869 research outputs found

    Cohesive energies of some rare earth metals

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    School-Based Juvenile Boot Camps: Evaluating Specialized Treatment and Rehabilitation (STAR)

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    Implemented in Montgomery County, Texas, STAR deviates from traditional boot camps in a variety of ways. The program is closely coupled with school jurisdictions, the juvenile court, and correctional authorities. In addition, the program is non-residential and serves status, misdemeanor, and felony juvenile offenders and mandates parental participation. STAR was initiated to address several goals: enable individuals to remain in school while reducing their disruptive behavior, use school expulsion as a last resort, improve the academic performance of participants, coordinate a joint effort between juvenile authorities and school jurisdictions, instill a sense of pride and discipline in participants, and reduce the number of criminal referrals to juvenile authorities. The program was evaluated by comparing recidivist outcomes of participants with a group of intensive supervision probationers (ISP) in Conroe, Texas. At 12 months after concluding the program, 53 percent of STAR participants were rearrested compared to 36 percent of ISP participants. Additionally, STAR participants were rearrested 41 days sooner than ISP participants and were significantly more serious in their post-release offending. Implications and considerations for future research on juvenile boot camps are discussed. An appendix contains an offense seriousness scale for bivariate comparisons

    Värmebehandlat trä

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    This study is a part of a Swedish research and development project that is about heat-treated wood and is led by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Luleå University of Technology. Products that are heat-treated already exists on the market, foremost the Finnish brand ThermoWood®, bur the project group want to find out if it would be possible to start a Swedish production with somewhat different applications than what is common today. The heat-treated wood has many attributes that have changed in the heating process. It becomes more biologically durable, it gains stability in form and dimensions and it becomes darker and looses several unwanted extractives such as resin. Disadvantages that can be mentioned are that the wood becomes fragile and the strength properties changes. My main purpose with this study is to look into customer involvement in the early phase of product development. I also want to find out if the customers I interview think that the product is worth working with, which means start a Swedish production. The customers I have interviewed in this study are five small and midsize companies that have been in the business for generations. The interviews have been successful and have shown the companies broad competence and market knowledge. By their answers I can draw the conclusion that there is a big interest in the product but that the companies want to make large-scale tests to be sure they can take the risk to participate. They see a lot of opportunities and alternative areas for the product and believe in the product for the future. The customers consider heat-treated wood as an exclusive complement for today´s rather than a substitute. As a theoretical background I have used three theories about product development. When I view the customer's answers along with the theories it shows how much "they" are heavily involved in the project of developing heat-treated wood. Within the project group it´s needed to define a specific coordinator role that can synchronize the knowledge of he project and lead the project forward in an efficient way. The knowledge the customer have about the market and third part distributors are very valuable and it´s of high importance that companies involve the customers in the development of new products to continue being successful in the highly competitive market we live in today.Denna studie är en del av ett svenskt forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt om värmebehandlat trä, vilket drivs gemensamt av Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet och Luleå Tekniska universitet. Produkter som är värmebehandlade finns redan på marknaden, främst av allt det finska märket ThermoWood®, men projektgruppen vill utröna om det finns möjlighet för en svensk produktion och då med något andra applikationer än decking och fasadbeklädnad som är vanligt idag. Det värmebehandlade träet innehar en rad egenskaper som har förändrats i värmebehandlingsprocessen. Det blir mer beständigt mot röta, mer form– och dimensionsstabilt, blir mörkare och helt genomfärgat och det fäller heller inte ut kåda eller andra extraktivämnen. Som nackdel kan nämnas att det blir sprödare och mindre hållfast. Jag har i min studie som syfte att undersöka kundens involvering i produktutvecklingens tidiga fas, men vill också ta reda på huruvida de kunder jag intervjuar anser att produkten är värd att satsa på, d.v.s. starta igång en svensk produktion. De kunder jag har intervjuat i denna studie är fem stycken små och medelstora företag, varav två är sågverk, två vidareförädlar trä och en är möbeltillverkare. Djupintervjuerna har gett mycket och har visat på vilken bred kompetens och kunskap om marknaden och tredje part som de intervjuade företagen besitter. Genom deras svar kan jag utläsa att det finns ett stort intresse för produkten, men att de vill kunna testa i större skala för att vara säkra på att gå vidare. De ser många möjligheter och alternativa områden samt har en stark framtidstro för produkten. De anser vidare att värmebehandlat trä skall ses som ett exklusivt komplement till dagens impregnerade produkter, inte som ett substitut. Som teoretisk bas har jag använt mig av tre stycken teorier om produktutveckling. När jag ställer intervjusvaren mot dessa teorier kan jag konstatera att dessa fem ”kunder” i hög grad är involverade i utvecklandet av värmebehandlat trä i projektet. Man behöver inom projektgruppen tydliggöra rollerna eller utse en speciell koordinator som samordnar kunskap och driver projektet framåt på ett effektivt sätt. Den kunskap som kunden innehar om marknaden och tredje part är mycket värdefull och det är av stor vikt att företag involverar kunden i sin utveckling av nya produkter för att bli framgångsrika i den hårt konkurrenssatta nya ekonomi vi lever i idag

