49 research outputs found

    IncontinĂȘncia urinĂĄria masculina: EsfĂ­ncter artificial

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    The Guidelines Project, an initiative of the Brazilian Medical Association, aims to combine information from the medical field in order to standardize procedures to assist the reasoning and decision-making of doctors. The information provided through this project must be assessed and criticized by the physician responsible for the conduct that will be adopted, depending on the conditions and the clinical status of each patient.Univ Fed SĂŁo Paulo, Soce Brasileira Urol, SĂŁo Paulo, BrazilAC Camargo Canc Ctr, Soc Brasileira Urol, SĂŁo Paulo, BrazilSoc Brasileira Urol, Rio De Janeiro, BrazilAMB, SĂŁo Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed SĂŁo Paulo, Soce Brasileira Urol, SĂŁo Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Metodologia da anålise seminal para pacientes azoospérmicos no Laboratório Fleury

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    ResumoA azoospermia Ă© definida como a ausĂȘncia de espermatozoide no lĂ­quido seminal ejaculado pelo homem depois de aplicada a tĂ©cnica de centrifugação em pelo menos duas amostras. Dada a importĂąncia de um diagnĂłstico correto da anĂĄlise seminal para os casais, toda amostra que nĂŁo apresentar espermatozoides no exame a fresco deve seguir em avaliação laboratorial. Com isso, o presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar os resultados de centrifugação de uma alĂ­quota do sĂȘmen ejaculado ou de todo o volume ejaculado de pacientes com diagnĂłstico de azoospermia para determinar qual o melhor mĂ©todo a ser empregado na anĂĄlise seminal para esse grupo de pacientes.AbstractThe azoospermia is defined as the absence of sperm in the ejaculate by the seminal fluid man after centrifugation technique conducted in at least two samples. Given the importance of a correct diagnosis of the seminal analysis for couples, all sample no sperm present in fresh examination should follow in laboratory tests. Thus the present study aims to analyze the results of a spin rate of ejaculate or all of the ejaculate volume of patients with azoospermia to determine the best method to be used in semen analysis for this group of patients

    Overactive bladder-18 years - Part II

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    Traditionally, the treatment of overactive bladder syndrome has been based on the use of oral medications with the purpose of reestablishing the detrusor stability. The recent better understanding of the urothelial physiology fostered conceptual changes, and the oral anticholinergics - pillars of the overactive bladder pharmacotherapy - started to be not only recognized for their properties of inhibiting the detrusor contractile activity, but also their action on the bladder afference, and therefore, on the reduction of the symptoms that constitute the syndrome. Beta-adrenergic agonists, which were recently added to the list of drugs for the treatment of overactive bladder, still wait for a definitive positioning - as either a second-line therapy or an adjuvant to oral anticholinergics. Conservative treatment failure, whether due to unsatisfactory results or the presence of adverse side effects, define it as refractory overactive bladder. In this context, the intravesical injection of botulinum toxin type A emerged as an effective option for the existing gap between the primary measures and more complex procedures such as bladder augmentation. Sacral neuromodulation, described three decades ago, had its indication reinforced in this overactive bladder era. Likewise, the electric stimulation of the tibial nerve is now a minimally invasive alternative to treat those with refractory overactive bladder. The results of the systematic literature review on the oral pharmacological treatment and the treatment of refractory overactive bladder gave rise to this second part of the review article Overactive Bladder - 18 years, prepared during the 1st Latin-American Consultation on Overactive Bladder.Univ Fed Sao Paulo, EPM, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Dept Urol, BR-05508 Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilFac Med ABC, Dept Urol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Los Andes, Dept Urol, Bogota, ColombiaEscuela Med Mil, Dept Urol, Mexico City, DF, MexicoHosp Clin Jose San Martin, Catedra Urol, Buenos Aires, DF, ArgentinaMae de Deus Ctr Hosp, Dept Urol, Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilUniv Fed Ciencias Saude Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilAC Camargo Hosp, Dept Urol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilHosp Clinico Fuerza Area Chile, Santiago, ChileInst Mexicano Seguro Social, Mexico City, DF, MexicoHosp Souza Aguiar, Dept Urol, Rio De Janeiro, RJ, BrazilComplejo Med Policial Churruca Visca, Serv Urol, Buenos Aires, DF, ArgentinaCtr Policlin Valencia Vina, Valencia, VenezuelaHosp Pablo Tobon Uribe, Medellin, ColombiaClin Indisa, Serv Urol, Providencia, ChileCtr Reabilitacao & Readaptacao Dr Henriqe Santill, Goiania, Go, BrazilHosp Univ Caracas, Serv Urol, Caracas, VenezuelaUniv Fed Ceara, Div Urol, Fortaleza, Ceara, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, EPM, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Overactive bladder-18 years - Part I

