14 research outputs found

    Hören versus Zuhören: Dativ-Kasus als Marker für Agentivität

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    Hören versus Zuhören: Dativ-Kasus als Marker für Agentivität

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    Wie generisch ist das generische Maskulinum? Über Genus und Sexus im Deutschen

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    This paper examines whether gender features (masculine, feminine, neuter) in German have to be interpreted semantically, along their specific gender, or whether they allow for a gender unrelated interpretation. As to this, two experiments with two different classes of nouns (gender marked and sex marked nouns vs. gender marked and sex neutral nouns) were conducted. The first experiment supports the view that in their function as nominal predicates masculine nouns, contrary to feminine (and neuter) nouns, have the widest extension – which confirms the existence of a ‘Generic Masculine’ (Generisches Maskulinum). On the other hand, the second experiment shows that in their function as subjects masculine nouns, contrary to feminine (and neuter) nouns, are the least flexible agreement controllers – hardly allowing for gender mismatches. Thus, masculine nouns behave differently depending on whether they appear as controllers/sources of agreement or as targets of agreement. The findings are supplemented by corpus data

    Social Representations of Politics

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    Cezary Trutkowski (Poland). Social representations of Politics. Mr. Trutkowski is an assistant in the Institute for Social Research of the University of Warsaw and worked on this research from August 1997 to July 1999. Research into social representations requires the use of various methods to show the phenomenon from different angles. In contrast with the contemporary trend towards the measurement of attitudes in opinion surveys, Trutkowski examined social representations of politics in order to study the problem of political participation. He thus aimed to study a problem which he sees as social in nature from a really sociological perspective. His research revealed a very distinctive difference between the social representations of politics shared by politicians and by the general public. The former consider politics in general as struggle for power which can be used to pursue their own vision of social order. They perceive political activity as a kind of homage to be paid to the greater idea that they pursue. At the same time, politicians admitted that politics is very often treated by political actors as a means of gaining personal profit, becoming purely a fight for the power to rule. According to voters, politicians should be treated as employees on a contract, the duration of which depends on their performance. Politics is therefore not a homage to an idea but a service to citizens. They did however admit that this is wishful thinking in Poland today. A content analysis of electoral campaigns confirmed the dark side of the representation of politics: politicians spend the campaign making promises and presenting visions on television, and quarrelling and fighting in everyday activities that were reported by the press. Trutkowski sees his research as a contribution to the foundations of a new approach to studying mass phenomena. By reviving some forgotten ideas of Durkheim and the Chicago School and incorporating the theory of social representations with a new methodological programme, he believes that it is possible to build a more social social psychology and sociology

    Is it not too bad or not too good? Changes in the perception of the prevalence of corruption in Poland in the light of social studies

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    Artykuł podejmuje problem analizy zmian mierzonego w badaniach społecznych poziomu korupcji i jej postrzegania w Polsce w ciągu ostatnich kilkunastu lat. Autorzy przedstawiają i interpretują wiele miar poziomu korupcji i percepcji korupcji tworzonych na podstawie różnego rodzaju badań i analiz, próbując odpowiedzieć na pytania o powody zmienności wskazań, a także – na bazie danych – o skuteczność polityk antykorupcyjnych podejmowanych Polsce.The authors discuss the changes in the level of perception of corruption in Poland in the last 20 years. They present many measures of (perception of) corruption in order to explain their changeability in time and the differences between them. They also raise the problem of efficiency of anti-corruption policies with regard to measured levels of corruption

    The individual and the community : society in action

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    »Gegenderte Sprache produziert noch keine Geschlechtergerechtigkeit«

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    Ewa Trutkowski kritisiert die reflexhaften Deutungsmechanismen und einen Mangel an sprachwissenschaftlicher Reflexion bei der Gender-Diskussion