8 research outputs found

    Evolution and development of bilateral asymmetries in Gastropoda the gene inversin and the Nodal pathway

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología Molecular. Fecha de lectura: 27-07-2017Esta tesis tiene embargado el acceso al texto completo hasta el 27-01-201

    A small change with a twist ending: a single residue in EGF-CFC drives bilaterian asymmetry

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Molecular biology and evolution following peer review. The version of record Molecular biology and evolution 40.2 (2023): msac270 is available online at: https://academic.oup.com/search-results?page=1&q=10.1093%2Fmolbev%2Fmsac270&fl_SiteID=191&SearchSourceType=1&allJournals=1Asymmetries are essential for proper organization and function of organ systems. Genetic studies in bilaterians have shown signaling through the Nodal/Smad2 pathway plays a key, conserved role in the establishment of body asymmetries. Although the main molecular players in the network for the establishment of left-right asymmetry (LRA) have been deeply described in deuterostomes, little is known about the regulation of Nodal signaling in spiralians. Here, we identified orthologs of the egf-cfc gene, a master regulator of the Nodal pathway in vertebrates, in several invertebrate species, which includes the first evidence of its presence in non-deuterostomes. Our functional experiments indicate that despite being present, egf-cfc does not play a role in the establishment of LRA in gastropods. However, experiments in zebrafish suggest that a single amino acid mutation in the egf-cfc gene in at least the common ancestor of chordates was the necessary step to induce a gain of function in LRA regulation. This study shows that the egf-cfc gene likely appeared in the ancestors of deuterostomes and "protostomes", before being adopted as a mechanism to regulate the Nodal pathway and the establishment of LRA in some lineages of deuterostome

    Monitoring emergence of SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 Variant through the Spanish National SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Surveillance System (VATar COVID-19) from December 2020 to March 2021

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    Background Since its first identification in the United Kingdom in late 2020, the highly transmissible B.1.1.7 variant of SARS-CoV-2, become dominant in several European countries raising great concern. Aim The aim of this study was to develop a duplex real-time RT-qPCR assay to detect, discriminate and quantitate SARS-CoV-2 variants containing one of its mutation signatures, the ΔHV69/70 deletion, to trace the community circulation of the B.1.1.7 variant in Spain through the Spanish National SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Surveillance System (VATar COVID-19). Results B.1.1.7 variant was first detected in sewage from the Southern city of Málaga (Andalucía) in week 20_52, and multiple introductions during Christmas holidays were inferred in different parts of the country, earlier than clinical epidemiological reporting by the local authorities. Wastewater-based B.1.1.7 tracking showed a good correlation with clinical data and provided information at the local level. Data from WWTPs which reached B.1.1.7 prevalences higher than 90% for ≥ 2 consecutive weeks showed that 8.1±1.8 weeks were required for B.1.1.7 to become dominant. Conclusion The study highlights the applicability of RT-qPCR-based strategies to track specific mutations of variants of concern (VOCs) as soon as they are identified by clinical sequencing, and its integration into existing wastewater surveillance programs, as a cost-effective approach to complement clinical testing during the COVID-19 pandemic.This work was partially supported by the COVID-19 wastewater surveillance project (VATar COVID19), funded by the Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge of and the Spanish Ministry of Health; grants from CSIC (202070E101) and MICINN co-founded by AEI FEDER, UE (AGL2017-82909); grant ED431C 2018/18 from the Conselleria de Educacion, Universidade e Formacion Profesional, Xunta de Galicia (Spain); Direccio General de Recerca i Innovacio en Salut (DGRIS) Catalan Health Ministry Generalitat de Catalunya through Vall de Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), and Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnologico Industrial (CDTI) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Business, grant number IDI-20200297. Pilar Truchado is holding a Ramon y Cajal contract from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion. Adan Martinez is holding a predoctoral fellowship FI_SDUR from Generalitat de Catalunya. We gratefully acknowledge all the staff involved in the VATar COVID-19 project, working with sample collection and logistics. The authors are grateful to Promega Corporation (Madison, US) for technical advice, and thank Andrea Lopez de Mota for her technical support.N

    Monitoring Emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 Variant through the Spanish National SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Surveillance System (VATar COVID-19)

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    Since its first identification in the United Kingdom in late 2020, the highly transmissible B.1.1.7 variant of SARS-CoV-2 has become dominant in several countries raising great concern. We developed a duplex real-time RT-qPCR assay to detect, discriminate, and quantitate SARS-CoV-2 variants containing one of its mutation signatures, the ΔHV69/70 deletion, and used it to trace the community circulation of the B.1.1.7 variant in Spain through the Spanish National SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Surveillance System (VATar COVID-19). The B.1.1.7 variant was detected earlier than clinical epidemiological reporting by the local authorities, first in the southern city of Málaga (Andalucía) in week 20_52 (year_week), and multiple introductions during Christmas holidays were inferred in different parts of the country. Wastewater-based B.1.1.7 tracking showed a good correlation with clinical data and provided information at the local level. Data from wastewater treatment plants, which reached B.1.1.7 prevalences higher than 90% for ≥2 consecutive weeks showed that 8.1 ± 2.0 weeks were required for B.1.1.7 to become dominant. The study highlights the applicability of RT-qPCR-based strategies to track specific mutations of variants of concern as soon as they are identified by clinical sequencing and their integration into existing wastewater surveillance programs, as a cost-effective approach to complement clinical testing during the COVID-19 pandemic.This work was partially supported by the COVID-19 wastewater surveillance project (VATar COVID19), funded by the Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge and the Spanish Ministry of Health, grants from CSIC (202070E101) and MICINN cofounded by AEI FEDER, UE (AGL2017-82909), grant ED431C 2018/18 from the Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional, Xunta de Galicia (Spain), Direcció General de Recerca i Innovació en Salut (DGRIS) Catalan Health Ministry Generalitat de Catalunya through Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), and Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Business, grant number IDI-20200297. P.T. is holding a Ramón y Cajal contract from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. A.M. is holding a predoctoral fellowship FI_SDUR from Generalitat de Catalunya. We gratefully acknowledge all the staff involved in the VATar COVID-19 project, working with sample collection and logistics. The authors are grateful to Promega Corporation (Madison, US) for technical advice and thank Andrea Lopez de Mota for her technical support.Peer reviewe

