803 research outputs found

    Qualité de vie et communication entre soignant et soignée auprès de femmes atteintes de cancer du sein : approche longitudinale

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    Introduction : De nos jours, les femmes atteintes de cancer du sein peuvent espérer une survie prolongée et un grand nombre d’entre elles peuvent même entrevoir la guérison. Alors que le dépistage précoce et les traitements rigoureux donnent espoir à de plus en plus de femmes, les chercheurs et les cliniciens doivent maintenant se pencher sur la qualité de vie de ces femmes à chaque phase clinique de la trajectoire de soins. Les difficultés physiques, fonctionnelles, psychologiques et sociales avec lesquelles les femmes vivent peuvent compromettre leur qualité de vie, d’où l’intérêt d’évaluer celle-ci. Peu de chercheurs se sont intéressés au changement longitudinal de la qualité de vie de ces femmes aux différents moments de la trajectoire de soins en oncologie : diagnostic, traitement et suivi. De plus, peu se sont demandés si la perception que les femmes ont de leur communication avec les professionnels de la santé influence leur qualité de vie le long de la trajectoire de soins. Objectifs principaux : 1) Décrire l’évolution de la qualité de vie liée à la santé des femmes atteintes de cancer du sein pendant le diagnostic, les traitements de radiothérapie et le suivi; 2) Décrire l’évolution de la perception que les femmes ont de leur communication avec les médecins, les infirmières et les technologues en radio-oncologie au cours des mêmes phases cliniques; 3) Examiner l’évolution de la relation entre la perception que les femmes ont de leur communication avec les professionnels de la santé et leur qualité de vie liée à la santé durant les phases citées précédemment. Méthodes : L’échantillon se composait de 120 femmes atteintes d’un cancer du sein précoce (stades I et II) qui parlaient le français, âgées de plus de 18 ans (55 ans ± 9,5) qui ont eu une chirurgie conservatrice. Les femmes ont complété des questionnaires à la période entourant le diagnostic (en moyenne six semaines après le diagnostic), à mi-chemin de la radiothérapie (en moyenne 27 semaines après le diagnostic) et de trois à quatre mois après la fin de la radiothérapie (en moyenne 48 semaines après le diagnostic). À chaque temps de mesure, elles ont complété six questionnaires d’une durée totale de 60 minutes au centre hospitalier ou à domicile : un sur les données sociodémographiques, un sur les renseignements médicaux, le MOS SSS, le EORTC QLQ-C30/BR23 et le MCCS. Résultats : Les analyses GEE montrent que la qualité de vie liée à la santé des femmes atteintes de cancer du sein change dans le temps. Elle diminue pendant la radiothérapie, sauf pour le fonctionnement émotionnel et cognitif. Les analyses démontrent aussi que certains facteurs cliniques, intrapersonnels et interpersonnels influencent leur qualité de vie. Précisément, plus les femmes avancent en âge et plus elles perçoivent qu’elles ont eu du soutien social le long de la trajectoire de soins, plus leur qualité de vie est meilleure pour les dimensions génériques et spécifiques du fonctionnement. De plus, celles qui présentent une tumeur de stade II et celles qui ont eu de la radiothérapie et l’hormonothérapie ont des scores plus élevés pour certaines dimensions de qualité de vie comparativement à celles dont le cancer se situe au stade I et à celles qui ont eu la chimiothérapie, la radiothérapie et l’hormonothérapie. Les résultats font état également d’une interaction entre le facteur « temps » et un facteur intrapersonnel pour le fonctionnement « rôle » et le fonctionnement sexuel des femmes. La perception que les femmes ont de leur communication avec les médecins et les autres professionnels de la santé change très peu avec le temps. Ainsi, les femmes se perçoivent plus compétentes dans la recherche d’information avec les radio-oncologues pendant la radiothérapie qu’avec les chirurgiens-oncologues au moment du diagnostic. Elles perçoivent aussi la vérification et la recherche d’information par les radio-oncologues pendant la radiothérapie plus satisfaisante que celle des chirurgiens-oncologues lors de l’annonce du diagnostic. Globalement, les femmes perçoivent leur communication avec les radio-oncologues et les chirurgiens-oncologues comme étant meilleure