31 research outputs found

    Phase separation in t-J ladders

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    The phase separation boundary of isotropic t-J ladders is analyzed using density matrix renormalization group techniques. The complete boundary to phase separation as a function of J/t and doping is determined for a chain and for ladders with two, three and four legs. Six-chain ladders have been analyzed at low hole doping. We use a direct approach in which the phase separation boundary is determined by measuring the hole density in the part of the system which contains both electrons and holes. In addition we examine the binding energy of multi-hole clusters. An extrapolation in the number of legs suggests that the lowest J/t for phase separation to occur in the two dimensional t-J model is J/t~1.Comment: 8 pages in revtex format including 13 embedded figures, one reference adde

    Material-Specific Investigations of Correlated Electron Systems

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    We present the results of numerical studies for selected materials with strongly correlated electrons using a combination of the local-density approximation and dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). For the solution of the DMFT equations a continuous-time quantum Monte-Carlo algorithm was employed. All simulations were performed on the supercomputer HLRB II at the Leibniz Rechenzentrum in Munich. Specifically we have analyzed the pressure induced metal-insulator transitions in Fe2O3 and NiS2, the charge susceptibility of the fluctuating-valence elemental metal Yb, and the spectral properties of a covalent band-insulator model which includes local electronic correlations.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, to appear in "High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Garching 2009" (Springer

    High-Order Coupled Cluster Method (CCM) Calculations for Quantum Magnets with Valence-Bond Ground States

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    In this article, we prove that exact representations of dimer and plaquette valence-bond ket ground states for quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnets may be formed via the usual coupled cluster method (CCM) from independent-spin product (e.g. N\'eel) model states. We show that we are able to provide good results for both the ground-state energy and the sublattice magnetization for dimer and plaquette valence-bond phases within the CCM. As a first example, we investigate the spin-half J1J_1--J2J_2 model for the linear chain, and we show that we are able to reproduce exactly the dimerized ground (ket) state at J2/J1=0.5J_2/J_1=0.5. The dimerized phase is stable over a range of values for J2/J1J_2/J_1 around 0.5. We present evidence of symmetry breaking by considering the ket- and bra-state correlation coefficients as a function of J2/J1J_2/J_1. We then consider the Shastry-Sutherland model and demonstrate that the CCM can span the correct ground states in both the N\'eel and the dimerized phases. Finally, we consider a spin-half system with nearest-neighbor bonds for an underlying lattice corresponding to the magnetic material CaV4_4O9_9 (CAVO). We show that we are able to provide excellent results for the ground-state energy in each of the plaquette-ordered, N\'eel-ordered, and dimerized regimes of this model. The exact plaquette and dimer ground states are reproduced by the CCM ket state in their relevant limits.Comment: 34 pages, 13 figures, 2 table

    Many body physics from a quantum information perspective

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    The quantum information approach to many body physics has been very successful in giving new insight and novel numerical methods. In these lecture notes we take a vertical view of the subject, starting from general concepts and at each step delving into applications or consequences of a particular topic. We first review some general quantum information concepts like entanglement and entanglement measures, which leads us to entanglement area laws. We then continue with one of the most famous examples of area-law abiding states: matrix product states, and tensor product states in general. Of these, we choose one example (classical superposition states) to introduce recent developments on a novel quantum many body approach: quantum kinetic Ising models. We conclude with a brief outlook of the field.Comment: Lectures from the Les Houches School on "Modern theories of correlated electron systems". Improved version new references adde

    Ontwikkelingen op het gebied van databasemanagement

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    Ontwikkelingen op het gebied van databasemanagement

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    Orbital Contributions to the Electron g Factor in Semiconductor Nanowires

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    Recent experiments on Majorana fermions in semiconductor nanowires [S. M. Albrecht, A. P. Higginbotham, M. Madsen, F. Kuemmeth, T. S. Jespersen, J. Nygård, P. Krogstrup, and C. M. Marcus, Nature (London) 531, 206 (2016)NATUAS0028-083610.1038/nature17162] revealed a surprisingly large electronic Landé g factor, several times larger than the bulk value - contrary to the expectation that confinement reduces the g factor. Here we assess the role of orbital contributions to the electron g factor in nanowires and quantum dots. We show that an L·S coupling in higher subbands leads to an enhancement of the g factor of an order of magnitude or more for small effective mass semiconductors. We validate our theoretical finding with simulations of InAs and InSb, showing that the effect persists even if cylindrical symmetry is broken. A huge anisotropy of the enhanced g factors under magnetic field rotation allows for a straightforward experimental test of this theory.QRD/Kouwenhoven La