    That Mild-Mannered Bruce Lee

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    The article focuses on various studies related to the link between martial arts training and its various outcomes like aggressiveness. An inverse relationship between aggressiveness and length of martial arts training, was found by T. A. Nosanchuk of Carleton University. Another study found that problem teenagers changed after some months of practice in Tae Kwon Do. It is stated that the ability to defend one\u27s self and physical fitness are two other benefits of martial arts

    role of limbic system in the control of hamster growth

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    Rostral septal lesions accelerate somatic growth in adult hamsters. This study tested the hypothesis that this effect results from damage to fibers of passage by observing the effects of transections of septohippocampal and septohypothalamic connections on growth. We attempted to identify these fibers further by (a) measuring spectrofluorometrically changes in the monoamine concentrations in hippocampus, cerebral cortex, corpus striatum, and diencephalon, (b) staining the degenerating axons after septal lesions and the two cuts, and (c) examining the correspondence between such damage and the acceleration of growth. Both knife cuts accelerated somatic growth and were associated (as well as septal lesions) with significant depletions of serotonin (-27 to -57%) and norepinephrine (-27 to -60%) in the hippocampus, with less consistent depletions of these monoamines in the cerebral cortex, and with no changes in regional dopamine content. All three procedures were associated with degeneration in the hippocampal formation and its fiber systems. Thus, fibers interconnecting hippocampus and brainstem, and passing through septum, exert tonic suppression over somatic growth in adult hamsters.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/23616/1/0000579.pd

    Can the triarchic model of psychopathy predict youth offender recidivism?

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    The triarchic model of psychopathy is one of the most influential models of psychopathy developed in recent years. The current aim is to investigate the utility of a self-report measure of the triarchic model of psychopathy in predicting criminal recidivism among a sample of incarcerated juvenile offenders. Male youth participants (N=228, M=16.38 years, SD=1.26 years) from the Detention Centers managed nation-wide by the Ministry of Justice of Portugal were followed during a two-year period and categorized as recidivists or non-recidivists. The Area Under the Curve (AUC) results showed that only the Disinhibition dimension of the triarchic model of psychopathy was able to significantly predict general recidivism. The binary logistic regression models controlling for relevant variables (e.g. age of first detention, past frequency of crimes, conduct disorder symptoms) found that the boldness, meanness, and disinhibition dimensions failed to predict general or violent recidivism. The overall findings suggest that the triarchic model of psychopathy demonstrates limited utility in terms of predicting recidivism among juvenile offenders.This work was partially supported by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology [grant number UID/PSI/01662/201

    Le Pongo, l’idiot et le cagot. Quelques remarques sur la définition de l’Autre

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    La question ici traitée concerne finalement la définition de la limite de l'humain ; c'est-à-dire la question de l'Autre. C'est le même problème, qu'il s'agisse de l'homme sylvestre (le Pongo), de l'idiot ou du cagot. Ces questions qui restent ouvertes encore au XVIIe siècle vont peu à peu se retrouver dans l'univers des débuts de la psychiatrie. La question de l'enfant sauvage de l'Aveyron, celle de l'idiot du Valais, celle du cagot se trouvent comme problèmes chez Pinel ou Esquirol. Nous avons pensé qu'il s'agissait bien là de questions qui pouvaient s'intégrer à la problématique de la tolérance.In the final analysis, this article takes up the question of defining the limit of the human — that is,the question of the Other. lt is the same problem, regardless of whether it involves the "man of the woods"(the orangutan),the idiot or the "cagot" (a member of a group of outcasts in the south-western France, considered to be cretins).These questions, still unsettled during the 17 th century, gradually became the purview of the nascent field of psychiatry. The question of the wild boy of Aveyron, like that of the idiot of the canton of Valais or that of the cagot were taken up as problems by Pinel or Esquirol. It is my opinion that such questions could indeed be integrated into a problematic surrounding tolerance

    The impact of civil commitment laws for substance use disorder on opioid overdose deaths

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    ObjectiveOur study analyzed the impact of civil commitment (CC) laws for substance use disorder (SUD) on opioid overdose death rates (OODR) in the U.S. from 2010–21.MethodsWe used a retrospective study design using the CDC Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research (WONDER) dataset to analyze overdose death rates from any opioid during 2010–21 using ICD-10 codes. We used t-tests and two-way ANOVA to compare the OODR between the U.S. states with the law as compared to those without by using GraphPad Prism 10.0.ResultsWe found no significant difference in the annual mean age-adjusted OODR from 2010–21 between U.S. states with and without CC SUD laws. During the pre-COVID era (2010–19), the presence or absence of CC SUD law had no difference in age-adjusted OODR. However, in the post-COVID era (2020–21), there was a significant increase in OODR in states with a CC SUD law compared to states without the law (p = 0.032). We also found that OODR increased at a faster rate post-COVID among both the states with CC SUD laws (p < 0.001) and the states without the law (p = 0.019).ConclusionWe found higher age-adjusted OODR in states with a CC SUD law which could be due to the laws being enacted in response to the opioid crisis or physicians’ opposition to or unawareness of the law’s existence leading to underutilization. Recent enactment of CC SUD law(s), a lack of a central database for recording relapse rates, and disparities in opioid overdose rate reductions uncovers multiple variables potentially influencing OODR. Thus, further investigation is needed to analyze the factors influencing OODRs and long-term effects of the CC SUD laws
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