14 research outputs found

    Review of Maria Zarimis', Darwin’s Footprint: Cultural Perspectives on Evolution in Greece (1880-1930s)

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    Maria Zarimis. Darwin’s Footprint: Cultural Perspectives on Evolution in Greece (1880-1930s). Budapest & New York: CEU Press, 2015. 340 pp

    Review of Maria Zarimis', Darwin’s Footprint: Cultural Perspectives on Evolution in Greece (1880-1930s)

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    Maria Zarimis. Darwin’s Footprint: Cultural Perspectives on Evolution in Greece (1880-1930s). Budapest & New York: CEU Press, 2015. 340 pp

    Diskurse um EU-Binnenmigration aus SĂŒd- und SĂŒdosteuropa

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    In den 2010er Jahren standen die wissenschaftlichen, politischen und öffentlichen Diskurse um die EU-Binnenmigration weitgehend im Zeichen von zwei Prozessen: den Auswirkungen der globalen Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise seit 2008 in den sĂŒdeuropĂ€ischen Mitgliedstaaten und der FreizĂŒgigkeit fĂŒr BĂŒrger*innen Bulgariens und RumĂ€niens. Das Interesse dieses Aufsatzes gilt der Verflechtung von wissenschaftlichen, politischen und öffentlichen Diskursen ĂŒber die EU-Binnenmigration aus SĂŒd- und SĂŒdosteuropa und insbesondere jenen, in denen die Begriffe â€șneue Migrationâ€č, â€șTalentabwanderungâ€č, â€șPrekaritĂ€t mobiler Arbeitnehmer*innenâ€č sowie â€șArmutsmigrationâ€č prĂ€sent waren. Der Aufsatz setzt sich mit folgenden Fragen auseinander: Welche sozialen und politischen Deutungs- und HandlungszusammenhĂ€nge fließen in die diskursiven Auseinandersetzungen um diese Begriffe ein? Welche Deutungsfiguren ĂŒber Migrant*innen bzw. mobile UnionsbĂŒrger*innen generieren sie? Discourses on EU Internal Migration from South and Southeast Europe In the 2010s the scientific, political and public debates over the EU internal migration have been strongly influenced by two developments: the impact of the financial crisis on the South European countries and the introduction of freedom of movement for the citizens of Bulgaria and Romania. In the scientific, political and public debates, these developments have found expression in the notions: â€șnew migrationâ€č, â€șbrain drainâ€č, â€șprecarity of mobile labor forcesâ€č and â€șpoverty-driven migrationâ€č. This essay considers the meaning of these four notions as having been shaped in discursive discussions on EU internal migration, and more specifically in the interwoven scientific, political and public discourses on the migration from South and Southeast Europe. The analysis explores how social and political correlations feed into these discourses and give rise to the four different interpretative images of mobile EU citizens

    New label no progress: institutional racism and the persistent segregation of Romani students in the Czech Republic

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    The over-representation of Romani children in special schools in the Czech Republic is well documented and widely condemned. In 2007 the European Court of Human Rights found the state guilty of discrimination against Romani children on the basis of disproportionate placement of children in remedial special schools. In 2015 high numbers of Romani children are still being misdiagnosed with Special Educational Needs and offered a limited and inappropriate education. This article explores the challenges which continue to hamper their successful inclusion in the Czech education system. Using Critical Race Theory as a lens to examine the Czech case, problems with the current policy trajectory are identified. The article shows that institutional racism persists in the Czech Republic, shaping attitudes and practices at all levels. Policy makers demonstrate little recognition of ingrained educational inequalities and Roma continue to be widely perceived as ‘others’ who must learn to adapt to Czech ways rather than as citizens who are entitled to services on their own terms

    Border Crossing and Medicine: Quarantine, Detention and Containment in History and the Present, 2–4 February 2017

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    International conference on "Border Crossing and Medicine: Quarantine, Detention and Containment in History and the Present," 2–4 February 2017, Free University of Berli

    The “strong nucleus of the Greek race”

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    Border Crossing and Medicine: Quarantine, Detention and Containment in History and the Present, 2–4 February 2017

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    International conference on "Border Crossing and Medicine: Quarantine, Detention and Containment in History and the Present," 2–4 February 2017, Free University of Berli