pendant la radiothérapie et au suivi qu’au moment du diagnostic avec les chirurgiens-oncologues. Les analyses GEE montrent aussi que certains facteurs cliniques (nature des traitements), intrapersonnels et interpersonnels (âge, niveau de scolarité et soutien social perçu) sont des facteurs susceptibles d’influencer la façon dont elles perçoivent leur communication avec les professionnels de la santé. Enfin, la perception des femmes quant à leurs compétences de communication à l’égard des médecins et des autres professionnels de la santé explique davantage leur qualité de vie liée à la santé que celle des compétences des professionnels de la santé. Donc, les femmes ont un meilleur score pour le fonctionnement « rôle », émotionnel et elles ont moins d’effets secondaires et de symptômes pendant la radiothérapie et au suivi lorsqu’elles se perçoivent compétentes envers les médecins (chirurgiens-oncologues et radio-oncologues) pour la recherche d’information et l’aspect socio-affectif d’un entretien aux temps précédents. De plus, l’âge des femmes, le soutien social perçu, le stade de la maladie et la nature des traitements ont une influence sur le lien entre leur qualité de vie et leur communication avec les professionnels de la santé. Enfin, une interaction est présente entre le facteur « temps » et un facteur clinique ou intrapersonnel pour les dimensions de qualité de vie suivantes : rôle, émotionnel et fonctionnement sexuel. Conclusion et retombées : Les résultats de la présente thèse soulignent l’importance d’évaluer de façon longitudinale la qualité de vie liée à la santé des femmes atteintes de cancer du sein à différents moments de la trajectoire de soins, particulièrement pendant la radiothérapie, et, pour les intervenants psychosociaux, de s’occuper des jeunes femmes diagnostiquées et de celles qui ne perçoivent pas recevoir un soutien social. Ainsi, de meilleures ressources psychosociales pourront être mises sur pied pour aider ces groupes de femmes. Les résultats montrent également qu’il est essentiel d’informer les chirurgiens-oncologues de l’importance d’établir une communication satisfaisante avec les femmes atteintes de cancer du sein lors de l’annonce du diagnostic afin de favoriser une perception positive par les femmes de leur communication avec les chirurgiens-oncologues. Enfin, les résultats obtenus soulignent les avantages pour les femmes atteintes de cancer du sein d’être proactives et de se sentir compétentes pour la recherche d’information et l’aspect socio-affectif d’une relation avec les chirurgiens-oncologues et les radio-oncologues dans le maintien d’une bonne qualité de vie liée à la santé.Introduction: Nowadays, women with breast cancer can have a longer survival and many of these women can even foresee a cure. While early screening and aggressive medical treatment offer hope to more women, researchers and clinicians must now look into the quality of life of these women at each clinical phase of the disease’s trajectory. The physical, functional, psychological and social difficulties that women treated for cancer experience can compromise their quality of life, hence the importance to evaluate it. Few researchers were interested in examining the longitudinal change of the quality of life of these women at the various phases of the disease’s trajectory in oncology: diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Also, few researchers wondered if the perception women have of their communication with healthcare providers influence their quality of life throughout the trajectory of the disease. Main objectives: 1) Describe the evolution of the health-related quality of life of women suffering from breast cancer during diagnosis, radiation therapy and follow-up; 2) Describe the evolution of the women’s perception of their communication with the doctors, nurses and the technicians in radio-oncology during the same clinical phases; 3) Examine the evolution of the association between the perceived communication the women have with healthcare providers and their health-related quality of life during the three phases described above. Methods: The sample consisted of 120 French-speaking women with early breast cancer (stage I or II), aged 18 years and over (55 years ± 9,5) who underwent a lumpectomy. The women have filled out questionnaires around the diagnosis period ( on average