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    Overactive bladder syndrome is one of the lower urinary tract dysfunctions with the highest number of scientific publications over the past two decades. This shows the growing interest in better understanding this syndrome, which gathers symptoms of urinary urgency and increased daytime and nighttime voiding frequency, with or without urinary incontinence and results in a negative impact on the quality of life of approximately one out of six individuals - including both genders and almost all age groups. The possibility of establishing the diagnosis just from clinical data made patients' access to specialized care easier. Physiotherapy resources have been incorporated into the urological daily practice. A number of more selective antimuscarinic drugs with consequent lower adverse event rates were released. Recently, a new class of oral drugs, beta-adrenergic agonists has become part of the armamentarium for Overactive Bladder. Botulinum toxin injections in the bladder and sacral neuromodulation are routine modalities of treatment for refractory cases. During the 1st Latin-American Consultation on Overactive Bladder, a comprehensive review of the literature related to the evolution of the concept, epidemiology, diagnosis, and management was conducted. This text corresponds to the first part of the review Overactive Bladder 18-years.Univ Fed Sao Paulo, EPM, Rua Dr Oscar Monteiro Barros 617-141, BR-05641010 Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Dept Urol, BR-05508 Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilFac Med ABC, Dept Urol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Los Andes, Dept Urol, Bogota, ColombiaEscuela Med, Dept Urol, Mexico City, DF, MexicoHosp Clin Jose San Martin, Catedra Urol, Buenos Aires, DF, ArgentinaMae de Deus Ctr Hosp, Dept Urol, Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilUniv Fed Ciencias Saude Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilAC Camargo Hosp, Dept Urol, Sao Paulo, BrazilHosp Clin Fuerza Area Chile, Santiago, ChileInst Mexicano Seguro Social, Mexico City, DF, MexicoHosp Souza Aguiar, Dept Urol, Rio De Janeiro, RJ, BrazilComplejo Med Policial Churruca Visca, Serv Urol, Buenos Aires, DF, ArgentinaCtr Policlin Valencia Vina, Valencia, VenezuelaHosp Pablo Tobon Uribe, Medellin, ColombiaClin Indisa, Serv Urol, Providencia, ChileCtr Reabilitacao & Readaptacao Dr Henriqe Santill, Goiania, Go, BrazilHosp Univ Caracas, Serv Urol, Caracas, VenezuelaUniv Fed Ceara, Div Urol, Fortaleza, Ceara, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, EPM, Rua Dr Oscar Monteiro Barros 617-141, BR-05641010 Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Overactive bladder – 18 years – Part II

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    Joint Observation of the Galactic Center with MAGIC and CTA-LST-1

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    MAGIC is a system of two Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs), designed to detect very-high-energy gamma rays, and is operating in stereoscopic mode since 2009 at the Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos in La Palma, Spain. In 2018, the prototype IACT of the Large-Sized Telescope (LST-1) for the Cherenkov Telescope Array, a next-generation ground-based gamma-ray observatory, was inaugurated at the same site, at a distance of approximately 100 meters from the MAGIC telescopes. Using joint observations between MAGIC and LST-1, we developed a dedicated analysis pipeline and established the threefold telescope system via software, achieving the highest sensitivity in the northern hemisphere. Based on this enhanced performance, MAGIC and LST-1 have been jointly and regularly observing the Galactic Center, a region of paramount importance and complexity for IACTs. In particular, the gamma-ray emission from the dynamical center of the Milky Way is under debate. Although previous measurements suggested that a supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* plays a primary role, its radiation mechanism remains unclear, mainly due to limited angular resolution and sensitivity. The enhanced sensitivity in our novel approach is thus expected to provide new insights into the question. We here present the current status of the data analysis for the Galactic Center joint MAGIC and LST-1 observations

    MAGIC and H.E.S.S. detect VHE gamma rays from the blazar OT081 for the first time: a deep multiwavelength study

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    https://pos.sissa.it/395/815/pdfPublished versio

    Contemporary human papillomavirus genotyping and correlations to peniscopy, cytology, and histopatology on over 1000 males

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    To explore male human papillomavirus (HPV) contemporary genotyping epidemiology and correlations to peniscopy, cytology, and histopatology. Medical records of patients who had been submitted to HPV infection screening with genotyping, peniscopy, cytology, and histopathology in a period of 2 years were reviewed. Frequency analysis and correlations between the diagnostic tools were established. Genotype of 1132 men resulted in 69.2% (784) positivity for HPV DNA, 78% classified as high risk of oncogenesis. Co‐infections occurred in 429 (54.7%) and the most frequently identified types were HPV‐6, HPV‐42, and HPV‐16, in 133 (17%), 94 (12%), and 86 (11%) patients, respectively. Positive/negative predictive values of peniscopy, cytology, and histopathology were 83/31%, 92/32%, and 87/33%, respectively. As a result, though significant, the correlations between genotype and non‐molecular tests were poor. In the current contemporary representative male cohort, over two thirds are positive for human HPV DNA, 78% of high risk and with over half co‐infections. Though significant, its correlation with non‐molecular tests is poor and while the positive predictive values of peniscopy, cytology, and histopatology are between 83% and 92%, their negative predictive values are as low as 31% to 33%48111021102