 艂膮ki niekoszone i cz臋艣ciowo zakrzewione zajmuj膮 23,3% ich powierzchni na obiektach 艣rednich (艣r. 34 ha) - 10,2% i ma艂ych (艣r. 8,4 ha) - 10,7%. Udzia艂 powierzchni grunt贸w ornych w tych grupach torfowisk odpowiednio: 2,4, 6,7 i 18%. W dolinach rzek Cybina i G艂贸wna zmiany sposobu u偶ytkowania s膮 najwi臋ksze. Wynikaj膮 one z wy艂膮czenia z u偶ytkowania du偶ej powierzchni podmok艂ych 艂膮k, pokrytych obecnie szuwarami trzcinowymi i rzadkimi zadrzewieniami, oraz z budowy du偶ego zbiornika retencyjnego. Wykazano ma艂膮 przydatno艣膰 archiwalnych zdj臋膰 lotniczych i satelitarnych do okre艣lenia aktualnego sposobu u偶ytkowania torfowisk.The objective of studies carried out in 2002 was to determine changes in the peatland use in Pozna艅 region. The studies included 124 peatlands covering a total area of 4000 ha. The work was accomplished by field studies and by interpretation of aerial and satellite images using graphical computer programmes to determine particular areas. The following land use types were distinguished: meadows mown once, meadows mown twice, not mown meadows, meadows with shrubs, extensive pastures, reed rushes, stagnant waters, arable lands, forests and thickets. Significant changes in the land use were found when geological documentation of peatlands made in the years 1957-1969, aerial photographs (1993-1998) and satellite images (1989-1991) were compared. Apart from the mentioned studies, earlier publications were used (Ilnicki, 2002) when formulating conclusions . It was found that on large peatlands (mean area 2524 ha), not mown meadows and meadows partially covered by shrubs occupied 23.3 % of the total area; in medium size objects (34 ha) and in small peatlands (8.4 ha) they covered 10.2 and 10.7 %, respectively. The share of arable land increased from 2.4 to 6.7 and 18 %, respectively. In the valleys of the Cybina and G艂贸wna rivers, the changes in land use were the greatest. They resulted from abandoned land use on large areas of wet meadows, currently covered by reed rushes and thickets and from the construction of a large retention reservoir. The archival aerial and satellite photographs proved to be of little value for the determination of peatland use

    Zwyczaje zywieniowe kobiet w okresie okoloporodowym w zakresie spozycia masla i margaryny

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    The nutritional habits of perinatal women for consumption of butter and margarine were determined. The study was performed on 231 women by collecting the information about both the consumption of fats used as bread spreads or dish and culinary additives, and the amount of margarine consumed regularly for spreading on bread. The correlation between the nutritional habits and selected socio-economical factors such as place of residence, education, occupation and declared economical status, was analysed. Margarines were found to be used commonly for spreading on bread and were more often used for preparing cakes and cake fillings than butter. These two fats were thus recognized as the most important sources of trans fatty acid isomers taken by the studied women. No correlation was found between the intake of margarine as bread spread and examined socio-economical factors. High consumption of margarines by perinatal women should be considered alarming because of the possibility for the incidence of trans fatty acid isomers in breast milk in the amounts that are danger for the health of their children.Okre艣lono zwyczaje 偶ywieniowe kobiet w okresie oko艂oporodowym w zakresie spo偶ycia mas艂a i margaryny. Badaniami obj臋to 231 kobiet zbieraj膮c informacje o spo偶yciu t艂uszcz贸w stosowanych do smarowania pieczywa, dodawanych do potraw i stosowanych w procesach kulinarnych oraz okre艣laj膮c ilo艣膰 zwyczajowo spo偶ywanych margaryn stosowanych do smarowania pieczywa. Analizie poddano wsp贸艂zale偶no艣膰 rozpatrywanych cech od偶ywiania z wybranymi czynnikami socjoekonomicznymi, tj. miejscem zamieszkania, wykszta艂ceniem, rodzajem wykonywanej pracy i deklarowan膮 sytuacj膮 materialn膮. Stwierdzone powszechne stosowanie margaryn do smarowania pieczywa oraz w por贸wnaniu z mas艂em ich szersze wykorzystanie do wypieku ciast i przygotowywania krem贸w pozwoli艂o uzna膰 te dwa 藕r贸d艂a za najistotniejsze w spo偶yciu trans izomer贸w kwas贸w t艂uszczowych przez badane kobiety (rys. 1,4,5,6). Nie stwierdzono wsp贸艂zale偶no艣ci pomi臋dzy spo偶yciem margaryn do smarowania pieczywa a rozpatrywanymi czynnikami socjoekonomicznymi (tab.1). Wykazano wysokie spo偶ycie margaryn przez badane kobiety w okresie oko艂oporodowym uznaj膮c je za niepokoj膮ce z uwagi na mo偶liwo艣膰 pojawienia si臋 trans izomer贸w kwas贸w t艂uszczowych w mleku kobiecym w ilo艣ciach stwarzaj膮cych zagro偶enie dla zdrowia ich dzieci