    Deep, multi-stage transcriptome of the schistosomiasis vector Biomphalaria glabrata provides platform for understanding molluscan disease-related pathways

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    Abstract Background The gastropod mollusc Biomphalaria glabrata is well known as a vector for the tropical disease schistosomiasis, which affects nearly 200 million people worldwide. Despite intensive study, our understanding of the genetic basis of B. glabrata development, growth and disease resistance is constrained by limited genetic resources, constraints for which next-generation sequencing methods provide a ready solution. Methods Illumina sequencing and de novo assembly using the Trinity program was used to generate a high-quality transcriptomic dataset spanning the entirety of in ovo development in schistosomiasis-free B. glabrata. This was subjected to automated (KEGG, BLAST2GO) and manual annotation efforts, allowing insight into the gene complements of this species in a number of contexts. Results Excellent dataset recovery was observed, with 133,084 contigs produced of mean size 2219.48 bp. 80,952 (60.8 %) returned a BLASTx hit with an E value of less than 10-3, and 74,492 (55.97 %) were either mapped or assigned a GO identity using the BLAST2GO program. The CEGMA set of core eukaryotic genes was found to be 99.6 % present, indicating exceptional transcriptome completeness. We were able to identify a wealth of disease-pathway related genes within our dataset, including the Wnt, apoptosis and Notch pathways. This provides an invaluable reference point for further work into molluscan development and evolution, for studying the impact of schistosomiasis in this species, and perhaps providing targets for the treatment of this widespread disease. Conclusions Here we present a deep transcriptome of an embryonic sample of schistosomiasis-free B. glabrata, presenting a comprehensive dataset for comparison to disease-affected specimens and from which conclusions can be drawn about the genetics of this widespread medical model. Furthermore, the dataset provided by this sequencing provides a useful reference point for comparison to other mollusc species, which can be used to better understand the evolution of this commercially, ecologically and medically important phylum

    A set of simple cell processes is sufficient to model spiral cleavage

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    During cleavage, different cellular processes cause the zygote to become partitioned into a set of cells with a specific spatial arrangement. These processes include the orientation of cell division according to: an animal-vegetal gradient; the main axis (Hertwig’s rule) of the cell; and the contact areas between cells or the perpendicularity between consecutive cell divisions (Sachs’ rule). Cell adhesion and cortical rotation have also been proposed to be involved in spiral cleavage.We use a computational model of cell and tissue biomechanics to account for the different existing hypotheses about how the specific spatial arrangement of cells in spiral cleavage arises during development. Cell polarization by an animal-vegetal gradient, a bias to perpendicularity between consecutive cell divisions (Sachs’ rule), cortical rotation and cell adhesion, when combined, reproduce the spiral cleavage, whereas other combinations of processes cannot. Specifically, cortical rotation is necessary at the 8-cell stage to direct all micromeres in the same direction. By varying the relative strength of these processes, we reproduce the spatial arrangement of cells in the blastulae of seven different invertebrate species.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a (BFU2010-17044 to I.S.-C., BES2011-046641 to M.B.-U. and BES 2012-052214 to M.T.-G.), by the Generalitat de Catalunya (2013FI-B00439 to M.M.-R.), and by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a (CGL2011-29916 to C.G.)Peer Reviewe

    Molecular, phylogenetic and developmental analyses of Sall proteins in bilaterians

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    Background: Sall (Spalt-like) proteins are zinc-finger transcription factors involved in a number of biological processes. They have only been studied in a few model organisms, such as Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, Schmidtea mediterranea and some vertebrates. Further taxon sampling is critical to understand the evolution and diversification of this protein and its functional roles in animals. Results: Using genome and transcriptome mining, we confirmed the presence of sall genes in a range of additional animal taxa, for which their presence had not yet been described. We show that sall genes are broadly conserved across the Bilateria, and likely appeared in the bilaterian stem lineage. Our analysis of the protein domains shows that the characteristic arrangement of the multiple zinc-finger domains is conserved in bilaterians and may represent the ancient arrangement of this family of transcription factors. We also show the existence of a previously unknown zinc-finger domain. In situ hybridization was used to describe the gene expression patterns in embryonic and larval stages in two species of snails: Crepidula fornicata and Lottia gigantea. In L. gigantea, sall presents maternal expression, although later on the expression is restricted to the A and B quadrants during gastrulation and larval stage. In C. fornicata, sall has no maternal expression and it is expressed mainly in the A, C and D quadrants during blastula stages and in an asymmetric fashion during the larval stage. Discussion:Our results suggest that the bilaterian common ancestor had a Sall protein with at least six zinc-finger domains. The evolution of Sall proteins in bilaterians might have occurred mostly as a result of the loss of protein domains and gene duplications leading to diversification. The new evidence complements previous studies in highlighting an important role of Sall proteins in bilaterian development. Our results show maternal expression of sall in the snail L. gigantea, but not C. fornicata. The asymmetric expression shown in the ectoderm of the trochophore larva of snails is probably related to shell/mantle development. The observed sall expression in cephalic tissue in snails and some other bilaterians suggests a possible ancestral role of sall in neural development in bilaterians.Spanish MEC (Ministerio de Economia y Competividad)Peer Reviewe