six weeks from diagnostic), during half-way of radiation therapy (on average 27 weeks from diagnostic), and between three and four months after the end of radiation therapy (on average 48 weeks after diagnostic). At each measurement time, they completed five questionnaires of 60 minutes of total length at the hospital or at home : One pertaining to demographic data, one on medical data, the MOS SSS, the EORTC QLQ-C30/BR23 and the MCCS. Results: The GEE analyses indicate that the health-related quality of life of breast cancer women changes with time. It diminishes during radiotherapy, except for the emotional and the cognitive functioning. The analyses also show that certain clinical, intrapersonal and interpersonal factors influence their quality of life. Precisely, with age and with a better perceived social support along the disease’s trajectory, better is the women’s quality of life for the generic and specific dimensions of functioning. Moreover, those with stage II cancer and those who received radiotherapy and hormonotherapy have better scores for some quality of life dimensions compared to those who had a stage I cancer and those who were treated with chimiotherapy, radiotherapy and hormonotherapy. The results also revealed an interaction between the factor “time” and one interpersonal factor for the role functioning and the sexual functioning of these women. The perception the women have of their communication with doctors and other healthcare providers changed a little with time. Hence, the women perceived themselves more competent regarding the seeking of information with radio-oncologists during radiotherapy than with surgeons at diagnosis. They also perceived the verification and the seeking of information provided by the radio-oncologists during radiotherapy more satisfying compared to those of surgeons during diagnosis. The women perceived better their overall communication with the radio-oncologists and the surgeons during radiotherapy and at follow-up than during diagnosis with the surgeons. The GEE analyses indicate as well that some clinical (type of treatment), intrapersonal and interpersonal factors (age, education, and perceived social support) are factors that seems to influence the way they perceive their communication with healthcare providers. Finally, women’s perceptions of their competence with regards to their communication skills towards doctors and other healthcare providers explain more their health-related quality of life than their perception of the competence of healthcare providers. Therefore, women have better role and emotional functioning as well as fewer side effects and symptoms during radiotherapy and at follow-up when they perceive themselves as competent communicators for the seeking of information and the socio-emotional aspect of a relation at preceding phases towards doctors (surgeons and radio-oncologists). Moreover, women’s age, their perceived social support, the stage of their cancer and the type of treatments received influence the association between their quality of life and their communication with healthcare providers. Finally, an interaction exists between the factor “time” and one interpersonal or intrapersonal factor for the following quality of life dimensions : role, emotional, and sexual functioning. Conclusion and repercussions: The results of the present thesis underscore the importance to assess longitudinally the health-related quality of life of women with breast cancer at various times along the disease’s trajectory, especially during radiotherapy and for psychosocial specialists to take care of younger women diagnosed with breast cancer and those who do not perceive receiving social support. Thus, better psychosocial ressources can be developed to help those groups of women. The results illustrate as well that it is important to inform surgeons the importance of establishing a satisfactory communication with breast cancer women during diagnosis in order for them to have a positive perception of their communication with surgeons. Finally, the results obtained underscore the benefits for breast cancer women to be proactive and feel competent with regards to seeking information and the socio-emotional aspect of the relation between them and the surgeons and radio-oncologists in order to maintain a good health-related quality of life

    Supporting Teachers in Times of Change: The Job Demands- Resources Model and Teacher Burnout During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Burnout in teachers has been broadly investigated, but no studies have investigated burnout in teachers during a pandemic. The current study is based on a survey of 1278 Canadian teachers and examined whether the Job Demands-Resources model was a useful lens for examining teacher burnout in this unprecedented context. Results supported the model in general terms in that most demands were most strongly correlated with the initial exhaustion stage of burnout. However, not all resources were most strongly associated with the later stages of burnout, suggesting that the examination of specific resources in the context of a pandemic as opposed to examining resources together as a latent variable contributes to development of a more refined model. Suggestions for supporting teachers’ welfare are provided

    Loss and re-adaptation of lumbar intervertebral disc water signal intensity after prolonged bedrest

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    © 2015, International Society of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions. All right reserved. The adaptation and re-adaptation process of the intervertebral disc (IVD) to prolonged bedrest is important for understanding IVD physiology and IVD herniations in astronauts. Little information is available on changes in IVD composition. In this study, 24 male subjects underwent 60-day bedrest and In/Out Phase magnetic resonance imaging sequences were performed to evaluate IVD shape and water signal intensity. Scanning was performed before bedrest (baseline), twice during bedrest, and three, six and twenty-four months after bedrest. Area, signal intensity, average height, and anteroposterior diameter of the lumbar L3/4 and L4/5 IVDs were measured. At the end of bedrest, disc height and area were significantly increased with no change in water signal intensity. After bedrest, we observed reduced IVD signal intensity three months (p=0.004 versus baseline), six months (p=0.003 versus baseline), but not twenty-four months (p=0.25 versus baseline) post-bedrest. At these same time points post-bedrest, IVD height and area remained increased. The reduced lumbar IVD water signal intensity in the first months after bedrest implies a reduction of glycosaminoglycans and/or free water in the IVD. Subsequently, at two years after bedrest, IVD hydration status returned towards pre-bedrest levels, suggesting a gradual, but slow, re-adaptation process of the IVD after prolonged bedrest

    Teachers' Voices: Pandemic Lessons for the Future of Education

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    In late 2019 and early 2020, governments around the world closed educational institutions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A similar response occurred in Canada and resulted in a sudden pivot by teachers from classroom-based instruction to remote teaching. During and shortly after this time, we undertook a survey study of over 2000 Canadian teachers, as well as follow-up interviews with a representative sub-set of those who took part in the initial round of the survey, to gain perspectives on teaching during the pandemic crisis. We summarize the foundations of the entire study and focus on the analysis and discussion of interview data to provide enhanced understanding of initial survey results. This study presents five lessons from the voices of teachers in the initial stages of COVID-19 in Canadian K-12 schools. Each lesson addresses a reality of teaching that was magnified by the pandemic and is highlighted for future consideration of educators in times of uncertainty and change.https://jtl.uwindsor.ca/index.php/jtl/article/view/648

    Planning for Teacher Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic: Adaptive Regulation to Promote Resilience

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    Increased job demands coupled with insufficient resources, typically result in job strain which can lead to burnout. However, in a series of studies conducted with Canadian teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic, the findings indicated that not all teachers were experiencing this phenomenon. Whereas some teachers struggled to keep up with demands which surpassed their job and personal resources, others remarkably experienced achievement and growth. This article features a discussion of a multi-system approach of adaptive regulation proposed to maintain and enhance resilience, notably in response to the diversity of teacher experiences reported in the Canadian studies. While previous literature has discussed the construct of adaptive regulation in mitigating burnout and promoting resilience, it has not been considered for efforts aimed at teacher recovery from a pandemic.http://riverapublications.com/article/planning-for-teacher-recovery-from-the-covid-19-pandemic-adaptive-regulation-to-promote-resilienc

    L'impact de la CAO/FAO sur la QVT: le cas de Marconi

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    Suite à l'implantation de la CAO/F AO dans la compagnie Marconi Canada, une mesure de l'impact du changement sur la qualité de vie au travail (QVT) a été réalisée auprès de 104 utilisateurs de la nouvelle technologie. La QVT dans cette étude est perçue dans son sens le plus large englobant les dimensions du travail en soi, des conditions de travail, de la santé et la sécurité au travail et du contexte organisationnel. L'approche retenue pour mesurer les impacts est subjectiviste et ceux-ci sont différenciés, s'il y a lieu, selon la catégorie occupationnelle, le taux d'utilisation de la nouvelle technologie et la formation reçue en CAO/FAO.After the implementation of a CAD/CAM system at Marconi Canada, the impact of this new technology on the quality of worklife (QWL) of 104 users was assessed. In this study, QWL was defîned to encompass the characteristics of the work itself, working conditions, health and safety, and the organizational context. Respondents were asked how the new technology had affected the quality of their work life; information was also gathered on occupation, rate of utilisation of CAD/CAM procedures, and training received on the new technology.The results showed that enriching job content, improving interpersonal relations, and enhancing participation, cooperation, and communication all contributed to improving QWL. In contrast, increased mental burden, noise, isolation, control problems, aspects of the physical move, and health issues contributed to decreases in QWL. A further analysis, using concepts based on job satisfaction, showed that the respondents accorded the most importance to changes intrinsic to their work, most notably job enrichment
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